12-12-11 v MINUTES
December 12, 2011
Mayor Mike Borno City Attorney Alan C. Jensen
Commissioner Mark Beckenbach City Manager Jim Hanson
Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty City Clerk Donna L. Bartle
Commissioner Maria Mark Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey
Commissioner Carolyn Woods
Mayor Borno stated he would now take the public input from anyone who wanted to address
anything from the workshop meeting and reopened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. No one
from the audience spoke so he closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors for the workshop.
Call to Order/Pledge:
Mayor Borno called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Commissioner Woods gave the Invocation,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of November 28, 2011.
Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of November 28, 2011.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
Mayor Borno opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. He welcomed the audience and
explained the process for public comments. He recognized former Mayor Lyman Fletcher and
former Commissioner Theo Mitchelson who were in the audience.
Lyman Fletcher, 804 East Coast Drive, addressed the Commission regarding a motion proposed
by Commissioner Beckenbach to form a committee regarding an issue before the Commission.
He stated there was some discussion afterward regarding the role of committees, how they are
selected, and the procedures for that, etc. He stated it is clear under the Charter the Mayor can
appoint committees and the membership of those committees. He stated, as he understands it, the
issue is the role of the Commission in appointing committees and the members. He stated the
form of government Atlantic Beach has is a weak Mayor government and, in his reading of the
Charter, the role of the City Commission needs to be clarified. He stated, as he understands it,
currently the City Commission is put into a position of weakness or a lower status than the
Mayor's position which is counter to the fundamental concept of our City government. He stated
there should be equanimity between the various aspects of the City government. He stated the
founders of this City were very conservative people and he concludes they didn't trust government
because of the way they set up the government of this City. He stated they have taken all the
pieces of power and broken them up among smaller decision - making groups in regard to the issues
December 12, 2011 . REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 2
that would come before the Commission over time. He stated it comes to where the Commission
sitting as a body does not have equal power so it puts a position of where one part of the
government has a more persuasiveness or sway in the governance of the City. He stated
Commissioner Beckenbach has talked to several people who give a different opinion than the City
lawyer's opinion that was given at his request. He stated this goes to the balance of the power of
the respective parts of our government, albeit the City Commission and the Mayor's position and
clearly there is an issue with it. He stated there needs to be a conclusion of what the intent of the
founders was in establishing this City and the corresponding parts to it. He stated we all have an
opinion and that opinion whether it be the lawyer's, commissioner's or the guy off the street's
opinion is just that, it is not anything that is persuasive or carries the weight of the law. He stated
the Commission can say to a lawyer that they don't like their advice and don't want to follow it
and they don't have to follow the advice of the lawyer. He stated they should be careful but it is
not a requirement. He stated the way it is set now creates a serious imbalance between the Mayor
and the Commissioners and that needs to be resolved to the benefit of the community.
Sally Clemens, 1638 Park Terrace West, addressed item 7C, stating at the last Commission
meeting Commissioner Daugherty suggested the regular Commission meeting begin at 6:30 p.m.
which she believes is an excellent compromise between the 6:00 and 7:00 o'clock advocates. She
stated the agenda order usually take a half an hour before there is an action on resolutions and
ordinances and this allows the citizens time to be present when there is a public hearing. She
stated if a citizen wants to address the Commission during the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors a
prepared written statement could be read by another citizen. She stated since the agenda is
available at City Hall and online citizens have a reasonable time to study the agenda and this also
gives enough time for them to email or call concerns or questions to any of our Commissioners.
She suggested a 6:30 compromise time. She further stated she had not planned to address the
committee appointments but she was one of the ones who objected to Commissioner
Beckenbach's appointment of a committee. She stated she thought it was more practical that each
Commissioner appoint some on the committee.
Theo Mitchelson, 340 Oceanwalk Drive N., addressed the signage issue in our commercial and
industrial zoning districts, stating it is his understanding the proposal is to relax the current
standards thereby permitting somewhat larger signs in our community. He stated he was asking
not that they reject that but that they don't merely take a one size fits all problem and create a
different problem with the one size fits all solution. He stated visibility is the lifeblood of most
businesses but, at the same time, prior Commissions have labored long and hard to reduce the
visual pollution that assaults us as we travel down our main corridors. He stated right now our
nation and our community itself are struggling through tremendously difficult economic times and
it is tempting in the name of enhancing business to loosen up the rules to try to help businesses in
their struggles. He cautioned the Commission that a change made in the effort to assist this
temporary financial crisis becomes a permanent fixture in our community and asked that they not
weaken the current ordinance to the extent that they permit visual blight and pollution which they
must then tolerate forever. He stated he suggests if they are going to consider larger signage, at
the very least, to think of it for the reason they are considering it and have larger signage reserved
solely for businesses way off a main access road and not merely make a new rule change that
permits small businesses right against one of our main roads to then enlarge all their signs and
come at us with that visual assault as we go.
Mitch Reeves, 1663 Sea Oats Drive, addressed the Commission stating the last 45 days have
been quite interesting with the Commission. He stated he has been able to attend different
Commission meetings, workshops and sunshine law meetings. He stated he was really surprised
in these open meetings how one Commissioner can coach another Commissioner in how to
present a resolution or motion before the council. He stated he thought it very interesting that we
have elected commissioners who are not capable of actually explaining what they want to do. He
stated this election was a very interesting election and he supported some of them and some of
them he didn't, but he supports everybody who is sitting up here today as he expects each of them
to support everyone else in this City. He stated he understands people want to move fast, they
make promises in elections, they want to do what's right and he hopes that they do what's right,
but he believes one commissioner said it best in stating, let's take a deep breath, go slow. He
stated we aren't in a rush here. He stated they have realized it's not a honeymoon but decisions do
have to be made and not everyone is going to agree. He expressed concern in whether they are
going to act as a commission as they are elected to do or are they going to micro -mind the City.
He stated a topic was brought up about reorganization and asked if we want to spend $25,000-
$50,000 to see if we need to reorganize. He stated maybe we do, maybe we don't, but do we need
to do it now. He stated what they need to do now is focus on the most important thing that is
going on in this City, the retirement. He stated they need to spend all of their efforts on the
retirement plan and then move on to the other things. He stated he questions each of them if they
are acting as a Commissioner or do they want to micro -mind the City. He stated if that is really
what they want to do then look at the Charter and change the Charter. He stated in one of the
meetings he heard the term "witch hunt ", stating if they are in a witch hunt or have other reasons
to reorganize such as not liking the Assistant City Manager, or don't like the City Manager then
call it what it is, stand up and say it. He stated Commissioners have been saying they need a
transparent government, but when you read the emails there is nothing transparent about them. He
stated there are emails that citizens write and commissioners write back and then they blind copy
the press. He stated if they are transparent why would they blind copy an editor, why not just cc
them. He stated that is transparent, tell everybody they sent it. He stated he is okay with that. He
further stated he doesn't care if the meetings are at 6:30 or 7:00 and he hopes this room fills up at
7:00, but he suspects it will still be the same people who come. He stated he wants the
Commission to make sure that they follow their duties and do what's right for all of the citizens,
not just the ones each of them promised to.
Dezmond Waters IV, 1835 Seminole Road, spoke on behalf of Dutton Island Gardeners (DIG)
and referred to the request before the Commission for matching funds under the beautification
policy. He stated they have looked at the criteria the City has and believe, with the exception of
beach access, it meets all of the criteria. He stated if they have any questions, along with the
written proposal, they included the contact list for the committee members and the Commission
should feel free to contact any of them with any questions or ideas they may have. He thanked the
Commission for their initial support in giving them the property and for their continued support in
considering their request this evening.
No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Bomo closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting
A. City Manager's Follow -up Report.
Mr. Hanson addressed Mr. Waters' comments, explaining his request further. He stated what they
are proposing is to have a project that is similar to the beach access improvements that the City
has a policy on. He suggested the Commission look it over and make a decision on it at another
Commission meeting but stated there is nothing budgeted for this year for matching but that is not
to say the Commission could not put something in there for it. Mayor Borno asked Mr. Waters if
putting this on the first meeting in January would work for them. Mr. Waters stated it would.
4. Consent Agenda
A. Acknowledge receipt of the Building Department Monthly Activity Report, Utility Sales
Report and List of New Businesses for November 2011 and the Financial Report for October
B. Approve Amendment Number Two to Interlocal Agreement between the City of Jacksonville
and the City of Atlantic Beach for 9 -1 -1 User Fee Distribution in Fiscal Year 2011 -2012 and
authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the paperwork.
C. Authorize the Chief of Police to sign the Voluntary Cooperation Mutual Aid Agreement for
the Police Department to participate in the local Child Abduction Response Team (CART).
D. Approve the requested fee increase of $3,719.63 to the First Vehicle Services contract for the
period of 12/1/11 through 11/30/12 and authorize the City Manager to sign the proposed
contract amendment.
Mayor Borno read the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Woods pulled Item A.
Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item B, C, & D as read.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Mark
Aye: S — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Commissioner Woods commented on the water loss stating our 12 month average continues to go
up. She stated when she has brought this up in the past she has been told they are doing things to
help the number stabilize or decrease, including replacing meters, yet the numbers still continue to
increase. She stated she believes they need to do some research on the meters they are using and
to take a fresh look at the water loss to see if they can't come up with a better solution.
Commissioner Beckenbach asked that staff check on this for the next meeting.
Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item A as read.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
5. Committee Reports
6. Action on Resolutions
Mayor Borno read Resolution No. 11 -28 by title.
Motion: Approve Resolution No. 11 -28.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Borno
Mayor Borno explained this resolution resulted from a request from the Florida League of Cities
throughout the whole State to support getting away from unfunded mandates and allow all the local
legislative bodies to have a level playing field and to do their own negotiations of collective
bargaining. He stated it is time to ask for relief and to allow local rule to have local rule.
Commissioner Daugherty agreed with Mayor Borno stating our hands are tied due to funding, etc. and
believes self rule is very important.
Commissioner Woods stated she had some concerns and apprehensions regarding the portion reading
"Whereas, the Florida Legislature transferred all operational and administrative control of police
pension plans from the City of Atlantic Beach to a legislatively created board of trustees, a separate
legal entity apart from the City of Atlantic Beach that exercises broad powers outside the City of
Atlantic Beach's control." She stated that sounds good because it is taking powers away from the
City of Atlantic Beach but asked what do we really know about managing pension plans and are we
qualified as a City to do that. She stated she believes this is all encompassing and asked if we are just
saying we want control of what we are doing with our pensions and don't want the State to tell us
what we need to do.
Mr. Hanson explained the State has dictated a lot of the rules for the local pension boards and believes
one point of this resolution is to say that the State should get out of dictating how local government
should set up their pension boards. He stated basically the State ties your hands and the point of all of
this is to let the local decisions be made locally.
Commissioner Woods stated she doesn't have enough history at this point to say that everything that
is in this resolution is something that the City categorically should support.
Mayor Borno further explained to try to get the legislature out of this has been an issue cities have
been working on for years and they finally have put it in one large format to ask for it overall. He
stated there are quite a few bills being introduced to support some of this. He encouraged the
Commission to consider supporting this resolution.
Commissioner Beckenbach asked to defer this resolution until after the pension and shade
meetings to see if these items coincide with what we are talking about as a city. Mayor Borno
stated he would not want to defer it because the legislative session begins on the January 3 and if
we don't get their attention now while they are in delegation and getting their bills together and
their committees are working on these type things then the chances of getting it supported overall
throughout the whole state will fall behind. He stated what they are asking for tonight is to ask the
legislature to allow us to have control to do our union negotiations and be relieved of all the things
that have been put on the cities since 1999.
Commissioner Daugherty stated they get the agenda on Wednesday and they have time to contact
the City Manager or Alan Jensen and they have time to do research and it sounds like they haven't
read it yet. He stated it bothers him that they don't have a clear understanding of what is on the
agenda. He stated they should be able to come to a meeting and be prepared to vote and do their
homework beforehand. Discussion ensued.
City Attorney Jensen stated, in his opinion, they are not getting into any specifics of union
negotiations if they vote for or against this resolution. Mr. Hanson stated he believes what this is
trying to say is that the cities support reform to the State law and it is not intended at all to say
your city supports this type of pension plan. He stated it is saying the cities are tired of having
their hands tied by the State legislature and want the laws reformed. Further discussion ensued.
Commissioner Daugherty called the question.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Mayor Borno then asked for a vote on the resolution.
Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark
Nay: 1- Woods
Mayor Borno read Resolution No. 11 -29 by title.
Motion: Approve Resolution No. 11 -29.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Borno
Mayor Borno explained the resolution, stating he provided the Commission with the ten priorities
that came out of the five legislative committees from the Florida League of Cities conference in
November. He stated this resolution will go to the legislators showing city support throughout the
Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark
Nay: 1- Woods
7. Action on Ordinances
A. ORDINANCE NO. 60-12-17, Introduction and First Reading
Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 60 -12 -17 by title.
Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 60- 12 -17.
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty
Commissioner Beckenbach asked if this sign ordinance allows the 200 s.f whether someone is in a
shopping center or right on the street. Mayor Bomo stated yes, depending on the footage. Commissioner
Beckenbach stated maybe they should consider a difference between being right on the road versus being
in a shopping center that is so many feet away.
Building Official Mike Griffin explained that the one square foot for each foot of lineal building front is a
typical way that signs are approved. He stated smaller buildings are usually up front closer to the street
and the larger buildings are farther from the street. He stated when they took this to the Community
Development Board they looked at several other cities. He stated in St. Augustine their max is 250 s.£,
Jacksonville Beach is 250 s.f., Jacksonville is 300 s.£, and Neptune Beach is 200 s.£ so they are trying to
be compatible with Neptune Beach. He stated he does not believe they have a large problem with the
way the sign code is proposed but there is a problem with the way it exists now because with the 48 s.f
maximum and the 60 s.£ maximum it puts many existing wall signs out of compliance.
Mayor Bomo stated if Commissioner Beckenbach believes some verbiage should be changed it can be
submitted for the second reading.
Commissioner Daugherty suggested having a minimum setback for the 200 s.f. signage.
Mayor Borno encouraged the Commissioners to get with the City Manager with their proposed amended
language for inclusion in the second reading.
Commissioner Woods stated she is hoping that signage is discussed at the Town Hall meetings so they
can get input from the business community and citizens on how to address these problems.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
B. ORDINANCE NO. 5-12-54, Introduction and First Reading
Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 5 -12 -54 by title.
Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 5- 12 -54.
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark
Commissioner Woods suggested changing businessman to businessperson in Section 2- 141(b) and
questioned whether in 2 -147.9 mail meant certified mail and asked about the wording in 2 -147.4 (1) (c).
Mr. Griffin explained that was directly out of the Florida Statute. He stated if you leave notice with
someone 16 years of age then that is notice. He stated, regarding the certified mail question, that can be
regular mail. He stated if we have to get certified mail it is difficult, so the courts have allowed regular
mail for the order. He stated the violator is supposed to be present at the hearing so we are just sending a
regular mail following the hearing to the residence. Commissioner Woods also questioned the options of
noticing the person in 2 -147.4 and then when you get to 2 -149 (4) it only gives the violator one option of
notifying the City and asked if that is common practice or should they get the same options the City gets.
Mr. Griffin stated that is their only option.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
C. ORDINANCE NUMBER 5- 12 -55, Introduction and First Reading
Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 5 -12 -55 by title.
Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 5- 12 -55.
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Beckenbach
Commissioner Daugherty asked to amend this to 6:30 stating it will be more considerate of staff's
time and will still accomplish the goal of making the meetings more accessible to citizens.
Commissioner Woods stated she doesn't have a problem with 6:30 but would like to have hot
button issues held at the end of the meetings to accommodate those who can't get here until 7:00.
Mr. Hanson stated the order of business is specified in the City Code so they can change that. He
also noted that in the past they have tried to put the larger issues a little earlier and it is up to the
Mayor's discretion to be able to move them at the request of any Commissioner. He stated when
the Chamber has been packed with people the feeling has been to get the item they are here to hear
about up first. He stated he believes the way to handle this would be appropriately through a
request to the Mayor and if there is a group coming that a Commissioner believes need to be here
but aren't yet, it would be an appropriate time to make the request to the Mayor.
Motion: Amend time from 7 :00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Mayor Borno called for a vote on the amended ordinance.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Motion: Amend ordinance to eliminate "additional regular meetings shall be held on the
night of every election" from Sec. 2 -16.
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty
City Attorney Alan Jensen explained he discussed this with City Clerk Donna Bartle and was told
this has been eliminated by the Charter because there is no need to have a regular meeting on the
night of every election anymore. He stated in preparing the ordinance he also prepared a second
ordinance which proposed the elimination of that last sentence. He stated this removal will make
the ordinance consistent with Section 14 of the Charter.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Motion: Approve second amendment of ordinance to delete sentence above.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pale 10
8. Miscellaneous Business
A. Names submitted for Tideviews pier.
Mr. Hanson stated there was a list attached to the agenda of names submitted in response to the
Commission's request for public input for names for the new pier.
Commissioner Woods proposed the Lyman Fletcher Sunset Pier out of respect for previous mayor
Lyman Fletcher whose dedication to acquiring our marsh front for the City began the quest for our
parks and marshes.
Motion: Name the pier Lyman Fletcher Sunset Pier.
Moved by Woods
Motion died due to lack of a second.
Commissioner Daugherty stated since five of the people submitting suggestions made some reference
to sunset and one of the definite aspects of the pier is the fact that it is a great place to watch the
sunset, he proposed naming the pier Sunset Pier.
Motion: Name the pier Sunset Pier.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Beckenbach
Mayor Borno stated he understands Commissioner Woods wanting to afford the courtesy to former
mayor Lyman Fletcher and agreed that he has been very instrumental in this but explained they have
already named the Dutton Island pavilion after him.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
B. Report on Grant Application/Administrative Costs.
Mr. Hanson stated the Commission asked for estimates of the time being spent on grant application
administration and he asked Assistant City Manager David Thompson to put together a report on this.
Mr. Thompson summarized his report stating this requires no action from the Commission. He
explained sometimes it is difficult to predict what you are going to put into these grants both for the
application and administration. At the request of Mayor Borno, Mr. Thompson also explained in
detail the energy grant.
Commissioner Daugherty asked who would be taking over the grant writing when Mr. Thompson
leaves. Mr. Thompson stated he and the City Manager have discussed this and the grant and what
needs to be done on each grant will determine to whom it will be assigned. Commissioner Daugherty
asked the City Manager if these are some of the tasks he would envision for the Redevelopment and
Zoning Coordinator position. Mr. Hanson explained the reason they were able to keep the
Community Development Director's job open was because zoning activity was down and they were
also able to move some of the work to other people, one big piece of which went to David Thompson
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 11
— the regular Community Development Block Grant process. He explained what that grant process
involves and stated, with Mr. Thompson's leaving, that was one piece they will have to find a place to
put. Discussion ensued.
C. Automated Vehicle Locator System.
Mr. Jensen left the meeting at 7:41 p.m.
Mr. Thompson summarized his staff report and explained the system stating this is a management tool
that shows where vehicles are and what speeds they are going.
Mr. Jensen returned at 7:44 p.m.
Mr. Thompson explained they have gone through a competitive bid process and staff is
recommending the City award this bid to the low bidder.
Motion: Award the purchase of the AVL system to Safety Products, Inc. and authorize the
Mayor or City Manager to sign the related documents.
Moved by Beckenbach, Seconded by Mark
Commissioner Beckenbach asked if they know if the system is working good enough that it is worth
the money. Mr. Thompson stated the current system, Fleetmatics is becoming less reliable which is
believed to be due to their upgrading some of their software. He stated they will not know the
reliability of the new company until they use them but he has spoken to others who use them and they
were very positive as far as reliability, customer service, etc.
Commissioner Daugherty agreed this is a very effective management tool.
Commissioner Woods asked if this contract is renewable in three years. Mr. Thompson stated he did
not ask because the price may go down in three year and it may be a good time to re- evaluate.
Commissioner Daugherty asked if the equipment is proprietary. Mr. Thompson stated he did not ask
that but usually when you purchase the equipment from one company you can't have another
company track it for you. Commissioner Daugherty stated he would like to put some options in the
contract such as renewing at a set rate. Mr. Thompson stated if they have something they want
included to let him know and he will make sure they write it in the contract.
Mayor Borno stated this will also provide a degree of safety to our employees should something
happen. He stated the City can locate the vehicle if the employee is unable to get back to them. He
stated he sees this as more than just tracking and efficiency.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
D. Estimated Cost to Install Stamped Asphalt Crosswalk at the Orchid Street Bike Path Crossing.
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 12
Rick Carper summarized his staff report stating he spoke with two vendors to get an estimate for
stamped asphalt rather than the stamped concrete previously presented to the Commission for the
Orchid Street crosswalk. He stated the quote he received from Design Paving was $2,640 or $11 /s.f.
He stated Duval Asphalt quoted $14 /s.f. and recommended they mill the existing crosswalk, put a new
surface down and thirty days later install the friction pave product over the top of the new surface. He
stated Design Paving, based on the pictures they were sent, said they could put the product on the
existing surface.
Motion: Hire Design Paving to put in the textured asphalt for $2,640.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Beckenbach
Discussion ensued regarding the stamped concrete versus the stamped asphalt crosswalks.
Mr. Carper and Chief Classey answered questions from the Commission. After further discussion, it
was the consensus of the commission to use the stamped concrete instead of the stamped asphalt at
this crosswalk.
Commissioner Daugherty withdrew his motion; Commissioner Beckenbach withdrew his second.
Motion: Use stamped concrete for crosswalk at an estimated cost of $4,600.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Beckenbach
Commissioner Beckenbach asked what the cost would be. Mr. Carper stated he had one quote for
$4,600, so it would not be more than that.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Mayor Borno called for a recess at 8:21 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:26 p.m.
E. Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator.
Commissioner Woods stated she was requesting to amend the approved motion "Authorize staff to
restructure positions to replace the Community Development Director position, to reflect the
changes noted above, and to authorize staff to recruit and hire a qualified person for the new
position and authorize the modification of the 2011 -12 budget shifting funding from the City
Manager's budget for the Community Redevelopment Coordinator position to the Police
Department where it will be used with the remaining JAG funding to pay for a second COPs
position on a part - time basis." that was approved on October 10, 2011.
Motion: Amend above motion to set a timeframe for hiring the Redevelopment and Zoning
Coordinator to be after Strategic Planning.
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Beckenbach
Commissioner Daugherty stated he believes now is the time to hire this person so there will not be too
much of a gap after David Thompson leaves. He stated the reason Sonya Doerr's position was held
open was partly because David Thompson was able to cover a lot of the work that needed to be done
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 13
but with him leaving there will be no one to do this work, especially Community Development Block
Commissioner Mark stated she also believes that if they stop the process now they may not have
anyone to come into this position for six months or later. She stated the duties and responsibilities of
this position are very important, particularly as we move forward and start looking at the positive
ways we want to move our City forward. She stated she does not see the drawback in continuing the
search and interviewing process for this position.
Commissioner Beckenbach disagreed, stating he believes strategic planning will be when they will
find out exactly what this Commission is looking toward and what the needs of the City are at that
point to put someone in. He stated as far as the job description is concerned he knows that in
Planning and Zoning they have someone who is more than capable of doing Planning and Zoning
right now so if there is a concern about whether they will have someone with that ability and whether
the citizens will not have that employee available he does not feel the same way. He stated he
believes Erika Hall is more than capable of filling that role as well as meet any of the criteria required
within that job description. He stated he doesn't see the need until after they find out exactly what
they want to do and how they want to do it and then whatever Ms. Hall or Mike Griffm are incapable
of doing then they can go ahead and add someone else on to help if they do need some assistance.
At the request of Commissioner Daugherty, Mr. Hanson explained the description and duties of this
position and how it has been split among the staff. He stated the closing for the position was last
Friday and they have received 31 applications.
Commissioner Woods asked what the timing was for the Community Development Block Grants. Mr.
Hanson stated it is very soon. Mr. Thompson stated they typically want us to submit the projects to
them by February of each year to tell them how we want to spend the money for the coming year. He
further explained the process. Commissioner Woods asked who is doing this work. Mr. Thompson
stated he is doing the majority of it with assistance from Donna Kaluzniak.
Commissioner Woods stated there was some discussion that we have all these qualifications on staff
and she would like to ask Mike Griffin and Erika Hall what their degrees are in and if there is
anything in these duties and knowledge skills and abilities that they would not be able to handle. Mr.
Hanson raised a point of order, stating if they are talking about hiring a position the City Charter does
not allow the Commission to do that. Commissioner Woods stated the discussion was whether they
need additional staff and whether they already have capable staff on hand. She stated she is asking if
they can use the staff and their skills that they have and wait until they have gone through the process
to see whether they need this position. She stated tonight they are changing the duties and
responsibilities which proves her point that they don't really know what they want and need this
person to be doing. She stated as far as the duties, knowledge skills and abilities that are in the
vacancy announcement she believes we have the staff on hand who can handle this for the next couple
of months. Mr. Hanson stated he differs with her in that he believes it is highly inappropriate to speak
about the pros and cons of any one particular person in a public forum and whether or not they can
handle any particular job. She stated perhaps her wording could have been better but her
understanding is that they both have degrees and experience with all of the duties, skills, abilities and
knowledge that are in this vacancy announcement and believes their degrees point to that. She stated
she is just asking for verification. She stated as they sit here tonight this position's requirements have
changed which is why she brought this up that it should be postponed until they really know what they
want this position to be. She stated they don't know, it is evolving and changing as they speak.
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 14
Mayor Borno stated there are adjustments to anything and the vacancy announcement provided a good
overview. He stated he does not believe they will ever totally describe a job description and in his
opinion there is a necessity to fill an existing job and he supports that they fill it. He stated there are
always adjustments to job descriptions and it is the responsibility of the City Manager to fill the
position. Commissioner Woods stated she believes it would be a bigger disservice to the City to hire
the wrong person and task them with a job that really isn't what the City needs, which is a huge
potential waste of taxpayer dollars.
Commissioner Mark stated this position has been discussed and fashioned to accommodate what we
are looking at for the City in the future. She stated it would be unrealistic to say this is the job and
this is all this person is ever going to do or be. She stated if we have staff here who feel they are
qualified for this job, it was open to anyone to apply.
Commissioner Daugherty called the question.
Aye: 3 — Borno, Daugherty, Mark
Nay: 2 - Beckenbach, Woods
Mayor Bomo called for the vote on the motion.
Aye: 2 - Beckenbach, Woods
Nay: 3 — Borno, Daugherty, Mark
F. City Government Organizational Review.
Motion: Direct staff to research and invite qualified firms, who can perform a comprehensive
review of the City's organization and operations, to make presentations for the Commission's
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Beckenbach
Commissioner Woods stated there is nothing to be afraid of by looking at your reorganization. She
stated we need to reevaluate where we are and how we are doing our business and spending our
money. She stated there are a lot of things that have strained our budget, i.e., pension, and we need to
look at everything the City is doing to see how it can be streamlined, more efficient, cost effective and
still service the citizens at the level they would like and feel is justified to pay for. She stated people
generally don't mind paying taxes for services and amenities they feel are fair but do mind paying for
waste and it is the Commission's job to make sure our taxpayer dollars are not being wasted. She
stated it is their duty to periodically provide organizational oversight. She stated she would like to
invite some companies in to speak with the Commission so everyone would understand what the
process for an organizational review would be. She stated they can then decide at a later point if they
want to move ahead with the review.
Commissioner Daugherty stated he is not adverse to getting proposals but believes we are pretty tight
in our organization and that Mr. Hanson has done a phenomenal job in managing the City.
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 15
Commissioner Mark asked if the qualified firms would determine which departments they felt would
need reviewing or would that come from us. Commissioner Woods stated it would all be Commission
driven. She stated generally a comprehensive review would look at all of the divisions in the City.
Commissioner Mark stated she is not opposed to having firms come talk to the Commission about the
process but would want them to be cognizant and have it clearly stated how much staff time this will
take versus what the benefit will yield. She stated we have a lot of pretty important items coming up
as Commissioners in the next few months which will demand a lot of staff time as well. She stated
she is not saying this is not important and something that doesn't need to be addressed at some point,
but she wants it to be clear in the presentations how much staff time will be required.
Mr. Hanson stated he believes we have a serious issue with workload here and top staff all work a lot
more than 40 hours /week and running the City is a full time job plus. He stated there has been an
unusual amount of things the Commission has recently put in front of staff as tasks on top of the
normal running of the City. He stated we have the pension issue, tipping fees moving ahead, filling
the Human Resources Manager position, the police building, etc. He stated with David Thompson
leaving we have a tremendous workload issue to resolve. He stated staff is getting pretty close to
overload and may well be overloaded now. He suggested they wait until strategic planning to have a
discussion about the main projects. He stated staff will do everything they can but they can't do
everything. He stated they need to talk about all of the projects at one time and discuss how much
manpower they have to be able to accomplish all of these things.
Mayor Bomo stated he believes an organizational review should be driven by need and he believes we
are making too many mandates and priorities. He stated this is from enthusiasm because this is a new
commission and there are a lot of things they want to see done, but they need to walk through the
process. He stated our main process is strategic planning and they are still working through last year's
with several issues coming up. He stated there is nothing wrong with the idea but it is out of sync on
where we should be putting it in the requirements.
Commissioner Daugherty stated he agreed and believes this is a strategic plan item.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated he understands, so if they withdraw it they can bring it back up
around strategic planning.
Commissioner Woods disagreed stating she believes this information is important to have when they
go to strategic planning. She stated now, while we are in the flux, this is the time to do the
organizational review to see how they want it to come out from all these changes that are going on.
She stated they can take the information they get from the review to strategic planning and see how
they want to go from there. She stated she believes to go to strategic planning and say these are the
results we want from the organizational review is backwards.
Mayor Bomo stated the issue is priorities and to be able to put the time in to do this. He stated an
important part of strategic planning is they are supposed to plan as a unit where the priorities fall out
and then they can get to those things and get something done. He stated his strong feeling is that to do
this now and put another priority on staff they will not get any results.
Mr. Hanson stated since they normally have strategic planning in February or March, there is no way
they could get such a review done by then. He stated they may be able to have a consultant come in
and tell them what a review is about, but they could not get someone under contract to do a study and
have a report back by that time.
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 16
Commissioner Woods stated this motion is to have the firms come talk to the Commission about what
the process would be and then they can decide whether they want to move ahead and when, but she
believes having that information on hand is important. She stated she has had firms contact her about
this and there are firms ready to come and talk to us. She stated it is not a huge commitment to gather
information to consider the process. She stated she is not asking for a commitment to the process at
this point.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated this is just asking for information about what these corporations can
and will do. He stated if they ask the companies to come in toward the end of February then they
would be able to make a reasonable decision as to whether or not it would even be worthwhile
discussing it at strategic planning.
Commissioner Mark agreed it needs to be done either before or concurrent with our strategic planning
workshop. Mayor Borno stated this would not fit into the criteria of a real strategic planning
workshop. He stated those take two nights as it is right now. He stated if there is any information to
be gleaned he believes it should be done in a separate venue. He asked Commissioner Woods to give
the company names to Mr. Hanson so he can contact them to schedule presentations prior to Strategic
Planning. Commissioner Woods agreed.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
G. Selection of Mayor Pro Tempore.
Mayor Borno nominated Maria Mark to be Mayor Pro Tem.
Motion: Appoint Maria Mark to serve as Mayor Pro Tem.
Moved by Borno, Seconded by Beckenbach
Aye: 3 — Borno, Beckenbach, Mark
Nay: 2 — Daugherty, Woods
H. Appoint Commissioner to the Board Member Review Committee.
Mayor Borno nominated Jonathan Daugherty to serve as Chairman of the Board Member Review
Motion: Appoint Jonathan Daugherty to serve as Chairman of the Board Member Review
Moved by Borno, Seconded by Beckenbach
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 17
I. Creating Committees and Appointing Members of Committees.
City Attorney Alan Jensen stated he submitted his report in writing and if anyone had any
questions he would discuss them.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated before he asked for Mr. Jensen's opinion he went to four other
attorneys. He stated the opinion given by Mr. Jensen is saying the Mayor "shall" instead of the
Mayor "may" and the Commission "shall not" appoint committee members, yet in Section 9 the
Commission is given the power over the policies and procedures of the City of Atlantic Beach.
He stated after speaking to the other four attorneys, he believes that the Mayor does have the
opportunity to appoint a committee but so does the Commission. He questioned how can the
Commission themselves look at this and say Mr. Jensen's opinion is what we have to go with. He
stated he would like to defer this to the next meeting for further discussion.
Commissioner Woods agreed to move this to the next meeting.
Mayor Borno stated through precedents in history the Mayors put things together, which does not
mean he will not work with the Commission on it. He stated he fully expects to carry that out. He
stated he will discuss it with the Commission and will work out the issue at that time. He stated he
does not believe there is any doubt about what the Charter says and if Commissioner Beckenbach
has a challenge with the wording or the way the Charter is written then he can ask for a Charter
review or amend the Charter through a vote of the citizens.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated he understands that Mayor Borno is willing to work with the
Commission and he always looks at the Commission as a majority vote. Discussion ensued.
City Attorney Jensen stated it is important to understand that none of them were involved in
writing the Charter or the rewrite and it could have been written better and could be clearer. He
stated he cited an example from Jacksonville Beach that the mayor appoints the committees
subject to the approval of the city council. He stated our Charter does not include that. He stated
the Mayor in Atlantic Beach has always appointed committees. He stated he would like the
opportunity to speak with the attorneys Commissioner Beckenbach discussed this with to see what
their opinion is based on, to see what their background is, what kind of law they practice, and what
kind of experience they have in local government law. He further stated he has been doing this a
long time and he goes to seminars at least annually to keep up to date on these things. He stated
not that that makes his opinion any more than any other attorney's opinion but he always looks
into the background, history and experience in this particular area of law of other attorneys in
evaluating any opinion. He stated you can ask ten lawyers their opinion on something and will get
ten different answers.
Commissioner Beckenbach agreed stating if they have ten different opinions then the final
decision is by the Commission and once they vote to decide what the interpretation is that is the
way it will be held during this period of time until there is another commission that comes in and
reads it differently. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Woods asked for clarification that Mayor Borno is taking the position that he is the
only one able to appoint committees and committee members. Mayor Borno stated that is what it
says in the Charter. Commissioner Woods stated she totally disagrees with that and if that is how
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pace 18
he is going to move ahead with this committee she believes that is inappropriate until they as a
Commission have decided whether they are going to take Mr. Jensen's opinion as the way they are
going to interpret it or if they are going to vote on another interpretation. She stated she is not sure
this is resolved enough for the Mayor to just move ahead with this. City Attorney Jensen stated
this hasn't been a problem for Commissioner Woods for the past four years and this is always the
way it has been done and the Charter has been interpreted that the Mayor appoints committees.
Commissioner Woods stated maybe the Commission has not asked to appoint committees before
but the Charter to her clearly says that the Commission can appoint committees. Mr. Jensen asked
her where it says that, stating it does not say that. Commissioner Woods stated it says exactly that.
Mr. Jensen asked her to read where it says that. Commissioner Woods read from Mr. Jensen's
report. She asked him if he is saying that only the mayor can appoint a committee that the
commission wants. Mr. Jensen stated that is what the Charter says. Commissioners Beckenbach
and Woods disagreed. Mr. Hanson stated the issue is Commissioner Beckenbach's proposal for
the police building, stating they have a police building workshop in two nights and believes they
could discuss the specific committee for the police building after that.
J. Reconsideration by City Commission of Past Actions.
Mr. Jensen stated they have his report and if there are any questions he would discuss it.
Commissioner Woods stated her motion was an amendment of what had been passed before, not a
reconsideration of that.
9. City Manager
A. City Manager's Report.
City Manager Jim Hanson reported on a notice of intent to sue and the latest alcohol deployment
that checked 24 places and got no sales in any of them. He also gave kudos to Donna Kaluzniak
for dealing with the block grant funds for the sewer rehab, stating she was able to get approvals
from all the people to use the last of the money.
10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney
Commissioner Mark
• Thanked Chief Classey for the work they have done in Jordan, stating she has received no
more complaints from citizens.
• Reminded everyone of the Town Hall meetings in January.
• Thanked David Thompson for his service to the City.
• Thanked everyone for their well wishes for her medical emergency and reported she is
doing fine and is glad to be back.
Commissioner Daugherty
• Congratulated Maria.
• Stated he was upset we were unable to get the grant for the study on pedestrian safety and
would like in Strategic Planning to look at asking the police department to do a study and
come back with recommendations for improvements we can do for pedestrian safety.
• Wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
December 12, 2011 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pace 19
Mayor Borno
• Reported on the meeting he and City Manager Hanson had with Jacksonville's Chief of
Staff, Chris Hand regarding the tipping fee audit.
• Congratulated David Thompson on his new career in Tennessee.
• Reported that Sonya Doerr's health is deteriorating and asked that everyone keep her in
their prayers.
• Wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 9:46 p.m.
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Mike Borno
Mayor/Presiding Officer
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Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk