Agenda Item 1MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING April 8, 2013 CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Mike Borno City Attorney Alan C. Jensen Mayor Pro Tern Maria Mark City Manager Jim Hanson Commissioner Mark Beckenbach City Clerk Donna L. Bartle Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey Commissioner Carolyn Woods Call to Order/Pledge: Mayor Bomo called the meeting to order at 6:47 p.m. Commissioner Woods gave the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1. A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of March 25, 2013. B. Approve the minutes of the Commission Briefing of March 21, 2013. Mayor Borno asked if there were any corrections to the above minutes and there being none, he stated the minutes will stand as submitted. 2. Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Mayor Bomo opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Mayor Borno welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. A. Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) — Presentation of check for Energy Rebate. Donna Kaluzniak explained this is a rebate per JEA's Investsmart system and when you invest money in doing things that reduce electrical use they give you some money back. She explained for our TMDL project, the energy reductions gave us a rebate of around $142,000 and we also had the energy grant program that we did a lot of work on air conditioners and lighting around the City for which we received $5,000 +. She introduced Carlos Simms, Peter King and Marissa Carbone, representatives of JEA, who presented a check in the amount of $147,781.72 to Mayor Bomo for the City as an Investsmart rebate. Richard Selby, 3 Forrestal Circle N., addressed the Commission stating they keep beating the police station to death. He stated they have already spent $450,000 on architect plans and now they want to spend another $60,000 for another study. He stated they should put a referendum on the next ballot to see if the people of Atlantic Beach want to go for this. He also questioned why they are building a water treatment plant for Selva Marina to water their fairways. He asked why they are spending tax dollars for a private entity that contributes nothing. They should be more inclined to start looking at getting some businesses in this town. He stated businesses are moving out hand over fist, the population is dropping, and the tax base is going to go into the dumper because they have nothing to support it. He stated this used to be a real nice community and it still can but they seem to be stuck too much on beautification and aesthetics as opposed to getting down to the hard facts that if they don't get some businesses in this town, they are going to die. William (Hank) Brigman, 307 9th Street, addressed the Commission about the police station, stating he believes they are getting a lot of push back because they are asking the wrong people the wrong questions. He stated they keep asking about a building without understanding what they need as a community, what type April 8, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 2 of policing they want and need. He stated those aren't the questions you ask an architect; they are the questions they ask people in police business, but not our police because they are biased. He stated they haven't started where they need to start. He stated the question to be asked is what do we as a City need from our police. He stated after we understand the needs of our community as it relates to a police force, then we can talk about a police station. Lou Keith, 1845 'Tierra Verde Drive, addressed the police building stating he did a comparison of the five police departments of the Florida First Coast including Fernandina, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Jacksonville Beach and St. Augustine. He stated the average square footage for each employee of these five departments is 221 s.f. He stated Fernandina and St. Augustine at the end of the 2010 census were the only ones that had any significant growth. He stated Atlantic Beach had a declining population of 5.3 %. He stated the Chief is asking for 60% more square footage than these comparable police departments. He stated this could have been built back in 2005 for $Imillion and now they have spent $500,000. He stated those that vote on it tonight, remember it, because he knows the voters will. Douglas Speed, 1207 Seminole Road, addressed several issues, including the pension issue; dumpster companies; stormwater utility charge; and Art in the Park. He stated the City Manager is giving recommendations on the pension, making decisions for somebody who is going to work for the City for their lifetime, when a City Manager is basically always looking for a new job in a bigger City. He stated the Commission may be taking their recommendations from an already biased person who is trying to save taxpayers dollars, which he is for because he is a taxpayer. He further stated he doesn't understand why they charge a dumpster company for construction when they don't charge any of the other construction companies to come into our City roads. He stated a concrete truck weighs just as much as a dumpster truck. He stated when we are strong arming people who want to renovate a home and they charge them additional dollars and they have to use a certain dumpster company it reminds him of an issue of the Sopranos. He also discussed the stormwater utility charge which was started to raise money for the stormwater improvements. He stated after the improvements were done the fee was never removed. Lastly, he discussed Art in the Park, stating it has grown from 39 artists in 2007 to 97 artists last year. He stated he is not sure Johansen Park is festival material with 2,000 -3,000 guests expected to attend. He asked if the property is zoned for that kind of festival, do they collect a fee, does it take from our local retailers who also pay property taxes and overhead, and is that kind of festival allowed in a residential area. Mayor Borno stated they are not able to provide information back but the City Manager has been taking notes and they will have answers for him in the next agenda. No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Bomo closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meeting A. City Manager's Follow -up Report. None. 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF April 8, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 3 RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A. Acknowledge receipt of the Financial Report for February 2013 and List of New Businesses for March 2013. B. Renew the continuing engineering services contracts with Applied Technology & Management, Connelly & Wicker, and Bowen Civil Engineering and authorize the City Manager to sign the contracts for the City. C. Authorize staff to begin negotiations with the top - ranked firm, Edwards Engineering, for engineering services for the Stormwater Improvements for East Coast Drive. D. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Agreement with the Jacksonville Emergency Preparedness Division. Mayor Borno read the Consent Agenda. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C, and D as read. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Mark Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 5. Committee Reports None. 6. Action on Resolutions A. RESOLUTION NO. 13 -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE NORTHEAST FLORIDA REGIONAL COUNCIL AND THE 2013 UPDATE TO ITS STRATEGIC REGIONAL POLICY PLAN; PLEDGING SUPPORT FOR REGIONAL COOPERATION AND THE COMMON POLICY FRAMEWORK PROVIDED BY THE UPDATED STRATEGIC REGIONAL POLICY PLAN AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Borno read Resolution No. 13 -05 by title. Motion: Approve Resolution No. 13-05 as read. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 7. Action on Ordinances A. ORDINANCE NO. 25-13-43, Public Hearing and Final Reading April 8, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING PaEe 4 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AMENDING THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCES TO REPEAL CHAPTER 8 FLOOD HAZARD AREAS; TO ADOPT A NEW CHAPTER 8 FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE; TO ADOPT FLOOD HAZARD MAPS, TO DESIGNATE A FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR, TO ADOPT PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR DEVELOPMENT IN FLOOD HAZARD AREAS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; TO ADOPT LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE AMENDMENTS TO THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY; REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 25 -13 -43 by title. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 25 -13 -43 as read. Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Beckenbach Mayor Borno summarized the Ordinance stating it amends the Floodplain Management Ordinance to comply with State requirements so the residents remain eligible for flood insurance discounts. He stated if the residents in flood plains have any questions they can contact Building and Zoning Director Mike Griffin, give him the address and he can look it up and tell them how it applies to them individually. Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing. Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Beckenbach Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED B. ORDINANCE NO. 60-13-18, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 17 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, SIGNS AND ADVERTISING STRUCTURES, ARTICLE 1, IN GENERAL, SEC. 17 -2, DEFINITIONS, AND ARTICLE II, SIGNS PERMITTED, SEC. 17 -26, EXEMPT SIGNS, TO PROVIDE FOR THE NUMBER AND SIZE OF FLAGS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 60 -13 -18 by title. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 60 -13 -18 as read. Moved by Mark, Seconded by Daugherty Mayor Borno summarized the Ordinance. Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing. Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Beckenbach Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED C. ORDINANCE NO. 5-13-58, Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE II, CITY COMMISSION, SEC. 2 -16, TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS, TO PROVIDE FOR ONE (1) REGULAR MEETING AND ONE (1) SCHEDULED WORKSHOP PER MONTH, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. April 8, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 5 Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 5 -13 -58 by title. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 5 -13 -58 as read. Moved by Beckenbach, Seconded by Woods Mayor Borno summarized the Ordinance. Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. Mark Tomaski, 448 Snapping Turtle Court West, spoke in favor of the Ordinance, stating he believes it is a very good move to have citizens have a second look at any item that may come before the Commission. He stated it gives citizens time to talk about things that are occurring within the workshops, so at the voting Commission meeting they may appear. No one else from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing. Mayor Borno stated he is not in favor of changing this, giving his reasons why. Commissioner Beckenbach gave his reasons for why he is in favor of this. Commissioner Daugherty stated he believes there are a lot of problems with this but would give it a try with a sunset provision. Motion: Amend Ordinance to sunset at the first meeting of October and at that time the Commission reconsider the Ordinance. Moved by Daugherty Motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Borno stated they already have a tool; if they believe they don't have sufficient information, they have the right to ask for the item to be deferred so there can be more research. Commissioner Woods stated she still wants to only have one meeting in December and have the workshop follow the regular meeting on the second Monday. Discussion ensued. City Attorney Jensen clarified that Commissioner Woods is saying that they change paragraph (b) (2) talking about scheduled workshops, in the month of December, to be on the second Monday of the month immediately following the regular meeting. Commissioner Woods stated that was correct. Further discussion ensued. Motion: Amend to have the regular meeting with the workshop immediately following on the second Monday in December. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty Discussion ensued. Commissioner Woods withdrew her amended motion; Commissioner Daugherty withdrew his second. Commissioner Beckenbach called the vote. Roll Call Votes: Aye: 3 — Beckenbach, Mark, Woods Nay: 2 - Daugherty, Borno MOTION CARRIED April 8, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 6 D. ORDINANCE NO. 20-13-122, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2012 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2013, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 20 -13 -122 by title. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 20 -13 -122 as read. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty Mayor Borno summarized the Ordinance, stating this is adding a budget expense of $35,675 to capital outlay for videotaping. Commissioner Mark stated she is opposing this due to the cost. She stated she supports the videotaping but cannot support spending $35,000 for this type of system with a recurring expense of $12,000 /year. She stated this breaks down to about $500 to produce a meeting every time they meet, if they are only 2 hours long. She stated the employees have not received raises for four years and this is coming out of the general fund. She stated there are other systems out there that meet the same needs that are not as expensive and she would support that. Commissioner Daugherty stated he has a problem with the monthly operating cost, not the cost of the equipment. He asked staff if there are any other options for us in having a multiple camera system and doing it ourselves. Mr. Hanson explained the cost of the capital equipment will be bid out and the estimate of that is $31,000; the cost of hosting the live streaming of the videos is $695 /month and the remote switching is a separate component at $240 /month. Commissioner Daugherty asked if this will come back to the Commission once it is bid out. Mr. Hanson stated the $31,000 price for the camera system will be brought back for Commission approval. He stated the contract for the ongoing service will come in under the $25,000, but if the Commission wants that brought back for review also they can certainly do that. Commissioner Daugherty stated he would like to have that brought back also because $695 seems very high for hosting and streaming. Mayor Boino stated he has been contacted by too many people questioning his sanity of approving this money at this time so he is not in support of spending the money at this time. Commissioner Beckenbach stated as far as the cost of $31,000, it is $3,000 /year if they look at capitalizing it. He stated they are looking at $12,000 per year and they have over 12,000 people citywide which would come out to $1 /year /person. He stated he ran on open government and for $1 /year /person he has to agree to this because it would give every single person in the town, and outside our town, the opportunity to see us labor at making decisions on what is for the benefit of the City and what is not for the benefit of the City. Commissioner Daugherty stated his big hang up is the $935 /month; the capital cost doesn't really make a difference. He stated he would like to have staff research doing this in- house. Commissioner Woods stated listening to Commissioner Beckenbach say $1 /year /person and she is thinking what can you buy for $1, a bag of chips? Commissioner Daugherty stated there are so many things they do that they could break down and say it is a $1 /year /person. Commissioner Woods stated for open government she believes they are getting a lot for their $1, compared to a bag of chips or a cup of coffee. Commissioner Woods called the vote. April 8, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 7 Roll Call Votes: Aye: 3 — Daugherty, Woods, Beckenbach Nay: 2 — Mark, Borno MOTION CARRIED 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Presentation of scope for Police Building review. Mayor Borno stated a recommended correction to the language in the proposed RFP was sent out and read it for the record (which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A). Motion: Amend RFP as above. Moved by Borno Motion died for lack of a second. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he wrote up a possible amendment to the RFP, which he distributed before the meeting (which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment B). Commissioner Mark stated she just received that and has not been able to read it yet. Commissioner Woods stated they should defer because this is a lot of new information to consider. Motion: Defer to next regular meeting, May 13, for action. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Beckenbach Commissioner Daugherty asked that staff go back to the Fleet and Associates report and brief them on their recommendations at the next workshop. Discussion ensued. Votes: Aye: 5 — Borno, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report. City Manager Hanson reported the draft of the strategic plan has been distributed to the Commission tonight. He asked for their input so it can be put on the May 13 agenda for approval. 10. Reports and /or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Daugherty • Thanked Commissioner Woods for her comments tonight related to his mother. He gave an update on his mother's condition and asked that they continue to keep her in their prayers. • Reported on the health screenings that Sue Danhauser has scheduled. • Wants to put on the next meeting agenda to schedule some community meetings. April 8, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 8 Commissioner Beckenbach • Reported on the Roberts St. ditch meeting he had with Mr. Davis and Lewis Washington, who was in the audience, and stated he will be taking them to look at the ditches around the City and will continue the discussion with them on what can be done for the Roberts St. ditch. Commissioner Daugherty stated that ditch is very dirty and asked Rick Carper to have someone look at it. Commissioner Woods • Reported on incorporating local businesses into the Economic Growth Umbrella Program, stating she would like the City to start a program on this. • Asked the City Attorney for a formal opinion about whether she may have a conflict of interest with Selva Marina and how she should proceed. Mr. Jensen asked her to provide him with any documents related to this. Commissioner Mark • Reported on an upcoming workshop presented by the Florida Redevelopment Association on Community Redevelopment Areas on 6/12/13 at City Hall in Jacksonville from 10:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. Commissioner Beckenbach asked Mr. Hanson to report on Selva Marina at the next workshop. Mayor Borno • Pointed out that there is an impact on City Clerk's office related to recording equipment for community meetings that came to light during the strategic planning meetings. He stated the equipment we have is not good for recording at these type meetings and the Commission needs to do something to give them reliable equipment that can be utilized and is efficient. • Wants to put on the agenda a request that we consider contributing $5,000 to the fireworks event in Jacksonville Beach. Was tasked by the Governor's office Chief of Staff to collect some information on the ferry. He stated if things come together as envisioned, we will have some decisions for the long -run. He stated he believes the end result is that they will be pleased, when they can finally pull it together. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m. ATTEST: Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk Mike Bomo Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTACHMENT A Bartle, Donna From: Hanson, Jim Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 2:35 PM To: Bartle, Donna Cc: Borno, Mike Subject: FW: RFP for Police Building Review Donna; Can you forward this along to the other commissioners? It is a proposed revision of the paragraphs in the RFP for the Police Building Review that were discussed at the pre- agenda workshop last Thursday. These are redrafts of parts of the original RFP shown as paragraphs III C and D. They were assigned "A" and "B" when copied to the following e -mail. Jim From: Hanson, Jim Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 3:29 PM To: Borno, Mike Cc: Carper, Rick Subject: RFP for Police Building Review Mike; Rick Carper has changed some of the language in the proposed RFP for the police building per your request in the Workshop yesterday. Following is the new language. If you think it is okay, we will distribute to the other commissioners. Jim A. Determine whether the existing building can be expanded and renovated to meet current building codes for a critical facility (including determination of modifications necessary to comply with 100 year flood zone requirements) and whether the department could continue to operate out of the existing building while it is being expanded and renovated. B. The overall evaluation is to determine what the capabilities and limitations are on the existing site; whether sufficient expansion to meet current Public Safety needs can be accomplished on this site in a one or two story design; and what the feasibility is of future expansion of that building should needs dictate. Depending on answers to C. and D., develop a phased plan for expansion of existing facility. Plan should include cost of moves and temporary facilities if necessary to maintain daily operations of Police and Emergency Communications. ATTACHMENT B From Commissioner Beckenbach Please find my recommendations for revisions in red for item SA —This evening I will ask that the present RFP be amended as follows: PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING NEEDS ASSESSMENT, EXPANSION AND REMODELING FEASIBILITY STUDY RFP 13 -OX I. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF PROJECT: The City of Atlantic Beach is soliciting proposals from qualified A1:chitectural and Engineering (A & E) firths with critical facility experience to participate in a competitive process to provide professional services to conduct a needs assessment and feasibility study regarding improvements to the cuffent Atlantic Beach Public Safety Building. Five comes of the proposals must be submitted by Friday, 4:3OPM, Nffaty! at, 2013 and addressed to: Michael Griffin, Building, and Zoning Director 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beacb, FL 32233 RFP -13 -0X Police Building Needs Assessment & Feasibility Study II, BACKGROUND: 111. DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK The City desires a consultant to examille new Mlstllldion and renovation options for a modern pollee facility that c1i111111atc'S cltrl`C11t inadequacies. Sil1CC a police building Should be clesibllecl for the 17U1'poSC of supporting and facilitating police operations for the present alid llltllre, the needs assessment coupled With the Co111111Unity requirements should provide a fi-aniework for the size and type of facility needed to support optililulll police operations. The Consultant selected to perform this Nvork sh all be responsible for providing all architectural, engineering and consulting services 1lecessary for completing the feasibility study in accordance with federal, state and local building codes and regulations. The City reserves the right to retain tl1e. desigl1ci' selected for this please of the project to perform sel °vices for the final design, perrnittillg and constl`l.lction pleases. 1. Space Needs Assessment a. Review Existing Facility Review of historical documents, including original design plans, 2005 Renovation plans, 2011 new Construction Plans, 2012 Building Design Review Conmiiffee proceeds and floodplain neaps. • Conduct physical survey of existing building and site to evaluate condition and potential for expansion. The building evaluation should take into consideration., but is not limited to, accessibility and public /police accommodation. The site evaluation should tape into consideration impacts related to existing parking, landscaping (trees), floodplain and campus architecture: • The overall evaluation is to determine what the capabilities and limitations of the existing site/building are; whether the spatial needs assessment (delete 14,000 SF) can be met on this site in a one or two story design; and what would be the future expansion capabilities of that building: Can the existing building. be renovated and brought within current building codes (including meeting FEM.A regUireraents within the 500 ye r floodplain) and could the department continue to operate out of the existing building and/or phased expansions while it is being expanded and renovated? e Depending on answers to above item, develop a phased plan for expansion of the existing facility. Plan should include cost of moves and temporary facilities if necessary to maintain daily operations of Police and Emergency Communications. Compare Functional area existing square footages with standards of police facilities built today, taking into account the size of the police force and the community. b. Review Existing Workload and Denrlands review all available data, including but not limited to: Number of Calls- for - Service Number of complaints Number of crimes committed Number of investigations Number of evidence collected /destroyed c, Analysis of Citizen and Corluluillity Policing Needs Analysis begins with the present clay needs, projected ilncie�1Se in vohlnle of demands and anticipated dew lopments in the OO11111111nity police 4peratiOln f1'0111 the present clay to 20 years hence. Determine if police budding needs to be a critical facility Define services requested from police Population. growth Persomiel staffing considerations Contiguous community collaboration possibilities Policy changes that cult workload needs Cornlnnllnty Policing pllllosophy impacts 2 Analysis, assumptions, projections, and forecasts are to be consistent with National Accreditation Standards for Police Facilities, 2.. Spree Planning a. Building functional areas to be included in this study plain entrance and reception area Communication and dispatch area Interview rooms 3 Detective interrogation rooms a police Chief offices o Staff — administrative offices s Records room Evidence room Equipment storage area Forensic processing area Prison SallyPort Lunch break room Roll call room, meetings Cell blocks, male, female, juvenile Training room, seminars, in -house training Conference room ¢ Janitorial room Male & female locker rooms, showers, toilets r� Armory All functional areas are to include security of the most advanced (yet affordable) variety, including but not limited to video, audio, security glass, master locks, card and recognition access. Of prime importance is the proximity of Certain f nictional areas to each other to effect the most efficient and user friendly layout(s). b. With an understanding of Atlantic Beach's needs gained through the Space Needs Assessment above, the Consultant shall provide a hierarchy of the functional areas together With a justification for placement within the building; size affordable with the City's budget spending Cali of UP to $3,000,000, c. Present final plan at a Public Meeting of the City Commission with cost estimates and any non -cost considerations. 3 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING HELD IN ATLANTIC BEACH COMMISSION CHAMBER AT 5:30 PM ON MONDAY, APRIL 8, 2013 TO HEAR THE APPEAL OF THE SPECIAL MAGISTRATE'S RECOMMENDATIONS RELATING TO THE LIUNA CONTRACT AND TO CONSIDER BENEFITS FOR NON -UNION GENERAL EMPLOYEES Present: Mike Bomo, Mayor Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner Carolyn Woods, Commissioner Also: Jim Hanson, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary Andy Bemis, Business Manager Local 630 Emmanuel Brown, Union Steward Eric Williams, Union Steward Sue Danhauser, Human Resources Director John Dickinson, Partner /Office Head — Constangy, Brooks & Smith 1. Call to Order The Mayor called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. and explained this Special Meeting was for the purpose of hearing the Appeal of the Special Magistrate's recommendations relating to the Northeast Florida Public Employees' Local 630, LIUNA, AFL -CIO Blue Collar Union contract and to consider benefits for non -union general employees. He stated there will be public input and encouraged anyone who wants to address the Commission to fill out a blue slip so he will know how much time he will need to allot. 2. LIUNA Appeal A. Opening Statement by City Attorney City Attorney Alan Jensen explained Florida law requires that either party has 20 days from receipt of the Special Magistrate's recommendation to reject the recommendation in whole or in part. He stated the rejection must be filed with Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) and failure to timely file the rejection results in the Magistrate's recommendation being accepted. He stated, according to PERC, neither party has filed any rejection of the Magistrate's recommendation; therefore, the Special Magistrate's recommendation has been accepted, unless the City Commission agrees to extend the time period for the Laborers Union to reject the Magistrate's recommendation. He stated, therefore, the first question is whether or not the City Commission agrees to waive the 20- day requirement and now allow the Laborers Union to reject in whole or in part the Special Magistrate's recommendation. He stated the Union has indicated that it wishes to reject the recommendation only with respect to Article 20 pertaining to the subject of pension. He asked that the Commission make their determination at this time as to whether they want to accept the rejection of the Union. B. Extension of time for LIUNA to file rejection of Special Magistrate's Recommendation. John Dickinson, Partner /Office Head — Constangy, Brooks & Smith, stated he has been in touch with Andy Bemis about the untimeliness and Mr. Bemis explained to the Commission by phone and to himself that he was not aware of the statutory requirement, which is why it was not done. He stated the law is that the recommended decision of Magistrate has been accepted, unless this Commission decides to waive that 20 -day period and allow the LIUNA's rejection, even though out of time to be considered. He stated they do have that discretion if they choose to exercise it but Mr. Bemis may want to express to them what happened. Motion: Allow the Union's rejection and continue through with the process of having the hearing on Article 20. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Borno Andy Bemis, Business Manager and Chief Negotiator for Local 630, explained they received the decision from the Special Magistrate on February 25 and he emailed a rejection to the City on March 12, within the timeframe. He stated he was unaware that he also had to send the rejection to PERC. He stated when he sent the email to the City they rejected the decision in its entirety. He stated he requested another meeting with the City, the City obliged, and they met on March 20. At that time they had several discussions about the recommendation and he believed they had a mutual understanding that Article 20 was the only Article left to be brought before the City Commission. He stated he was not aware of the 20 -day requirement to let PERC know. He stated he has been in contact with them and sent PERC a letter today rejecting just Article 20 and today they are asking the Commission to grant them an extension to be able to present their case for Article 20. Commissioner Daugherty asked, if they allow this, would they immediately go into a Special Hearing. Mayor Borno stated they go into a Special Hearing, will have 10 minutes for LIUNA to present their input on Article 20, followed by the City, then discussion and a decision. Commissioner Daugherty stated it seems to him that the employees were poorly represented by their representative and he would like them to have a chance to speak, despite their poor representation. Commissioner Woods agreed, stating she believes it is an important issue and they should be heard. Roll Call Votes: Aye: 5 — Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Beckenbach, Borno Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED City Attorney Jensen explained the hearing will be conducted pursuant to Section 447.403(4)(c) &(d) of the Florida Statutes to resolve an impasse in negotiations between the City of Atlantic Beach and Local 630 Laborers International Union of North America. He stated those sections of the Statute 2 provide that if a recommendation of a Special Magistrate to resolve an impasse in negotiations is rejected in whole or in part, the legislative body (which in this case is the City Commission) shall forthwith conduct a public hearing at which the parties shall be required to explain their positions with respect to the rejected recommendations of the Special Magistrate. Thereafter, the legislative body shall take such action as it deems to be in the public interest, including in the interest of the public employees involved, to resolve all disputed impasse issues. The impasse between the City of Atlantic Beach and the Laborers Union has been assigned PERC case SM2012 -068. Each party in this case (that is the impasse between the City and the Laborers Union) will have a total of 10 minutes to present their position on the sole remaining issue at impasse. Because the Laborers Union has now rejected the Special Magistrate's recommendation concerning Article 20 of the parry's collective bargaining agreement concerning pensions, the Union will present its position first through its bargaining representative, followed by the position of the City, presented by the City Manager. Following the Commission hearing the positions of the parties to the impasse, the Commission may choose to allow individuals from the audience to address the Commission. Mr. Jensen asked the Mayor if the Commission chooses to allow this and, if so, what time limit will be placed on this portion of the hearing, the total time limit for that portion and any time limit per speaker. The Mayor stated he will allow a maximum of 15 total minutes for speakers, approximately 5 minutes each. Mr. Jensen further stated, following hearing from both parties and any public comments, the Commission is to take formal action to resolve the impasse and such action shall be final. C. LIUNA input on Article 20 Pensions Andy Bemis, Business Manager and Chief Negotiator for Local 630, explained the only contested issue is Article 20. He stated the City's proposal to the pension plan first would impact current vested employees by increasing the required amount of contribution by I%. He stated this proposed increase would mean that current vested employees' contribution rate would increase from 5% to 6 %. He stated the Union is willing to agree to this part of Article 20. He stated the second part of the City's Article 20 proposal is that the current non - vested employees would be converted to a newly created Defined Contribution Plan. He stated the City would transfer the non - vested employees contributions made to date to the new plan and would match the full amount dollar for dollar. He stated, in addition, the City would match employee contributions up to 6% for the first 10 years of employment. He stated after 10 years of employment the City would contribute an additional 4% to the employees' plans, with no match required to receive this 4 %. He stated also the vesting period for the newly created Defined Contribution Plan would be 5 years and not the 10 years as was previously under the pension plan. He stated this plan would take affect for new hires. The Union's position is that the current non - vested employees should be allowed to remain in the pension plan and any new hires would be placed into the Defined Contribution Plan rather than the defined benefit plan. He stated the Union recognizes that the City is trying to be fiscally responsible, however, they also believe the City should consider the well being of its employees. He stated when employees accepted positions with the City an understanding of certain things took place; they agreed to a salary and their fringe benefit package, pension being a big part of that. He stated the employees have continued to work hard through this tough fiscal time and have been dedicated to the 3 City, during which they have not received any raises in several years, have had contribution rates increased and have stayed loyal to the City. He stated since 2005 the employees have agreed to several concessions to the pension plan to help the City with the pension costs, including reducing the multiplier from 2.85% to 2.5% in 2005; agreed to a I% increase to their contribution rate each year from 2005 -2007 resulting in an increase from 2% to 5 %; in 2008 the employees agreed to increase vesting from 5 years to 10 years for new hires; and again this year the employees are prepared to contribute another 1 % to the pension, bringing it up to 6 %, which is 3 times what it was in 2005. He further referred to a handout from Foster & Foster which was provided during impasse by the City, pointing out the 30 -year projections for City contribution rates. He stated as he reads this, leaving the non - vested employees in the pension plan long -term provides a savings to the City. He stated pension, just like Defined Contribution Plan, is an investment and you have to look long- term. He believes this 30 -year projection of leaving the current non - vested employees in the pension would save money and is a good long -term decision. He stated they also believe that once the economy picks up, the changes that have been made will also make a difference so they are asking the Commission to leave all current employees in the pension plan. He stated they agree to the I% increase to the contribution rate. D. City Position City Manager Jim Hanson presented the City's position, giving the history of the cost increases which he stated started the City down this path quite a while ago. He stated the current process started about two years ago when the Commission decided to get a professional study done to look at the options and they hired Foster & Foster to do a study of pension options for both the general employees and police pension plans, which was completed in August 2011. He stated pension costs for the City have increased pretty dramatically, giving an example that the City's cost for the general employees pension plan went up from $320,000 /year in FY 2009 to over $652,000 in the current fiscal year. He stated at the same time the funded ratio has gone down from 74% to 69% over the same period. He further stated the City's revenues also declined during those same years with property tax revenues declining from $4.2 million in FY 2009 to about $3.9 million in the current year. He stated the most recent actuary report was just received and there is another cost increase of $52,000 for the City for the general pension plan next year without doing any changes to the current plan. He stated another issue is risk, explaining whenever the investments or assumptions do not meet the City's projections the risk is on the City's side. He stated if costs go up, the City has to put the difference in the bill. He stated the City set targets for cost reductions in the 15 -16% range and have worked on the pension plans to try to achieve those kinds of reductions. He stated they have tried to spread that cost to a broader base of benefits rather than just amending the pension plan. He stated the Foster & Foster study showed that if you try to get those kinds of savings out of the pension plans, you would have a much more dramatic effect on the pensions, particularly for current vested City employees rather than spreading the cost to other benefits. He stated they also have made changes to both the personal leave and longevity programs. He explained they have been negotiating with LIUNA for about a year, have declared an impasse, and went through a hearing process with a magistrate whose opinion has been provided to everyone. He stated this brings us to the item of contention. He stated LIUNA has agreed to accept all the magistrate's recommendations with the exception of Article 20 — Pensions. He explained the City's proposal is that current vested employees will keep the pension plan as is but would have an increase in their contribution from 5- 2 6 %. He stated the non - vested and future employees would be in a Defined Contribution Plan and the City would match up to 6% of the employee's contribution in the first 10 years of service; thereafter, the City would put in an additional 4% that would not need to be matched. He stated the vesting would be changed to 5 years. He stated the point at issue deals with the conversion of non - vested employees to the Defined Contribution Plan; the City's proposal is to transfer the contributions they have made with interest and the City would double that. He stated basically they would be treated as if they had been in a Defined Contribution Plan all along and the City had been matching their contributions. He stated the Union has not agreed to the conversion of non - vested employees to the Defined Contribution Plan as recommended by the magistrate. He stated the recommendation is to stick with the City's position that has been developed over a year of negotiating sessions and gone through a magistrate process and it is now up to the Commission to determine what to do on this one remaining point. Mayor Borno asked how many total non - vested employees will be affected by the transfer to the Defined Contribution Plan. Mr. Hanson stated there are eight in the Union who are affected with twenty total employees affected. E. Public Input on LIUNA Contract, Article 20 Pensions The Mayor opened the floor to Public Input, explained the procedures and invited comments from the audience. Paul Parsons, 1970 Mipaula Ct., stated he is opposed to any increase in the pension for the employees of the City. He stated the City has some of the best department heads he has ever seen and there is not one time you can call the City and they are not out there as fast as they can be. He stated in 2001 the employees put in 1% and now it has built up to 5 %, which has come a long way in 12 years. He stated they needed to catch up but some of these people are only making $10, getting food stamps and just trying to get by. He stated in his opinion they are going to vote on $60,000 for a feasibility study for the police building and $32,000 on the video, which is $100,000 that they are just throwing away. He stated why go up now on the employees. He stated they work very hard, do a better job than any other city around and do it with a smile on their face. He stated he does not think it is right at this time to go up. He stated maybe they could look at it again next year or the year after that, but they have increased it on a pretty regular basis for the past twelve years. He stated he is asking the Commission to not go up on their pensions at this moment. He stated food, insurance and everything else has gone up and he doesn't think it is the right thing to do at this time. He stated the City is doing better according to letters he has received from a couple of the Commission telling him everything that is going on and the City seems to be doing better, so why do it now. He stated let's just wait and see what they have in the bank at the end of the year or the next year and do something about it then. He stated he speaks for a lot of people out there and suggests they not vote to raise their pensions at this time. Bill Mayhew, 1870 N. Sherry Dr., stated he received a letter from a retired employee who said he believed that I thought all government employees were lazy and that he did not like them. He stated this is not hue. He admitted he may be a little jealous but stated he doesn't begrudge employees anything they receive through the bargaining process. He stated he wishes he had a lifetime pension. 5 He stated he is frustrated with the management of this City that has not adequately addressed these problems and negotiated fair deals for the taxpayers but stated the steps being proposed now are a good beginning and congratulated them on that. He stated our pension problems are not just isolated cases; all over the U.S., cities and states have come to realize that defined benefit plans haven't worked. He stated he believes the existing plans should be frozen and all employees offered Defined Contribution Plans, or the benefit formulas should be reduced to sustainable levels and the plans coordinated with Social Security. He further urged them to do a study on the feasibility of farming out the police function as has been so successfully done with the fire department, regardless of the pension situation, and they may find they might not need a new police building at all. He stated they should think of the great things that could be done with an extra million dollars or so a year, such as tax rates could even be lowered or they could give raises to the lower paid employees at the City who apparently really need them. Since no one else wished to speak, the Mayor closed the floor to Public Input. F. Commission Discussion and Vote. Motion: Adopt the Magistrate's recommendation in full. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Beckenbach Commissioner Woods stated they have worked at this as a group trying to find a balance between what is right for the City, the taxpayers and employees because the employees are greatly valued. She stated it has been her goal all along that people need more cash in their pocket and she hopes through this restructuring they can do more for the employees today and help them in their financial needs today. She stated in good faith she believes this is the best for all involved. Commissioner Daugherty asked Human Resources Director Sue Danhauser what the median age is for the 20 employees who would be affected. She stated she believes an average is in the 30s. Commissioner Daugherty referred to paragraph 5 on page 2 of the Foster & Foster study distributed by the employee's union, pointing out that it states the member hired at age 3 0 would have a benefit of greater value by participating in the Defined Contribution Plan, as the magistrate recommended. He stated he did not see why the Union Representative gave the Commission this document, because it goes against his point. He apologized to the employees but stated according to a report distributed by their representative it says the ones affected by this are better off being in the Defined Contribution Plan so he doesn't see why the Commission would vote to not have them in the Defined Contribution Plan. Commissioner Beckenbach stated they have reviewed all the options and he knows there are a number of citizens who would love to see everyone with a change, freezing the defined benefit plan, making everyone go on the Defined Contribution Plan but that wasn't acceptable to the Commission. He stated they decided to put those who were unvested and the new hires on the Defined Contribution Plan. He stated he understands it will affect a number of people but the things that were done in the past did not help their decision. He stated they looked at where the plan is at this time and he doesn't, personally, see a rosy picture in the future as far as funding. He stated the risk goes on to the City and the citizens and though the employees will receive a benefit it might not be 11 the benefit that they would like to have but he is sure the tax rate would not be acceptable to the citizens as well but they tried to compromise as best as they thought they could. He stated they felt this was a good compromise and believes during their sessions that they tried to cover everyone's interests as best they possible could. He stated they do appreciate the employees and the citizens do as well but at the same time there is a certain limit. He stated over a period of years the Commissions of the past have had a number of increases in the amount of contributions that have been made in the employees' favor and they are looking right now at 27 %, an increase from 26 %. Commissioner Mark stated it has been a very difficult process and they were trying to find a balance that would allow the pension to remain sustainable in the future. She stated for the record, for her personally, she did not want to have any affect for the current employees. She stated the fact that it is affecting the current, they felt like they were trying to strike the fairest deal for that change. She understands that if she was hired under certain conditions and it changed in midstream, she would be very upset about that as well. Looking back at what they have offered and what was recommended and accepted by the magistrate, she believes it is as fair as it can be and is with the intent and hope that they will be able to give the raises needed for use now, as well as offer a pension plan that they will have in the future when they retire. She stated this is not a reflection as far as the services the employees provide for the City, because they are excellent. Mayor Borno stated he has been working on reducing some of the past sins in the benefits that have been given away in great times since 2000 and believes they have reached a plateau. He stated a pay study is in progress and that will be taken into consideration at budget time. He stated there is a possibility of a pay raise but he can't promise anything until they see the results of the pay study and they all have to make a decision. Commissioner Woods stated the employees' interests were very well represented by the City Manager and the Human Resources Director. Roll Call Votes: Aye: 5 — Mark, Woods, Beckenbacb, Daugherty, Borno Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 3. Non -Union General employees Benefits A. Summary of City Positions on Benefit Issues. City Manager Hanson stated the Commission has now dealt with the pensions and benefits for employees represented by both unions and what is left are the benefits for the general non -union employees. He stated this is the final action for the Commission to be taking. He stated they have had the same economic concerns for the general employees as they have had for all employees, i.e. rising pension costs and they have tallied all the information on a basis of all the employees together, with the exception of the police pension which is dealt with under a different State legislation. The same factors relate to the general non -union employees. He stated the changes to the pension 7 benefits have been worked out over a year of negotiations which have led to the City's position. He explained, as related to pension, the current vested employees would continue with the current plan but increase their contribution by 1 %, from 5% to 6 %. He stated for the current non - vested employees the plan is to convert to a Defined Contribution Plan, as described earlier, with the City transferring the contributions made to date with interest and doubling it to create a DC plan in each of their names. For future employees and those that would be converted to the DC plan, the City would match up to 6% of contributions for the first 10 years and then put in an additional 4% after that. He further explained the changes to the leave policy as follows: 1. Maximum accrual of personal leave of 680 hours with a buy down at 100% for all of those who are over 680 hours to bring them down to that number. The City would end the bi- annual buy- backs and go to a use it or lose it policy with the provision at year end to allow the City Manager to give a waiver on that for those circumstances where the employees could not take their leave through no fault of their own, i.e. a situation where someone is prevented from taking leave due to being short staffed in their department and the supervisor couldn't spare them. In those cases, it would be appropriate for the City to carry over that leave. 2. There is a new leave accrual table, which was amended since the original proposal. He stated it starts with 120 hours /year for new employees and goes up to 248 hours /year for employees with 15+ years of service. 2. Sell back at termination, current employees will receive the following: > 10 years of service — 100% of accrued leave; < 10 years of service — 50% of accrued leave. He stated employees currently with the City who might not have 10 years of service, but would get to 10 years by the time they terminate employment would get the 100% sell back. New employees will always receive a 50% sell back of accrued leave at termination. Mr. Hanson explained the longevity policy as follows: The City's proposal has been to take the longevity amounts that all City employees with over 5 years of service have received and roll those into the base pay, as well as to prorate for the years of service for each year they have over each five year increment with an extra $5 /month for each additional year of service above those five year increments. This will go into the base pay and once done there will be no more longevity and no more longevity raises in the future. He stated the City's plan is to protect the current employees and employees yet to be hired would never receive any longevity pay. He stated that was a summary of the City's positions and he would recommend the Commission authorize making changes to the policies for benefits that relate to non -union employees based on those positions refined to this point over the last year in negotiations. B. Public Input on Benefits for General, Non -Union Employees. The Mayor opened the floor to Public Input, explained the procedures and invited comments from the audience. Patty Drake, employee with the City for 7 %2 years, stated as a non - bargaining employee she believes it was important to put in front of the Commission some of the issues that have occurred over the years. She stated at the time of employment each employee is given an Employee Benefit Summary handout which summarizes the City's benefit plans including insurance, pension, leave accrual, and leave cash -in program. She stated she agreed to be employed with the City based on the benefits. She stated since that information was provided to her the following things have occurred: employee retirement contributions increased by 2 %; there were no raises for four consecutive years, the employee out -of- pocket insurance expenses increased, all while cost of living was continuing to rise. She stated today's staff report proposes that the employees should again accept additional reductions in benefits by reducing the total maximum accrual leave by 280 hours, reducing the number of hours accrued per pay period, eliminating the leave cash -in program, reducing the leave cash -in at time of separation by 50% for those with less than 10 years of service, eliminating longevity pay, increasing the employee's retirement contribution by another I%, and eliminating the pension plan for those hired after September 1, 2008. She stated she recognizes some changes may need to occur and everyone is well aware of the economy, but it seems to continue to fall on the current employees. She stated she is here basically to state that she believes changes to benefits should be more for new employees and should not affect the current employees who have accrued time. She stated related to accrued time, the employees did not have long -term or short-term disability prior to January 1, 2013 so people accrued their time for this. She stated they were told in January this may go away and were allowed to make a decision in January for a one -time to cash -out, but now the decision may be made before the June cash -out and no one is considering what the employees thought was going to happen, so she believes that is something to be considered. She further stated there are a lot of people who are the only person in their position and with having to hurry up and take their time to not lose it, it will affect the City in how some of the offices and outside operations run. She stated her plea is that things should not affect the current employees, but should go forward with new employees. She stated these decisions they are making now are affecting the livelihood of a lot of current employees and although they have said it is difficult to do, it is also difficult to take. She asked that they think about and reconsider if they would. Since no one else wished to speak the Mayor closed the floor to Public Input. C. Commission Discussion and Vote. Motion: Approve the above recommended changes to the non - bargaining employees' benefits as indicated in the Staff Report and authorize the City Manager to make the related and necessary changes to the Personnel Manual. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty Mayor Borno stated he has discussed some of these items in the past and knows the position of the Commission related to what they need to do to benefits. He stated his thoughts were to the point to where it would have caused, if considered, us to have too many plans, instead of the two, and would have been an unworkable situation. He stated that is sad because he can see the merit to some thoughts of it. Roll Call Votes: 0 Aye: 5 — Woods, Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Borno Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED Mayor Bomo adjourned the meeting at 6:41 p.m. ATTEST: Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk 10 Mike Borno Mayor Minutes of Commission Briefing April 4, 2013 Present: Mayor Mike Bomo, Mayor Pro Tern Maria Mark, Commissioners Mark Beckenbach, Jonathan Daugherty and Carolyn Woods, City Manager Jim Hanson, Public Works Director Rick Carper, Chief of Police Mike Classey, City Clerk Donna Bartle, Recording Secretary Nancy Bailey, Beaches Leader Reporter Alexi Strong and citizen Steve Kallao. Mayor Borno called the meeting to order in the Commission Chamber at 3:02 pm. Subjects discussed included several items on the Agenda for the upcoming Commission meetings on April 4, 2013, as follows, with Mr. Hanson reporting on each item: 1. Special Meeting at 5:30 p.m., April 8, 2013. • LIUNA Impasse — Mr. Hanson explained the only issue the Commission will have to make a decision on is the Pension since all other issues are not in dispute. He stated, however, the Commission will first have to make a decision on whether to approve the extension of time requested by LIUNA to file the rejection of the Special Magistrate's recommendation. Discussion ensued. • Decision on Non Union Employees. Mr. Hanson answered questions from the Commission. • Input from public employees. Mr. Hanson stated, given this is an impasse on employee benefit issues, they can probably expect a crowd full of City employees who are not happy with them reducing their benefits. 2. Commission Meeting April 8, 2013 • 2A — JEA presentation of energy rebate check. Mr. Hanson explained the City will get a rebate for our Wastewater Plant upgrade for over $140,000. He stated we invited them to come in and make a ceremonial presentation. • 6A — Resolution supporting Strategic Regional Policy Plan of Northeast Florida Regional Council. Mayor Borno explained since Paul Parsons left office the beaches no longer have a designated representative on the Council but we are kept informed by Mayor Stan Totman of Baldwin, who was appointed by Mayor Brown to be the representative. • 7C — Ordinance on Meeting Schedule. Discussion ensued on the issues involved and options available. • 8A — Scope for review of Police Building. Discussion ensued regarding the scope of services of the RFP, focusing mainly on the size of the building. There was further discussion on the history and background of the proposal from ADG. Mr. Hanson stated the question is whether the Commission is going to take any action, and if so whether they will build on the current site or on another site. Further discussion ensued with no consensus being reached. Mayor Bomo suggested taking the square footage out and amending the RFP and they could vote on it at the Commission meeting. • 9A - City Manager Reports ➢ Strategic Plan draft. He stated he will pass out a draft at the Monday Commission Meeting, ask for their comments, incorporate the comments if everyone has a consensus, and come back with a resolution to adopt the strategic plan. 3. Agenda Briefing Workshops; future schedule? Depending on the action taken on the Ordinance, the next meeting may be April 18 at 3:00 p.m. 4. Commission Issues. Discussion ensued on the videotaping of the Commission/Workshop meeting. Commissioner Woods distributed a report related to initiating a local business development program, Local Economic Growth Umbrella Program (LEG UP), stating she will bring this up at the Commission meeting. Mr. Hanson announced they brought someone in from out of town to interview for the Redevelopment Coordinator today. The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 5:11 p.m. Nancy E. Bailey, Recording Secretary Mike Bomo, Mayor MINUTES OF THE STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP HELD AT ADELE GRAGE CULTURAL CENTER, 716 OCEAN BLVD. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2013. (Meeting 1 of 3) Commissioners Present: Mike Borno, Mayor Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner Carolyn Woods, Commissioner Staff Present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Nelson VanLiere, Finance Director Timmy Johnson, Recreation and Special Events Director Mike Classey, Police Chief Donna Kaluzniak, Utilities Director Rick Carper, Public Works Director Sue Danhauser, Human Resource Director Keith Randich, IT Director Tim Gilboy, Deputy Public Works Director Mike Griffin, Building and Zoning Director Tiffany Layson, Police Commander Victor Gualillo, Police Commander Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Facilitator: Walt McBride The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm. Overview, Introductions, Roles, Responsibilities, and Expectations Walt McBride gave an overview of the agenda and had everyone introduce themselves. City Manager Jim Hanson explained his expectations. Review of 2012 Retreat Results Staff reported on the status of each item on the Strategic Plan (which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A) as follows: Golf Course- City Manager Jim Hanson; Union Negotiations- Human Resource Director Sue Danhauser; Budget- City Manager Hanson and Finance Director Nelson Van Liere; Pedestrian Safety- Police Chief Mike Classey; Atlantic Beach West Integration/ Visioning Plan- City Manager Hanson; Encroachment on and Expansion of City Parks- City Manager Hanson; Mayport Corridor- Building and Zoning Director Michael Griffin ; Enterprise Applications- IT Director Keith Randich; Tipping Fee Negotiation- City Manager Hanson and Public Works Director Rick Carper; Community Visioning Plan- Commission; Police Building- Police Chief Mike Classey; Town Center Parking- City Manager Hanson and Building and Zoning Director Michael Griffin; Marsh Master: Plan Improvements- Public Works Director Rick Carper. As each item was being reported, the Commission had the opportunity to ask questions and staff answered their questions. Commissioner Beckenbach requested that detailed information regarding capital projects for each year be provided to the Commission. Finance Director Nelson Van Liere explained he can provide a schedule of the 10 -year plan to refer to during budget workshops. Listing and prioritizing of items identified by Mgyor and Commissioners Mr. McBride explained how first he will list the items that the Commission wishes to discuss during these sessions by writing them on a flip chart and then they will be discussed and prioritized later. The issues highlighted were as follows: • Golf Course • Atlantic Beach West Integration • Visioning Plan • City Parks; Encroachment On and Expansion Of • Mayport Corridor • Enterprise Applications • Tipping fees • Police building • Town Center Parking • Marsh Master Plan • Parking at Bull Park • Tree Ordinance Review • Greenspace Master Plan • Infrastructure • Commercial Revitalization • Marsh Oaks Branding • Mayport Crossover /Crosswalks • Videotaping Commission Meetings • Grants • Manpower • Charter Review • Pedestrian Safety • Open and Accessible Government • 5 -way stop/Roundabout • Flooding issues • Going paperless with agenda packets • Recruitment and Retention of Staff Mr. McBride asked the Commission to combine related items and prioritize them by importance. He explained they will be prioritizing them again during the final night of Strategic Planning. Each Commissioner scored each item from 1 to 5 with 1 being the lowest ranked and 5 being the highest. Scores following each item in parentheses are the total scores of all five Commissioners. • Golf Course (14) • Atlantic Beach West Integration/Mayport Crossover crosswalks (23) • Visioning Plan (18) • Enterprise Applications (13) • Tipping Fees (14) • Police Building (20) Corridor /Marsh Oaks Branding /Mayport Minutes of the Strategic Planning Workshop (Meeting 1 of 3) Page 2 of 3 February 12, 2013 • Town Center Parking (11) • Marsh Master Plan (19) • Greenscape Master Plan (same as Parks Master Plan) (16) • Infrastructure (13) • Commercial Revitalization; Mayport and Atlantic Boulevard (20) • Five -way Stop/Roundabout (6) • Grants (18) • Recruitment and retention of City staff (19) • Pension (21) • Budget (25) • Charter Review (15) • Open/accessible government /videotaping of Commission meetings (21) • Pedestrian Safety (20) Discussion of priority issues and goal setting. Mr. McBride explained they are to begin discussing the priority issues to identify action items. Police Building- Commissioner Daugherty distributed and explained a handout titled Atlantic Beach Public Safety Building Additions and Renovations Space Programs dated 6115105 from Fleet & Associates and proposed having an independent architect look at the existing building to see what can be done. Commissioner Beckenbach reported comments he heard from citizens regarding the Police Building. Discussion ensued. Mr. McBride noted there were many areas of disagreement during the discussion and asked what areas they can agree on. There was an agreement by the Commission that the Police Department needs better facilities. Mayor Borno suggested getting an RFP for independent analysis on the existing building. There was a consensus for Mayor Borno to have a proposal on a future agenda. Mayor Borno adjourned the meeting at 9:05. Mike Borno Mayor Attest: Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk Minutes of the Strategic Planning Workshop (Meeting 1 of 3) Page 3 of 3 February 12, 2013 t U (0 a) 00 U a-+ C co Q 0 a 'i O M p, O U 'OD i ATTACtUVENT A ar a u a) � S v CL ao 1 ca o j6 a U) c L a) m 0 i 'a aa) t -0 7 -C N a) O O +j a U U bD O. Ln +, +' Ln L + a) U o g 76 u -a i �c= a) E C O +, a) n 41 O � — C p U) t s v a a o bD o c a m m . � o ° i° a) LL O u 0 O� ,n i N O -6 E c cn w `^ c a O a O O ca a) CL > t N `° in E E L , e t v n. m +° a ono W ,o o c a 4 a aa) a C 'a a 4' a+ bD ❑. _ O m O p a C 'a ® V O ._ ,ten a) `� a-+ O v a) C v� O ,n C cb p 41 to a v E 0 41 o a L t3 ° M u . a, o a) ° ° bD CL W O � O O C a) p U i O a) = 4 41 O ++ 1 0) -a L ° 4- O +' '6 — O E O +- N v �O _ 4. a 4 O N O L a) +m' C U m E A 4+ a :N �o 6 c 41 o c E o 1 p p O p 1 o v ai a +' O ° bD U 0 4 A U •`A �N a a `d o 43 Qj O O F° w C O O i O N v1 4 O a) a) A 4- a) u a) = O O O N O. 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L = Li- L > 'Q) > Q L > C N > C7 QJ g v O� O o O 0 O 0 O l7 Q co O U 0 oc a a a a a MINUTES OF THE STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP HELD AT ADELE GRAGE CULTURAL CENTER, 716 OCEAN BLVD. ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2013. (Meeting 2 of 3) Commissioners Present: Mike Borno, Mayor Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner Carolyn Woods, Commissioner Staff Present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Nelson Van Liere, Finance Director Sue Danhauser, Human Resource Director Mike Classey, Police Chief Donna Kaluzniak, Utilities Director Rick Carper, Public Works Director Mike Griffin, Building and Zoning Director Victor Gualillo, Police Commander Tiffany Layson, Police Commander Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Facilitator: Walt McBride Mayor Borno called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm and paused for a silent prayer. Discussion of priority issues and lZoal settinIZ (Continued from 1St meeting) Mr. McBride gave a recap of the previous meeting and explained the discussion will continue from where they left off last night. Each topic was discussed and the following points were emphasized. Budget —It was noted that the budget is always the most obvious top priority and all other Strategic issues impact it. ® Must consider resources available. • Keep as low as possible; treat as our income. • Nothing seems terribly out of line with revenue. • Service levels drive revenues, not vice - versa. Commissioner Beckenbach requested that a budget training session be held with Mr. Van Liere prior to the budget workshops. Discussion ensued and the Commission agreed to have the training by July 31St. Finance Director Nelson Van Liere reminded the Commission he will provide a schedule of the 10 -year plan to refer to during budget workshops. Atlantic Beach West Integration/Mayport Corridor/Marsh Oaks Branding /Mayport Crossover - crosswalks — Commissioner Daugherty began the discussion with a presentation titled Maypor•t Road Initiative as he reported the work that has been done to date and explained his proposal for work to be done. • Create identity; work with community to help. • Must be neighborhood driven. • Rebranding of Mayport Road. • Pedestrian scaled, part of Town Center success. • Gateway- make invisible line visible - Short -term action— no deadline for Commissioner Daugherty. • Review Mayport Corridor Study /Plan that created medians on Mayport Road. • Engage Chamber of Commerce. • Need personnel capacity in place — Short -term action - in process with Mike Griffin. • Must consider zoning impact. • Meet to inform and get input — Short -term action- by 5/31 for upcoming Redevelopment Coordinator. Open/accessible government /videotaping of Commission meetings • We have it- is it enough? • Shared Responsibilities. • Agenda discussed at workshops. • One camera vs. multi camera- do it right in the beginning. • Begin videotaping meetings- Short -term action - have item on next agenda — by 8/31 (Break from 6:45 to 7:10 pm) Pension • Continuing Negotiations. • Actuarial Report pending. • No action steps unless report shows significant changes. • Advocacy at state level. • Vigilance. Pedestrian Safety • Safety Program. • Improve Bike Paths and Crossings. • Possibility of moving vehicle traffic out of Town Center. • FDOT has been in City at request of Public Works and Police Department. • Police Department will be bringing back crosswalk enhancements to Commission in May. • Sidewalk projects in process. Police Building (Discussed in I" meeting) Commercial Revitalization; Mayport and Atlantic Boulevard • Economic Incentives for Commercial Redevelopment- Mid -term action, • Economic Development and Redevelopment- Priority for Redevelopment Coordinator. Minutes of the Strategic Planning Workshop (Meeting 2 of 3) March 13, 2013 Page 2 of 3 Recruitment and retention of staff • Conduct Pay and Classification Study- Short -term action. • Lower Paid Employees are hurting. • Any increases should be targeted. • Employees need Career Path. Marsh Master Plan • Marsh Master Plan is a go- Long -term action - in process. • Do we want Jacksonville involved and at what level? Visioning Plan • Have Redevelopment Coordinator handle. • Use of independent company to conduct Community Engagement. Grants • Grants are good. • Need Someone to Chase and Administer Grants for us. • RFP for Grant Writer- Short -term action. • Have presentation by Grant Writing Firm- Short -term action. Tipping Fees- Will take a considerable amount of City Manager's time in coming months. Golf Course - Will take a considerable amount of City Manager's time in coming months. It was decided to eliminate Five - way /Roundabout from the plan. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm. Mike Borno Mayor Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk Minutes of the Strategic Planning Workshop (Meeting 2 of 3) March 13, 2013 Page 3 of 3 MINUTES OF THE STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP HELD AT ADELE GRAGE CULTURAL CENTER, 716 OCEAN BLVD. ON THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013. (Meeting 3 of 3) Commissioners Present: Mike Borno, Mayor Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner Carolyn Woods, Commissioner Staff Present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Nelson Van Liere, Finance Director Donna Kaluzniak, Utilities Director Rick Carper, Public Works Director Mike Griffin, Building and Zoning Director Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Facilitator: Walt McBride Mayor Borno called the meeting to order at 5:05 pm. Discussion of priority issues and goal setting (Continued from 2nd meeting) Mr. McBride gave a recap of the previous meeting and explained the discussion will continue from where they left off last night. Each topic was discussed and the following points were emphasized. Greenspace Master Plan/Tree Ordinance /Bull Park Parking Tree Ordinance: • Canopy in jeopardy of disappearing. • Close loopholes. • Address clear- cutting. • Boundaries/Border "wars ". • Only regulate in conjunction with construction. • Review current ordinance and other models- Short -term action. Greenspace Master Plan: • Inventory of Greenspace. • Develop plan to conserve. • Need to define Greenspace. • Find out what citizen group (Community Foundation) is doing- Short -term action. Parks Master Plan: • Need one- Short -term action. • Need someone to develop and to handle public participation. • Map and inventory current facilities. • People move here for our parks. • Park fee? • Recoup expenses from outside users. Charter Review • Last reviewed in 1990s. • Appoint Task Force? • Need to be sensitive to staff time. • Need knowledgeable participants. • Hire consultant? • Conduct Charter review- Long -term action. Tn frn stri i eti ire • Need to address flooding and standing water. • Review the Stoimwater Master Plan- Short -term action. • Accelerate the Stormwater Master Plan schedule- Short -term action. • Develop plan to help neighborhoods address drainage issues. • Unpaved streets. • Discuss Robert Street Ditch with owner. • Sturdivant sidewalks. Enterprise Software • Have funded conversion of system from mainframe to cloud. Town Center Parking • Develop strategy to address Town Center Parking. • Get right people around table- Mid -term action. Going paperless with agendas • Go paperless • Research costs for equipment, software and training- Short -term action. (Break from 7:10 to 7:35 pm) Mr. Hanson stated he plans to compose a new Strategic Plan spreadsheet and have it adopted by the Commission before budget preparations. Mr. McBride reiterated the action items agreed to by the Commission. Each Commissioner scored each item from 1 to 5 with 1 being the lowest ranked priority and 5 being the highest. The scores following each item below are the total scores of all five Commissioners. Begin videotaping _(Commission) meetings- on next agenda- 25 Short-term action- on agenda) Explore economic incentives for economic development- 19 (Short-term) Conduct Pay and Classification Pay- on next agenda- 25 (on agenda) Continue implementation of Marsh Master Plan- 23 (Long -term) Have presentation by a grant writing film- pursue RFP for a grant writer- 14 (Short-term) Tipping Fees- 25 Minutes of the Strategic Planning Workshop (Meeting 3 of 3) March 14, 2013 Page 2 of 3 Golf Course- 25 Learn what the citizens group is doing regarding Greenspace- 5 Charter Review- 0 (Long-term) Accelerate implementation of Stormwater Master Plan -11 Develop strategy to address Town Center Parking - 10 Go paperless for agendas — 19 Engage professional to conduct Community Engagement /Visioning- 14 City ger and Finance Director to Conduct Budget training session- 20 (Short-term) Develop Parks Master Plan- 24 Outside Evaluator for Police Building- 25 (on agenda soon). Gateway at Mayport- 9 Redevelopment Coordinator meet with shareholders- 23 Evaluate sidewalks- 20 Mr. McBride explained that Mr. Hanson will put the items in priority order and indicate the best estimate of which staff will be involved and how much time it will take. The Commission thanked Mr. McBride and he thanked everyone for having him. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm. Mike Borno Mayor Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk Minutes of the Strategic Planning Workshop (Meeting 3 of 3) March 14, 2013 Page 3 of 3