City Commission Members present:
Newly Elected Commission Members present:
Mark Beckenbach
Maria Mark
Staff present:
Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary
The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing City business and expressing ideas,
was called to order at 3:00 p.m. Ms. Mark welcomed the citizens in attendance and stated
Commissioner Woods would not be able to attend. Mr. Beckenbach stated Commissioner
Daugherty and Mayor Borno also would not be in attendance.
Mr. Beckenbach reported on an email he received from Bill Mayhew regarding pension funds,
stating Mr. Mayhew wanted to come to a meeting in early November to discuss defined benefit
plans vs. defined contribution plans. He suggested asking Human Resource Manager George
Foster to come to that meeting as well for a discussion. He explained that Mr. Foster taught a
course on Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans. He stated he has a handout from that
course and will distribute a copy to Ms. Mark. He further stated City Manager Jim Hanson had
stated he was going to get all of the Commissioners together and bring in certain speakers as
well, but he wanted Ms. Mark and himself to get more involved prior to that meeting so they
would be more knowledgeable. Ms. Mark stated she thought that would be a good idea.
Discussion ensued as to the content and format of that meeting. Ms. Mark and Mr. Beckenbach
agreed to have this meeting in early November.
Ms. Mark discussed the logistics for coordinating the town hall meetings, stating the first of the
year would be a good time to start these meetings. Mr. Beckenbach suggested putting an
announcement in the newsletter outlining the format for the meetings. Ms. Mark agreed, stating
they should begin setting the dates now. Mr. Beckenbach stated on our website citizens can put
their email in for something specific, such as the Town Hall meetings, and they will be sent
information. Ms. Mark further explained to the audience the Notify Me section on our website.
Mr. Beckenbach stated they should check with the other Commissioners for dates for the town
hall meetings. Ms. Mark stated she would send an email out to them for their feedback and input
on the dates. She stated they will also need to send flyers out to the neighborhoods alerting them
of these meetings.
Ms. Mark reported on the Florida League of Cities workshop for newly elected officials which
she and Mr. Beckenbach just attended. Mr. Beckenbach agreed this was very informative and
reported on his discussions with others at the workshop, regarding 911 dispatch and pension
Mr. Beckenbach and Ms. Mark discussed the possibility of the City of Jacksonville taking over
the 911 dispatch operation.
Minutes October 19, 2011
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Mr. Beckenbach stated he discussed open government with City Clerk Donna Bartle who
expressed to him that we already do have open government. He stated they also discussed
possible meeting time and format changes for Commission meetings. He stated the Charter
currently states the Commission only has to meet once a month. Ms. Mark stated she was in
favor of adding the workshop element to the first Commission meeting of the month. Discussion
ensued regarding changing the two monthly Commission meetings to one Commission meeting
and one Commission Workshop meeting per month.
Kirk Hansen, 2393 Ocean Breeze Court, spoke as a stockholder of Selva Marina, explaining
there has been a lot of conversation the last few months about the finances of Selva Marina and
stockholders have put in a lot of hard work and taken a lot initiative to try to recapitalize the
Club. He stated they are running into one inhibitor right now because there are a lot of people
who have the idea that the City may step in and do something to save the Club. He stated that is
inhibiting some people's thought process as far as taking the initiative themselves to join what a
lot of the stockholders are doing to get the Club recapitalized. He requested that if the City has
an intention to do something for Selva Marina Country Club that the City state it in a very
concrete way or if they don't, state that in a very concrete way also so people won't be looking at
this as something that is in the offing and question why they should jump in now. He stated
something could happen to Selva if the stockholders don't take the initiative they are taking now
and it is not helpful to have it out there that the City might be doing something, unless they really
are. He also stated that Selva Marina could use the treated wastewater for the Country Club's
irrigation purposes and if there is something the City could do to help them get that reclaimed
water it would be a tremendous advantage to them.
Mike Post, 307 Beach Avenue, stated he has instituted, purely as a shareholder of Selva Marina,
a program for the shareholders. He believes there has been an attitude that Selva is going under
and it is well founded. He stated the numbers are very simple; they owe $3.5 million with a
$2 +million loan that is coming due in March 31, 2012. He stated they would like to encourage
the shareholders to pay $125 /month which could pay off the mortgage in five years. He further
discussed the possibilities of the City taking Selva Marina over which he believes has not been
thought through, or Selva Marina partnering with Atlantic Beach through municipal bonds,
stating his reasons why he also does not believe this would work. He stated the shareholders
owe the debt and they should pay it. He stated he does not know where this idea that the City is
going to do something came from but it needs to be clarified that either something concrete is
coming or that nothing is happening because it is hard enough to keep people focused. He stated
the City would help them by letting them know what they are going to do.
Both Mr. Beckenbach and Ms. Mark stated they have no knowledge of the City taking over
Selva Marina.
Pat Brennan, 2042 Cherokee Drive, Neptune Beach, President of Selva Marina, explained
what has triggered the rumors was a letter to the editor coupled with an email that was sent later.
He asked that the Commission have a discussion on this and state whether or not they can do
something. He stated having this dangling out there is the worst thing that can happen.
Mike Post stated he would be willing to write a letter to the editor stating there is nothing
pending with the City.
Page 3 October 19, 2011
Ms. Mark stated if there is an opportunity to partner in the future she would be open to that
discussion, but as far as the City taking it over, that is just citizens' wishes. She pointed out that
the majority of the golf course is in Jacksonville. She stated, not speaking on behalf of the
Commission, but from what she knows, personally, there has not been any formal discussion
about what action the City is going to take.
Mr. Beckenbach stated he did receive an email when he was running for office saying that he
should consider looking at Selva Marina. He stated he did call Westport but beyond that they are
not in a position to make any decision on looking at that as a potential. He stated in the long run
he would be curious to find out if the City and Selva could form some type of a partnership.
Ms. Mark stated when they have these meetings in the future, they should allow the public to
speak at the beginning of the meeting as well as at the end of the meetings if they have follow -up
Ms. Mark asked Mr. Beckenbach if he planned to bring up the motion when seated regarding the
change for the meeting format. He stated either he or she could do that but he has several
motions he will be bringing up. He stated he will make a motion regarding putting the Police
Station on hold until they can review it more. Ms. Mark discussed the time change to 7:00 and
wanted to have it on the agenda for discussion. Mr. Beckenbach will ask the City Clerk if they
can put an item on the agenda on November 14.
Discussion ensued regarding the next meeting to have an informational presentation by Bill
Mayhew and George Foster on pensions. The meeting was tentatively scheduled for November
2 at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Beckenbach stated he will contact Mr. Mayhew to see if he is available and
will also explain to Mr. Foster what he would like him to discuss at this meeting.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m.
Nancy E. Ba' ey
Recording Secretary