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CE 1079 Atlantic 2012
White, Debbie From: Dewayne Limes [dlimes @advanceddisposal.com] Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 8:28 AM To: White, Debbie Subject: Re: Dumpster Enclosure Good Morning, Although the hinges are too small . The enclosure is acceptable for dumpster service . They have been opening and closing gates behind us . Thanks Dewayne Sent via B1ackBerry by AT&T From: "White , Debbie" <dwhite @coab.us> Date : Mon, 10 Dec 2012 08 : 12 : 07 -0500 To : Dewayne Limes<dlimes @advanceddisposal . com> Subject: FW: Dumpster Enclosure Dewayne? What' s the verdict on the gates? Debbie White Code Enforcement Officer City of Atlantic Beach (904) 247-5855 (904) 247-5845 FAX From: White , Debbie Sent: Thursday, November 08 , 2012 4 : 43 PM To : ' Dewayne Limes ' Subject: Dumpster Enclosure Dewayne . Here it is... Debbie White Code Enforcement Officer City of Atlantic Beach (904) 247-5855 (904) 247-5845 FAX i White, Debbie To: Dewayne Limes Subject: FW: Dumpster Enclosure Attachments: CE 1079 Atlantic Blvd 2012 (2).pdf Dewayne? What' s the verdict on the gates? Debbie White Code Enforcement Officer City of Atlantic Beach (904) 247-5855 (904) 247-5845 FAX From: White, Debbie Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 4:43 PM To: 'Dewayne Limes' Subject: Dumpster Enclosure Dewayne. Here it is... Debbie White Code Enforcement Officer City of Atlantic Beach (904) 247-5855 (904) 247-5845 FAX i White, Debbie From: White, Debbie Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 9:10 AM To: 'Dewayne Limes'; 'louissabatier@comcast.net' Cc: Nodine, Phil Subject: RE: Dumpster Enclosure Mr. Sabatier, In response to our conversation this morning, Advanced Disposal will open the dumpster enclosure gates, dump the trash and close the gates . However, based on the condition of the gate, inadequate hinges the gates have remained open for access to the dumpster to prevent any more damage. The hinges are not adequate to support these large gates and must be replaced and attached to posts that are adequate to support their weight. If you any additional information, please contact me and/or Mr. Limes with Advanced Disposal . Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Debbie Debbie White Code Enforcement Officer V City of Atlantic Beach (904) 247-5855 (904) 247-5845 FAX From: Dewayne Limes [mailto:dlimes@advanceddisposal.com] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 6:28 PM To: White, Debbie Cc: Nodine, Phil Subject: RE: Dumpster Enclosure Good evening, As part of my responsibility to the City, I am required to inspect all dumpster enclosure that we service in the City of Atlantic Beach. It was 1, that made the initial inspection and took photos of this enclosure. I commend the Church for stepping up and doing what they have done to this enclosure. It was during my inspection that I noted New gates installed on this unit. I took a proactive step to inform the City of the condition of these gates to prevent from being blamed for its current condition. We are not looking to place Blame on anyone here, but these 8ft gates on these small hinges will not support the weight of the gates. , I again commend the congregation for their efforts.. I have instructed my driver not to close open the gates as they will be damaged. Dewayne Limes From: White, Debbie [mailto:dwhite@coab.us] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 4:43 PM To: Dewayne Limes Subject: Dumpster Enclosure Dewayne. Here it is... Debbie White Code Enforcement Off ii City of Atlantic Beach (904) 247-5855 (904) 247-5845 FAX J ti a J u. CASE ACTION FORM Investigation# DATE: /a- NAME: ADDRESS OF VIOLATION Action Taken: Compliance: We honestly think that if Advanced Disposal refuses to open and close the gates, the best solution is to leave things as they are and allow the Church to completely close the gates only on Sundays, for its congregation. We thank you for your consideration Sincerely, <Uis a atier President Cell: 534 3904 c r. w t:. a i e VE O � y a .ym C� M .'V L[W HARBOUR PLACE PROFESSIONAL PARK CO 13133 Professional Drive Suite 100 Jacksonville, Fl. 32225 November 6, 2012 City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Rd Atlantic Beach, Fl. 32233 Attn: Deborah White Code Enforcement Officer Re* 177416-0000 1079 Atlantic Blvd Case no 82812 Dear Ms White We received your Notice of Violation dated November 1, 2012. As you can see on your own pictures, the gate is brand new and has just been installed by our new tenant: Unity Church of Jax Beach. The attendant from Advanced Disposal is the one who tore up the hinges when he pulled the gates open and told the Church's representative that he had no intentions to open or close the gates in the future. As you can see on the pictures attached, the hinges have been repaired, but since Advanced Disposal refuses to open and close the gates and since the Church's congregation is there only on Sundays, the Church has assumed that the best thing to do is to leave the gates partially open during the week. For ten years the dumpster has been enclosed on three sides only and the western side has remained open, without causing any problem or complaint. That's because the dumpster cannot really be seen from Atlantic blvd since there is no east bound traffic as a result of the Mayport overpass ramp. The addition of the gates by the church is an improvement on the situation that has been accepted for ten years and the fact that they remain partially closed, as you can see on one of the pictures attached, makes the dumpster quite invisible from traffic. \ °\ \ 4 ; � k � \ � . , �% } � \ � , � � � ^ i � \ . � � \ � � / . . <. � ° . :\�~ \� \ � . � \ , » � : « , \ » ±\:» � . . � «d» > a • : > � a«�. . �: /� �� ^� � \�~� ^ \. : . . .» ( w . 2 � . < » � \ � w � <\ w . � � � � � - . . . y �: « , � /� ƒ, � ©�»���° � � . « . ! � � <�» © :�/ � «w < w .mmr . � . \2 y . .� .—.� . : < � ` �\ � . \��� � � � � � � « �} � �^^ ��� \ %: � �. . . . . \ . . \ ` \� \/� � � � �:\ \ � f \ \ �, «::/ » - . . y \ .. y �. ,. �= �` ��� �'. r� �,; r b �"-�. l ih r x e J` .. .;, ."'f y. ..� � . s pp �q.r �L r� .. a. � � �_ i _ �P `� .,� � ,,.. • � +� • ,�k .. � � �. �I I�r �r x . . ... ., :,- � Jt.. L,. .. � ,. �",w a i I II I f I � I i i I i I i II IF i White, Debbie From: Dewayne Limes [dlimes @advanceddisposal.com] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 6:28 PM To: White, Debbie Cc: Nodine, Phil Subject: RE: Dumpster Enclosure Good evening, As part of my responsibility to the City, I am required to inspect all dumpster enclosure that we service in the City of Atlantic Beach. It was I, that made the initial inspection and took photos of this enclosure. I commend the Church for stepping up and doing what they have done to this enclosure. It was during my inspection that I noted New gates installed on this unit. I took a proactive step to inform the City of the condition of these gates to prevent from being blamed for its current condition. We are not looking to place Blame on anyone here, but these 8ft gates on these small hinges will not support the weight of the gates. , I again commend the congregation for their efforts.. I have instructed my driver not to close or open the gates as they will be damaged. Dewayne Limes From: White, Debbie [mailto:dwhite @coab.us] Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2012 4:43 PM To: Dewayne Limes Subject: Dumpster Enclosure Dewayne. Here it is... Debbie White Code Enforcement Officer City of Atlantic Beach (904) 247-5855 (904) 247-5845 FAX i SECTION SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . . ■ Complete items 1,2,-IP COMPLETE THIS and J.Also complete A. Signature • Print Your name tand address n the reverse so that we can return the card to you. X �— � _ �Agent • Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B eive by(Printe a Addressee or on the front if space permits. C. Date of Delivery 1. Article Addressed to: � j D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes If YES,enter delivery�ddres below: No VV ' 2012 3. Service Type ❑Certified Mail p Express Mail � 13 El Registered 13 C-0 Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 2. Article Number ❑Yes (Transfer from sery ice label) 7 011 2000 0 0 0 2 D 3 4 6 PS Form 3811,February 2004 9733 Domestic Return Receipt — 102595-02-M-1540 .r CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 PHONE (904) 247-5855 November 1, 2012 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Harbour Place Professional Park Company 13133 Professional Drive, Suite 100 Jacksonville, Florida 32225 RE: Notice of Violation—City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances, Sec 24-160.— Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks 1079 Atlantic Blvd, Castro De Ferrer Grant Pt Recd O/R 10030-1986 RE#177416-0000 CASE NO. 82812 Dear Sir and/or Madame: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found the property referenced above to be in violation City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances Section 24-160. - Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks to wit: VIOLATION Section 24-160. - Dumpsters, garbage containers and refuse collection areas and above ground tanks. (b) Within commercial zoning districts, dumpsters, trash receptacles, above ground tanks and similar structures and containers shall be screened from view by fencing or landscaping, or shall be located so that these are not visible from adjacent properties or streets. Above-ground tanks used to store hazardous, chemical or explosive materials may remain unscreened upon determination by the Director of Public Safety that a threat to security and public safety may result from screening such tank(s) from view. (dumpster enclosure gate hinges are loose and dumpster door are not secure and gates cannot be closed) This letter requests that the dumpster enclosure gates be repaired or replaced within twenty (20) days of receipt of this notice to allow them to be closed screening the dumpster from view. Page 2 1079 Atlantic Blvd. November 1, 2012 To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00)per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action(s) required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to enforce the codes and ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach and protect the health, safety and welfare of the City, and accordingly, your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 904 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Attachment: Photographs ,III LMAC0301 City of Atlantic Beach 10/31/12 Parcel Maintenance 09:33:24 Main Address 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD parcel Sub P Lot Sublot 177416 0000 Parcel processing code (174) Effective date, status . . . . _ Blank=Active, H=History Type option, press Enter . 2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display Opt Name/Address Related type/Address Sts HARBOUR PLACE PROFESSIONAL PROPERTY OWNER PARK COMPANY 13133 PROFESSIONAL DR STE 100 JACKSONVILLE FL 32225 Bottom F2=Address F3=Exit F4=Prompt F8=Select paths F9=Parcel select F11=Detach parcel F12=Cancel F13=Related party maint fl Property Appraiser- Property Details Page 1 of 1 HARBOUR PLACE PROFESSIONAL PARK COMPANY Primary Site Address Official Record Book/Pane 13133 PROFESSIONAL DR SUITE 100 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD 10030-01986 JACKSONVILLE, FL 32225- Atlantic Beach FL 32233 Tile# 9420 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD Property Detail _. Value Summa 2 RE# 177416-0000 1 n PMMss Tax District USD3 Value Method Income Income Property Use 1692 SHOP CTR NBHD Total Building Value $0.00 $0.00 #of Buildings 1 Extra Feature Value $0.00 $0.00 38-2S-29E Land Value(Market) $319,600.00 $319,600.00 Legal Desc. -- -- B DE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT __. __.............. _ land Value I®gric.l $0.00 $0.00 Subdivision 00000 SECTION LAND Just(Market)Value $465,900.00 $465,900.00 Total Area 39853 - . Assessed Value $465,900.00 $465,900.00 The sale of this property may result in higher property taxes.For more information go Cap Diff/Portability Amt $0.00/$0.00 $0.00/$0.00 _ ....__ _..._..._ _- to Save Our Homes and our Property Tax Estimator.Property values,exemptions and Exgmotions $0.00 See below other information listed as'In Progress'are subject to change.These numbers are -- -- part of the 2013 working tax roll and will not be certified until October.Learn how the Taxable Value $465,900.00 See below Property Aooraiser's Office values property. Land&Legal Land Le 'E LN i Use Descriptio_.n �Zoning[0-00 Front i Depth ..Category; land Units 1 Tvce Land Value �LN Legal Description twn 1 1000 COMMERCIAL ACG 0.00 Common 40,000.00 Square Footage $319,600.00 j 1 (38-2S-29E 2 B DE CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT 3 PT RECD O/R 10030-1986 Buildings Building 1 Building 1 Site Address Element Code Detail 1079 ATLANTIC BLVD Atlantic Beach FL 32233 (Exterior Wall 17 i 17 C.B.Stucco Roofing Structure 10 j 10 Steel Frame/Truss Building Type 1602-SHOP CTR NBHD Roofing Cover 4 4 Built Up or T&G � MS Year Built 1990 Interior Wall 5 5 Drywall Building Value $251,929.00 Int Flooring 14 14 Carpet Heating Fuel 4 4 Electric Gross Heated Effective Heating Type 4 4 Forced-Ducted Area Area Area W Air Conditioning 3 1 3 Central Base Area 1 10560 10560 10560 Ceiling Wall Finish 0 0 None Canopy 1056 0 264 Comm Htg&AC 1 1 Htg&A/C Pkg Total 11616 10560 10824 Comm Frame 3 3 C Masonry Element Code �Stories 1.000 Bedrooms 1.000 Baths 18.000 Rooms/Units 9.000 E Avg Story Height 10.000 {i http://apps.coj.net/PAO_PropertySearch/Basic/Detail.aspx?RE=1774160000 10/31/2012 White, Debbie From: Dewayne Limes [dlimes @advanceddisposal.com] Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 10:38 AM To: White, Debbie; Nodine, Phil; Daniels, Freddie Cc: Matthews, Carlene Subject: 1079 Atlantic Blve. Strip mall Attachments: IMAG0399.]pg Gates on dumpster enclosure poor design . Hinge screws pulled through gates . Wind Damage . DL Sent via B1ackBerry by AT&T PU c F (concrete pad width) ' Inside enclosure length) l - t T wide by 0 r; F diameter pipe bollard. 7'7' tall gate 3 (optional) -1 m 10 cucio yard - N ==-— top and and loading Winer contemner enclosure f \ j (s'L X 6'W.x T--a• x. shall be min. 8'--T o high. 5 D �f° I c 3 /4 ` diameter by 1 1/2 deep recesses for cafe o cane bolts_ provide two each at gate m 1 in closed and open position, 1swi a Held verlry axact)ocatlons. +—o' dia. pipe bollard concrete filled, set in concrete 3' below grade extend 4' above grade, paint OSHA yellow. design concrete pad m withstand 10,000*/ single wheel loads. CONTAINER ENCLOSURE PLAN SCALE : 1%4' Waste Systems .