Public Utilities FY13 BudgetPublic Utilities Budget FY 13 1 Current FY Project Status 2 TMDL PROJECT SUMMARY 3 Photo Updates For TMDL Project Remote Dissolved Oxygen monitoring Automated Valves to Control Air Flow 4 Energy Efficient Equipment Highly Efficient blowers Programmable Equipment 5 Clarifiers and New Generator Clarifier Repairs Completed Replacement Generator Installed 6 Effluent Filters New Filter Startup Operator Training 7 Increased Efficiencies Plant Reuse Station More Efficient Yard Lighting 8 Sludge Improvements More Efficient Diffusers Require Less Electricity for Blowers New Centrifuge Will Decrease Sludge Disposal At Landfill 9 New Sludge Treatment Building Building Houses Centrifuge, Conveyors, Loading room, Control Room 10 Odor Control New Odor Control Unit Includes Both Biological and Chemical Controls New Influent Screens with Covers 11 New Master Lift Station Electrical Control Building for Master Lift Station at WWTP #2 Master Lift Station will Replace WWTP #2 12 TMDL Construction Cost Savings SJRWMD Grant of $1,000,000 Other funding with State Revolving Fund Loan with much lower interest rates Received excellent construction prices due to bidding while the market was right Major equipment procurement process resulted in excellent pricing for equipment (Approx. $600K savings) 13 TMDL Operational Cost Savings Consolidating treatment plants results in more efficient operations and cost savings New equipment is much more efficient, resulting in electrical savings New sludge treatment process will result in major savings in tipping fees if implemented by COJ 14 Operations Budget Reductions from TMDL Project 15 Cost Savings for Sludge Disposal Sludge Treatment project will reduce trips to landfill & tipping fees (if required by COJ) New nitrogen removal process will double sludge production, but new dewatering method will lower amount hauled back to present level. Agreement already approved by Commission & DEP to haul sludge to Chesser Island Landfill if tipping fees required. 16 Sludge – Estimated Landfill costs If Tipping Fees Are Required Note: Sludge disposal costs would be approximately double without the sludge treatment improvements currently being constructed. Annual cost savings ~ $130K. 17 PUBLIC UTILITIES OPERATIONS Work towards optimum efficiency with minimal staff and use of contractors Keep salary/benefit costs lower A few good men/women Utilize expertise of specialized contractors Contractors are part of the Public Utilities team High standards – need to provide excellent service Most contractors need to be available for emergencies 24/7 Must help City staff meet regulatory requirements 18 PUBLIC UTILITIES STAFF & CONTRACTORS – Water 19 Public Utilities Staff & Contractors - Sewer 20 Public Utilities Organizational Chart 21 Public Utilities Contractors 22 Water Loss REDUCTION Purchased leak detection equipment Will allow for ongoing leak detection and repair Enhanced meter replacement project 800 meters in FY12 1,000 meters in FY13 programmed for replacement Changed methodology to target highest use meters vs. highest age meters or high-use neighborhoods Large meter testing completed. Replacing 2 large meters in current year Replacing 3 large meters in FY13 23 Water Master Plan Status Some recommended projects have been delayed due to reduced funding, but progress still being made. Since the 2001 Plan we have: Interconnected the Buccaneer & Atlantic Beach Water Systems Added a 300,000 gallon elevated storage tank at Water Plant #2 Replaced old cast iron water mains with new PVC mains in several areas of the City Updated the Water Distribution System Model in 2007. Constructed a new well and rehabilitated another well. Will complete Master Plan Prioritization review in FY13 if approved in budget. 24 Water Master Plan Future issues Continue with well evaluation, rehabilitation and replacement as needed. Continue to replace aging and undersized water mains. Will review prioritization of remaining Water Master Plan items in FY13 25 Water Main Replacements since 2001 26 Future Water Main Replacements 27 Water Capital Items for FY13 Replace water main on Pine St. $ 90,000 Replace water main on Wonderwood $180,000 Elevated tank rehab WP #1 (interior) $ 45,000 Ground storage tank rehab WP #2 $ 20,000 Ground storage tank rehab WP #3 $ 40,000 28 Sewer Master Plan Status Continued rehabilitation of gravity sewer system during FY12 Emergency replacement of collapsed CI sewer main on Willow Cove Ct. E. Televised CI mains and lined with CIPP as needed CIPP sewers in Area B (north of Core City) 29 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation – Status at 2006 Sewer Master Plan 30 Sewer System Rehabilitation as of FY12 31 Sewer Capital Items for FY13 Replace Sludge Hauling Truck $140,000 2 Roll-on/Roll-off Containers $ 35,000 Major sewer repair at Donner Rd. $ 40,000 Major sewer repair at W. 6th St. $ 55,000 Repairs to effluent force mains $142,000 Sewer Rehabilitation $200,000 32 Septic to Sewer Program Program implemented by City Commission in 2000 Required connection to sewer system to meet the law, with timing based on existing sewer assessments City provides financing assistance Grant funding from CDBG City provides limited construction assistance (coordinating with plumber/contractor) Started with 279 septic tanks, only 17 remaining 71 City Financed Conversions 22 CDBG Conversions Remaining conversions due by 11/30/2012 $20,000 in FY13 budget for financed conversions 33