5-29-12 MINUTES
May 29, 2012
Mayor Mike Borno City Attorney Alan C. Jensen
Mayor Pro Tem Maria Mark City Manager Jim Hanson
Commissioner Mark Beckenbach City Clerk Donna L. Bartle
Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey
Commissioner Carolyn Woods (excused)
Call to Order/Pledge:
Mayor Bomo called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. Commissioner Mark gave the Invocation, followed by
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Approve the minutes of the Special Called "Shade" Meeting of May 8, 2012 and the Regular
Commission Meeting of May 14, 2012.
Motion: Approve the minutes of the Special Called "Shade" Meeting of Mav 8, 2012 and the Regular
Commission Meeting of May 14, 2012.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Mark
Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark
Nay: 0
2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
Mayor Bomo opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. He welcomed the audience and explained the
process for public comments.
William Brigman, 307 9 St., addressed the Commission regarding the hierarchy of expenditures and
considerations stating they serve cities well. He stated great cities, communities and companies take their
hierarchy to the next level which is a vision of what that organization or community is to be far beyond the
next two or three years. He stated they look into the future up to 20 years down the road and ask what does
this company or community want to be at that time. He stated that then needs to drive subsequent hierarchy
of decisions especially when it comes to fiscal decisions. He encouraged the City of Atlantic Beach to
undertake such a process in relation to the needs of the Police Department and the police building. He
believes the Police Building is being looked at as an isolated potential expenditure. He encouraged the City
of Atlantic Beach to undergo a visioning process to clearly articulate where this community and its citizens
want to be in 5, 10, 15, or 20 years. He stated as a part of that exercise they should fold in the needs of our
first responders, the police and fire departments. He stated through that process the community will have a
clear understanding of the vision they want to see and what can be achieved, the costs and priorities. He
stated through that process, he believes if a new police building is warranted you have the potential to
develop community support for the level of expenditures that are being discussed at this point in time.
Chris Hionides, 47 11 St., addressed the Commission regarding the police station stating he is glad the
committee made a decision to build a single -story building but is disappointed they decided to leave it in this
location. He stated he believe having the building in this location offers a lot of disadvantages, including it is
right next to the park and they will have prisoners in handcuffs being watched by children playing in the park,
which is a traumatic experience and could be unsafe. He stated this site is too small and will disrupt the
functions of the park and the City's business because of being under construction for 12 -18 months. He
stated this is a beautiful place here and he does not believe we need to add another building to it. He believes
we need to move some of the energy away from the east side to the west side. He stated Mayport Road needs
all the improvements it can get and what better way to make it even more desirable than by putting a public
safety building there. He stated the City can do this at no additional cost, in fact, it may cost them less. He
stated when they vote on June 11 they should vote with their heart and their brain and they will see that the
residents of Atlantic Beach deserve that the police station not be built here but rather somewhere else. He
recommended the City solicit developers to give them a price to build a 9,000- 10,000 s.f police station
located on a different site so they can make the right decision.
John Zona III, 2600 Belfort Road, Jacksonville, stated he has been an architect in Jacksonville for 31
years. He explained he has been a long -term friend of Chris Hionides and stated Mr. Hionides asked him to
help him examine the decisions made regarding the size, shape and location of the police station. He
explained his background in the architectural field. He stated he received a set of the drawings that were
proposed and looked them over carefully. He stated the current plans are unnecessarily complex, with lots of
expense. He stated he agrees with Mr. Hionides that this site is very, very tight and difficult in that the soils
are unstable around the water areas. He stated he was pleased to see they were going with a single -story
building which was one of his recommendations to Mr. Hionides. He stated the footprint they are proposing
is 9,000 s.f. on a single level but at this size something is going to be left out that may need to be added later
and this site is almost impossible to expand this building on. He stated as it is they have to displace some
parking and create some parking and it makes it extremely tight. He asked the Commission to consider
looking elsewhere for a site that is not in the middle of an established residential neighborhood. He stated if
they put it here, the buildings that are adjacent to it will not have room to expand either so they will be
creating more problems rather than solving them. He reiterated they need to give consideration to going to
another location, stating he was not promoting Mr. Hionides location, it is one of many. He stated they need
2 -3 acres to have a long -term plan to expand the police station and provide good safe access to it. He
suggested putting it in an area where there is more crime than here, away from school kids and parks. He
cautioned that they not jump into it if there is an opportunity to think about it a little better.
No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Bomo closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting
A. City Manager's Follow -up Report.
City Manager Hanson reported there was a Resolution in 2009 supporting naming the island San Pablo
Island, which was attached to the agenda. He stated they could have another one prepared if this Commission
would also like to go on record in favor of that but he believes the previous one still stands.
He also reported there was a request at the last meeting for a report on the required public notification for
zoning changes. He stated they are preparing a report that will show the current code requirements as well as
options that are used by other cities for public notification and hope to have that at a future Commission
He further stated, as requested by the Commission, an article has been posted on the website summarizing the
Stormwater Master Plan, along with information on where to find it. He stated they also expect to have the
requested article on green initiatives completed in the next couple of weeks.
4. Consent Agenda
A. Acknowledge receipt of the Monthly Financial Report for April 2012.
B. Approve the Amendment to the Verizon Wireless Site Lease.
C. Award the annual contract for Storm Water Jetting, Cleaning & Televising for the Public Works
Department (Bid No. 1112 -06) to Florida Pipe Tec, Inc.
Mayor Borno read the Consent Agenda.
Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A, B and C as read.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Mark
Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark
Nay: 0
5. Committee Reports
6. Action on Resolutions
7. Action on Ordinances
8. Miscellaneous Business
A. Ocean Blvd., 12 and 15 St. Water Main Replacement (Bid No. 1112 -04).
Public Utilities Director Donna Kaluzniak explained it was discussed at the last meeting whether it would be
better to award the entire project, including Additive Alternates 1, 2, and 3 rather than waiting to do Additive
Alternates 2 and 3 after October 1, 2012. She stated after discussion with the City Manager they planned to
request funds for the rest of the project in the next fiscal year. She stated they would save approximately
$10,000 on mobilization and it would be less disruptive to the neighborhoods to do the project all at once
instead of in two different bids and projects. She stated her recommendation is to award the entire project
contingent upon getting the budget modification approved which would have to be an ordinance that would
be presented in the next two meetings. She stated if approved tonight they would not start work until the two
budget modification readings were done, which would be the second meeting in June.
Motion: Award a contract for the Ocean Blvd., 12 and 15 Street Water Main Replacement Project,
Bid No. 1112 -04 to Gruhn May, Inc. in the amount of $306,803 and authorize the City Manager to sign
the contract, contingent upon approval of a budget modification ordinance. Authorize staff to
encumber funds in the amount of $30,680 for use as contingency.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Beckenbach
Mayor Borno expressed his appreciation to Ms. Kaluzniak for going back and doing the extra work, stating it
does make good sense to put the two together.
Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark
Nay: 0
B. Direction from the Commission on Voting District Amendments.
Mayor Borno explained he had a note from Commissioner Woods requesting to defer this to the next
City Manager Hanson summarized discussions from past meetings and explained he put together a proposal
from what sounded like a consensus at the last meeting which was emailed to the Commission and is attached
to the agenda. He stated this would move about 1712 registered voters between districts and the precincts
would also change according to the Supervisor of Elections. He stated Commissioner Woods sent out a
different version which she would like. She stated since she is not here tonight she would like this deferred
until the next meeting.
Commissioner Daugherty stated it will take an ordinance to change this which will take three meetings to do.
Mr. Hanson stated it takes two readings and a public hearing and if they get the information tonight he could
have it ready for the next meeting. He stated a series of three meetings for the Commission to give direction
and then have two readings. Commissioner Daugherty stated he understands that Commissioner Woods
wants to have input and they want to hear it and look at every option but believes if there is something else
they want to do they can always modify what is presented to them. He suggested that they have this sent to
the Commission at the next meeting as a first reading so they can get the ball rolling. He stated at that time
Commissioner Woods could have her input and amend it anyway she wants.
Motion: Bring this forward to first reading at the next meeting.
Moved by Daugherty
Motion failed for lack of a second. Mayor Borno asked for a motion to defer until the next meeting.
Motion: Defer to next meeting.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Beckenbach
Mayor Borno stated at the last meeting a comment was made that we don't have to be concerned about the
citizens and however many we disrupt is immaterial, it happens every ten years. He stated he really doesn't
agree with that thought and believes it is a disservice to our citizens to think about it that way. He stated that
is why when we first started this we did so in a simplistic form and staff gave us the very minimal amount
that would affect any citizen, districts, etc. He stated now it is getting into individuals wanting to maneuver
and change these things around. He stated we will deal with this at the next meeting but cautioned the
Commission to consider who they represent, all the citizens, and they need to be as fair as possible to them.
Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark
Nay: 0
9. City Manager
A. City Manager's Report.
City Manager Jim Hanson summarized his report related to visioning and the strategic plan requesting
concurrence from the Commission to put money into a visioning plan in connection with the upcoming
budget modification. He stated he has some prices coming in and one from a city that not long ago had a
similar visioning plan completed which calls for $75,000. He stated he hopes to get some more estimates in
before two weeks from now when they have the first reading ready but that would be a tentative first number.
Commissioner Daugherty stated before the first meeting he would like to see the results of that visioning plan
to see what that city got for $75,000. He stated what he has heard from most citizens is that they want to keep
it the way it is and keep it nice. He stated he would like to see what the outcome was of that plan to see
whether it is worth $75,000 to do that. Mr. Hanson stated he has a copy of that city's plan and he can send it
It was the consensus of the Commission to add the visioning plan into the upcoming budget modification.
Mr. Hanson reported our Interlocal agreement with the City of Jacksonville calls for Jacksonville to pay for
our Atlantic Beach lifeguards and beach cleaning. He stated the agreement also calls for a capital cost
reimbursement of up to $9,000 /year which can be carried forward for a credit. He stated this money can be
used for replacement trucks or the construction of the building, etc. He stated the balance of the capital is
$30,000. He stated they believe their current truck is in good shape and staff is recommending purchasing a
mule, which is a smaller vehicle, for the lifeguards. He stated the estimated cost, fully set up so they could
transport someone if needed, is $15,000 and is 100% reimbursable from the City of Jacksonville. He showed
a slide of a mule. Mr. Hanson proposed adding this to the budget amendment as a revenue and offsetting
expenditure. Chief Mike Classey explained this would provide a secondary capability for both medical
operations and general patrol on the beach and it is much safer and cheaper to operate than a truck.
Discussion ensued and Chief Classey answered several questions from the Commission.
It was the consensus of the Commission to add to the next budget amendment to purchase the mule.
Mr. Hanson also reported on the aftermath of Tropical Storm Beryl. He stated a rough estimate of the costs
related to the storm for Atlantic Beach is around $25,000. He stated, in discussing this with Jacksonville,
they believe it is going to be so small an amount of emergency cost that we may not be able to get a federal
declaration on this situation which would mean we would not be eligible for Federal Disaster Relief Funds.
He thanked City staff who were out there getting things cleaned up and roads opened quickly.
Mr. Hanson explained the dredging project in the St. Johns River is about to start to make some navigational
improvements. He stated last week the Corp of Engineers filed for a permit modification with an expedited
review that would allow the spoils from that river dredging to be deposited on the beach at the Naval Station
Mayport and at Hanna Park. He stated the problem with that is the last time river spoils were used they were
put in Jacksonville Beach and it included a lot of oyster shells, tar balls, etc., not beach quality sand, and they
had to take all of it out of there at a very high expense. He stated a big concern we have is that on this side of
Florida sand drifts south naturally so anything put on the beach at the Navy Station or Hanna Park will wind
up in Atlantic Beach sooner or later. He stated Jacksonville wrote a letter to the Corp of Engineers last week
and forwarded it to the other beach cities and we passed it on to the Navy. He stated they expect that each
city will send a letter of concern and would recommend that Mayor Borno write a letter of concern to the
Corp of Engineers regarding the spoil and asking them to study this closely to see that we would be getting
beach quality sand rather than what typically is taken out of the river on a dredge project. Discussion ensued
and it was the consensus of the Commission for the Mayor to send the letter to the Corp of Engineers.
Mr. Hanson asked Rick Carper to give a report on the situation with the tennis court at Russell Park. Public
Works Director Rick Carper explained there was a resident complaint that there were several inches of water
on courts 3 and 4. He stated they have measured it twice during rain storms and there was less than 1 /2 inch of
standing water on either court. He explained the history of the surfacing/resurfacing of these courts. He
stated after the courts were surfaced they passed the specification test which was no standing water greater
than a nickel in depth. He stated they have had additional subsidence on both courts now which is probably
due to the fact that the courts and buildings in this area were built on an old landfill. He stated the total cost
for all tennis courts in Atlantic Beach for reconditioning over the last five years was $174,000. He stated he
made a $7,000 budget request next year to resurface courts 1 and 2 due to cracking. He stated staff's opinion
is that the state of the tennis courts are more than adequate for the use they have but if the Commission wants
they can consider reconstruction of courts 1 and 2 but it will be a significantly higher cost than what they
have done to the other courts. Mr. Carper answered several questions. Discussion ensued.
10. Reports and /or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney
A. Proposed Conflict of Interest language.
City Attorney Jensen stated he added some language to the prior memo which he believes addresses the
concerns that were brought up at the last meeting.
Motion: Adopt the language as submitted tonight.
Moved by Beckenbach, Seconded by Mark
Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark
Nay: 0
Commissioner Daugherty
• Discussed our current trash contract asking the Commission to keep in mind that there are only three
years left on the contract. Stated he visited Republic Trash Service's Recycling Center which does
• Related to the emails he stated they had all received from the man on East Coast Drive, he discussed
the crosswalks and stop signs and asked the Police Department to look into changing the stop signs at
3 and East Coast Drive. Mayor Borno mentioned he had distributed an article to the Commission
related to this regarding changes in ADA standards.
• Commended staff on how they handled the tropical storm.
Commissioner Beckenbach
• During this beach season, there are more people parking incorrectly in the Oceanwalk area, especially
around 6 Street. Related to Commissioner Daugherty's comments above, he recommended putting a
4 -way stop at the location in question on East Coast Drive. He stated he believes the City needs to
require that cars stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.
• Stated since they will be discussing the report from the Police Building Committee at the next meeting
he believes there will be a fair number of citizens who will want to discuss this and asked that the
Commission and Mayor give them the due respect we should be giving our citizens and make sure
they are allowed the time to speak, show things on the screen, work in a group, etc. Commissioner
Daugherty asked when they need to get something in to the City Clerk if they want to put something
up on the screen. Ms. Bartle stated they would need to have it to her by the Friday before, but she is
not sure they have agreed that they will be able to do that and asked the Mayor whose call that is.
Mayor Borno stated the report from the Committee needs to be presented first and then, if necessary,
if anyone wants to go farther than that it should be at the next meeting. He stated they asked 13
citizens in good conscience to put over 40 hours each into this so they owe it to them to listen to that
committee report. He stated to try and tear it apart they will have to live with that and see what
happens. Commissioner Beckenbach agreed the committee should give their report and then at that
point the citizens have all the right in the world to at least voice their opinion. Commissioner
Daugherty stated in the past when they have had controversial issues they have had people get up and
say their five minutes worth and the next person gets up and says they want to give their five minutes
to this guy and that guy continues. He wants to make sure they don't do that anymore. Mayor Borno
stated they have never done that. He stated they have made that request on several occasions and it is
a courtesy that they owe all citizens and they treat them fairly and they get their five minutes and we
don't transpose so somebody gets additional time. Commissioner Beckenbach stated they have
allowed one person to have five minutes and then the next person continues with that report. Mayor
Borno stated however they want to work that out is up to them.
• Thanked Mr. Hanson for the phone call about the storm, stating he had just flown in from New
England and was unaware of all of this happening. Also thanked everyone else from the City who got
Commissioner Mark
• Believes they need to revisit the issue of the Roberts Road ditch. Suggested a community meeting,
possibly at the Voo Swar, to show the neighbors the proposed solution to the ditch to see if we have
their support. Commissioner Daugherty stated he spoke with the owner of the Voo Swar explaining
the different options and he did not want any option except covering the ditch over. He stated the
owner and his children are the only people he has heard complain about the ditch. He also said if they
hold a community meeting it should be held at the Donner Center, not at the Voo Swar. Mr. Carper
gave the history of the complaints on the ditch. He stated DOT is interested in a cost share but they
are not interested in taking on this project on their own and the two blocks of primary concern to the
residents out there are DOT property. Commissioner Beckenbach agreed they should readdress this
issue. Commissioner Mark stated since they do have an engineer's proposal they should present it to
the community in a formal way and let them either say yea or nay on it. Mayor Borno stated they
should expose the community to the three recommendations but the final decision is the City's, not the
• Stated her son and his friend were among those who got caught in a rip current and she thanked the
lifeguard for saving them.
• Agrees there should be public education on pedestrian safety.
Mayor Borno
• Believes the beach's usage has increased due to Jacksonville Beach charging for parking. Agrees it is
becoming a safety issue with the streets getting bottlenecked on both sides and the only other recourse
is to ticket and tow.
• Stated it was a shame they had to cancel all of the Memorial Day events.
• Thanked staff stating they did a phenomenal job in keeping all of them informed and they were on top
of everything.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned
at 7:51 p.m.
Mike Bomo
Mayor/Presiding Officer
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk