Agenda Item 8EAGENDA 1TVM H RE MAY 13, 2013 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Engineering Design of Stormwater Improvements for East Gast Drive (PW1306) SUBMITTED BY: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director 1-94f— DATE: April 12, 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: 13. Stormwater Master Plan Projects BACKGROUND: In April, the Commission approved Staff's recommendation of Edwards Engineering for the Engineering Design of Stormwater Improvements for East Coast Drive and authorized staff to negotiate scope and fees for these services. Staff, in consultation with the City Manager, has reached agreement on the Scope of Services and Fee proposal attached to this staff report. The ;cope of Services includes project design, geotechnical and environmental services and environmental permitting. The consultant proposes to have design completed to support a planned bid date of May /June 2013. The Base fee proposal is $29,405.01, with an additional $12,600 in Limiting Amount Fees (services performed as needed) and $1,509.30 in reimbursable expenses (travel, printing costs and WMD permit fee). The total fee is $43,51431. BUDGET: The Public Works -Stormwater Account, 470- 0000 - 5313 -6300, includes $360,000 budgeted for design and construction of project PW1306. This budget is for stormwater improvements only; should streetscape improvements be added to the project, additional funds will be required. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission approve the Scope of Services and Fee Proposal for Engineering Design of Stormwater improvements for East Coast Drive and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with Edwards Engineering. ATTACHMENTS: A. Scope of Services for Engineering Design of Stormwater Improvements for Fast Coast Drive B. Contract Fee Summary REVIEWED By CITY M AGENDA ITEM # SE MAY 13. 2013 '1885 Corporate Square Boulevard DWARDS Jacksonville, Florida 32216 phone (904) 725.4220 LN�GWINIEERING, Inc. fax (904) 725-4219 edwerdser,g.com EAST COAST DRIVE DFAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS April 10, 2013 1. Backitround A. This project is located at the east end of Atlantic Boulevard within a popular !business, restaurant, and tourist area of the City of Atlantic Beach (City). A Storm -Water Master Plan (SWMP) was produced by CDM Smith for the City of Atlantic Beach that detailed various storm water related areas of concern throughout the City. The SWMP included this area as the highest ranking problem area due to its location and impact on both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The cause of the impact is described as an undersized storm drain pipe that is frequently plugged by debris resulting in storm water rising to street level. B. Based on preliminary design recommendations within the SWMP and conversations with representatives of the City, the undersized storm pipe could be upsized if it were accompanied by extiltration trenches and an underground storm -water vault to attenuate the additional storm water entering the system. Because the proposed vault system will be under existing pavement within the right -of -way and there is no intention of widening roadways associated with this project, new impervious thresholds will likely not be exceeded. The need to impound a volume of runoff to attenuate the flow rate of storm water leaving the problem area will require an Environmental Resource Permit (ERR) from the St Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD). C. A walk - through of the site showed that there will most likely be protected trees removed within the project area to facilitate the improvements. There will be no need to submit ror a tree clearing permit from the City, although tabulation of the trees being removed will be included within the construction drawings. D_ Pavement markings along with utility maps provided by the City show there is underground water, sewer, gas, storm sewer, and AT &T ducts within the project area. There are also overhead electric lines that are hung over East Coast Drive and Ahern Street that will have to be considered during the design phase. AGENDA ITEM # 8E MAY 13, 2013 II. Proiect A. The City will provide the additional survey that includes filling in information needed on the roadway, driveways, drainage structures and piping, utility locations marked in the field, and trees within the limits of the right -of -way. B. Edwards Engineering, Inc. (Consultant) will provide up to 9 utility locating soft digs within the work area to minimize potential for conflicts with the water mains, sanitary sewer building connections, and gas mains. C. The Consultant is to provide geotechnical exploration to determine water table elevation in the vicinity of the proposed underground storage area, a soil permeability test to determine permeability of the soil and two standard penetration tests in the vicinity of the proposed underground storm - water treatment system, and two auger borings, one each in the East Coast Drive right -of -way and Ahern (west of East Coast Drive). D. The Consultant will meet with the City Project Manager regarding options for design of a drainage system based on compatibility with adjacent property elevations and above and below ground obstructions. E. The intent of the project is for the Consultant to furnish construction drawings for construction of a drainage system along East Coast Drive between Ahern Street and Atlantic Boulevard that satisfies the requirements outlined in the SWMP prepared by CDM Smith. Design shall generally include the following: Design of storm -water inlets, baffle boxes, underground storm -water detention system, and pipe system in accordance using existing standards, details, or as approved by the City Project Manager. Design is to include modeling to verify no impacts to downstream (Sherry Drive) hydraulic grade lines. As recommended by CDM Smith in their SWMP, the use of a storm -water vault will be evaluated. 2. Replace any driveways, asphalt, curb and gutter, or sidewalks removed for the purposes of completing this project to current City standards. 3. Provide a design for maintenance of traffic that includes vehicular and pedestrian safety measures. 4. Replace pavement markings impacted by the implementation of the construction activities using latest Manual of Unified Traffic Control Devices. 5. Design for any utility relocates that may be necessary for completion of the project. 6. Prepare a permit application and submit to the SJRWMD for review. ED WARDS ENGINEERING Pg. 2 AGENDA ITEM # 8E MAY 13, 2013 7. Design sheets to address NPDES requirements during construction. 8. Incorporate Streetscape improvements into design as appropriate and not to impact storm -water design. F. It is intended that the Consultant's services will result in construction drawings, a cost estimate, specifications, and other contract documents needed for the City to make improvements to the project area. III. Requirements A. Design Requirements: 1. Upon receiving the notice to proceed the Consultant will proceed with the design of the storm -water control system outlined in Section II above. 2. All design shall be based on City Standard Specifications and City Standard Details, and the regulations and policies of applicable permitting agencies. 3. The design shall include a full consideration of the provision of landscape and tree protection per the City of Atlantic Beach Municipal Code. 4. The consultant shall apply for and diligently pursue all permits or permit exceptions necessary for the construction of the project. 5. The consultant shall design and prepare construction drawings as necessary for the construction of the improvements and traffic control plans. 6. The consultant shall prepare the contract documents for this project that the City may use to bid the job. B. Sequence of Services: 1. Design of drainage system. 2. Prepare final construction drawings of improvements based on comments from the City. 3. Prepare contract documents for advertisement. C. Project Submittal Requirements: 1. 60% Submittal: The Consultant will meet with the City Project Manager to discuss the preliminary design approach to the problems described above and submit: ED WARDS ENGINEERING Pg. 3 AGENDA ITEM # 8E MAY 13, 2013 a. 3 sets of 60% construction drawings. b. 1 copy of the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost that incorporates the corrective actions as agreed to by the City Project Manager during the pre- design meeting. 2. 90% Submittal: The Consultant will meet with the City Project Manager to discuss the 60% documents submittal and based on the items discussed in that meeting will submit an annotated response to comments along with: a. 3 sets of 90% construction drawings. b. 3 sets of 90% specifications. C. 1 copy of the Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost to the City Project Manager for review. 3. 100% Submittal: The Consultant will meet with the City Project Manager to discuss the 90% construction drawings and based on the items discussed in that meeting will submit an annotated response to comments along with: a. 20 sets of final specifications. b. 20 sets of final construction drawings and 1 set of signed and sealed bid documents. C. 1 copy of the final signed and sealed Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost to the City Project Manager. D. Additional Requirements: 1. Provide dialogue with utility companies as appropriate. 2. The construction drawings will be in 11 "x17" format. 3. The City shall be the owner of final documents. 4. The Consultant shall take notes of all design /review meetings held with City agencies. These notes shall be transcribed and furnished to the City Project Manager. 5. The Consultant shall work directly with the City Project Manager and the Consultant will receive all information from the City through the City Project Manager. ED WARDS ENGINEERING Pg. 4 AGENDA ITEM # 8E MAY 13, 2013 6. The Consultant shall be notified in writing by the City Project Manager regarding changes to the project that will require modification to the Consultant's work. 7. Fees for construction phase services for the project shall be negotiated under a separate contract. Construction phase services will include but not be limited to drawings review, attending pre- construction meeting and assist the City Engineer with construction issues related to the design. IV. Time Schedule A. The Consultant will order the geotechnical exploration, and utility soft digs within first week from notice to proceed. B. The Consultant will meet with the City Project Manager to discuss design alternatives based on survey and results of geotechnical report five weeks from notice to proceed. C. 60% construction drawings will be complete five weeks from design meeting with the City Project Manager. D. 90% construction drawings and specifications will be complete four weeks after receiving comments from the City Project Manager regarding the 60% construction drawings review. Permit submittals to the SJRWMD will be conducted following this revision. E. 100% construction drawings and specifications will be complete four weeks after receiving comments from the City Project Manager regarding the 90% construction drawings review. F. The total time estimated for the completion of this project shall be eighteen weeks. ED WARDS ENGINEERING Pg. 5 CONTRACT FEE SUMMARY FORMAT FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA �� �i+-t+ 1 P�rThTb� •'r AG1.N[)A rrEM # 8E MAY 13, 2013 1 11L. L% R 1 - %A L' III oil L %!"!1J 1. Project 2. Proposal No. /Contract No. .1 %t Co::'1 [-)I ive, RIP 13 -01 3. Name of Consultant 4. Date ofProposaI l' +.�,ards f'll,_'incerin', lnc. 4/15/2013 PART I1 - LABOR RELATED COSTS 5. Direct Labor Hourly Estimated Estimated Rate Hours Cost TOTAL Principal $ 60.00 10 $ 600.00 Senior Engineer $ 49.09 164 $ 8,050.91 Engineer I (El) $ 40.00 0 $ 0.00 Sr. AutoCADD Operator $ 30.91 39 $ 1,205.45 AutoCADD Operator $ 27.27 0 0.00 Field Technicion $ 25.45 0 $ 0.00 Clerical $ 2:3.64 5 $' 118.18 TOTAL DIRECT LABOR $ 9,974.55 6. Overhead (Combined Fringe Benefit & Administrative) - Overhead Rate 150 % x Total Direct: Labor $ 14,961.82 7. SUBTOTAL: Labor + Overhead Items 5 & 6 $ 24,936.37 8. PROFIT: Labor Related Costs Item 7 x 10% $ 2,493.64 PART III - OTHER COSTS 9. Miscellaneous Direct Cost$ Transportation & Deliveries $ 157.30 Reproduction $ 1,352.00 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT COS'T'S SUB - TOTAL $ 1,509.30 10. SUBCONTRACTS (Lump Sum) Ceotechnical Report (Universal Engineering) $ 1,975.00 SUB - CONTRACT SUB -TOTAL 1,975.00 TOTAL LUMP SUM AMOUNT (items 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 $ 30,914.31 11. RE MBURSABLE COSTS (Limiting Amount) Soft Excavation (F R Aleman) $ 3,100.00 Structural Engineering (Structures International) $ 9,500.00 SUB -TOTAL REIMBURSABLES 1 12,600.00 PART IV - SUMMARY TOTAL AMOUNT of CONTRACT (Lump Sum Pius Reimbursables) S 43,514.31 Items 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 Sheet 1