Permit Tent LA Fitness 983 Atlantic Blvd 2012 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5814 Application Number 12-00000838 Date 7/03/12 Property Address . . . . . . 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD Tenant nbr, name . . . . . . 983 LA FITNESS TEMP OFFICE Application type description TENT PERMIT Property Zoning . . . . . . . TO BE UPDATED Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc TEMPORARY TENT - 7-3-12 TO 7-11-12 ONLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ ------------------------ EQUITY ONE ATLANTIC VILLAGE, OWNER 16 NE MIAMI GARDENS DR ATTN: TREASURY DEPT MIAMI BEACH FL 33179 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit * * * * * * TENT PERMIT Additional desc . . TENT 7-3-12 TO 7-11-12 ONLY Permit Fee . . . . 35 . 00 Plan Check Fee . 00 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 12/30/12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments TEMPORARY CANOPY TENT ONLY FROM 7-3-12 TO 7-11-12 TENT MUST BE REMOVED ON OR BEFORE 7-12-12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . STATE DCA SURCHARGE 2 . 00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 2 . 00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 35 . 00 35 . 00 . 00 . 00 Plan Check Total . 00 . 00 . 00 . 00 Other Fee Total 4 . 00 4 . 00 . 00 . 00 Grand Total 39 . 00 39 . 00 . 00 . 00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. City of Atlantic Beach - 800 Seminole Road -Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone (904)247-5800 - Fax (904)247-5845 - http://www.coab.us REGISTRATION FORM FOR TEMPORARY TENTS AND AWNING STRUCTURES Within residential and commercial Zoning Districts, temporary tents and awning structures may be used on private property within the City of Atlantic Beach following submittal of this completed form to the Building and Zoning Department. These may be used only for private temporary events, such as weddings and private parties and may be placed upon the property for a period not to exceed four (4) days or ninety-six (96) hours. DATE /Z APPLICANTNAME: Z4 MAILINGADDRESS: _q'63 ADDRESS WHERE TEMPORARY TENT OR AWNING WILL BE PLACED (If different from mailing address.) - ��e, /,A DATES THAT THE TEMPOR &RY TENTS AND AWNING STRUCTURES WILL BE LOCATED ON A. THE PROPERTY: VS - I through :2 '7— TEMPORARY TENTS AND AWNING STRUCTURES SHALL BE FULLY SECURED, AND THE BELOW SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR THE COMPANY INSTALLING ANY TENT OR AWNING ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORRECT. Signature of proper er or t ize agent. SIGNATURE_ :7 :z— PRINT NAME CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING THIS REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT) NAME jLoS� 5'0111f� MAILING ADDRESS 1222-0 PHONE -Z��(D-2,!2_f&A FAX E-MAIL M5,-)'\ 3 City of Atlantic Beach - 80OSeminoleRoad -Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(904)247-5800- Fax (904)247-5845 - http://www.coab.us REGISTRATION FORM FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY SPECIAL EVENTS All information requested on this form must be fully addressed in order to receive approval from the City of Atlantic Beach to hold any special event by any commercial entity, non-profit, charitable, or for profit organization on private property, which involves activities exceeding normal day-to-day use of property or business operations, the use of outdoor tents, service or cooking facilities, or any expansion of the business area to an outdoor area or any parking area. Use of tents requires an additional tent registration form. In no case shall any such temporary special event extend to utilize any public property, street, sidewalk or right-of-ways. Requests to receive approval for temporary special events should be submitted to the City not less than thirty (30) days prior to the proposed event. DATE � - -zoo BUSINESS AND APPLICANT NAME: -Oahe' _74'AJ Z1 C MAILING ADDRESS: <78 4 1%C_ OVJ ADDAESS AND LOCATION WHERE EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE (If different from mailing address.) S4.4 REQUESTED DATE(S)FOR TEMPORARY EVENT (7- THE BELOW SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR THE COMPANY CONDUCTING SUCH TEMPORARY EVENT ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH EVENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORRECT. Signature of properti owner r authorized agent. SIGNATURE- 7E: 7 PRINT NAME CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING THIS REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT) NAME KoA S�('�_L MAILING ADDRESS Z 22 Z 0 AA14nWc- PHONE -330 FAX 00 E-MAIL flf; )ek-0 Please provide all information as requested on the attached pages. 1. What type of alcohol will be served and how? Beer? Wine? Other? Served inside? Outside? N 0 2. Provide approved copy of any required Alcoholic Beverage Permits from the Division of Alcohol Beverages and Tobacco? (Additional permit required by DABT for any expansion of Licensed Premises.) �Ik 3. Identify the event sponsor and provide appropriate contact person in case of any emergency. M-/_4 41411dek 4. Provide a site plan depicting the layout and location of all activities, including parking and traffic flow distribution points, any tents, fences, security check points, and location of planned events and activities. Oy ecs, �, 4 0�",)r " Le, Cz',�V " _T",�0 5. Has the b ess consulted with neighboring businesses to obtain their approvals? 7e S us 6. Will there be outdoor music? Will there be amplified outdoor music? What hours? V C) 7. Will there be a live band? What hours? AJ 01 8. How many people are exp ,�cted to attend this event? -o there is an overflow crowd9 9. How will crowa c )nitrol be managed 1 be�-),J 10. What specific special events are planned? (...such as bobbing for apples; ring toss; dunking booths; wet t-shirts; bikini cont ts; all male/female "review"). P6&-o, reserl-kfilw-5 11. How will parking be located and managed? Include site plan showing parking areas to be used for this event. 4 .0 If' 6, 44, 12. How will security needs be provided; particularly with respect to prohibiting minors from being served. (See following question.) Will off duty police or private security be used? Who is the contact person on- site if problems arise? (Must be approved by City of Atlantic Beach Police Department. L19,1 4,-4- A�I- T-h�c_ 196ae-� Pol,�C-C 13. How are they going to assure that all people consuming alcohol are old enough? Wrist bands? Door men? IUIA 14. Are any tents to bi Frected on the 1ropArty? (Tent registration form required.) yt!5 4�C- 6 15. Will there be any outdoor heating or cooking? If so, address how any by-products and refuse will be handled, including grease/oil/refuse. How will any extra trash collection and disposal needs, during and after the event, be addressed? A) 16. Will there be any extension of electricity into the parking areas, outdoor areas or any yards? J I -, AJO 17. Special temporary events cannot negatively impact traffic flows, particularly in any adjacent residential areas, or close or block any public street or right-of-way Please address. RXCL /oc> 4t �?a ,-, I-e>-d 18. Address how fire code requirements and access for emergency vehicle be monitored and maintained at all times during the Special event. C,4- 1( _�C2 Cie 19. Are there going to be any fires or fireworks? A) 20. Other than service animals, are there going to be any animals allowed as part of this special event? 2 � 0 21. Is this a first time event or a continuation of an a nual event? 7 1- �0-�- 22. Were they complaints or problems at prior events of this nature? 23. What additional signage will be used? (Suck for advertising, restrooms, alcohol consumption? (City Sign regulations apply.) .�R Nr 0 �0 24. How will the event be promoted and advertised (such as through the use of fliers, TV, Radio, etc.) 25. Acknowledge by signature below that this special event will comply with all City of Atlantic Beach laws and ordinances and that the event will be conducted and managed as represented within this application. Such acknowledgement extends to all those organizing, planning and staffing this event. SIGNATURE__,� DATE PRINT NAME EVENT APPROVED: REQUEST DENIED: SIGNED: DATE: Department of Public S#ety SIGNED: DATE: -713 Z47 �—Im ans CityManager I CXk� 2-01 Z at Seud tv 3 -0/0/1 P7 Cj )qC4 r 7L-)-e -7S City of Atlantic Beach - 800 Seminole oad Athintic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone (904)247-5800 - Fax (904)247-58 5 - http://www.coab.us REGISTRATION FORM FOR TEMPORARY TENTS AND AWNING STRUCTURES Within residential and commercial Zoning Districts, tempc rary tents and awning structures may be used on private property within the City of Atlantic Beach following submittal of this completed form to the Building and Zoning Department. These may be used only for private temporary events, such as weddings and private parties and may be placed upon the pi-operty for a period not to exceed four (4) days or ninety-six (96) hours. DA E ZC8 -lz APPLICANT NAME: LA T-ITKC55 MAILING ADDRESS: T3 3 4-�1 4-,% 4,�� C\\./8 ADDRESS WHERE TEMPORARY TENT OR AWNING I ILL BE PLACED (If different from mailing address.) DATES THAT THE TEMPORARY TENTS AND AWNING STRUCTURES WILL BE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY: 12 throul Fh TEMPORARY TENTS AND AWNING STRUCTURES iHALL BE FULLY SECURED, AND THE BELOW SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE PRDPERTY OWNER AND/OR THE COMPANY INSTALLING ANY TENT OR AWNING ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORRECT. Signature of property own r or authorize agent. SIGNATURE Aen = PI ZINT NAME (.,t (t #� 5 3 0 --t a,,- -*� 69 CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING T71S REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT) NAMEK,..�- �, S,Oe k- MAILINGADDRESS 6-sc lt)� ;+ 5 , PHONE 4%�()Lk -, 253-2-?,10 FAX E-MAIL City of Atlantic Beach - 800 Seminole Road -At antic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone (904)247-5800 - Fax (904)247-5145 - http://www.coab.us REGISTRATION FORM FOR TEMPORARY TENTS ANDAWNING STRUCTURES Within residential and commercial Zoning Districts, temr:)rary tents and awning structures may be used on private property within the City of Atlantic Beach fol.owing submittal of this completed forrn to the Building and Zoning Department. These may be used only for private temporary events, such as weddings and private parties and may be placed upon the 111roperty for a period not to exceed four (4) days or ninety-six (96)hours. DA TE /Z APPLICANTNAME: zd MAILINGADDRESS: q63 �� ADDRESS WHERE TEMPORARY TENT OR AWNING ��ILL BE PLACED (If different from mailing address.) e r�, DATES THAT THE TEMPORARY TENTS AND AWN114G STRUCTURES WILL BE LOCATED ON I-> THE PROPERTY: f L— —through 2 67- 7— S—/-2— TEMPORARY TENTS AND AWNING STRUCTURES SHALL BE FULLY SECURED, AND THE BELOW SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR THE COMPANY INSTALLING ANY TENT OR AWNING ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROV DED IS CORRECT. Signature of proper er or t ze agent. SIGNATURE_ 7 vuw_ 51&1(:E =:._I RINT NAME CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING' HIS REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT) NAME MAILING ADDRESS Z At"R,,— kf—)rMAe� A\1A PHONE-���-I:R-fW FAX E-MAIL M5-i'l'V—L 0 n cj rW) � 39 City of Atlantic Beach - 800 Seminole Road -At antic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone(904)247-5800- Fax (904)247-5815 - http://www.coab.us REGISTRATION FORM FOR APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY SPECIAL EVENTS All information requested on this form must be fully addri ssed in order to receive approval from the City of Atlantic Beach to hold any special event by any comm !rcial entity, non-profit, charitable, or for profit organization on private property, which involves activities�1 mceeding normal day-to-day use of property or business operations, the use of outdoor tents, service o- cooking facilities, or any expansion of the business area to an outdoor area or any parking area. Use of tents requires an additional tent registration form. In no case shall any such temporary special even', extend to utilize any public property, street, sidewalk or right-of-ways. Requests to receive approval for temporary special events should be submitted to the City not less than thirty (3 0)days prior to I he proposed event. DA TE ze - 12 BUSINESS AND APPLICANT NAME: 44 t_1 7We 551 MAILING ADDRESS: 78 3 4414-4t%c OVJ ADD ESS AND LOCATION WHERE EVENT WILL TAK PLACE (If different from mailing address.) REQUESTED DATE(S)FOR TEMPORARY EVENT 7— THE BELOW SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR THE COMPANY CONDUCTING SUCH TEMPORARY EVENT ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH EVENT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED IS CORRECT. Signature of propefty owner r authorized agent. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME CONTACT INFORMATION OF PERSON SUBMITTING 771S REGISTRATION FORM (PLEASE PRINT) NAME KoA Sa-,('ttL MAILING ADDRESS /2? 20 ;�tlk,7jWc_ Z?vel. PHONE-33 0-2M — 1-4%-1 FAX NIA E-MAIL fl4q Please provide all information as requested on the attached r ages. I- What type of alcohol will be served and how? Beer? Wini�? Other? Served inside? Outside? 2. Provide approved copy of any required Alcoholic Beverag(i Permits from the Division of Alcohol Beverages and Tobacco? (Additional permit required by E ABT for any expansion of Licensed Premises.) �Ik 3. Identify the event sponsor and provide appropriate contact �erson in case of any emergency. ��4 401-109k 4. Provide a site plan depicting the layout and location of all activities, including parking and traffic flow distribution points, any tents, fences, security check points, and location of planned events and activities. r/Y ers) �Ujv&+ -k Lpcdx'q�vn 14'kv 5. Has the b ess consulted with neighboring businesses to i�btain their approvals? 7fe S us 6. Will there be outdoor music? Will there be amplified ot tdoor music? What hours9 7. Will there be a live band? What hours? /'J 01 8. How many people are expected to attend this event? ,?,- 41 fev#t 9. How will crowSt control be managed if there is an overflow c owd? 10. What specific special events are planned? (...such as bobl ing for apples; ring toss; dunking booths; wet t-shirts; bikini cont ts; all male/female "review'D, POCIV or 11. How will parking be located and managed? Include site plan showing parking areas to be used for this event. +aK 4 12.How will security needs be provided; particularly with respect to pro " 10 hibiting minors from being served. (See following question.) Will off duty police or private security be used? Who is the contact person on- site if problems arise? (Must be approved by City of Atiant c Beach Police Department. 13. How are they going to assure that all people consuming a1cc hol are old enough? Wrist bands? Door men? flilA 14. Are any tents to bqprected on the )ropArty? (Tent registrati )n form required.) yt!5 '9�C_ 16 15. Will there be any outdoor heating or cooking? If so, addres, how any by-products and refuse will be handled, including grease/oil/refuse. How will any extra trash collection and disposal needs, during and after the event, be addressed? NO 16. Will there be any extension of electri�iLv into the parking ar(as, outdoor areas or any yards? Vd 17. Special temporary events cannot negatively impact traffic flaws, particularly in any adjacent residential areas, or close or block any public street or right-of-way Pie,Lse addre &ck- /00 4* Ohm ry' 18. Address how fire code requirements and a9cess far emergenipy vehicle be monitored and maintained at all times during the Special event. 61 It _;C2 do 19. Are there going to be any fires or fireworks? k 20. Other than service animals, are there going to be any animah allowed as part of this special event? 2 0 2 1. Is this a first time event or a continuation of an a�nual ever t? �i- �(2�- A0 22. Were they complaints or problems at prior events of this nz ture? 23. What additional signage will be used? (Suck for advert sing, restrooms, alcohol consumption? (City Sign regulations apply.) t -�07 1 r, Y1 0 �0 jt' f 24. How will the event be promoted and advertised (such as thi ough the use of fliers, TV, Radio, etc.) 25. Acknowledge by signature below that this special event w 11 comply with all City of Atlantic Beach laws and ordinances and that the event will be conducted and managed as represented within this application. Such acknowledgement extends to all those organizing, pla ining and staffing this event. SIGNATURE_) DATE 61; Z I -- C6-I PRINT NAME EVENT APPROVED: 7J -Z, REQUEST DENIED: VIA�V� te- SIGNED: DATE:--� D erit of Publi S ty e7' W 16 -,-A SIGNED- DATE:— -7 13 I ans , City Manag"----*,)-/- Zo 1-7Z_- r-1 e4 af pqbVa.� 1 Z at 3 sevd -tv 3 60.00, 71= S82-43'58"E 26 8' 2.4 LA FITNESS 40�072 S.F. FFE=10.10 ............ .......... SEE ARCH,PLANS 0 IMPROVEME TS TO=21SLEDING INTERIOR,FACADE,AND SIDEWALK .......... JZ & 13 3 R 0' 0, Rl R10 RIO- RIO' Is 10 ---------- 1 t I t I t RW 30.18' R46 =,Tip or) RIZ Rl' RIO' R 11 IL R5' S89*1 8'38"W 001.42' -j KEYNOTES LEGEND 5. (D PROPOSED SWSL 14- (Soccl 14- 24' NEATLY SAW CUT AND CONSTRUCT SMOOTH TRANSITION TO EXISTING CURB AND PAVEMENT PROPOSED'O'CURB PER FOOT INDEX NO, di. PROPOSED 24-WIDE WHITE PAIN T STOP BAR ON 4 t PAVEMENT PER FOOT INDEX NO,17340 1 :4 t t PROPOSED DYSL/6- R15' RI RIO 4S'RADJUS TYPICAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED R25- 10 KD PROPOSED HANDICAP STRIPING ISEE DETAIL SHEET3 NEATLY SAW CUT AN D CONSTRUCT SMOOTH TRANSITION ....... -------- TO EXISTING CURB AND PAVEMENT (D PROPOSED TRANSIT 4 ION CURB PER FDOT INDEX NO.300 S89*18' PROPOSED HANDICAP RAMP 112 MAX SLOPE PER FOOT INDEX#304,TRUNCATED DOMES TO BE OVERLAY PAD,3' 569.18' DEPTH AND WIDTH OF RAMP PROPOSED SIDEWALK,5%MAX.LONGITUDINAL SLOPE,2% MAX CROSS SLOPE ATIL"TIC BIOUtEVARD PROP.NOSE DOWN CURB PER FOOT INDEX NO.SOO PROPOSED CROSSWALK STRIPPING PER FDOT INDEX NO.17M6