9-10-12 MINUTES
September 10, 2012
Mayor Mike Borno City Attorney Alan C. Jensen
Mayor Pro Tem Maria Mark City Manager Jim Hanson
Commissioner Mark Beckenbach City Clerk Donna L. Bartle
Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey
Commissioner Carolyn Woods
Call to Order/Pledge:
Mayor Borno called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Commissioner Daugherty gave the Invocation,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. A. Approve the minutes of the Special Called (Shade) Meeting of August 27, 2012 and the
Regular Commission Meeting of August 27, 2012.
Motion: Approve the minutes of the Special Called (Shade) Meeting and the Regular Commission
Meeting of August 27, 2012.
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
B. Approve the minutes of the Budget Overview Meeting on August 14, 2012 (attended by
Commissioners Beckenbach and Mark).
Motion: Approve the minutes of the Budget Overview Meeting on August 14, 2012.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Beckenbach
Aye: 2 — Beckenbach, Mark
Nay: 0
C. Approve the minutes of the meeting on the Robert Street Ditch held at Donner Community
Center on August 16, 2012 (attended by Commissioners Beckenbach, Mark and Woods).
Motion: Approve the minutes of the meeting on the Robert Street Ditch held at Donner Community
Center on August 16, 2012.
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark
Aye: 3 — Beckenbach, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
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2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
A. Proclamation for Constitution Week
Mayor Borno read the Proclamation recognizing September 17 - 23, 2012 as Constitution Week and
presented it to Jane White, representing the Daughters of the American Revolution, Ponte Vedra Division.
Mayor Borno opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. He welcomed the audience and explained the
process for public comments.
Lance Wolfson, 1725 Beach Avenue, addressed the Commission regarding the approval of the committee's
findings on the police building. He stated having had the opportunity to work with them and come up with
the current design for the facility, he now believes the current building he designed is not necessarily in the
best keeping for that site and the community. He stated there could be alternative ideas and believes there
were some redundancies in the plan and some things they could have addressed that were not.
Annabelle Gonzales and Tamara Marshall, 515 W. 6 Street, Jacksonville, members of Students
Working Against Tobacco, thanked the Commission for passing the ordinance prohibiting self service
displays and placement of tobacco products behind the counter. They stated Students Working Against
Tobacco wanted to thank them for helping in the fight against big tobacco and presented a plaque to the
Commission in recognition and appreciation for their actions in promoting tobacco -free policies.
Sally Clemens, 1638 Park Terrace West, asked that the Commission please speak into their mics. She
stated they need better communication. She stated on June 11, 2012, along with the report from the appointed
volunteer committee and the dissenters' report, she asked practical questions but to her knowledge none of
these issues have been addressed by this Commission, the City staff, the police or the committee. She stated
the cost and permitting of the culvert, as mentioned in the committee report, should have been investigated by
now and would not be an unknown cost. She stated a new building is needed and there was a thorough
process by an appointed citizen's committee to determine what is needed at this time and what could be
addressed at a later expansion and asked if all of this was in vain.
Kathy Christensen, Director of Education Program at Beaches Habitat for Humanity, and Sue
Goebertus, After - school Coordinator, 1671 Francis Avenue, explained their education programs at
Donner and Jordan Community Centers and their partnership with the City of Atlantic Beach in the after -
school programs. They expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to partner with the City in these
programs and stated they need more mentors and volunteers for the after- school programs. Mayor Borno
stated he will keep it in mind that they need volunteers. They gave a hand -out to the City Clerk for
distribution to the Commission.
Nancy Whittington, 861 Beachside Court, thanked the Commission for not raising the millage for the
coming year. She further discussed the police building, stating the process should start with what is the
community's security needs. She thanked each of the Commissioners for their specific actions regarding the
police building and asked that Commissioner Mark consider including this topic at the Town Hall meetings.
She asked that the Commission take a closer look at what the community is asking them to do and as they
proceed forward look at using those town hall sessions to do something that adds a little more information in
their efforts and then use a slow trigger but a fast bullet to implement.
Richard Selby, 3 Forrestal Circle N., spoke in opposition to the police building stating he cannot see why
they want to move forward with this. He stated it is a real waste of time to keep throwing it out there to be
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discussed. He stated this should be a dead and moot issue at this point in time. He asked don't they have
more pressing issues than this. He stated regarding taxes, first they are going to raise the taxes and now they
aren't. He stated hard decisions need to be made and he feels like he is talking to empty stools up there. He
stated they don't seem to want to make any progress at all on anything.
Bill Ghiotta, 1528 Park Terrace West, addressed the police building and encouraged them to reconsider the
Fleet and Associates plan which was already paid for. He stated he was surprised the committee members
were selected with a predetermined cause in mind and was stacked for this proposal of spending a lot of
money on a police building. He stated he believes some committee members should have excused
themselves due to conflicts of interest, although legal opinion was offered and it was determined there was no
conflict. He stated the cost of this building has not been fully discussed, including the site work to prepare
the foundation for this building. He stated when you aren't telling the whole truth, you are almost
approaching a lie. He stated he believes there are items included in the plan that are totally unnecessary, such
as a forensics lab, a teen holding cell and a holding cell. He stated Mayor Borno was boasting about the low
crime rate but yet continues to push a new police building. He urged the Commission to reconsider the plans
by Fleet and Associates that we have already paid for and have those brought to the forefront and forget about
spending $4 -6 million when they don't even have detailed plans. He asked how many public projects come
in at budget, stating he has no faith in that at all and this is fiscally irresponsible spending on a police building
like that in this community.
Bill Mayhew, 1870 N. Sherry Drive, stated he opposed the police building as currently proposed. He stated
they need an independent professional study done of functions needed, space required for now and the future
and to look at alternative sites. He stated this should be on a referendum so they can find out what the people
really want. He also stated other items that should be put on a referendum are the defined benefit pension
plan vs. defined contribution plan, whether they want to pay $5 million/year for police services, and whether
they want a compensation package for the City Manager of over $180,000 /year.
Mark Tomaski, 448 Snapping Turtle Court W., thanked Commissioner Mark for the idea of the Town Hall
Meetings and Commissioner Daugherty for the splash park. He further stated he agreed with Nancy
Whittington's comments regarding the police building. He suggested they go back to the drawing board and
get an independent study to see what the needs are for our community with regards to a building. He stated
the police are doing a great job because they are good people; it is not the building, it is the people.
Susanne Barker, 1938 Beachside Court, spoke in opposition to the police building as it currently stands
because it infringes on the park. She stated it would probably be a good idea to wait and have some of the
community meetings that Commissioner Mark had talked about to see what the citizens feel are the needs and
to have some real facts from the police as to what are the needs. She stated when everybody, nationwide, is
cutting back on expenses she believes it is unbelievable that we, as such a small community, would even
consider spending as much money on a police building.
Jackie Beckenbach, 2210 Oceanwalk Drive W., spoke in opposition to the police building. She stated the
platform the three Marks ran on last year was more open government, bringing businesses back to the City of
Atlantic Beach and the fact that citizens of Atlantic Beach were not interested in spending $4 -5 million on a
14,000 s.f. police station for a city that has a declining population, the lowest crime rate at the beaches and no
plan for expansion of the current police force. She stated she finds it disappointing that the people's voice is
being ignored as they press ahead with a single option item to meet the needs of our local police department.
She stated there is a recognized need for reorganization of the current police space and a need for additional
storage room within the facility. She proposed putting this issue on the ballot next year as a referendum with
several options and asked that they vote no tonight and defer this decision to next year's election.
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No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Borno closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting
A. City Manager's Follow -up Report.
4. Consent Agenda
A. Acknowledge receipt of the List of New Businesses for August.
B. Extend the contract for beach cleaning with Beachcombers North, Inc. for one year at the current
prices (Bid No. 0910 -17).
Mayor Borno read the Consent Agenda.
Commissioner Daugherty pulled Item B.
Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Item A as read.
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Commissioner Daugherty stated he believes staff should ask for discounts when doing contract renewals and
seeking out bids. He stated he would like to see if this is something we can do in -house and asked to make a
motion to defer until next meeting and instruct staff to ask the vendor for a 10% discount for contract
renewal. He stated if they are not able to obtain that, then they should take this in -house until this can be bid
Motion: Defer to next meeting.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods
Commissioner Beckenbach stated he believes the last time they discussed this, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Carper
stated that was not the usual format to go back to one particular vendor and ask them to go down by 10 %. He
stated if they asked someone to go down 10% then it would have to go into a bid process. He stated what
Commissioner Daugherty is really asking for is an opening of the bid process no matter what.
City Manager Jim Hanson stated he has an ethical problem when you go back to any one contractor and ask
them for a discount without giving everybody else the same option. He stated in this particular case this was
the only bidder we have been able to get. He stated with the Commission's request on this he has told Public
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Works that on just about all of these we are going to rebid them every year no matter how much cost or time
it takes. He stated since this is the only bidder we have been able to get, it seems unreasonable to go back to
them and ask them for another bid because they know they are the only bidder. He stated it was bid one year
ago, they are offering the same price and we can't find anyone else who wants to bid it. He stated he believes
they know that and does not know why they would offer us a lower price. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Daugherty stated he would like to take the time to ask Mr. Carper if we can do this in- house,
what the cost for that would be and defer it to the next meeting. Discussion ensued.
Aye: 4 — Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 1 - Borno
5. Committee Reports
6. Action on Resolutions
7. Action on Ordinances
A. Public Hearings on adopting a Tentative Millage Rate and adopting Ordinance No. 20 -12 -117
establishing the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2012/2013.
30, 2013.
Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 20 -12 -117 by title explaining the first item to be considered is the adoption of
a Tentative Millage Rate. He stated the Millage Rate is 3.3285, the Tentative Millage Rate is 3.3285, the
Roll —Back Rate is 3.4550, and the Tentative Millage Rate is 3.66% less than the roll back rate. He explained
the purpose for adopting the millage rate of 3.3285 is to maintain a level of ad valorem tax revenue sufficient
to maintain adequate funding for the existing level of services at anticipated and proposed cost and to
continue to maintain the City's infrastructure.
Motion: Adopt a Tentative Millage Rate for operating purposes of 3.3285.
Moved by Beckenbach, Seconded by Mark
Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing.
Ray Brown, 523 Clipper Ship Lane, stated he is against the millage rate because it doesn't accurately reflect
the true cost of this government. He stated fees are being utilized to keep the millage rate artificially low. He
stated fees should cover the cost of the service, not generate a profit that is then moved to the general fund and
used to keep the tax rate low. He stated only absentee property owners benefit from this because they don't pay
fees, which they are going to increase; they pay taxes which they are going to decrease. He stated the
Commission should at least have the moral turpitude to tell the residents they are going to charge them excess
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fees so they can provide a benefit to absentee property owners. He stated, as a resident property owner, he
prefers paying higher taxes and reduced or eliminated fees.
No one else from the audience spoke so the Mayor closed the Public Hearing.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Mayor Borno stated the second item to be considered was Ordinance No. 20 -12 -117 establishing the Operating
Budget for fiscal year 2012/2013 of $25,641,018.
Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20 -12 -117 establishing the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2012/2013 of
Moved by Beckenbach, Seconded by Daugherty
Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
B. Ordinance No. 80- 12 -82, Introduction and First Reading
Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 80 -12 -82 by title.
Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 80 -12 -82 as read.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Woods
Mayor Borno stated fees and ad valorem taxes were discussed at the budget workshops and it was the consensus
of the Commission to direct staff to prepare the budget with an increase of $1.50 /month per housing unit for the
purpose of trying to get the stormwater operating budget to pay for itself, which has not been reached yet.
Commissioner Daugherty further explained the fee increase decision.
Commissioner Woods discussed videotaping the meetings and stated at some point she would like to ask the
Commission for consensus to request the City Clerk to look into some options.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
September 10, 2012 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Pate 7
8. Miscellaneous Business
A. Building Code Effectiveness Grading Schedule (BCEGS).
Building Official Michael Griffin stated this is to recognize the City Building Department for receiving a
classification rating of 3 from the Insurance Services Organization. He further summarized his staff report
explaining the ISO ratings. He answered questions from the Commission.
Mr. Hanson pointed out the one area where we lost more points than any other was because the ISO thought
we didn't have enough people doing the job. He stated he believes Mr. Griffin deserves a pat on the back for
a pretty good report, particularly since he is doing it with fewer people than the ISO thinks we need to do it.
9. City Manager
A. City Manager's Report.
Mr. Hanson reported there is an upcoming webinar on Amendment 4 which will be on the ballot this
November held on October 10 from 2:00 -3:00 p.m. He summarized the Amendment, stating if passed it will
have a serious impact on local government budgets. He stated if any of the Commissioners want to sit in on
that webinar to let Donna Bartle know because if we have more than one Commissioner we will have to
publicize it as a public meeting.
He further reported on the complaint on the property at Aquatic Drive adjacent to the dog park stating the
owners have cleaned the property.
10. Reports and /or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney
A. Town Hall Meeting Scheduling.
Commissioner Mark stated she would like to delay this until after the police building discussions.
B. Appointment to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Board.
Commissioner Daugherty explained a motion to reappoint Hollie Stephens was accidentally omitted from the
recommendations at the last meeting and was not brought before the Commission for approval.
Motion: Approve recommendation to reappoint Hollie Stephens to an additional term ending
July 8, 2014 on the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
C. Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board.
Commissioner Daugherty explained the recommendations made by the Board Member Review Committee
for the vacancies on the Code Enforcement Board.
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Motion: Approve recommendations to appoint Benjamin deLuna to serve as a regular member on the
Code Enforcement Board with his term beginning October 1, 2012; to appoint Veda Harless to serve an
additional term on the Code Enforcement Board beginning October 1, 2012; to appoint Meade Coplan
to fill the unexpired term of Ray Martin on the Code Enforcement Board beginning immediately and
expiring on September 30, 2013; and to appoint John Stinson to serve as the alternate member on the
Code Enforcement Board beginning October 1, 2012.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
D. Direction from Commission on Police Building.
1. Vote to approve report and recommendation of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee.
2. Further direction from Commission, if needed.
Motion: Approve report and recommendation of the Police Building Ad Hoc Committee.
Moved by Borno, Seconded by Daugherty
Commissioner Woods asked what the motion means. Commissioner Mark stated, according to Roberts
Rules, it would mean they would agree to what has been recommended by that committee and going forward
with that recommendation.
Commissioner Woods stated she would like to make an addendum to the motion and separate the two items
so they can approve the report and then separate out whether they are going to approve and move ahead with
the recommendation. Commissioner Mark stated, according to Roberts Rules, if you accept the report and
recommendation then you have approved and agreed to what has been recommended in the report and
moving forward. She stated you cannot separate the two.
Mayor Borno thanked the members who served on the committee, stating they put in a tremendous amount of
their own personal time and efforts. He further explained why he brought this subject up and why the process
for the police building needs to be started.
Commissioner Daugherty apologized to the committee stating this has become an embarrassment and they
don't deserve this. He stated he didn't want this to go to committee but this Commission didn't have the guts
to do what they were elected to do and make a decision. He stated they have had citizen involvement and
believes the Commission is well versed on this and believes they need to get this done.
Commissioner Mark thanked the committee members and stated her reasons for not supporting this does not
reflect on the work they did and she believes they made the best recommendation they could. She stated she
regrets that some of the committee members have become public targets of scrutiny and criticism, which is
not a way to thank our citizens for volunteering their time to try to find a solution or recommendation to a
very difficult situation. She explained she is against the motion because the citizens are against it, and the
Commission has to take ownership of this. She stated she believes this is a decision the Commission needs to
make tonight. She further stated she cannot support something that will infringe on the park and cannot
support any proposal where the citizens will incur any substantial debt unless they agree to it.
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Commissioner Beckenbach thanked the committee. He stated he has heard from 40 people and none of them
said they were really excited about expanding or doing anything on the police building. He explained his
reasons for being against the motion, including the citizen's concerns about cost and encroachment on the
park. He stated he does not agree that we need 2 acres for the police building and after researching on Google
he found that one acre is enough and believes it should be moved to a different location so as not to encroach
on the park.
Commissioner Woods stated she believes the committee was set up for failure due to the way their charge
was worded and the limitations placed upon them. She stated the committee acted in good faith and did the
best they could with what they had to work with. She stated she has prepared a motion for the next agenda
item, further discussion about the police department, which she believes will address everyone's issues. She
also explained why she cannot support this motion.
Mayor Borno stated they have put aside approximately $2.6 million for this project from the half cent sales
tax. He stated, yes, they would be borrowing money from the citizens if they use half cent sales tax to carry
this on because they would divert it from other projects to this one to pay for it. He stated if they go off -site
they will incur the cost of the site in addition to the cost of the building.
Roll Call Votes:
Aye: 0
Nay: 5 - Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno
Discussion ensued.
Motion: Permanently table all existing plans; determine to follow the International Association of
Police Facility Planning Guidelines; include discussion on community desired policing services at our
upcoming town hall meetings to begin the process; set the town hall meeting dates — one in each
precinct during the month of October at regularly scheduled times; and be dedicated to fmding a non-
political, fiscally responsible solution with expediency.
Moved by Woods
Motion failed due to lack of a second.
Motion: Have workshop to gather information and make a decision and bring it to another
Commission meeting.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Borno
Discussion ensued.
Motion: Amend motion to schedule workshop as quickly as they can.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Borno
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
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Commissioner Mark stated, for the record, that before they schedule any workshops or take this one more
step further she would like to have 100% commitment from the Commission that they are committed to
finding a solution for this problem. She stated if they aren't, if this is just more gathering information, then
she doesn't see them spending anymore time, staff time, resources, money, etc. on this subject and just let
another Commission handle it. She stated they have followed these steps, they have had a committee, they
have gotten recommendations, they have blueprints sitting on the shelf, they are listening to the citizens and
she believes if they, as a Commission, are serious about wanting to find a solution then they say they are
committed to finding that solution and that is what they are going to do. She stated they are not going to hold
anymore workshops just to pacify themselves, the public or anyone else. She stated she does not believe it is
fair or a wise way to use their resources or time. It was the consensus of the Commission to commit.
Mayor Borno called for a vote on the amended motion.
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of this taking more than one workshop. The Commission was
agreeable to additional workshops, if needed, until this is done.
Item 1OF was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time.
F. Discussion on process for annual COAB administration performance evaluations.
Commissioner Beckenbach asked that this item be moved to the next agenda.
Motion: Defer this item to the next meeting.
Moved by Beckenbach, Seconded by Woods
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
E. Discussion on Police Building.
Commissioner Woods stated she believes the basic crux of the problem is that they don't know what they
want the police department to do. She discussed the police facilities in Meredith, New Hampshire and
showed slides of their building and site plan and design comparisons for similarities and differences to the
proposed facility in Atlantic Beach. She stated the differences are the philosophy of what the community
wants and desires from their police station and in their police building and pointed out some of the main
differences. She stated before you get to the design you have to figure out what you want, what does the City
want, what do the citizens want, and how do you want that implemented. She stated if we are going to make
major changes to what we have, this is the time to make those decisions.
Item 10A was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time.
A. Town Hall Meeting Scheduling.
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Commissioner Mark stated the Town Hall meetings were originally scheduled to get input on visioning but
after hearing the comments she believes the police building should be part of the community visioning
process. She stated at this point she does not believe they need to schedule anything but it will be predicated
by what they are able to accomplish in the Commission Workshops on the police building.
Commissioner Woods stated she would like to make a motion to reschedule the town hall meetings because
she believes it would be helpful to have them going on while they are having their strategic meetings so the
ideas from both can be incorporated with each other. She believes October would be a good time for town
hall meetings and their workshops.
Motion: Consider scheduling Town Hall Meetings in October
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Beckenbach
Mayor Borno stated he believes if they are going to have a town hall meeting, they should have one town hall
meeting and advertise it. He stated they don't need to have four to get input. He stated the people who want
to talk will attend. He stated they are spreading it out too much and he is trying to take into consideration the
City Clerk staff and all the responsibilities it takes with the meeting being recorded, transcribed, etc.
Commissioner Beckenbach suggested putting the workshop meeting in place and then in October put a town
hall meeting in place as well. He suggested a date but some of the commission did not have their calendars.
Mr. Hanson stated when they try to schedule without people having their calendars they have problems and
suggested they call so they will have their calendars.
Motion: Amend to hold one Town Hall meeting
Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty
Discussion ensued regarding whether to include the police station with the town hall meeting on visioning.
Commissioner Woods withdrew her amendment and motion, Commissioner Daugherty withdrew his second.
Motion: Hold Town Hall meeting to discuss visioning for Atlantic Beach, including the topic of the
police building, and hold meeting before Commission workshop on police building.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Woods
Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
Commissioner Woods
• Will put the idea of videotaping meetings on agenda to get consensus to request the City Clerk to look
into this.
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There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned
at 8:45 p.m.
— 1 ( 1(4 1 - 6-
Mike Borno
ATTEST: Mayor /Presiding Officer
4414 V:64/1/ee
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk