City Commission Members present:
Mike Borno, Mayor
Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tem
Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner
Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner
Carolyn Woods, Commissioner
Staff present:
Jim Hanson, City Manager
Nelson Van Liere, Finance Director
Donna Kaluzniak, Public Utilities Director
Rick Carper, Public Works Director
Keith Randich, IT Manager
Tim Gilboy, Deputy Public Works Director
Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk
The meeting was called to order at 5:08 p.m. by Mayor Borno. Mayor Borno explained the
purpose of the budget workshops and the process and timelines for adopting the budget.
Commissioner Beckenbach asked if citizens could speak for three (3) minutes at the end of the
meeting. Mayor Borno agreed to consider it depending on the time it takes to finish the agenda
Budget Overview (Handout: Budget Overview)
City Manager Jim Hanson explained the workshop schedule and the items to be discussed at
each meeting. He gave an overview of the budget, explaining the need to understand the long-
term economic downturn cities have been facing for a number of years; taxes and other general
fund revenues are down; utility sales volumes are declining; pension costs are rising; and health
care costs are rising.
He explained the total revenues and expenses are down from the current year reporting revenues
at $27.4 million: down from $34.3 million and expenses at $25.3 million: down from $31.0
million. He stated the greatest piece of the difference in both revenues and expenses is from the
TMDL Project.
He reported the personnel count will be down by four employees from the current year's budget.
He explained the philosophy and benefits of conservative, long -term budgeting.
He referred to the chart titled Atlantic Beach Fund Balance as he explained the three (3) types of
funds, their balances, the various items that the funds are used for, and their restrictions. He
believes the City has very strong balances and is in good shape.
He referred to the charts titled City of Atlantic Beach Pension Contribution and City of Atlantic
Beach Pension Payroll as he explained the history of the pension over the last eleven (11) years.
He reported the reductions in the expenditure budget from the last five (5) years include:
personnel, overtime in various departments, training in all departments, employee raises /merit
program, Employee Bonus Program; document imaging program stopped (only done in -house
Minutes — City Commission Workshop August 21, 2012
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now); fireworks share to Jacksonville Beach; logo shirts for non - uniformed employees; police
motorcycle lease; vehicle replacements; sidewalk repair budget; expenses for Police Explorer
Program; ped path expansions; new sidewalks, etc.
He reported the items that are not in the proposed budget and distributed a list of discretionary
projects for consideration.
He explained the two rate increases that are being proposed include a property tax partial roll -up
of 1.8% or $72,000 and a sanitation rate up 3.2% or $55,000; the rates remaining level are water
and sewer, stormwater, franchise fees /taxes, building permit /inspection/plan review fees and
communication service taxes; and the State revenues (sales tax, gas tax, revenue sharing) rates
are not set locally.
Public Works (Handout: Public Works Budget FY2012 -2013)
Public Works Director Carper stated that Public Works Administration, Streets, Fleet
Maintenance, Parks Maintenance and Beautification, Sanitation and Stormwater make up his
budget. He referred to the Public Works manpower chart as he explained the department's
organizational chart. He explained the roles of the various divisions and of the contracted
He reported on the following Parks projects: Veteran's Memorial Park, Tideview Canoe/ Kayak
Launch and ICW Parks Master Plan Study and answered questions from the Commission.
He pointed out that the Convention Development Fund (Bed Tax) is a source that can be used for
some of the projects.
He referred to the charts titled Marsh Master Plan Long Range Capital Plan as he explained the
costs and funding for the various projects. He indicated that many of the projects in the plan will
qualify for FIND grants, but other funding sources will be pursued. Mr. Carper, Mr. Hanson and
Mr. Gilboy answered questions from the Commission.
Mr. Carper showed a drawing of the conceptual plan for the Rose Park Expansion as he and
Commissioner Daugherty explained and answered questions on the proposed project and the
costs involved.
He explained Stormwater Utility by reporting the history of Capital Improvement Projects, the
completion of the Stormwater Master Plan Update, the Capital Improvement Plan, the
Stormwater Long -Range Plan, maintenance issues, and the proposed budget. Mr. Carper and
Mr. Hanson answered questions from the Commission.
Mr. Hanson referred to page 113 which is a chart titled Stormwater Utility and page 112 titled
Long Term Financial Plan Financial Projection Summary as he explained details of the
Stormwater Utility Fund including amounts for Personnel Services, Operating Expenses, Capital
Outlay, Debt Services, Transfers and Revenues and answered questions from the Commission.
Commissioner Daugherty reported he is proposing to increase the stormwater rates by $1.50 per
month and explained the reasons for the proposed increase. Discussion ensued. Commissioner
Daugherty indicated he would like to continue explaining the proposed increase later in the
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(Break at 7:25 pm to 7:33 pm)
Mr. Hanson explained the Sanitation Fund and reported and answered questions on the Landfill
Tipping Fee Estimates. He referred to and explained the chart on page 111 titled Sanitation
Fund which shows amounts for Personnel Services, Operating Expenses, Capital Outlay, Debt
Services, Transfers and Revenues. Commissioner Daugherty stated that in two years the City's
contract with Advanced Disposal comes up and, since there are options to consider, believes the
discussions should start now and direction should be given to the City Manager as to what we
think should happen. Discussion ensued.
Mr. Carper explained the Resurfacing Program is a major use of our Gas Tax Fund and this
year's budget proposal has $300,000 for resurfacing. He reported the inspections have been
completed and the Overall Condition Index (OCI) for the entire city is 73.6 (Very Good), but is
down by a point from last year. He indicated that 1 segment was poor and 121 were excellent
and there is a total of 294 (public only). He explained that each year he drives every street in the
city and gives them a grade. He referred to the map showing the City Street Resurfacing History
Since 2005 as he explained the history. He indicated that if the funding stays relatively the same
each year, it will take at least 35 years to resurface every street in the City. He answered
questions from the Commission.
Mr. Hanson referred to the Gas Tax Fund chart on page 109 and explained the Operating
Expenses, Capital Outlay, Transfers and Revenues.
Mr. Carper gave a brief overview of the history of the Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) and the Tree Fund and he and Mr. Hanson answered questions from the Commission.
Commissioner Daugherty distributed and explained his proposal (which is made part of this
record as Attachment A).
Enterprise /IT Application (Handout: Enterprise Application)
Mr. Hanson indicated there is a project that was budgeted in the current year to upgrade our
software, but with further research, we don't feel like we should do what we budgeted for. It
was determined that about $20,000 remains in the current budget. He asked IT Manager
Randich to explain the new proposal. Mr. Randich referred to the handout as he explained the
current SunGard HTE application, new system requirements, new system advantages, and issues
with moving to a new application at this time. He suggested the project be done in three phases
and explained the cost for each phase. The project proposal includes the following: 1) Delay
the start of the conversion one year to allow for funding situation to improve and to allow time
for "One Solution" product to be completed and successfully installed by other cities, 2) Move
the current application to SunGard's data center to avoid the expense of buying a new computer
at $50,000 and to utilize SunGard's staff to perform support tasks including data backups and
system upgrades and 3) Add the Code Enforcement module to our existing system which would
cost $10,000 plus training estimated at $5,000 to $10,000. Discussion ensued.
There was a consensus from the Commission to move forward with the proposed plan and
add $20,000 to the proposed budget for the Code Enforcement module.
Minutes — City Commission Workshop August 21, 2012
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There being no further discussion by the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting
adjourned at 9:06 p.m.
VAA 1-4 "
Mike Borno
4. 07Apdee.
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk
Proposed Budget Amendments; Commissioner Daugherty
August 21, 2012
Fund Unrestricted
Fund Change Amount Balance 9/30/13
Half Cent Sales Tax
Proposed Budget $341,133
Expenses Reduce transfer to Stormwater $68,000
Rose Park; part not covered by
CBDG (see below) - $75,000
Add sidewalk on W. 9th St. - $35,000
Balance after changes $299,133
Stormwater Fund $748,736
Proposed Budget
Revenues Increase monthly fee $1.50 $150,000
Reduce transfer from Gas Tax - $82,000
Reduce transfer from Sales Tax - $68,000
Balance after changes $748,736
Gas Tax Fund
Proposed Budget $5,261
Expenses Reduce transfer to Stormwater $82,000
Add Dutton Isle sidewalk project - $79,000
Mayport Rd. crossings - $100,000
Reduce resurfacing budget $100,000
Balance after changes $8,261
Eliminate Dutton Rd. sidewalk and
septic conversion projects and put
* Expenditures $ to Rose Park $0