3-26-12 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING March 26, 2012 CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Mike Borno City Attorney Alan C. Jensen Mayor Pro Tem Maria Mark City Manager Jim Hanson Commissioner Mark Beckenbach City Clerk Donna L. Bartle Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey Commissioner Carolyn Woods Call to Order/Pledge: Mayor Borno called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Commissioner Mark gave the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of March 12, 2012. Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of March 12, 2012. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Mark Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Mayor Borno recognized and welcomed Marianne Marshall, District Secretary for Representative Janet Atkins of District 12, who was in the audience A. Proclamation — Municipal Clerks Week. Mayor Borno read the Proclamation in its entirety proclaiming April 29 - May 5, 2012 as Municipal Clerk's Week and presented it to City Clerk Donna Bartle. Mayor Borno thanked Ms. Bartle and her staff, Nancy Bailey and Dayna Williams, stating without them they would not get anything done. Mayor Borno opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. He welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. Alyssa Lozano and Elena Lozano, 8029 Queensferry Lane, members of the HandsOn Jacksonville Youth Leadership Council, explained the Global Youth Service Day event that will be held at Donner Park. They explained how this event will benefit the families in the area by teaching them how to lead healthier lifestyles while helping themselves and the Earth. Genevieve Fletcher, 804 East Coast Drive, member of Dutton Island Gardeners (DIG) and HandsOn Jacksonville Youth Leadership Council, stated she is here to request the use of the Donner Community Center to celebrate Earth Day with the community of Atlantic Beach on April 22, 2012. She explained their plan is to provide healthy food and fun activities for children and families in the area, including educational booths from environmental organizations, recycling activities, yoga, decorating pots and planting lilies, etc. She March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 explained how this event will benefit the Donner community and create a lasting impact. She asked that the Commission support this beneficial community event by waiving the fees of the Donner Community Center. Michael Hoffmann, 176 Camelia Street, addressed the Commission regarding the Marsh Master Plan stating he agrees with the recommendation of those who wrote the study of incorporating the City -owned property along West First Street into Tideviews Park. He stated we need that property to remain in its natural state and for it to remain intact and to have the natural environment there enhanced by some professionals. He also addressed the report on the new census numbers and alteration of the districts for electoral purposes. He stated there was nothing in the report regarding minority access and suggested this not be dealt with tonight because he believes the community may want to have some say on this. He stated west of Mayport Road has very little in common with the other side of the road, but there is a great deal of interaction with Donner and Jordan and they are still really one neighborhood. He believes it would be more appropriate to redraw the boundary line so Jordan becomes part of District 13S which would create a much greater possibility of a minority access. John November, 647 Beach Avenue, stated he just returned from Columbia and discussed the actions being taken there for environmental sustainability. He stated by waiving the fees for the GYSD they will be giving non - profits the opportunity to benefit the community. He stated he believes it is wise to allow people to show how they are benefiting the community in each of these presentations, which allows them to get the word out to the public and to review whether it does actually benefit the community, which could be the decision as to how things are funded. He also reported on an event he is involved with that is being held at Donner Park this weekend in memory of Mason McCloud. No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Borno closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's Follow -up Report. None. 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A. Acknowledge receipt of the Recreation Programs & Special Events Report and the Financial Report for February 2012 and the Public Works and Utility Departments Project Status Report for March 15, 2012. Mayor Borno read the Consent Agenda. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item A as read. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 3 5. Committee Reports None. 6. Action on Resolutions A. RESOLUTION NO. 12 -07 ATTACHMENT E -6, A RESOLUTION FOR ASSISTANCE 2012 UNDER THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT WATERWAYS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Mayor Borno read Resolution No. 12 -07 by title. Motion: Approve Resolution No. 12 -07. Moved by Mark, Seconded by Daugherty Public Works Director Rick Carper explained staff is applying for a grant from the Florida Inland Navigation District for Phase 1 services, design or permitting, of three projects in the Marsh Master Plan to install a canoe launch and two marsh overviews. He stated the Florida Inland Navigation District requires, as part of the grant application package, that the Commission approve a resolution saying they support this and support funding this. He stated this application package is due at the Florida Inland Navigation District on April 2, 2012. Mr. Carper answered several questions from the Commission. Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED (This item was addressed again later in the meeting during Item 9A.) 7. Action on Ordinances A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-12-114, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2011 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2012, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 20 -12 -114 by title. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20 -12 -114. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Mark Mayor Borno summarized the amendments to the budget. Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Daugherty asked to amend the Ordinance to include $2,500 for an initial plan and budget for Rose Park improvements with the funds to be transferred from the half cents sales tax fund. March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 4 Motion: Amend Ordinance to include $2,500 for an initial plan and budget for Rose Park improvements with the funds to be transferred from the half cents sales tax fund. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Beckenbach Commissioner Daugherty explained there is a need to get community involvement and feedback on changes to Rose Park and had asked staff to get an initial cost for a proposed plan for the park that they could take out into the community for their feedback. He stated the cost is $2,500 and he is requesting the Commission approve this. Discussion ensued. City Attorney Alan Jensen stated he has some procedural concern about adding something to a budget amendment ordinance in the second reading after they have closed the Public Hearing. He stated although it is not a substantial amount, it is a totally new item in this ordinance that may require them to start it over again with a first and second reading. Discussion ensued. Mr. Hanson suggested they withdraw the motion to include this in this budget amendment and then give staff instructions to prepare a separate budget amendment that they could bring for first reading at the next meeting just to deal with this. Commissioner Daugherty withdrew his motion; Commissioner Beckenbach withdrew his second. Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Mayor Borno asked Commissioner Daugherty to work with the City Manager to bring this back to the next meeting. B. ORDINANCE NO. 90-12-214, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, COUNTY OF DUVAL, STATE OF FLORIDA, HEREBY AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 90 -01 -172, INCLUDING ALL SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS THERETO; THIS ORDINANCE SPECIFICALLY AMENDING SECTION 24 -151. ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES, PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 90 -12 -214 by title. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 90 -12 -214. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty Principal Planner Erika Hall summarized the changes to the Ordinance. She answered questions from the Commission. Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing. Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Advisory to amend voting district boundaries to account for population changes. March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pate 5 City Manager Jim Hanson explained the voting districts were set a few years ago when the City went to district elections and now that we have the results of the 2010 census it is appropriate to make some changes. He stated Erika Hall has tried to put forth the simplest changes that would move the fewest people between the districts. He stated Jerry Holland also wants to line up the voting precincts so they are consistent with the voting districts in Atlantic Beach, so any change here would ultimately wind up changing where some people vote. He stated therefore the least confusing would be to move the least number of people and Ms. Hall has proposed one option. He stated any changes would require an Ordinance and staff is seeking direction. Ms. Hall stated this is basically a balancing act of what the population change is and what the population change is within the existing districts. She gave a slide presentation of recommended changes to the districts. Commissioner Daugherty stated he agreed with some things Mr. Hoffmann stated earlier but does not agree that 13S is separate from the rest of Atlantic Beach. He further stated he believes minority access would only come into play if people voted by district, however, he agrees with the point he made about Jordan and Donner Parks being very similar and they might want to look at how they can put both of those in the same district. He stated he would also like to see one of the other districts overlap Mayport Road as well. He stated perhaps they would look at redoing the districts in a way that accomplishes those things. Ms. Hall stated before she came to Atlantic Beach there was a Commission- appointed committee that put in hours looking at various factors that determined generally what the lines are now and she believes to look at other factors is beyond something that she, as a planner, is able to do. She stated it is very tedious going block by block, taking and giving and trying to keep neighborhoods as whole as possible and create lines of demarcation. She stated what Commissioner Daugherty is asking might require a more in depth study. Mr. Hanson stated regarding the question of minority population, and by minority he stated he is assuming they are talking about blacks, the black population in Atlantic Beach is approximately 10 %. He stated if you took every black person in this community and put them in one district, you can't have a majority district because there are not enough blacks. He stated it is a false assumption that you can move the district lines around to enable some kind of a majority black district, it just can't happen. Commissioner Daugherty stated actually what he was saying was that if it was true district representation then there could be an argument made for minority access but we have a representative type situation in Atlantic Beach. He stated this is something we only do every ten years and he believes it is important that they get it right. He stated he would like to take a close look at this and look at the goals of what they want to do as far as their representation of the area and make sure they get it right instead of just looking at something and saying it makes sense and go on with it. Mayor Borno stated what is being requested is the Commission's recommendations to staff and although they could make a decision tonight, that is not what is being called for. He suggested they have this brought back to the next meeting to give everyone who wants to an opportunity to meet with Ms. Hall and see if there are any adjustments other than what we have right now and bring that back to us at the first meeting in April. Commissioner Woods stated she previously discussed the issue of having more regularly scheduled workshops to bring up issues and the City Manager informed her that the general rule of thumb in the past was that the Commissioners kept their Monday meeting afternoons open so we could have a workshop before the meeting and she believes this topic would take one or two workshops. Commissioner Mark stated at some of the Town Hall meetings there was discussion about the district representation and possibly even adding two seats to the Commission. She asked if we are under any kind of March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 6 timeframe within which to make these decisions? Mr. Hanson stated there is a timeframe but it is a long one. They need to be well up in front of the Commission's next election and he believes the City Clerk would prefer it be at least six months prior to the next Commission election, so they still have close to a year before they would have to do it. Commissioner Mark stated she is agreeable to scheduling this for a workshop or waiting until strategic planning to talk about it some more as far as whether they want to change the whole focus on what the district representation really is, whether they want it to go to true district representation, etc. She stated she would prefer they wait to talk about it some more at either strategic planning or a workshop. Mayor Borno stated in the past there was a consensus among past commissions that they didn't schedule anything on the Mondays they have commission meetings so they could have workshops at 5:00 prior to the meeting. He stated then it was spread out to keeping all Mondays reserved as a standard thing in case there was a necessity for a workshop to come up so they could set up a workshop meeting quickly. Commissioner Mark stated she was not prepared to give staff any kind of direction at this juncture. She believes the Commission needs to have a little more open dialogue on the subject. She stated she would not know how to instruct staff at this point to do anything else until they have had a chance to look at this and consider the work that has already been done. Mayor Borno stated he would appreciate it if Commissioner Mark would put her thoughts together so they would have an agenda for a workshop and they could gather some information ahead of time so they could have a meaningful discussion. He asked her to develop that and submit it to staff so they could work off that and everybody would get it prior to the workshop and they will have a staff report. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he agreed with Commissioner Mark on the strategic planning because during the workshops there were a number of people who were talking about the possibility of having seven commissioners. He stated if that comes into play, for Commissioner Mark to write anything up, they should at least have a discussion during strategic planning as far as which way they are moving. He stated they could start with April 7 meeting to see what might be of interest to the entire Commission and at that point they would have some more direction. Mayor Borno stated he believes they are getting the cart before the horse but they can go either way. He stated if they want to delay it until they get to the Strategic Planning, he would just caution them that they will not be able to break this down and design it in Strategic Planning; it is conceptual and they will have to work from there. He stated as it stands right now they won't mess with anything, but they appreciate Ms. Hall's work and will take it into consideration when they get into discussion. He thanked her for her time. B. Report on Animal Control Staffing. Chief Mike Classey summarized his staff report explaining the level of service that could be provided with just one ACO, what the City of Jacksonville will or will not do for us, mutual aid agreements with Neptune Beach or Jacksonville Beach and what assistance would be provided if the position was filled with a part-time person. He stated staff's recommendation is to fill the position with a full -time person. Following discussion by the Commission and Chief Classey answering several questions, Mayor Borno stated they have an Animal Control Ordinance on the books that gives specific coverage for the citizens that they have worked very hard over the years to provide services to. He stated in that Ordinance it staffs two people. He stated the Commission is trying to micro - manage and are getting down into the nitty gritty, instead of setting policy and doing what they are supposed to be doing up here. He stated he thinks it's time to fish or March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 7 cut bait and he would entertain a motion to go back to fully manning with two ACOs to support the Ordinance and services that the citizens have requested over the years. Motion: Authorize the filling of the vacant ACO position. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Commissioner Daugherty stated this is a matter of budget and Jacksonville Beach is twice our size and they get by with one officer and he believes we should follow suit. He stated we have to watch every dime and he would entertain looking at a part-time person. When you are having Animal Control officers literally patrolling neighborhoods looking for violations and patrolling the beach, he doesn't see the point in having two people, when every other city on the island has one. He stated he believes they should explore other options such as a volunteer program and he would be happy to help out with that. He stated if he needs to take the lead on approaching those people he will, but he was hoping staff would do that. He stated he believes they should look at all the alternatives. Mayor Borno responded it has been explained to them that if they have a part-time ACO they are only filling a certain increment and if they go to a volunteer program, they have to have a volunteer coordinator which will end up being a paid position. He stated that would be 2 '/2 times people than what there is already administering what they are required to be doing by Ordinance. He stated, twist it anyway you want to, it doesn't come out equal. Votes: Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Mark, Woods Nay: 1- Daugherty MOTION CARRIED 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report. City Manager Jim Hanson asked the Commission to consider an emergency action for a major sewer repair. He explained if they do so, under the Rules of Order they will have to first vote to consider this an emergency and then vote on the repair. Public Utilities Director Donna Kaluzniak explained the needed sewer main replacement on Willow Cove. She stated the cost of the repair is $86,829. Motion: Consider this an emer encv item. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Motion: Approve the repair as needed up to $87,000. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty Discussion ensued and Ms. Kaluzniak answered questions from the Mayor. March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 8 Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Mr. Hanson reported the City Clerk brought to his attention that the motion for the Resolution for the FIND application did not include authorizing the City Manager to sign the application so it will need to be amended to add that. Motion: Amend motion to approve the Resolution No. 12 -07 to add Authorize the City Manager to sign the application for the Florida Inland Navigation District Waterway Assistance Program grant. Moved by Beckenbach, Seconded by Daugherty Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Mr. Hanson reported on the new electric Volt purchase for police usage which was made possible by the Federal Energy Grant. He distributed a report on organizational review to the Commission for their review prior to strategic planning. He stated he did not intend to go into details tonight but wanted to get it to them due to a request to get the information distributed before strategic planning. 10. Reports and /or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney A. Appointment to the Board Member Review Committee. Mayor Borno explained there was a correction, stating this is actually Jim Smith's second term so he is not eligible for reappointment. He stated they need to appoint one member and he can make a recommendation or they can have a more defined review of the candidates. Commissioner Daugherty suggested nominating Rita Pierce. Mr. Hanson explained that according to the Resolution this is written as the Mayor's appointment subject to Commission confirmation. Mayor Borno stated he would nominate Ms. Pierce. Motion: Appoint Rita Pierce to the Board Member Review Committee for a two -year term beginning March 28, 2012 and ending March 27, 2014. Moved by Mayor Borno, Seconded by Daugherty Commissioner Woods stated, in reviewing the Ordinance related to the Board Member Review Committee, it states people on this particular board should have a lot of board experience and experience working in groups because they are assessing the people who will be on the boards. She stated in looking at Rita Pierce's resume she does not believe Ms. Pierce has the appropriate experience to be on the Board Member Review Committee that the Ordinance calls for. Discussion ensued related to Ms. Pierce's experience and qualifications. March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pau 9 Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Mayor Borno asked the City Clerk to prepare a letter to Ms. Pierce. B. Request for waiver of park use fees. Commissioner Mark stated, as discussed earlier by Genevieve Fletcher, they have requested we waive the fees for the Global Youth Service Day event on April 22 from noon — 6:00 p.m. She stated she spoke to Ms. Fletcher about this because the Commission doesn't want to set a precedent for waiving fees arbitrarily just because it is a non - profit and explained to her it is more important that they told the Commission about what the direct benefit that Donner Community Center and the neighborhood would reap on the long -term basis by having this event and believes they did an excellent job in relaying that during the public comments section. Motion: Waive the Donner Community Center fee for the Global Youth Service Dav event with the caveat that they leave the center in a clean and orderly condition. Moved by Mark, Seconded by Woods Mr. Hanson stated he believed they also wanted to have the park use fees waived. He stated the Donner fee is $107 and the park use fee is $26.75. Motion: Amend to include the park use fees. Moved by Mark, Seconded by Woods Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Commissioner Beckenbach stated the last time they waived the fees was for a fishing tournament that was going to benefit the Dutton Park area and was to get community involvement with the Dutton Park. He stated he also asked Ms. Fletcher why they should waive the fees. He stated if they waive the fees for every not -for- profit it would be a substantial amount of money. He stated his consideration is whether or not there is something for the community that is being taught and believes they did an excellent job on explaining what they were going to do and how they were going to use this event to educate youth and have youth involvement and community involvement. He stated he doesn't have a problem with waiving the fees for something like this but he doesn't want it to set a precedent unless they are looking at something that is going to be educational and beneficial for the park and community at that point. Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Mayor Borno agreed they should not be setting a precedent and believes this is something they need to put in writing with the assistance of the City Attorney so they can have a parameter established so these requests either meet the criteria or they don't. March 26, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 10 City Clerk Bartle • Thanked the Mayor for the recognition earlier. She stated she has some good staff she also wanted to thank. She stated she appreciates the support of the Commission in allowing her to further her education. Mayor Borno stated she has done well since she arrived here and has gone to a lot of educational things. Commissioner Daugherty • Stated Ms. Bartle is the best City Clerk he has ever worked with. He stated anytime he has ever asked for anything she has been right on top of it and he doesn't know if everybody realizes the hours she puts in but it is greatly appreciated. • Said he has received a lot of feedback from citizens regarding the City Manager being a voting member of the Board Member Review Committee and questioned whether this should be independent of City management. Mr. Hanson stated that would require amending the Resolution that set up the committee. He stated he believes he was originally put on there simply because of his knowledge of what the boards and committees do. Commissioner Beckenbach • Recommended that the Commission be able to interview members of the BMRC in the future. Agreed they should consider having another citizen on the committee and not the City Manager and recommended having the qualifications /criteria for all boards and committees be written so the Commission will know what type applicant they are looking for. Commissioner Woods • Also thought it should not be the City Manager on the BMRC but rather than another citizen, she suggested adding another Commissioner on a rotating basis. • Agreed they should have a few things in place when development starts up again so they will be prepared for it. She stated in the City's development code they went through a huge FAR issue a few years ago and adopted design guidelines for the community to use and at that time she felt uncomfortable with it because it is kind of reminiscent of gated communities, stating these are the only architectural elements you can use. She stated at the time she wanted to offer an option to either go with the design standards or to follow the FAR guidelines. She stated this may be something they want to consider in the future. • Regarding the marsh design, they discussed having more picnic benches, etc. around the DOT pond but it seems to her it is an opportunity to have more play equipment for kids in the neighborhood. • Stated Donna Bartle does a phenomenal job. Commissioner Mark • Stated she appreciates the job Donna Bartle does for the City and the Commissioners, as well as Nancy Bailey. She stated what they do is so much appreciated and underestimated as far as the time and energy that it takes to do their jobs as well as they do. • Pointed out that under the Resolution regarding the Commissioner appointment and term on the BMRC, it is a one -year term. She believes Jim Hanson's institutional knowledge is very valuable in that selection process and they might want to consider him being a non - voting member. • Reported on the letter from Councilman Bill Gulliford on the ferry issue. She stated he is asking us as a City to consider discussing any possible future funding they could look at for the ferry. • Announced she has resigned from the ferry task force due to time constraints. March 26. 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 11 Mayor Borno • Thanked Commissioner Mark for the time she has put in on the ferry task force. He also thanked Commissioner Woods. • Thanked Donna Bartle, Nancy Bailey and Dayna Williams, stating they do their job and do it with smiles. He stated sometimes that is extremely difficult when dealing with the public and the Commission. He stated they set a good standard. • Stated strategic planning is scheduled for April 7 and 21. • Regarding FAR and the design guidelines, he stated when they approved the FAR, the design guidelines were suggested ways that you could do the FAR and it was not held rigid. Mr. Hanson stated it is not a code requirement. Mayor Borno stated when they come in with their plans as long as they meet the building construction, FAR, and our ordinances, there is no difficulty. Ms. Hall stated FAR was taken out a couple of years ago. Commissioner Woods stated there is still the third story requirement of it not being as large as the other floors. She stated there are some definite requirements associated with the design elements. Mayor Borno stated the staff could review them. Commissioner Woods stated it is just giving a choice to either go by what they adopted or to go by the FAR and it was really just a simple choice. Mayor Borno asked the staff to give a staff report if they see if there is a conflict with what the discussion has been tonight and their thoughts. • Regarding Councilman Gulliford's letter he would like to consider possible support of the ferry financially and would entertain asking staff to come back with a resolution saying we are willing to support consideration of possible funding. He stated that is not committing that we are going to do it; we have to have the funds and they have to find out what they need. He asked the Commission if they were agreeable to this. The Commission did not agree to this. • Regarding the recommendation brought up about implementing the Rules of Order, Rule #4, he stated it is easy for him to keep up with. He asked for consensus whether they wanted to tighten up. Commissioner Daugherty stated he enjoys the conversational tone this Commission has and believes they have been able to work through things. He believes they have all been respectful of each other and during the times things have gotten out of hand, the Mayor has the gavel and isn't afraid to use it. He believes things are fine as is. Mayor Borno stated the one thing they will tighten up on is not interrupting. He stated if someone has the floor, they have the floor. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. rut, 4 ,wk,c) Mike Borno Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: zi5e(e, Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk