1021 Atlantic Blvd (985) slab pest spray SERVICE INVOICE - AA # PEST CONTROL INC BLALDER PO# t 1-800-929-BUGS APIEX ACCOUNT AMOUNT Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites ; FB ) 105.10) (as required by Florida Building Code( 1 r Ll 223 Treatment Address or Lot/Blocklunit of Treatment Date . > Dime , , �. - Applicator ' 1 Number of Gallons Applied Product Used z�r ..t:-?-a' Chemical Used(active ingredient) i Percent Concentration #, Area Treated(square feet) P' Linear Feet Treated Stage of Treatment(Horizontal,Vertical,Adjoining Slab,..Retrekraf fFti4rbed Area) As per 104.2.6—If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used,final exterior treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. If this notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line,,, -�� � BF 407-857-7414 ., -�+•• y ` SERVICE INVOICE oA # 1 PEST CONTROL IN BUILDER PO# 1-800-929-BUGS t PHX A C U Notice of Preventative Treatment for Termites (asrequir d by Florida Building Code (FOC) 105.10)' i f' �t Treatment Address or Lot/BlocklUnit 3-Q of Treatment M y me App licator F Date f Chemical Used(active Number of Gallons Applied Product Used . «e�'t^� 4 t s Linear Feet Treated Pereent Concentration_ Area Treated(square feet) ' Stage of Treatment Ho ' tal,Verti Adjoining Slab,Retreat of Disturbed Area) I As per 104.2.6—If soil chemical barrier method for termite prevention is used,final exterior n treatment shall be completed prior to final building approval. W, `"ff�is notice is for the final exterior treatment, initial and date this line, 9 ti 4 AP-OW4 0&11 AM,JenMRF 407.837.7414 - - •,,,"