City Commission Members present:
Mike Borno, Mayor
Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner
Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner
Maria Mark, Commissioner
Carolyn Woods, Commissioner
Staff present:
Jim Hanson, City Manager
Donna Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary
The meeting, which was held for the purpose of hearing a report from the consultants on the
Marsh Master Plan status at 60% completion, was called to order at 5:02 p.m. by Mayor Borno.
Public Works Director Rick Carper introduced Ginger Corless of HHI Design and Wade
Olszewski of CPH, consultants working on the Marsh Master Plan. He showed an aerial view of
the three preserves, Dutton Island, Tideviews and River Branch Preserve.
Mayor Borno explained the process for public comments and opened the Courtesy of the Floor to
Emily Cheek, 1301 Gladiola Street, stated this was the first she had seen this plan and it looks
like they have a kayak launch planned next door to her house. She stated she does not know that
there is anywhere for people to park there and does not believe this would be a great place for a
launch because there is only water there part of the time. The Mayor stated this is not a finished
plan; it is still a work in progress. Mr. Carper pointed out that this is just the 60% design plan.
No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Borno closed the Courtesy of the Floor to
Ginger Corless, Recreational Planner with CPH and HHI Design, expressed thanks to the
staff stating they have been outstanding in providing them information, always being there,
communicating and giving them accessibility to the information they have needed. She stated
when she finishes her presentation today she hopes to have some direction from the Commission
regarding whether they have hit the mark regarding some of their projects and what are the
priority projects, because their goal today was to provide the information as well as seek input so
they can finalize the master plan and come back in January with actually having an action plan
and financing plan to make the improvements. She gave a slide presentation of the Intracoastal
Waterway Master Plan, explaining the process to date. She further explained the September 15
Stakeholder Focus Groups, and the comments received from participants at the Morning at the
Marsh event held on September 24 She further discussed the positive comments and ideas
received at Marsh Fest. She elaborated on the overall Master Plan which includes improved
signage, connectivity of the preserves using the utility easement for a Preserves Trail, increasing
the connectivity to the marsh and developing educational programs. She also discussed several
improvements for Dutton Island Preserve, including an idea for a low profile zip line to give an
additional recreational element; enhancements and improvements to Tide Views Preserve; and
improvements to River Branch.
Minutes — City Commission Workshop December 12, 2011
Page 2
Ms. Corless explained what the next steps are, reiterating they would like to present the final
master plan in January.
Ms. Corless and Mr. Carper addressed the concerns brought up by Ms. Cheek. They also
answered questions from the Commission regarding zip lines, observation towers, camping,
boardwalks vs. fill for camping platforms, environmental impacts, proposed kayak launch,
benches for Tideviews, park hours and access, and a neighborhood survey.
Mayor Borno thanked Ms. Corless for the good overview of the 60 %. He stated it is coming
together very nicely and he applauded her for the effort she has put into this. Ms. Corless asked
if he thought they were on track as related to how they did the major project and they should just
provide more details on that. Mayor Borno stated he would say yes at the present time.
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Borno declared the meeting
adjourned at 5:55 p.m. stating they would take comments from the public when they start the
Commission meeting.
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Nancy E. Balky
Recording Secretary