Item 8AAGENDA ITEM # 8A JUNE 11, 2007 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: 5 Points Time -Tide Clock SUBMITTED BY: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director DATE: May 31 2007 BACKGROUND: Purchase of the clock at 5 Points was paid for with funds raised by resident donations. One of the involved residents (the City's beach renourishment consultant) recommended the inclusion of a tide feature in the clock and did the necessary research and liaison with Fancy Street Clock Co. for this modification to be included with the clock. Recently there have been questions concerning noted inaccurate times on the clock. In order to provide both a time and a tide function, a substitute clock movement by Klockit, Inc. was installed. This movement is a single AA lithium battery powered drive for both the time and tide function. Because of the size and environmental exposure, etc., of this experimental application, the combined movement is not meeting the requirement for accurate time and tide. The manufacturer of this movement does not manufacture either a stronger movement or the capability to add the atomic update (accuracy) feature found on Fancy Street Clock Co. standard movements. The existing movements appear to be adequate to run the tide indicators alone. Inaccuracies are minor enough to be un-noticeable and require infrequent adjustment, so long as the lithium batteries are replaced. The City and interested Citizens have asked Fancy Street Clock Co. to investigate several upgrades to the existing clock, such as modifying the tide hand to make it easier to differentiate from the time hands from a distance and providing an AC power source to the movement. However, even if a way is found to make the tide-hand more transparent, it is likely that the existing clock movement would NOT be able to maintain adequately reliable time. All of the available options, then, require that each clock face be EITHER time OR tide only. Fancy Street Clocks has offered several options, absorbing the cost of replacements, per our original understanding, given the experimental nature of the project: a) Do nothing -Public Works staff is manually resetting time on average twice per week requiring approximately 2 man-hours per week. June 11"' Regular Meeting AGENDA ITEM # 8A )LINE 1 ] , 2007 b) Time only on both faces: Replace both clock-face movements with their standard high-quality Swiss movements (time only), and change the faces to read time only. c) One time, one tide: Replace one face with high-quality Swiss movement and change the face to time only (remove tide); remove the hour/minute hands on the other face, retain tide hand, change the face to tide only. d) Tide only on both faces: Change both faces to tide only (retain existing movements, remove time hands). e) Four Way: Change to a four-face clock; with two showing time (high-quality Swiss movement) and two showing tide (Klockit battery powered drive). This would cost extra: Fancy Street Clocks would credit the full cost of our existing 2-face clock against the 4- face, but the net additional cost will be more than $4,800 dollars. BUDGET: There is no existing budget for clock replacement or modification. Options a) through d) would be at no cost to the City. A budget modification will be required if Option 4 is chosen. RECOMMENDATION: Commission direction to Staff for execution of preferred option. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: June 11"' Regular Meeting