City Commission Members present:
Mike Borno, Mayor
Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tem
Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner
Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner
Carolyn Woods, Commissioner
Staff present:
Jim Hanson, City Manager
Michael Classey, Chief of Police
Donna Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary
The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing the police building project, including
coming to a consensus on the problem to be solved, the major issues and options to solve the
problem as well as to discuss the next steps to take, was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by Mayor
Mayor Borno gave the history to date on the issues of the police building.
Commissioner Daugherty stated he believes they are all in agreement that the building should not
be put on the other side of the creek and that the budget initially proposed is too high. He stated
they need to decide whether they want holding cells and what level of services they want for the
police department.
The Commissioners were all in agreement that there is a problem.
Commissioner Mark asked if this Commission is committed to fmd a solution stating, if not, they
should not spend any more time or resources on this issue and should let the next Commission
address it.
Mayor Borno stated their decision is to decide whether to move forward, not to design the whole
concept. Commissioner Mark agreed stating they should leave the design up to the experts under
the parameters that the Commission feels comfortable and can agree upon within which to work.
Commissioner Woods stated they need to come up with a process that needs to be followed that
is reasonable and rational and if they don't get to the end product before this Commission
changes over, the process is then placed with the next Commission for follow through. She
referred to the International Association of Chiefs of Police's Police Facility Planning Guidelines
which she believes they should start with.
City Manager Jim Hanson stated the next point is to get the major issues listed and they can then
start talking about the process. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated he agrees there should be more space but what he has heard is
that the public does not agree with that 14,000 s.f. building that was to go on the west side of the
creek. He stated the police have told them what their needs, desires and wants are and now there
is a video out that the citizens can watch. He stated they can all agree that there is a certain need
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and asked if it is possible that they can narrow it down to moving it over to Mayport Road or
renovating this building.
Commissioner Woods stated she would like a consensus that they are going to follow this
procedure or some other procedure and suggested having a committee of stakeholders with a
charge that does not restrain them in their process.
Commissioner Daugherty stated we are an elected committee and we have been charged with a
job and we should do our job. He stated he believes passing this off to committee again would
be a mistake. He stated the citizen input has been done. He stated they should come to an
agreement as to what the problem is, decide what levels of service they want and then work
together to find a solution. He suggested a three-step phase expansion of the building, which he
believes could be done at a reasonably low cost.
Mr. Hanson addressed the renovation issues, stating based on the most recent flood
determinations the floor elevation is over a foot too low for an emergency facility in Atlantic
Beach. He stated they can do some minor additions and interior renovations. He stated the point
Building Official Mike Griffin made was that when you start to do a lot of additions and
renovations to the building, you trip some Federal regulations and floodplain regulations that say
they have to raise the floor elevation. He stated some people have suggested we do a little
renovation now and a little later so we can basically get around those regulations. He stated that
is the wrong thing to do. He stated we are in charge of trying to make people live up to flood
regulations; what kind of example would we be setting if we tried to play a game so we don't
have to meet those regulations. He agreed with Commissioner Daugherty that it makes sense to
determine what service levels they think we should have and then determine whether they can
have those service levels provided in this building. He stated before they start investing money
they should determine whether this building is going to serve our purposes or not. He stated they
may want to bring in an outside independent architect to assess how far they can go realistically
in terms of remodeling while the police department is in this building. He stated if they have to
be moved out while it is being remodeled, that is incurring a tremendous cost that might be better
invested somewhere else. He stated they don't need to micromanage or design the building
themselves but they should look at the service levels and decide if they want a lower service
level for our police department.
Commissioner Woods asked if they have the option of inviting an array of different architectural
firms to come in and assess the situation and give us their ideas so they have more than one
option to pick from. Mr. Hanson stated he did not believe they would get a tremendous amount
of work out of architects who are not being paid to do it; they would get some proposals.
Commissioner Mark stated before they ask anyone to come in, they should decide on the
location, i.e. whether Mayport Road is a feasible option. Discussion ensued on the feasibility of
a Mayport Road location versus renovating the existing building. Mayor Borno asked whether
they want to consider Mayport Road or renovating the existing building as priority one. It was
the consensus of the Commission to consider Mayport Road.
Mr. Hanson stated they could bring in an outside totally independent architect, but one that has
been involved in major renovations of existing commercial, industrial properties, who could tell
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us about the pros and cons of renovating and expanding this building, given the State and Federal
regulations and the size we are trying to get it to. He stated they could even tell that architect
they are not going to design the ultimate building so they would have no incentive to lean it in
one direction or another. He stated if they want to do that, it could be a viable wake-up call to
say here's what we are really looking at long-term. Commissioner Woods stated they had the
architect who designed this building volunteer to do exactly that. They called Melody Bishop to
the podium.
Melody Bishop, who worked with the company who did the original design, stated what she said
was it made sense to do a quick workshop to look at the plans and study them, if they had the
plans. She stated, related to the earlier comment that was made, they couldn't put it out and just
ask someone to give them a bunch of designs for that; it would be difficult unless they were
going to do it as a competition and everybody got a stipend and then they would get some neat
designs. She stated they could also couple the design build concept with the contractor because
they would be absorbing the cost. She stated she believes a workshop would be best so they
could look at the plans and the various options that would help them decide if they are going to
expand and bring it up to FEMA Codes, etc. Mayor Borno asked if the original designs could be
requested from the firm she worked for. She volunteered to call Gee and Jensen in Palm Beach
to see if they have the plans. Mayor Borno stated he would get with her during the break and
give her the City Manager's number so they can coordinate this.
Mayor Borno stated they all agreed to look at Mayport Road and asked if they want to make that
the first priority or do they want to evaluate the current building and make a decision about it and
consider the second thing Mayport Road. It was the consensus of the Commission to determine
the viability of renovating the existing building to meet code, as a first priority. They agreed to
get the original plans and have a workshop to discuss.
Melody Bishop explained that if what they want to do is to determine whether they can expand
the building, they will need to discuss the ramifications and what would they do, what would it
cost, how will people be phased, etc. She stated she will need the original structural drawings for
the workshop.
Mr. Hanson stated they need to get the plans and then tell Ms. Bishop what the needs are, have
her look them over and then sit down and talk about whether they can do this and what kind of
money they are talking about. Ms. Bishop stated she would be happy to do this to a certain
point, as far as she can logically.
Mayor Borno opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
Art Corsano, 2314 Ocean Walk Drive W., member of the police building committee, stated
there are basically two options. He stated the committee recommended having another appraisal
of the building done because that kicks in the Codes of how much renovation versus elevating
the building. He stated he believes elevating the building is an impossible start and is
economically unfeasible. He stated rather than building up they could expand in the area
between the current building and the chamber building, up to 4,900 s.f. He stated building up on
that building can also become cost prohibitive. He further discussed the option of Mayport
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Lou Keith, 1845 Tierra Verde Drive, suggested having two locations, one for administration
and one for patrol and ACOs.
Mark Tomaski, 448 Snapping Turtle Court West, stated he believes doing this in a stepwise
fashion is wonderful, you eliminate one piece next door and then move forward to Mayport
Road. He also stated he likes the workshops.
No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Borno closed the Courtesy of the Floor to
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Borno declared the meeting
adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
&L. /6,1A-44,0
Mike Borno
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk