8-16-12 Robert Street Ditch MINUTES OF THE MEETING ON THE ROBERT STREET DITCH HELD AT DONNER COMMUNITY CENTER ON AUGUST 16, 2012 City Commission Members present: Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner Carolyn Woods, Commissioner Staff present: Rick Carper, Public Works Director Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing the Robert Street Ditch, was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Mark. Commissioner Mark introduced herself and thanked everyone for coming, explaining the Robert Street Ditch has been an ongoing problem in the neighborhood and the city is looking for a solution that will work. She introduced Jose' Maria Guzman from CDM Smith, explaining he was contracted by the City to look at the ditch to see what our options are. She introduced Director of Public Works Rick Carper, Commissioners Mark Beckenbach and Carolyn Woods and City Clerk Donna Bartle. Commissioner Mark stated that questions and comments from the audience are welcomed. Jose' Maria Guzman, PE, D WRE with CDM Smith, gave a brief overview on the various tasks performed for the 2012 Stormwater Master Plan Update including additional guidance and options for onsite stormwater volume controls (LID), review of nuisance ponding and system connectivity, ditch safety and increased maintenance, GIS Coordination, development of a Capital Improvement Plan, and potential sea level rise impacts on the system. He explained CDM inspected several major ditches for aspects such as flood control, traffic /pedestrian safety, tree protection/city aesthetics, water quality, private property and life cycle cost. He referred to the map as he explained which parts of the ditch are owned by FDOT, City of Atlantic Beach and City of Jacksonville. He reported the ditch from Robert Street to Dudley Street is owned by the FDOT and there has been a problem with widening and erosion. He explained that because of the instability of the banks, FDOT has proposed to rehabilitate the existing ditch and upsize the existing 30" pipe at Lewis Street to reduce peak velocities. He took comments and questions from the audience. Citizens expressed concerns about the trees, flooding, sandbags not working, excessive mosquitoes and erosion. Mr. Guzman answered questions before continuing his presentation. He referred to photographs as he explained how high velocities and scour have widened the FDOT ditch and the possible options /solutions to consider. He reported the cost for Turf Reinforcement is estimated at $50,000 to $60,000, Metal Sheet Pile- $420,000 to $580,000 and Pipe and Swale - $600,000 to $750,000. He stated that trees could be kept with the Pipe and Swale and Turf Reinforcement options, but not with Metal Sheet Pile. Minutes — Robert Street Ditch August 16, 2012 Page 2 Mr. Carper explained the two blocks that are concerning everyone are owned by FDOT and FDOT does not have a problem with this ditch; they believe it works great; they don't care about aesthetics, just efficiency; however, they are willing to cost share to help out, but only for the Turf Reinforcement option. Michael Hoffmann, 176 Camelia Street, asked how a ditch in Neptune Beach was paid for. Mr. Carper explained FDOT paid for it. Mr. Hoffmann stated he would like for an elected official to contact the City of Neptune Beach or Dick Brown to see how they were able to get funding from FDOT for the metal sheet pile option. Mr. Carper and Mr. Guzman answered questions regarding the maintenance of the ditch. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Woods stepped out of the meeting during this discussion and returned moments later. She reported she just contacted Dick Brown and he said FDOT did not believe it was their responsibility at first, but the City was able to convince them that it was and suggested that staff contact Jim Jarboe for the details. Discussion continued regarding erosion, sandbags, mosquitoes and the cost for various options. Mr. Carper confirmed that money is what it comes down to. Mr. Carper was asked if the pipe and swale option is the only one that if we did it, we would not have to worry about it ever again. He answered that both the metal sheet pile and the pipe and swale options are long -term solutions. Commissioner Woods compared our situation with Neptune Beach's explaining how the FDOT began by trying the sandbags first, and when the sandbags didn't work, they came back and reassessed. She believes they are putting us through the same process as everyone else and believes it is time to move to the next step in the process by getting Mr. Hanson and Mr. Carper to meet with Mr. Jarboe to figure out how they did it in Neptune Beach. Mr. Carper and Mr. Guzman answered questions about the options presented and about ideas expressed by the audience. Mr. Carper explained that an open ditch is the best and most environmentally sound way of treating storm water and if the ditch is always wet it helps to have fish to control the mosquito problem. Commissioner Mark asked the citizens in the audience what they want to ask for. It was the consensus of the citizens in attendance to ask for the pipe and swale option. Mr. Carper answered questions from the audience. When asked what citizens can do to help obtain the funding, he explained that the Commission is well aware of the concerns so he suggested they contact State legislators since they control the FDOT budget. Commissioner Mark added that this has to be community driven and suggested they speak to their neighbors urging them to speak up. She explained how the Commission can work on it and have staff contact Neptune Beach. Commissioner Beckenbach urged the citizens to attend the upcoming budget workshops. Mr. Carper reported that storm water will be a topic for the budget meeting on August 21S Mr. Hoffmann asked if citizens would be able to speak at the budget meetings. Commissioner Minutes — Robert Street Ditch August 16, 2012 Page 3 Beckenbach explained his plan to request that citizens be given the opportunity to speak at the workshops. It was determined that since the first budget meeting is before the next Commission meeting, the citizens will not know ahead of time whether or not citizen comments will be allowed for that workshop. Commissioner Mark agreed to contact Mr. Hanson to start the dialogue with Mr. Jarboe to find out how to get this going. A citizen asked for something to be done about the mosquitoes. Mr. Carper explained the various treatments and suggested that he contact Public Works. Commissioner Mark asked if there were additional comments regarding the ditch. Mr. Carper explained the long process and the time it takes to complete a project of this type even when the money is there. There being no other items to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. Attest: tr4eraee-, astakii4, Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Maria D. Mark, Mayor Pro Tem