6-11-12MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING June 11, 2012 CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Mike Borno City Attorney Alan C. Jensen Mayor Pro Tem Maria Mark City Manager Jim Hanson Commissioner Mark Beckenbach City Clerk Donna L. Bartle Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey Commissioner Carolyn Woods Call to Order/Pledge: Mayor Borno called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Borno gave the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1.Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of May 29, 2012. Motion: Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of Mav 29, 2012. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Beckenbach Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 2.Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. A.Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Presentation — Denise Bunnewith. Denise Bunnewith of the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization summarized her presentation on the Transportation Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2012 /2013 through 2016/2017, pointing out and explaining the projects in the beaches area. She answered questions from the Commission regarding the ITS system and pedestrian safety. She stated they are updating their long range transportation plan and will be giving full consideration to pedestrians in that. Commissioner Daugherty asked how Atlantic Beach could have input in that plan and if there are any projects planned right now for improving pedestrian safety. She stated she would make note that Atlantic Beach is interested in having special attention given for pedestrians and will have them come here for a focus group when they do the bike /ped update. She stated the study will begin in the new fiscal year, sometime between July 1 and June 30. Item 5A was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time. 5.Committee Reports A.Report from Police Building Ad Hoc Committee. Jack Varney, Chairman of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee, distributed a copy of the slides he would be using for his presentation (which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A). He thanked each of the members of the Committee who have worked so hard, including Darlene Kelley, Juliette Hagist, Don Ford, Art Corsano, Steve Kallao, Louis Keith, Steve Lindorff, Mitchell Reeves, Chris Rule, Jim Smith, and Col. William "Rut" Whittington. He also thanked the staff who worked very hard in presenting June 11, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Paae 2 the Committee with the information necessary to make their recommendation, including Commanders Tiffany Layson, Vic Gualillo and Pat Maddox, Chief Classey, Building Official Mike Griffin, IT Manager Keith Randich, Intern Architect Lance Wolfson and Administrative Assistant Diane Graves. He also thanked Tiffany Busby of Wildwood Consulting stating she did a marvelous job of maintaining order and structure in their meetings and the information gathering and report writing would never have been as effective had they not had her on board to do that for them. He reviewed the history of the police building. He gave a slide presentation explaining the charge the committee was given by the Commission and the current building's deficiencies. He stated after the committee had studied the deficiencies, all members of the committee agreed the list of deficiencies were in fact correct. He further reviewed the alternatives previously considered and the identification of a new alternative proposed by Art Corsano. He stated the committee's recommendation was as follows: We recommend building a new design -build police building not to exceed 9,000 s.f. The Police Department will allocate that space, as required. The existing building should be remodeled and used for police functions, as required, but not to exceed 4,999 s.f. The allocation of space and usage to be determined by the Police Department. To minimize the impact to the park, place the new building as far east as possible and provide for an equivalent number of parking spaces that were lost due to the new construction. He continued with slides of the key considerations, renderings of the building while explaining the 50% rule of substantial remodeling, cost estimates for the recommended approach and comparison of different sources (explaining some corrections on the chart, which have been noted on Attachment A), comparisons of similarly sized police departments, the features identified for placement in the new building (stating the committee had lengthy discussions regarding the sally port and holding cells) and in the remodeled existing building, and the plan features and benefits. He stated this was the net of their recommendation, adding that the Commission asked them for a recommendation of the best way to meet the requirements and they have done that. He further asked that the Commission honor their commitment to this democratic process for which they have worked so hard and move forward on these recommendations. He stated in the opinion of the committee this represents the best alternative. He answered several questions from the Commission. He also showed a slide of the footprint of the proposed building but stated they do not have a campus plan to scale they could put it on to show the layout. He stated that is something that should be done as soon as possible. Art Corsano, 2314 Oceanwalk Drive, member of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee, further explained the footprint by ADG was not rectangular, included a large storage area, generator area and an outdoor eating area, etc. He stated they have eliminated most of that in the proposed drawing. He stated the ADG footprint also included about $480,000 of site work, going the whole length of Russell Park, to add additional parking. He stated their recommendation has limited the parking to only what is taken away by the footprint, which almost dissolves the entire encroachment of Russell Park. He stated their plan will replace a maximum of 30 parking spaces. Mr. Varney answered more questions. Discussion ensued related to possible Mayport Road locations. The Commission thanked Mr. Varney and the Committee for their time and hard work on this charge. After discussion regarding the approval of the minutes for the final meeting, Mayor Borno asked the committee to reconvene for one last meeting in order to approve the final minutes. Mr. Varney stated he would work that out. June 1L 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pate 3 Item 10A was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney A.Minority Report from Dissenting Members of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee. Steve Kallao read the formal expression of the minority view (which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment B). He further explained that one of the minority members visited each of the police facilities used for comparison and found that the square footage that was given to the committee was in fact as much as 40 -50% off. He stated if the previous figures were used in determining how big the Atlantic Beach Police Station should be how could they possibly be correct with the committee's recommendation. He explained if you look at the Fleet Plan as a possible option, it will give us 10,000 s.£ and with the 40 person staff/police that will give 250 s.f. per person as a space allocation. He stated it was noted in all the actual square footages when they added staff and police and divided it they came up with an average of 275 s.£ per person for a typical police building. He stated the total for this plan would be $1.9 — 2.0 million and it doesn't infringe on Russell and it upgrades the facilities needed for the police. He answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Daugherty asked the City Manager if this is the first time he has heard about the discrepancies in the square footage in the different cities or has he had a chance to respond. Mr. Hanson stated this is the first time he has heard it. He stated he would be glad to respond. Commissioner Daugherty stated he would expect a response to that. Discussion ensued regarding the discrepancies. Commissioner Daugherty asked for a report as to which numbers are correct. Mayor Borno stated a positive approach to this is much better than a negative approach. He thanked Mr. Kallao for his presentation. Mayor Borno stated he believes the Chief of Police and the officers deserve our support and respect for their hard work and dedication that they have given this City over the years. He stated we are the City we are because of their efforts. He stated everyone has acknowledged tonight that they deserve to have a better facility but what that facility is going to look like will have to be decided yet. He stated they made the best attempt, it was put forward that they wanted a committee, they got volunteers for the committee; the committee did its work and now we are back to square one again. He stated that doesn't say very much for democracy and the utilization of committees. He stated there is a lot of information that has been put out and he would ask everyone to really pay attention and not just take one side or the other but really do their homework. He stated people who have taken the time to go back through the minutes appreciate all the information these people sorted through for 10 weeks. He stated right now we don't have any solution that is perfect; they all have pros and cons. He stated the job of the people sitting on the dais is to solve that problem and he encourages everyone to work together to find the best solution. He called for the motion below. Accept both reports; postpone any action indefinitely to give time for the Commission and staff to get answers to all the questions, pros and cons and all alternatives, so this can be discussed preferably at budget time. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty Commissioner Woods stated she believes the committee got together, worked hard in good faith to come up with a solution that they felt they had been charged with. She stated she believes the fault of no real solution coming out of that committee was the limited charge they were given by the Commission and wants the Commission to take the responsibility for that. She stated the committee was charged to come up with a June 11, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 4 recommendation for the best way. She stated she believes there are issues that the committee did not believe they had been charged to examine, and if you aren't looking at all of the information out there, you can't do the proper analysis and come up with the right solution. She stated she believes the fact that additional properties were taken off the table and there was no current market analysis done for properties not owned by the City, really hampered them. She stated maybe they would have done that and there wouldn't be any appropriate properties; she doesn't know and that's the problem. She stated there are just too many unanswered questions. She stated she believes the committee did a great job and appreciates all they did. She stated they, as a Commission, are working on how to charge their committees better in the future. Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Mayor Borno again thanked the committee for all the time and effort they put in, including tonight. Mayor Borno opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. He welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. Elias Hionides, 1299 Beach Avenue, son of Chris Hionides, addressed the Commission regarding Mayport Corridor and stated they should consider alternative spaces for the new police station along Mayport Road. Bill Mayhew, 1870 N Sherry Drive, stated everybody believes the Police need a new facility but he believes it was not originally planned well to begin with. He stated somebody needs to plan this as to what's needed and come up with a recommendation. He stated they need to consider some alternative locations. He stated it concerns him that they don't address the significance of the cost and doesn't believe we should be borrowing money to pay for this building. He discussed the pension costs. He also urged the Commission to consider contracting out the entire police function. Richard Selby, 3 Forrestal Circle, stated he appreciates the Police Department. He asked why we have a constant turnover in the police officers, stating they need to look at the causes. He stated they might have to look at the Chief of Police. He stated he may be doing an excellent job but if he keeps having a constant turnover they might want to investigate why. Fred Leak, 1820 Sevilla Blvd. #206, stated this area they want to build a police station on is the lowest spot in Atlantic Beach. He stated the highest part of Atlantic Beach is Mayport Road. He stated they need to think about that and asked that the Commission give some consideration as to where this building will be built. Wayne Parish, 6817 Street, spoke in opposition to the majority report stating he believes they need to look at other options. He stated Atlantic Beach has some other issues and, as Mr. Mayhew stated, the pension system is a problem for us in the future. He referred to the Mayors Fly In on January 12, stating the top priority of the legislative session for the Mayors is to reform the pension systems. John Zona, 2600 Belfort Road, stated Chris Hionides asked him to give his opinion, not to push his site on Mayport Road. He stated he doesn't care where the police station goes as long as it is not here. He explained his architectural background. He stated the City has issued a P.O. for $435,000 plus $30,000 in A &E fees over the last couple of years. He stated about $380,000 of the P.O. has been spent, all of which is useless. He stated the one story building needs to be about 11,000- 12,000 s.f., not 9,000, based on the evidence he has June 11, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 5 gathered. He asked why out -of -town architects when we have 175 licensed architects in Duval Co, with 35 living at the beaches, and they need the work. He further stated the fees were near 10 %, which is ridiculous in this economy. He stated the site is wrong; it is too small, with no room for expansion and it requires bringing druggies, drunks, thieves and thugs into a nice quiet residential neighborhood with lots of kids; and it is underwater whenever it rains heavy. He further stated he believes the orientation of the building is wrong because the predominant facades are facing east and west, the two most difficult facades to deal with from an energy perspective, and the poor soil conditions will lead to expensive foundation costs. He stated he believes they need to regroup, rethink the whole process, cut their losses and start over again; suggesting they form a new committee, create an RFP, evaluate the proposals and pick the best one. Steve Lindorff, 2092 Vela Norte Circle, member of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee, stated he gets a kick out of listening to a lot of people telling the Commission to do what they just spent ten weeks doing, which is really going through this from stem to stern. He stated regarding the alternate site, he attended the workshop and Mr. Hanson gave the presentation on alternate sites and the thought process that the City had already gone through and he didn't hear any objections from any of you five so he had no trouble dismissing the Mayport Road idea. He stated the committee went through the Mayport Road option, the other two parks and several ideas on the east side of Sherman Creek, some of which he liked. He was surprised to hear the questions about the comparative analysis of other departments and as a member of the committee he can tell you that he listened to the comparative analysis, analyzed it critically and then gave it zero credence. He stated there are enough core functions in a police building that it doesn't matter if you have 10 officers or 100 officers, it is going to be at least 4500 -5000 s.£ as a base function, due to bathrooms, hallways, etc. He stated he did not build his opinion by officer times square foot criteria and then try to work toward it. He explained he critically analyzed ADG's space study and threw out all of the things he thought were extraneous and that is where he came up with the number he gave to the committee. He stated please don't kick the can down the road, that's the way the Federal government operates, not the way Atlantic Beach should operate. Sally Clemens, 1638 Park Terrace West, stated she learned from both presentations tonight and they were very well done. She stated the members of the Police Ad Hoc Committee seemed all open- minded yet aren't we all subjective, influenced by personal opinions. She stated the Wildwood Consultant Corporation gave an excellent summary for the citizens to understand. She stated the current police building is definitely deficient and inadequate. She stated the ad hoc committee has cut down the square footage, cost and it has only one floor, yet it gives 4,999 s.£ for future additional expansion which could be used by other City departments or the public. She explained why she believes the holding cells and sally port are needed for the safety of our police, citizens and suspects. She asked what the cost is to transport a prisoner to Jacksonville. She further stated the recommendation to install a culvert over the creek sounds like a feasible suggestion and asked what that cost is. She also asked what is the purpose of a forensic lab and is there already trained crime lab personnel for this. She further asked if the serious testing will be sent to the regional State office where there is specialized personnel and equipment and how long would the delay be. She stated if our forensic lab does the minor testing, with trained personnel, the results would definitely be faster. She stated it is difficult to understand how an appointed committee has a report and then there is a dissenting report. She stated the Commission appointed a committee to have a process for citizens to help decide a diligent spending of capital improvement money. She stated about $3 million has already been set aside. Since City government is to provide citizens with necessary water, sewer, stormwater systems and citizen safety, doesn't the police building come under the purview of City government? Mayor Borno read a note from Shirley McCoy, 55 Sherry Drive, who was unable to attend the meeting tonight stating she wanted to vote against the new expensive police building. June 11, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 6 No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Borno closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Mayor Borno adjourned the meeting for a recess at 8:43 p.m. Mayor Borno reconvened the meeting at 8:53 p.m. 3.Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A.City Manager's Follow -up Report. City Manager Hanson reported he will add the follow -up items to his report at the end of the meeting. 4.Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A.Acknowledge receipt of the Public Works and Utility Departments Project Status Report on 5/30/12, and the Building Department Monthly Activity Report, Utility Sales Department Report and New Business Tax Receipts for May 2012. B.Authorize the Mayor to sign the Application for Revenue Sharing 2012 -2013. C.Annual Water Quality Report. Mayor Borno read the Consent Agenda. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A, B and C as read. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 5.Committee Reports A.Report from Police Building Ad Hoc Committee. This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting. 6.Action on Resolutions None. 7.Action on Ordinances A.ORDINANCE NO. 20-12-116, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2011 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2012, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. June 11, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 7 Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 20 -12 -116 by title. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20 - 12 - 116 as read. Moved by Mark, Seconded by Daugherty Mayor Borno summarized the amendments to the Ordinance. Commissioner Daugherty asked why the changes were made to the Wind Mitigation Retrofit Grant. Mr. Hanson explained this is putting it in the budget and the changes are based on the difference between what was originally reported to the Commission when the grant was approved versus the final dollars in our current estimate for the actual cost to do the work, which is somewhat less. He stated this would put the budget in place both for the revenues for the grant as well as our local share, 25 %, at lower numbers than were originally presented. Mr. Griffin stated when they actually got the grant contract the numbers they have now are the numbers that were approved by the grant contract. He stated the first numbers were in the application and these now are the final numbers that were approved by the State for the grant contract. Commissioner Daugherty stated he wanted to remove the last item for the Community Visioning project so they could handle this as a separate item. He stated something of that scope should be handled as a separate item at another meeting. Motion: Amend Ordinance to remove the $75,000 for the Community Visioning Project. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods Commissioner Daugherty stated he would like to see a more detailed proposal on what they will be getting for this $75,000. Mr. Hanson stated they have not spent any significant time in putting together a scope of services for that yet. This came from the Commissioners in Strategic Planning and was put in this amendment because of the concern about the amount of time it would take to get it done. He stated they got the number from two places, the St. Augustine Beach project being one and the other figure from another consultant. He stated if this is going to be done in time for the Commission's discussion in the next Strategic Planning, given the timeframe other communities experienced, they need to get started sooner rather than later. He stated they have been told it takes 6 -8 months to get this done and they don't have a consultant or a scope of services to send out, which is why he proposed to put it in the budget amendment now. Commissioner Daugherty stated he doesn't want to rush into this, which is why he would like to get more detail and more analysis before they make a decision. Commissioner Woods asked if part of this $75,000 would be used to cover staff time. Mr. Hanson stated, no, that would be the consultant cost. Commissioner Woods asked if they are putting the cart before the horse. She asked wouldn't they normally do the RFP, get feedback and see what people are willing to do it for before you put in your budget, saying charge us this much? Mr. Hanson explained every other study we have had we have tried to establish a budget before moving ahead with it. He stated normally we get something in the budget before we move ahead with an RFP. Commissioner Mark stated when they send out an RFP they can't specify what the price is. She stated if they continue to delay this they are not going to have the community visioning done by next year when they go into strategic planning. She stated one of the major purposes of undergoing a community visioning is to create a blueprint for the current commission, as well as future commissions, on making these strategic plans for the City. She stated, in the strategic workshop, they ranked community visioning number 9, which would address many of the top priorities they ranked as important. She stated this would be an opportunity for the future community planning to be citizen driven vs. government driven. She further pointed out various aspects of the program that was completed for St. Augustine. June 11, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pate 8 Commissioner Woods stated she wasn't questioning the need to do the visioning; she was questioning the process of getting it in the budget. She stated she believes they should have first discussed doing it and what they wanted the scope to be but now you are saying we are going to spend this money on this and they haven't formally talked about this process at all as a Commission. Commissioner Mark stated she believes they need to look at whether they want to have it in the budget and then talk about the scope. She stated they haven't spent the money; they are just reserving it for this particular use. Commissioner Beckenbach stated they did have a discussion on the visioning process during strategic planning. He stated unfortunately they do have to spend money in order to go find out what the citizens are looking for them to do. He stated he believes this visioning process is to give the citizenry the opportunity to direct the Commission in the best way possible. He stated this is just putting in the budget the amount of money that is expected to be spent. It is just saying the money will be available; it doesn't mean they have to spend the money. Commissioner Daugherty stated this is kind of a backwards way of doing this and believes everyone is in agreement that they need to do a master plan but quasi committing themselves to a specific dollar amount he believes is an error. He stated he believes they should send out an RFP, get proposals, evaluate those proposals and then have it come back to the Commission for approval, at which time they can do a budget amendment. Mayor Borno stated it can be done either way but he believes the question right now is timing. Discussion ensued. City Attorney Alan Jensen further explained they are not committing to spend the money; they are budgeting funds in case they proceed with what they have already prioritized in the strategic planning. He asked if they send out an RFP do they have to then indicate on the RFP that any award is subject to the City budgeting for it? Mr. Hanson stated the City could not award the contract until they had a budget to do it. Mr. Jensen stated if they are going to send out RFPs but haven't funded any money for it, he believes that would have to be disclosed but normally if the Commission anticipates doing something and they get cost estimates, they budget for it then proceed with the process. He stated that is the normal way, it is not backwards. Commissioner Daugherty stated he does not feel comfortable putting a number out there before a project. Mayor Borno called for a vote on the motion to amend the Ordinance. Votes: Aye: 2 — Woods, Daugherty Nay: 3 — Borno, Beckenbach, Mark MOTION FAILED Mayor Borno called for a vote on the original motion. Votes: Aye: 4 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark Nay: 1 - Woods MOTION CARRIED 8.Miscellaneous Business A.Direction from the Commission on Voting District Amendments — Deferred from 5/29/12. June 11, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 9 City Manager Hanson explained the background of the suggested changes to the districts, stating following input from the Commission he completed another change but has also had some input from Commissioner Woods proposing a different scenario. He stated staff needs direction from the Commission as to which option they want to go with so they can prepare an ordinance to change the voting districts. Discussion ensued. Motion: Request that City Manager prepare an Ordinance with the recommendations as submitted in his staff report. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Mark Commissioner Daugherty stated he appreciated the work Commissioner Woods and the City Manager put in to this, as he tried to do it and it was a very large challenge mathematically. He stated this proposal moves the least amount of people and doesn't gerrymander. He stated he likes the City Manager's proposal because it accomplishes all of the goals the Commission set forth when they gave him the charge. Commissioner Woods stated that surprises her because she took to heart what they proposed about combining neighborhoods and she looked at the City from that light and combined as many neighborhoods as she could. She stated she believes it is more important that the concept of combining neighborhoods is reached. She stated this is the time to do this and they will not have this opportunity again. She stated the marsh front is becoming more important and the goal of having two representations reaching all the way to the marsh and the conceptual considerations outweigh the specific number of people that are actually affected. She stated her plan affects about 400 more people than the proposed plan but the neighborhoods that are combined are a much greater effect and the representation would be much more balanced. She stated she appreciated the Commission's further consideration on those points and concepts. Commissioner Beckenbach agreed, stating he believes two district representatives from the west side of Atlantic Beach would be very important and regarding the combination of different locations he believes combining the Donner and Jordan area is important, as well as combining old Atlantic Beach together. He stated in that respect he believes Commissioner Woods has tried to get more involvement with everyone from each of the districts instead of having most of the focus on the ocean area vs. just one representative in the location by the marsh. He stated he would be looking at considering this just because of that reason. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Mark stated with 1311 going all the way over to the marsh it doesn't really address the main objective of trying to combine Jordan and Donner, in fact, she believes it makes it even more diverse. She believes the proposed drawing from Mr. Hanson does impact the least amount of people and it does meet the objective of trying to combine Jordan and Donner. Further discussion ensued. Mr. Hanson pointed out they have two alternatives, one is to go with the plan presented earlier or to defer it for another meeting to give time to look at more changes to see if something more amenable to everyone could be worked out. He stated the question is to decide which of the two ways they want to go. Mayor Borno stated there is a motion on the floor to accept the proposal in the agenda and called for a vote. Votes: Aye: 3 — Borno, Daugherty, Mark Nay: 2 - Beckenbach, Woods MOTION CARRIED June 11, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 10 B.Police Department Report for 1 Quarter 2012. Chief Classey summarized the 1 Quarter Report pointing out that the downward trend in crime is continuing and the emergency response time is at 1 minute 44 seconds. 9.City Manager A.City Manager's Report. City Manager Jim Hanson reported the article on green issues has been completed and is on the web site. He stated the final numbers on Tropical Storm Beryl's cost to the City is about $33,000, most of which was from excess costs for debris removal. He also reported the Corp of Engineers' request to use dredge sand on the beaches of the Navy Base and Hanna Park has being withdrawn. He further reported on an emergency purchase order to AEC Electric Contractors for $35,396.64 for the final electric retrofits related to the energy grants which needs to be done by July 15. 10. Reports and /or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney A. Minority Report from Dissenting Members of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee. This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting. Mayor Borno expressed his sympathy to City Clerk Donna Bartle on her grandfather passing away, stating he appreciated her coming back from her classes in St. Augustine for the meeting tonight. Commissioner Daugherty Stated he knows Ms. Bartle is working very hard and wanted to let her know her work is appreciated. Received the preliminary drawings for Rose Park, which he has been reviewing with staff. He stated he will email them to the Commission before the next meeting and will discuss with the City Manager as to what the appropriate action will be. Commissioner Beckenbach Wants to revisit the issue of Commissioners having to pay for information requested to make decisions on items they will have to vote on. Mayor Borno Will be attending FLC conference on August 23 - 25, 2012. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m. ntde— . d-t(AL-11 Mike Borno Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: ariAtet, Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk Recommendations of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee to the City Commission City of Atlantic Beach l i Ibiflt ja H June 11, 2012 H The Charge Address critical issues - o Operational inefficiencies related to the present building o Impacts on effectiveness o Safety concerns o Potential liabilities Committee's Purpose - o Become familiar with building related problems o Consider various alternatives to address the problems o Consider costs of each alternative o Recommend the best way to solve the building related problems Final report to answer the following questions - o What are the critical deficiencies o What facilities are used by similar sized cities o Remodel existing facility or build new o If a new facility — where to build it o Should future expansion be considered o How large should the new or remodeled facilities be o Identify and prioritize key components proposed Building Deficiencies Overall Building No fire sprinkler system Not Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant Emergency generator is obsolete and inadequate No women's locker room Little to no video surveillance Inadequate storage for firearms and ammunition No interview room off lobby area No secured parking Insufficient individual office space No storage space No training room or emergency operations center Records Division Inadequate storage space for records Open to all employees — should only have window to assist employees Not sufficient space for processing mail, deliveries, and shipments No security window Communications Center No bathroom facilities Not compliant with all Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) mandated security requirements Not enough room for more than two emergency communications officers (ECOs) -- inadequate when training ECOs Inadequate heating /air conditioning No work space and secure storage for the ECO supervisor Building Deficiencies continued Sally Port Can only fit one vehicle if completely cleaned out Large evidence items are stored in a portion of the sally port due to lack of other space Holding Cells No separate juvenile holding cell area as required by statute Plumbing is broken Booking area doubles as evidence supply area Property /evidence located in secure booking area No interview room in secure area PropertyfEvidence Room No area to chemically process evidence Damage from water leaks to some evidence Inadequate cold storage No reverse ventilation Civilian employee office in secure booking area Inadequate drug /firearm storage Evidence room constructed of drywall and hollow door No large item storage Bicycles stored off site and unsecured Interview Room Is a converted storage space Does not have appropriate design or security Should not have other objects stored in room/potential hazard Should have a bare floor and furniture should be attached to floor Review of Alternatives Previously Considered 1993 J. Bruce Duff & Associates addition 1994 Fleet and Associates addition 2005 Fleet and Associates addition Alternative build sites (Jordan and Tideview Parks) Four two story options on the east bank of Sherman Creek ADG 18,000 square foot, two story, west bank plan ADG 14,000 square foot, two story, west bank plan Identification of a new Alternative Not an overbearing two story that overshadows city hall Tremendous cost savings make this option politically viable Build new building while occupying existing building then move and renovate old building Provides additional space city hall staff can take advantage of Most importantly: the finest police force will finally occupy a modern, in -code facility with little interruption at a fiscally responsible cost. Committee Recommendation We recommend building a new design -build police building not to exceed 9,000 square feet. The Police Department will allocate that space, as required. The existing building should be remodeled and used for police functions, as required, but not to exceed 4,999 square feet. The allocation of space and usage to be determined by the Police Department. To minimize the impact to the park, place the new building as far east as possible and provide for an equivalent number of parking spaces that were lost due to the new construction. Key Considerations Balance needs against costs Consolidate essential functions in one modern secure facility Minimize encroachment on park Utilize existing space for less critical/secure functions Bridge between buildings is as convenient as stairs in two story facility No need to move police off site during construction One story reduces construction costs & space requirements Police station remains centrally located for continued responsiveness The building looks like it belongs ATLANTIC BEACH POLICE STATION RENDERINGS - "ART'S PLAN" view of Police Station from City Hall Chamber view of Police Station from Plaza fy view of Police Station from parking lot Table 1. Cost Estimates for the Recommended Approach and Comparison of Different Sources ADG Updated Committee Estimate Committee Estimate Estimate (May 2012) Committee Estimate Based on the CC &A Based on the ICC Component Based on ADG Costs Estimator Estimator New 2,133,000 Construction /Police- Cost breakdown not 2,295,000 2,016,000 180 - $295 /sq ft (mid - Institutional Building available 255/sq ft)224/sq ft) range = $237/sq ft)] Remodeled Area Cost breakdown not 600,000 600,000 1-184 ;2 available 120 /sq ft)120 /sq ft)2I /sq ft) Site Work Cost breakdown not available 350,000*350,000*350,000* Equipment Cost breakdown not available 250,000 250,000 250,000 Architectural & Engineering Fees 367,454 280,000 **16.11 313,421 ** Estimated Cost 3,867,023 3,775,000 23- S3 This is a maximum cost; the site work has been limited by reducing the costs of parking lot expansion to a maximum addition of 30 spaces. Calculated based on 8% of all component costs. Table 2. Comparison of Similarly Sized Police Departments Daytona Mount Beach Orange St.Jacksonville Fernandina Atlantic Category Dora Shores Park Augustine Beach Beach Beach Population 11,000 5,000 9,130 13,200 22,000 12,000 13,000 Sworn Officers 35 35 22 51 61 35 28 Civilian Staff 14 8 7 14 26 11 12 6,000 current) Square Footage of 17,500 20,700 18,421 12,268 **22,000*10,000 **Up to the Police Facility 13,999 proposed 150 Square Footage per current) Officer/ Civilian 357 481 635 189 **253*217 **350 Staff proposed Date Built/ 2006 2007 2002 1994 1998 2000 * **1987 Remodeled Square footage includes a separate property and evidence storage space. Indicates that these police departments have inadequate space for their. operations. This facility was an existing, partially unfinished medical complex converted for police use in 2000. Features Identified for Placement in the New Building Records Communications Property and Evidence One Two -Car Sally Port Holding Cells Patrol Division Administrative Staff (Chief, Administrative Assistant, and three Commanders) Citizen Lobby /Private Interview Room (safe room for citizens under threat) Emergency generator Features Identified for Placement in the Remodeled Existing Building Detective Division Computer Server Room Animal Control Locker Rooms Armory Training Room Conference Room Break Room Storage Rooms Plan Features and Benefits New modern, safe and secure building Meets Federal, State and Local Standards ADA Accessible Blends with the campus Minimal impact on Russell Park Existing building accommodates growth Saves the City 1.25 million to 1.5 million i C z. You are the people who have tasked us to solve the problem. We, the Committee, are the people who have worked diligently to do just that. Arthur Corsano Steve Lindorff Don Ford Mitchell Reeves Juliette Hagist Chris Rule Stephen Kallao Jim Smith Louis Keith Jack Varney Darlene Kelley William "Rut" Whittington We ask that you honor your commitment to this democratic process for which we have worked so hard and That you move forward on these recommendations because, in the opinion of the Committee, they represent the best alternative. ATTACHMENT B Formal Expression of Minority View The undersigned, (Steve Kallao, Don Ford, Rut Whittington, and Lou Keith) a minority of the committee appointed to the Atlantic Beach Police Building Ad Hoc Committee in not concurring with the committee recommendation, desire to express their views in the case. The following areas of concern led the minority members to reject the recommendation by the committee: The information provided by ADG and the police that the committee based their recommendation on was subjective, misleading, and biased. There has never been an independent analysis of the current police operations to determine best operational practices to validate space requirements. Only ADG's spatial analysis based on comparable square footage of other police stations which was grossly overstated was presented for the Committee as fact. The police station building complex recommendation by the committee will cost up to five million dollars, encroach into Russell Park, require the city to borrow 2.5 million dollars, and exceed the actual square footage requirement needed by our police department. When alternative police building plans were proposed by Steve Kallao that reduced the square footage and cost of the police building, they were dismissed without vetting. When Mr. Kallao inquired as to the possibility of including these plans as another recommendation in the final report, the committee said that only one recommendation could be made to the commission. The minority committee members move that the recommendation proposed by the committee be amended to include these options: 1. Do nothing right away. The police building issue is not an emergency this fiscal year. 2. Adoption of more realistic, modem police practices that transport detainees directly to Duval county jail for booking and incarceration, thereby eliminating the need for a sally -port and holding cells. This procedural change in operations will allow us to reconsider the 2005 Fleet plan which proposes remodeling the existing police building and adding a front and rear addition totaling 4000 square feet, for a total of approximately 10,000 square feet. This procedure is presently used by most NE Florida police agencies including Orange Park, Ponte Vedra, and Neptune Beach. PAGE ONE Police Building Total Square Footage Comparisons Presented by ADG and Atlantic Beach Police Supporting space needs requirements for size of AB Police Building actual square footage comparisons as verified by Minority members Excerpt from Majority Report Executive Summary page 1: "An assessment of similar police departments supported the finding that the current police facilities are inadequate and that additional space is warranted to provide for safe operations that meet Florida Statute requirements and accreditation guidelines. ") Category Mount Dora Day Bch Shores Orange Park Population presented by ADG /police to Committee 11,000 5,000 9,130 Actual Population verified by minority members*12,370 5,500 8,412 Verified per 2010 US Census. Daytona Beach Shores not on Census, data from current City Website. Square Footage of the police facility 17,500 20,700 18,421 presented by ADG /police to Committee Actual police occupancy size verified by minority member,12,220 12,770 10,120 Overstated Footage 5,280 7,930 8,301 Determined by personal inquiry, visit to facility, review of blueprint or public record. The comparable square footage figures presented to the committee were grossly overstated. These inflated figures were accepted as fact and used by the Committee to form their recommendation. PAGE TWO Comparative Spatial Analysis of beaches police departments One area that affects all space needs analyses is the determination of square footage allocation per occupant, or for certain rooms, offices, workstations, etc." Excerpt from the IACP (International Assn. of Chiefs of Police) Police Facility Planning Guidelines Desk Reference Handbook Jacksonville Beach Police Department Total staffing is 87 (61 officers and 26 support staff) Police Department occupies 24,445 square feet 281 feet per employee Neptune Beach Police Department Total staffing is 27 (18 officers and 9 support staff) Police Department occupies 5,854 square feet 217 feet per employee Atlantic Beach Police Department ABPD staffing is 40 (28 officers and 12 support staff) ABPD occupies 6000 square feet Committee's recommendation calls for 14,000 square feet or 350 feet per employee PAGE THREE 2011 ARREST AND HOLDING CELL LOG SUMMARY PROVIDED BY ATLANTIC BEACH POLICE ALL DETAINEES MUST BE BOOKED AT THE DUVAL COUNTY JAIL WITHIN SIX HOURS 880 physical arrest, 214 were felonies and 666 misdemeanors 701 of the 880 detainees were immediately transported to county jail Of the 179 detained, 130 were held an average of 63 minutes and 49 were held 2 to 5 hours and then transported to county jail for booking. One juvenile was held 40 minutes in 2011 The two existing holding cells were used an average of once every 5' /Z days for detentions averaging 90 min. On only 19 occasions were two prisoners ever detained in the holding cells at the same time. The police complex will have FIVE total holding cells, three new and two existing, if the Committee report is adopted. The minority members strongly recommend that ABPD immediately transport detainees to the Duval county jail for booking and incarceration. This procedure is presently used by Orange Park, Ponte Vedra, St. John's Sheriffs Office, and Neptune Beach. This procedure would eliminate the need for holding cells and sally - port and reduce the civil liability exposure for Atlantic Beach Police Department. PAGE FOUR MEET THE DISSENTERS The four dissenting members of the AB Ad Hoc Police Building Committee have extensive construction and law enforcement experience. A short bio of each is listed below: Steve Kaliao served in the Navy at Mayport. He is currently the managing partner of 1st Coast Home Inspection, LLC specializing in residential and commercial building inspections and broker for Steve Kaliao and company in Atlanta. Prior to moving to Atlantic Beach he was broker for TNT properties (CNN) and participated in the acquisition for the Flying D Ranch in Montana as well as heading up construction projects for Ted Turner. In addition he built and developed Rockridge Place and the Brookhavens in midtown Atlanta, two multi - million dollar communities. Steve Kallao is a graduate of Georgia State University with a degree in Urban Land Planning and Real Estate Development. Louis Keith, a 27 -year resident of Atlantic Beach, obtained a BS degree in law enforcement /police science after combat service as a US Army Green Beret. As a Deputy US Marshal for five years, Deputy Keith dealt with detaining/transporting over 2,500 felons from city /county jails to federal courthouses. Mr. Keith spent over 25 years in the US Postal Inspection Service, during which he oversaw the daily operation of a 10- person federal investigative staff and 25 postal police officers. Inspector Keith headed major crime task forces in homicide, armed robbery, mail bomb, narcotics and child pornography investigations, which required close interaction with hundreds of small and medium -sized police departments throughout Florida and Georgia, including the Atlantic Beach Police Department. Don Ford, a four decade resident of Atlantic Beach, brings a wide range of construction industry and building official experience to the table. As the founding member of the First Coast Chapter of the Building Officials Association of Florida, Mr. Ford has twice been named the Building Official of the Year for the Northeast Florida area. As a state licensed Building code administrator, plans examiner and building inspector, offers expert witness testimony statewide. Mr. Ford is the principal of the Don C. Ford Inspection Services Company and currently serves as the Building Official for the City of Neptune Beach. William R. "Rut" Whittington, retired as the head of the Louisiana State Police after a career in that agency and then was appointed as the U. S. Marshal, Western District of la. He retired from that appointment in 2009 with almost 35 years total law enforcement experience. Whittington served for a time as a consultant to the Dept. of Defense concerning homeland defense and international police liaison. He was inducted into the Louisiana Justice Hall of Fame in 2008. "Rut" also served in the U.S. Marine Corps, both as enlisted Marine and Officer. He served in Viet Nam with the 9th Marine Regiment and retired from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve with the rank of Colonel in 1997 with 37 years total service. Whittington received a B.A. from Louisiana College and a M.Ed. from LSU. He was named a Louisiana College Distinguished Alumnus in 2011. He completed numerous law enforcement schools to include the FBI National Academy and the FBI National Executive Institute. He also completed advanced military education and training including the U.S. Army War College. PAGE FIVE