2-21-13 Commission Briefing Minutes of Commission Briefing
February 21, 2013
Present: Mayor Mike Borno, Mayor Pro Tem Maria Mark, Commissioners Mark Beckenbach,
Jonathan Daugherty and Carolyn Woods, City Manager Jim Hanson, Sue Danhauser, Human Resource
Director, City Clerk Donna Bartle, Beaches Leader Reporter Alexi Strong and 4 citizens.
Mayor Borno called the meeting to order in the Commission Chamber at 3:00 pm.
Subjects discussed included several items on the Agenda for the upcoming Commission meeting on
February 25, 2013, as follows,with Mr. Hanson reporting on each item:
1. Commission Meeting February 25, 2013
• Workshop on Police Department Building to be held at 4:30 prior to the Commission
Meeting on February 25, 2013. City Manager Hanson reminded everyone about the
workshop and noted the need to finish by 6:00 pm in order to set up for the regular
meeting at 6:30 pm.
• 7A—Ordinance to change Commission meeting dates (Commissioner Beckenbach).
Mr. Hanson explained this ordinance was initiated by Commissioner Beckenbach.
Commissioner Beckenbach reported it has been simplified from the previous version and
City Attorney Jensen has no charter issues with it.
• 7B — Ordinance to amend budget. Mr. Hanson explained the three items in the budget
• 8A— Waiver to serve alcohol on Dutton Island (Commissioner Daugherty). Mr. Hanson
explained that since he did not have authority to approve the request, Commissioner
Daugherty agreed to put it on the agenda. He explained the request and made suggestions
to consider while deciding whether or not to approve. Discussion ensued.
• 8B —Police Union contract approval. Mr. Hanson explained the Police Union voted last
Friday to approve the proposed contract and he reminded everyone about the Shade
meeting immediately following this briefing. Human Resource Director Sue Danhauser
gave an overview of the contract changes including leave accrual level, payout, accrual,
and sell back, pay increases, pension contributions, longevity pay, and pension changes
which will require ordinance changes. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Beckenbach
requested a software program be made available at shade meetings to calculate costs and
savings while discussing changes to benefits such as pension.
• 10A — Going paperless with agenda packets (Commissioner Daugherty). Commissioner
Daugherty stated he is proposing to request staff to research the options available to go
paperless. The Commission discussed whether it would be more appropriate to have it as
a topic for Strategic Planning in order to give it the time it needs. Commissioner
Daugherty agreed to hold off until Strategic Planning since the sessions are being
scheduled soon and there will be other IT topics to discuss.
2. Agenda Briefing Workshop, Thursday, March 7 at 3:00 p.m.? Mr. Hanson asked if the
Commission wants to have an Agenda Briefing on March 7`". The Commission agreed to have
it,but Commissioner Beckenbach stated he will not be in town so he requested that he be Skyped
in, if possible. The City Manager agreed to look into it.
3. See recordings of one-camera and three-camera recordings of meetings from other cities
(Commissioner Beckenbach). Mr. Hanson asked the Commission if the recordings could be
shown at another time since this meeting was to be over by 3:30 pm and time has run out. City
Clerk Bartle suggested that they have the links provided to them so they can view the recordings
on their own. The Commission agreed.
4. Adjourn to Shade Meeting on Union Negotiations.
The Mayor adjourned the meeting to the Shade Meeting at 3:34 p.m.
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Mike Borno, Mayor