Item 7AAGENDA ITEM # 7A JCINE 11, 2007 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: First reading of proposed Ordinance 31-07-OS adopting semi-annual amendments to the 2015 Comprehensive Plan including one change to the Future Land Use Map designation from Recreation and Open Space to Residential, Low Density for property known as the Selva Marina Country Club and also adopting text amendments to the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Intergovernmental Coordination and Capital Improvements Elements of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan. SUBMITTED BY: Sonya Doerr, AICP ~~ Community Development Director DATE: June 4, 2007 BACKGROUND: The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has completed review of the City's proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, including the one map amendment for the Selva Marina Country Club property. (Other amendments are unrelated to the Country Club property.) DCA has expressed no objection to the proposed amendment, although they have conveyed FDEP and City Staff's suggestion that the possibility of soil and groundwater contamination be further investigated. That environmental analysis is underway. The City now has 60 days (which commenced on May 21st) to "adopt, not adopt, or adopt with changes" the Comprehensive Plan amendment. Amendments must be adopted by ordinance, and the City's procedure requires two readings to adopt an ordinance. As such, first reading should proceed in order to provide ample time to meet statutory time requirements. Second reading will be a public hearing. If the City adopts the amendment, it will not become effective until DCA issues a Final Order finding the amendment In Compliance, which would be approximately 45 days after the City Commission adopts and sends the amendment to DCA. The Comprehensive Plan amendment authorizes or entitles no specific plan of development. This will be done through the rezoning process. The zoning application for the property will be Planned Unit Development (PUD). The PUD will establish the specific details and plan of development, but the PUD cannot be adopted until the Comprehensive Plan amendment is found by DCA to be In Compliance. Review and consideration of the PUD, however, can proceed. Staff is advised that the proposed PUD rezoning application will soon be submitted, at which time the development review process, including public hearings before the Community Development Board and the City Commission will begin. BUDGET: No budget issues. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance Number 31-07-OS upon first reading, and suggests delay of the final reading and action to adopt the amendment until such time that the PUD rezoning application has been submitted in order to allow for public review of the specific development plan, subject to meeting time requirements as set by state law. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Ordinance and attac nts. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: June 11, 2007 regular meeting AGENDA ITEM # 7A JiJNE 11, 2007 ORDINANCE NUMBER 31-07-OS AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ADOPTING SEMI-ANNUAL AMENDMENTS TO THE 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE 31-04-04, AS AMENDED; THESE AMENDMENTS INCLUDING ONE CHANGE TO THE 2005 - 2015 FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION FROM RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE TO RESIDENTIAL, LOW DENSITY FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE SELVA MARINA COUNTRY CLUB AND ALSO TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENTS OF SAID PLAN; PROVIDING FOR INTENT, AUTHORITY, FINDINGS OF FACT, FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 163.3161-163.3215, Florida Statues, empowers and requires the City Commission for the City of Atlantic Beach to prepare, implement and enforce Comprehensive Plans and Land Development Regulations (LDRs) for the regulation of development within the City; and WHEREAS, Section 163.3184, Florida Statues, establishes the process for the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan or Amendments thereto; and WHEREAS, Rules 9J-5 and 9J-11, Florida Administrative Code, establish procedures for the adoption and submittal requirements of Comprehensive Plan Amendments; and WHEREAS, required notice for these amendments was published and public hearings were held, in accordance with Section 163.3184(15), Florida Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. INTENT. The purpose of this ordinance is to adopt amendments to the City of Atlantic Beach 2015 Comprehensive Plan adopted by Ordinance 31-04-04 September 13, 2004, as amended and found to be In Compliance and to exercise the authority and perform the duties as set forth within Sections 163.3161-163.3215, Florida Statues. The described amendment to the Future Land Use Map Designation from Recreation and Open Space to Residential, Low Density is depicted in attached Exhibit A and the amended Intergovernmental Coordination and Capital Improvements Elements are attached as Exhibit B and Exhibit C, respectively. SECTION 2. AUTHORITY. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statues, and the Florida Administrative Code, Rule 9J-5 and 9J-11; and the Constitution of the State of Florida, as may be amended from time to time. Page 1 of 2 Ordinance 31-07-OS AGENDA ITEM # 7A JUNE 11, 2007 SECTION 3. FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY. The City Commission for the City of Atlantic Beach hereby finds that this amendment to the 2005-2105 Future Land Use Map and amendments to the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Intergovernmental Coordination and Capital Improvements Elements are: (i) as a whole consistent with the State Comprehensive Plan, Section 187.201, Florida Statues; (ii) as a whole consistent with the Northeast Florida Strategic Regional Policy Plan; (iii) as a whole consistent Sections 163.3161-163.3215, Florida Statues; (iv) as a whole consistent Florida Administrative Code, Rule 9J-5 and 9J-11; and (v) consistent with other provisions of the adopted City of Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Plan. SECTION 5. FINDINGS OF FACTS. These amendments are found to maintain internal consistency with the City of Atlantic Beach Comprehensive Plan as adopted by Ordinance 31-04-04 and subsequent amendments thereto. This amendment is also found to be consistent with the review and amendment procedures as established by State law, the public participation process and the required coordination between the City of Atlantic Beach and other State of Florida agencies including, but not limited to; the Department of Community Affairs, Northeast Florida Regional Council, St. Johns River Water Management District, Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Department of Environmental Protection. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. It is declared to be the intent of the City Commission for the City of Atlantic Beach, that if any provision, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance is for any reason finally held invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent and such holdings shall not effect or alter the remaining provisions. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. These amendments shall become effective on the date the State Land Planning Agency issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance, or on the date the Florida Administration Commission issues a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3189, Florida Statues, and upon filing of certified copy of this Ordinance with the Secretary of State. Passed upon first reading by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach this 11th day of June, 2007. Passed and adopted upon final reading and public hearing this th day of , 2007. Donald M. Wolfson Mayor/Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney Attest: Donna Bussey, CMC City Clerk Page 2 of 2 Ordinance 31-07-OS AGENDA ITEM # 7A JiJNE 1 ] , 2007 S a a 8 N v, W Z ~ N O J OD ~ ~ ~ LL ~ ~ ~ aoC~~~'~ Wp C~ m~ N N U N CmI~~O~ am=~ $ O ~ W M m V ~Q G~W a ~ p m U ~ a ~ ~ 5 c a a ~ 7 a a ~ C O r. .~ ~ ~ m C ci ~ ® m ~ a' ~3 o _ m ' ~ ~ ~ ~ q m ~ 0 c o . 2 ~ D c a Z L' r~+ 7 J ~ m w ~ m V O °i S m m 3 O U ~ _ - m m E N K n~ u K ~ U U ' 1 t V A d m V C A Q w O ~.r V ~~ 3 0 O EXH I B IT B 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Objective G.1.3 Coordination of Levels of Service for Public Facilities The City shall coordinate planning and land development activities with adjacent local governments so as to ensure that the impacts of new development shall not preclude the attainment of adopted Level of Service standards; impair sound environmental management practices; create land use conflicts, or in any respect contribute to inconsistent and incompatible urban development patterns. Policy G.1.3.1 The City shall advise adjacent local governments of proposed development and re-development activities, which might reasonably be foreseen to reduce facility service standards and shall review such projects from the standpoint of conformity with the Comprehensive Plan of adjacent local governments, particularly near jurisdictional boundary lines. Policv G.1.3.2 The City shall coordinate with affected iurisdictions and agencies, including FDOT, regarding mitigation to impacted transportation facilities not under the jurisdiction of the City. Interlocal Agreements with other iurisdictions may be utilized for this purpose. Policv G.1.3.3 In order to reflect __ the shared responsibilities for managin development and concurrency, the City may enter into agreement with one or more adjacent local governments in order to address cross- iurisdictional impacts of development on regional transportation facilities. Objective G.1.4 Coordination with the Duval County School Board In accordance with the adopted Interlocal Agreement for Joint Facility Planning, as may be amended pursuant to Chapter 163.31777, Florida Statutes, the City shall consult with the Duval County School Board and Duval County Public Schools prior to implementing projects or plans that might impact the use of school facilities related to shared facilities, access, surrounding environment, housing patterns, alteration of public services and general development policies of the City. Policy G.1.4.1 The City shall notify the Duval County Public Schools of projects or plans under consideration, which might effect the operation of school facilities at least thirty (30) days prior to taking formal action thereon. a c~ ~z ~, N ,~ O .~ o~ a EAR Based Amendment G-5 Intergovernmental Coordination Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 EXH I B IT C 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN a n `c `~ zz my ~~ N y O ~. O ~ v H. Capital Improvements Element a Goals, Objectives and Policies Terms used within this element shall be as set forth within Section 163.3164, Florida Statutes and Rule 9J-5.003 of the Florida Administrative Code or as defined by applicable City of Atlantic Beach ordinances. Goal H.1 The City shall provide public facilities, which are sufficient to enable the City to: 1) accommodate the needs of present and future populations in a timely and cost- effective manner; 2) maximize the use of existing facilities; and 3) maintain or enhance the City's services, physical environment and fiscal integrity. Objective H.1.1 Capital Improvements Planning Capital projects needed to support development shall be evaluated annually, and when financially feasible, shall become part of the five (5) year Schedule of Capital Improvements of the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) as set forth within Table H-6 and consistent with the annual adopted budget for the City. Such updates to the CIP shall be included in the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan as part of the annual review and amendment to this Capital Improvements Element. Policy H.1.1.1 Capital improvements, which are determined to be necessary to implement the Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Comprehensive Plan shall be given priority by the City. All capital improvements having a cost of $20,000 or more shall be included in the City's annual capital improvements budget along with an identified funding source. Policy H.1.1.2 The City Manager, or designee, shall have the responsibility of preparing for consideration by the City Commission a capital improvements budget and Capital Improvements Element update (when required) after evaluating the population growth within the City, the condition of City facilities, and the provisions of this Comprehensive Plan. Policy H.1.1.3 The City shall be guided by the following criteria in identifying and prioritizing capital improvements both in the provision of new facilities and replacement or renewal of existing facilities: EAR Based Amendment H-2 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (a) improvements needed for the protection of public health and safety; (b) improvements that increase the utilization of existing City facilities, multiple use of facilities or improved efficiency of facility operation; (c) improvements that address existing Level of Service deficiencies; (d) improvements necessary to meet the requirements of future development; (e) improvements that enhance and improve the City's built environment and aesthetic character, economic stability, or environmental quality. Policy H.1.1.4 The City supports coordination of capital improvement planning by all levels of government as a means of providing services in an orderly, economical, and efficient manner. Policy H.1.1.5 This Capital Improvements Element shall be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect revisions to the Capital Improvements Program in accordance with the annual adopted budget, including any proportionate fair-share contributions. Policy H.1.1.6 The City shall ensure the financial feasibility of all capital improvements included within the adopted Capital Improvements Element. Objective H.1.2 Concurrency and Level of Service Standards The City shall coordinate land use decisions and the issuance of development permits with the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program so as to ensure that the Level of Service (LOS) standards, as set forth within this Plan element, are fully met in accordance with Florida Statutes, and other applicable rules and regulations. A Concurrency Management System (CMS) shall be maintained that is consistent with and supports the Capital Improvements Program, and which is financially feasible to provide necessary facilities to maintain adopted Level of Service standards and to serve new development during the five-year Capital Improvement Program planning period. The Concurrency Management System shall ensure that public facilities and services are available concurrent with the impacts of new development. Policy H.1.2.1 The City through its Concurrency Management System shall ensure that Level of Service (LOS) Standards for sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, schools, and transportation facilities, including mass transit where applicable, are maintained. a n ~z my ~~ iv n7 °o~ ~~ a EAR Based Amendment H-3 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy H.1.2.2 Development permits, including permits issued for single-family and two-family residential development upon existing Lots of Record, and those issued solely for alteration, remodeling, reconstruction, or restoration of residential units provided that such permits do not authorize an increase in the number of dwelling units; and for non- residential uses, those permits that do not authorize an increase in the square feet of the development shall be deemed no impact projects and shall not require a Concurrency Certificate. It shall be the Applicant's responsibility to demonstrate and certify this provision in accordance with concurrency review procedures. Policy H.1.2.3 Applications for development permits for projects, which are deemed to have no impact upon public facilities and services, as defined by preceding Policy H.1.2.2, or to have a de minimus impact as defined by State law, or which have acquired statutory or common law vested rights, shall not require a Concurrency Certificate. It shall be the Applicant's responsibility to demonstrate and certify this provision in accordance with concurrency review procedures. Policy H.1.2.4 The City shall require applications for development permits or their functional equivalents, to undergo concurrency review by each department having responsibility for the impacted facility prior to the issuance of development permits or Certificates of Occupancy. Policy H.1.2.5 Development permits issued by the City, other than those as addressed by Policies H.1.2.2 and H.1.2.3, shall be accompanied by an approved Concurrency Certificate for that specific project, certifying that the proposed project has passed mandated concurrency tests. Capacity for all local development permits holding approved Concurrency Certificates shall be reserved in the effected public facilities for the life of the approved development permit but shall be released upon expiration of such development permit. Policy H.1.2.6 The City shall implement a concurrency tracking and monitoring system, which shall: (a) Analyze the impacts of a proposed development in relation to the available capacity and Level of Service requirements contained within this Capital Improvements Element; and (b) Create an annual report that summarizes the available capacity of public facilities and forecasts the future available capacity based upon best available data. EAR Based Amendment H-4 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 a c~ ~z and a ~~ N 0 o~ a 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy H.1.2.7 In addition to the LOS for school concurrency established by the Duval County School Board, the following Level of Service standards are adopted as the basis for the City's issuance of development permits. Table H-1 Park, Recreation and Open Space Level of Service (LOS) Standards City of Atlantic Beach, 2005-2015 TYPE OF FACILITY Playground (with equipment) Baseball or Softball Field Soccer or Football Field Basketball Court Volleyball Court Tennis Court Jogging/Exercise Trail Community Center Beach Accesses Passive Park/Scenic Open Space Golf Course" (public or private) Regional Park/Open Space" LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARD 1 playground per 2,500 population 1 field per 2,500 population 1 field per 5,000 population 1 court per 2,500 population 1 court per 5,000 population 1 court per 2,500 population 1 trail per 10,000 population 1 center per 10,000 population 1 access per 2,500 population 5 acres per 1,000 population 1 18-hole course per 25,000 population 5 acres per 1,000 population "Regional facilities are defined as those, which may not be located within the City of Atlantic Beach, but are in such close proximity so as to directly serve the daily recreational needs of the residents of the City of Atlantic Beach, such as Kathryn Abby Hanna Park. Policy H.1.2.8 The City shall not issu maintain or exceed the Open Space Levels of following Policy H.1.2.9. velopment standards is met or permit unless provision to for Park, Recreation and committed as set forth in Policy H.1.2.9 A development permit may be issued, if determined to be appropriate by the City, subject to the condition that, at the time of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent, the acreage for the necessary park, recreation or open space facilities are dedicated or acquired by the local government, or funds in the amount of the developer's fair share are committed in accordance with the following and: (a) The park, recreation or open space facilities are in place or under actual construction not more than one year after issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent as provided in the adopted local government 5-year Schedule of Capital Improvements; or EAR Based Amendment H-5 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 a c~ ~. ~ ~~ ;~ o~ 0 ~~ a eade above Service 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (b) At the time the development permit is issued, the necessary park, recreation or open space facilities are mandated through a binding executed agreement which requires the necessary facilities to be in place or under actual construction not more than one year after issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent; or (c) At the time the development permit is issued, the necessary park, recreation or open space facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, pursuant to Section 163.3220, F.S., or an agreement or development permit issued pursuant to Chapter 380, F.S., to be in place or under actual construction not more than one year after issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent. [Section 163.3180(2)(b), F.S.] Table H-2 Sanitary Sewer Level of Service (LOS) Standards City of Atlantic Beach, 2005-2015 Tvae of Service LOS Standard Average sewage 130 gpcd for COAB system 91 gpcd for COAB system (outside City limits) Peak flow design capacity 234 gpcd for COAB system 164 gpcd for COAB system (outside City limits) Policy H.1.2.10 At the time of issuance of a development permit, there shall be in place an enforceable development agreement that ensures, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent, the necessary facilities and services for sanitary sewer will be available. Table H-3 Solid Waste and Potable Water Level of Service Standards City of Atlantic Beach, 2005-2015 Tvge of Service LOS Standard Solid Waste 7.3 pounds pcpd Potable Water 153 gpcd for COAB system 111 gpcd for COAB system (outside City limits) Policy H.1.2.11 At the time of issuance of a development permit, there shall be in place an enforceable development agreement that ensures, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent, the necessary EAR Based Amendment H-6 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 zz ~a :~ N ,~j, ~ ? o~ a 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN facilities and services for solid waste and potable water will be available. Table H-4 Drainage Level of Service (LOS) Standards City of Atlantic Beach, 2005-2015 Surface Water Quality: Applicable local and State regulations shall pertain to maintaining water quality, natural hydroperiods and flows. Ambient water quality standards shall be maintained. Minimum criteria for surface water quality shall meet the standards of F.A.C. 62-302. Wetland Stormwater Discharge: Permits for Wetland stormwater discharge shall meet F.A.C. 40C- 42.0265. Stormwater Discharge Facilities: Permits for construction of new stormwater discharge facilities shall meet F.A.C. 40C-42.022. Closed conduits: 5-year frequency, 24-hour duration; IDF curve Zone 5, FDOT Drainage Manual, 2003. Open channels: 10-year frequency, 24 hour duration; IDF curve Zone 5, for Roadside, Median, and Interceptor ditches or swales and 25-year storm for Outfall ditches, FDOT Drainage Manual, 2003. Level of Service: Shall meet FDEP Stormwater Drainage Rule 40C-42.025 and 40C-42.026 regarding retention of stormwater runoff. Policy H.1.2.12 At the time of issuance of a development permit, there shall be in place an enforceable development agreement that ensures, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent, that the necessary facilities and services for drainage and stormwater treatment, the protection of natural hydrologic functions, particularly tidal marsh systems will be in place. EAR Based Amendment H-7 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 a n ~~ d ma ....~ N ~ O ~~ a 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Table H-5 Transportation Level of Service Standards City of Atlantic Beach, 2005-2015 Roadway Classification LOS Standard Freeways LOS "D" Principal Arterial LOS "D" Minor Arterial LOS "E" Collector Streets LOS "E" Local Streets LOS "E" Constrained Facilities lif applicable Freeways Maintain existing LOS and travel speed Principal Arterial Maintain existing LOS and travel speed Minor Arterial Maintain existing LOS and travel speed Collector Streets Maintain existing LOS and travel speed Local Streets Maintain existing LOS and travel speed Backlos~Qed Facilities (if applicable Freeways Maintain and improve existing LOS and travel speed Principal Arterial Maintain and improve existing LOS and travel speed Minor Arterial Maintain and improve existing LOS and travel speed Collector Street Maintain and improve existing LOS and travel speed Local Streets Maintain and improve existing LOS and travel speed Policy H.1.2.13 A development permit may be issued if determined to be appropriate by the City, subject to the condition that the necessary transportation facilities are scheduled to be in place or under actual construction not more than three (3) years after issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent as provided in the adopted local government five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements. The Schedule of Capital Improvements may recognize and include transportation projects included in the first three years of the applicable, adopted Florida Department of Transportation five-year work program. Policy H.1.2.14 An estimated date of commencement of actual construction and the estimated date of project completion for transportation improvements necessary to satisfy concurrency shall be included in the Capital Improvements Program for the City. EAR Based Amendment H-8 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 a n ~z ma ~~ N ~ O `~' J ~ J 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Policy H.1.2.15 A Comprehensive Plan amendment is required to eliminate, defer, or delay construction of transportation improvements which are needed to maintain the adopted Transportation Level of Service standard, and which are listed in the five (5) year Schedule of Capital Improvements [Section 163.3177.3.(b)1, F.S.] ,unless: (a) At the time a development permit is issued, the necessary transportation facilities are contained within a binding executed agreement that mandates the necessary transportation facilities will be in place or under actual construction within three (3) years after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or its functional equivalent; or (b) At the time a development permit is issued, the necessary transportation facilities are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, pursuant to Section 163.3220, F.S., or an agreement or development permit issued pursuant to Chapter 380, F.S., to be in place or under actual construction within three (3) years after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. [Section 163.3180(2)(c), F.S.] Policy H.1.2.16 The City shall incorporate into its Land Development Regulations a Proportionate Fair-Share Program for transportation concurrency. Policy H.1.2.17 The City shall maintain records on de minimis impacts for transportation concurrency to ensure that traffic volume remains under the 110% criteria pursuant to requirements of the Department of Community Affairs, and this documentation shall be provided to DCA annually. Policy H.1.2.18 The City shall establish and implement a process for assessing, receiving, and applying a fair-share of the cost of providing transportation facilities necessary to serve a proposed new development. Transportation facilities or improvements necessary to maintain adopted LOS standards shall be included in a financially feasible five (5) year Schedule of Capital Improvements that shall be adopted pursuant to Rule 9J-5.016, F.A.C. Any fair-share assessment shall have a reasonable relationship to the transportation impact that is projected to be generated by the proposed new development. EAR Based Amendment H-9 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 a c~ ~d ;~ N~ 0 0 ~~ 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Objective H.1.3 Public Expenditures within the Coastal High Hazard Area The City shall not make public expenditures that subsidize land development within the Coastal High Hazard Area other than improvements as required to implement the Objectives and Policies identified within the Coastal Management Element and the Infrastructure Element. Policy H.1.3.1 The City shall coordinate with the appropriate agencies to ensure improvements as appropriate and necessary to protect and re-nourish dunes and beach areas, and to maintain or replace public facilities and provide improved recreational opportunities. Objective H.1.4 Funding for Capital Improvements The City shall manage its fiscal resources and establish through revisions to its Land Development Regulations, as required by section 163.3202, F.S. equitable facility cost allocation and concurrency requirements in a manner that ensures the City's capability to meet future capital improvement needs, which are associated with continued development and redevelopment of the City. Policy H.1.4.1 The City's annual adopted budget, which identifies General Fund and other revenue sources and all fund expenditures, and all governmental debt obligations, (as set forth within the Debt Service Fund) is hereby identified as supporting data and analysis for this Capital Improvements Element. The annual budget shall continue to contain a Capital Improvement Program with a Schedule of Capital Improvements, adequate to, at a minimum, maintain the adopted Levels of Service as set forth within this Plan element. Policy H.1.4.2 The City's annual budgeting process shall reflect immediate as well as long-term implications of capital project expenditures in terms of trends and projections in the City's fiscal condition, expressed public attitudes, Comprehensive Plan provisions, and consistency with the plans of regional service agencies, the St. Johns River Water Management District, and other entities with whom coordination of facility planning is appropriate. Criteria for evaluating capital project expenditures shall include: (a) the urgency of need based upon health, safety and welfare considerations of the general public; EAR Based Amendment H-10 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 a z~ my~ y o~ 0 ~~ a 2015 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN a c~ ~~ d my (b) the orderly scheduling to maximize funding availability; and N m o~ J 7t (c) opportunities for coordinating expenditures so as to improve a efficiency and effectiveness of public services. Policy H.1.4.3 The annual budget process shall include a review of two years of actual history, an estimate for the current year, the proposed year, then the final approved budget for the following fiscal year. The adopted capital expenditures budget shall be segregated both by program area and by revenue fund type and shall identify existing and projected revenue sources and funding mechanisms. Policy H.1.4.4 The annual adopted budget shall continue to include a yearly Schedule of Capital Outlay and also a Long Term Financial Plan, which shall be evaluated, reviewed and adjusted during the budgeting process, as may be necessary, to correct existing deficiencies, or to address emergency needs. Policy H.1.4.5 The City shall review the Capital Improvements Element not less than once annually, and funding for capital improvements shall be given priority as set forth with Table H-6, Schedule of Capital Improvements, 2007-08 through 2011-12, or as priorities may be established during the annual budget review process. EAR Based Amendment H-11 Capital Improvements Element GOPS Adopted September 13, 2004 Ordinance Number 31-04-04 Annual Update 06-11-77 Ordinance Number 31-07-05 AGENDA ITEM # 7A JiJNE i 1.2007 N r r r O N s vs i+ ~ ~ ~ O L ~ G. p N d ~ ~ d d ~ ao ~. 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