5-11-12 Briefing w/Hanson/Beckenbach/Woods Minutes of Briefing Held on May 11, 2012 with Commissioners Beckenbach and Woods
Present: City Commissioners Mark Beckenbach and Carolyn Woods, and City Manager Jim
Hanson. Mark Tomaski also attended in the audience.
Briefing began in the North Conference Room of City Hall at approximately 4:00 pm.
Subjects discussed included several of the items on the Agenda for the upcoming meeting of the
Commission on May 14 and other items as follows:
1) Commission Meeting May 14, 2012
Item 4B — Surplus property
Item 6A — Stormwater Master Plan Approval
Item 8A — UBE for Beauty Salon on Mayport Road
Item 9 — City Manager's Report
Item 10A — BMRC Appointment
Item 10B — Conflict of Interest Language from City Attorney
Item 10C — Carbon Footprint Report
2) Follow -up Report concerning notification of pension board on status of proposed new
pension ordinances
3) Follow -up on Commissioners ability to have input into the budget preparation. This was
a follow -up discussion from the 4 -21 -12 strategic planning workshop.
4) Tipping Fee Status
5) Strategic Planning; Scoring by City Commissioners and status of draft report
6) Police Building Committee Recommendation
7) The second commission meeting in May to be held on Tuesday, May 29
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 pm.
Jim Han n, City Manager