Agenda Item 8GAGENDA ITEM # 8G Mayor's Proposal with Paragraphs III MAY 13, 20I3 C & D Changed 4/8/13 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ARCHITECTURAL / ENGINEERING SERVICES PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING EXPANSION AND REMODELING FEASIBILITY STUDY RFP 13 -OX I. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF PROJECT: The City of Atlantic Beach is soliciting proposals from qualified Architectural and Engineering (A and E) firms with significant critical facility experience to participate in a competitive process to provide professional services to conduct a feasibility study regarding improvements to the current Atlantic Beach Public Safety Building. Five (S) copies of the proposals must be submitted by Friday, 4 :30 PM, April xx, 2013 and addressed to: Michael Griffin, Building and Zoning Director 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 RFP 13 -OX Police Building Feasibility Study II. BACKGROUND: The current City of Atlantic Beach Public Safety Building is approximately twenty five (25) years old, and has a number of deficiencies that adversely impact the operations of the Police Department. For several years the City has been working to determine a cost effective plan for upgrading or replacing the existing facilities. Beginning in 2005, the City had an architectural firm provide guidance relative to renovating and expanding the existing facility, followed by an evaluation by a separate architectural firm that specialized in Public Safety. A number of potential sites for a new Public Safety Building were evaluated, and it was determined that a location at 800 Seminole Road adjacent to the City Hall Complex was the best location for a new Public Safety Building. However, the design submitted encroached into the adjacent City Park and was deemed unacceptable for both cost and this encroachment. The City Commission of Atlantic Beach has established funding for a feasibility study to determine if the existing building can be modified to an acceptable structure on the existing site, and if feasible, what would be the reasonable cost of this project. Time is of the essence, so this project will have a short timeline for completion. To ensure an unbiased evaluation, the successful proposer for this study will not be considered for any subsequent design project related to the Public Safety Building. Additionally, firms who have been under contract to the City in earlier studies and / or design projects for the Public Safety Building within the last ten years will not be considered for this feasibility study. 1 AGENDA ITEM # 8G MAY 13, 2013 111. DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK A. Review of historical documents, including original design plans, 2005 Renovation Plans, 2011 New Construction Plans, 2012 Building Design Review Committee Proceedings and floodplain maps. B. Conduct physical survey of existing building and site to evaluate condition and potential for expansion. The building evaluation should take into consideration, but is not limited to, accessibility and public /police personnel accommodation. The site evaluation should take into consideration impacts related to existing parking, landscaping (trees), floodplain and campus architecture. C. Determine whether the existing building can be expanded and renovated to meet current building codes for a critical facility (including determination of modifications necessary to comply with 100 year flood zone requirements) and whether the department could continue to operate out of the existing building while it is being expanded and renovated. D. The overall evaluation is to determine what the capabilities and limitations are on the existing site; whether sufficient expansion to meet current Public Safety needs can be accomplished on this site in a one or two story design; and what the feasibility is of future expansion of that building should needs dictate. E. Depending on answers to C. and D., develop a phased plan for expansion of existing facility. Plan should include cost of moves and temporary facilities if necessary to maintain daily operations of Police and Emergency Communications. F. Present final plan at a Public Meeting of the City Commission with cost estimates and any non -cost considerations. IV. PREPARATION OF SUBMISSIONS: A. Firms submitting a response to this request will be referred to herein as "Respondent(s) ", who are preparing a response to this request and are expected to examine this request including all relevant forms, terms, conditions, and instructions. All costs associated with preparation and submission of the proposal(s) and any other information shall be borne entirely by the Respondent(s). B. Submissions and modifications thereof shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes, with the required forms, addressed to the person specified in the invitation, with the name and address of the Respondent and the RFP number on the face of the envelope. Submissions received after the stated time and date will be returned to the sender unopened. C. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to declare any Respondent ineligible at any time during the process where developments arise which adversely affect the Respondent's responsibility. D. Information on the preliminary study and site selection is available in digital format upon request. AGENDA ITEM # 8G MAY t3, 2013 QUESTIONS: Any Respondent who is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the solicitation documents, or finds a discrepancy or omission therein, may contact Building and Zoning Director Michael Griffin, for an. interpretation or correction: Michael Griffin, Building and Zoning Director 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Fl 32233 (904) 247.5813 Office Only interpretation, instructions or corrections) given, in writing, by Building and Zoning Director Michael Griffin, will be binding. Respondents are hereby notified that no other source is authorized to give Inrormation concerning explaining and/or interpreting a request. V. CONSULTANT(S) REQUIREMENTS AND SELECTION PROCESS: A. Selection Process: Consultant selection shall be in accordance with this request for proposals. The evaluation process shall determine qualifications, interest, and availability of Respondents to provide relevant A & E services. City staff will first review all written responses, which will result in a ranked list of fully qualified respondents. After ranking is completed by staff, igforinal interviews anti /or presentations may be conducted of selected respondents determined to be best qualified based upon the evaluation of the written responses. The determinations shall be based upon the criteria below. Method of Ranking: During the review of written responses, each criterion below will be ranked can a scale of zero (0) through ten (10). In addition, each criterion has been assigned a percentage value that weights the criterion's significance to the project as noted below. B. Written proposal /qualifications package requirement: Respondents are to adhere to the requirements shown below. Failure to do so may result in rejection of proposal as non - responsive. a. Be concise and to the point. b. Provide adequate information on each criterion below. c. Provide the ranking criteria information below in the order shown d. Public Entity Crimes Statement e. Drug -Free Workplace Statement f. W -9 3 AGENDA ITEM # 8G MAY 13, 2013 C. RANKING CRITERIA: Firms responding to this Request for Proposals must include detailed information concerning the following criteria for selection: a. Firm's Professional Qualifications and Project Team [30 %]: List consultant team members, including detailed resumes and professional licenses /certifications. Give brief bullets on education, training and experience for project personnel. Designate the Project Manager and provide full contact information. Experience with design and construction of Public Safety Facilities or other Critical Facilities by project team members should be included. b. Past record of professional accomplishments [25 %]: Provide a list of recently (within past five years) completed projects similar to the project under consideration with brief description. Provide reference letters and a list of other agencies, governments or companies for which similar services have been provided. Include owners' contact person, email address, FAX number and telephone number, and type of projects completed. Note which of the Project Team members proposed for this RFP were involved in each past project and in what capacity. c. Project approach [25 %]: Describe the firm's specific proposed approach to providing professional Architectural and Engineering services for the requested study of the public safety building. d. Staff Availability and Capability to Meet Deadlines [10 %]: Current and projected workload for the project team, which indicates the availability of staff to complete assigned projects in a timely manner, will be considered. Respondents will provide a schedule, for completing the project showing major milestones and ability to meet the project deadlines. e. Financial Responsibility and Insurance [5 %]: The form of business of the prime consultant, i.e., proprietorship, partnership, corporation; years in business; changes in ownership; bank reference; and any other information the applicant may wish to supply to verify financial responsibility. Include the most recent audit summary or sufficient evidence from an outside professional source verifying the financial stability of the firm, and current certificate of insurance. Financial information may be packaged in a separate sealed envelope if desired. f. Proximity [5 %]: Location of the consultant's home office (corporate headquarters) and location of the local office where the project(s) will be produced. 4 AGENDA ITEM # 8G MAY 13, 2013 PROPOSAL IS NOT A BID: This request for proposals / qualifications is not to be considered a BID. The City of Atlantic Beach Staff (Building and Zoning Director, Public Works Director and Utility Director) will evaluate proposals based on the criteria set forth in this RFP. The evaluation process will consider only the requested weighted criteria to determine which firm(s) are the most highly qualified to perform the required services. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive informalities and technicalities, and make award to the firm whose proposal best serves the interest of the City, not just based on highest score /rank. Also, the City reserves the right to make such investigation as deemed necessary to determine the ability of any proposer to perform the services requested. III. INDEMNIFICATION REQUIREMENT: The City shall require the following or similar indemnification paragraphs to be made part of the contract(s) as entered into with the successful proposer(s). The City shall be held harmless against all claims for bodily injury, sickness, disease, death or personal injury or damage to property or loss of use resulting there from arising out of performance of the agreement or contract, unless such claims are a result of the City's own negligence. The City shall also be held harmless against all claims for financial loss with respect to the provision of or failure to provide professional or other services resulting in professional, malpractice, or errors or omissions liability arising out of performance of the agreement or contract, unless such claims are a result of the City's own negligence. IV. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: The consultant shall procure and maintain during the term of the contract, insurance of the types and in the minimum amounts stated below. Coverages A. Workers' Compensation Florida Statutory Coverage and Employer's Liability (including Appropriate Federal Acts) B. Comprehensive General Liability C. Products — Completed Operations D. Business Auto Liability E. Professional Liability F. Excess or Umbrella Liability Schedule Minimums $100,000 — each accident $100,000 — each employee $500,000 — policy limit for disease $1,000,000 — bodily injury each occurrence $1,000,000 — bodily injury aggregate $1,000,000 — property damage each occurrence $1,000,000 — property damage aggregate $1,000,000 - aggregate Same as Comprehensive General Liability (All autos —owned, hired or used) Same as Comprehensive General Liability Optional Insurance shall be written by an insurer holding a current certificate of authority pursuant to Chapter 624, Florida Statutes. Prior to commencing any work on the continuing contract, certificates of insurance, approved by the City, evidencing the maintenance of said insurance shall be furnished to the City's construction project manager. The certificates shall provide that 5 AGENDA ITEM # 8G MAY 13, 2013 no material alteration or cancellation, including expiration and non - renewal, shall be effective until fifteen (15) days after receipt of written notice by the City. All coverages shall name the City as "additional insured." Receipt of certificates or other documents of insurance or policies or copies of policies by the City, or by any of its representatives, which indicate less coverage than required will not constitute a waiver of the successful proposer(s)' obligation to fulfill the insurance requirements herein. V. ANTI - COLLUSION REQUIREMENT: Under no circumstances shall any prospective proposer, or any person or persons acting for or on behalf of any said prospective proposer, seek to influence or gain the support of any member of the City Commission or the City Staff favorable to the interest of any prospective proposer or seek to influence or gain the support of any member of the City Commission or City Staff against the interest of any prospective proposer. Any such activities shall result in the exclusion of the prospective proposer from consideration by the City. VI. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES REQUIREMENT: A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid or a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to a public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in SECTION 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. (Section 287.133(2) (a), Florida Statutes. Note: In no case will the City pay a total overhead rate that exceeds 150 percent of direct labor. Profit rate shall be applied only to direct labor plus overhead and shall not exceed 10 percent. No mark -up or profit shall be paid on non -labor related job costs, reimbursable costs or on services provided by subcontractors. Prior to negotiation, the selected consultant will be required to provide proposed total compensation and detailing employee hours needed for each activity, number of sheets required for drawings, proposed survey and all other costs associated with the project. C. AGENDA ITEM # sG Commissioner Becicent)ad►'s Proj)osal MAY 13,2013 4/8/13 From Commissioner Beckenbach - Please find my recommendations for revisions in red for item SA —This evening I wffl ask that the present RFP be amended as follows: PUBLIC SAFETY Bt ILDING NEI Ut DS ASSESSMENT, EXPANSION AND REM ODE, LING FEASIBILITY STUDY RFP 13 -OX 1. INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE OF PROJECT: The City of Atlantic Beach is soliciting proposals from qualified Architectural and Engineering (A & E) firms with critical facility experience to participate in a competitive process to provide professional services to conduct a needs assessment and feasibility study regarding improvements to the current Atlantic Beach public Safety Building. Five copies of the proposals must be submitted by Friday, 4:30PM, May 31, 2013 and addressed to: Michael Griffin, Building and Zoning Director 800 Seminole road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RFP- l 3 -OX Police Building Deeds Assessment & Feasibility Study I1. BACKGROUND: 111. DRAFT SCOPE OF WORK The City desires a consultant to examine new construction and renovation options for a modern police facility that eliminates current inadequacies. Since a police building should be designed for the purpose of supporting and facilitating police operations for the present and future, the needs assessment coupled with the community requirements should provide a framework for the size and type of facility needed to support optimum police operations. The Consultant selected to perform this work shall be responsible for providing all architectural, engineering and consulting services necessary for completing the feasibility study in accordance with federal, state and local building codes and regulations. The City reserves the right to retain the designer selected for this phase of the project to perform services for the final design, permitting and construction phases. 1. Space Needs Assessment a. Review Existing Facility AGENDA ITEM 9 8G MAY 13, 2013 Review of historical documents, including original design plans, 2005 Renovation Plans, 2011 new Construction Plans, 2012 wilding Design Review Committee Proceeds and floodplain maps. Conduct physical survey of existing building and site to evaluate condition and potential for expansion. The building evaluation should tape into consideration, but is not limited to, accessibility and public /police accommodation. The site evaluation should take into consideration impacts related to existing parking, landscaping (trees), floodplain and campus architecture. + The overall evaluation is to determine what the capabilities and limitations of tile existing site /building are; whether the spatial needs assessment (delete 1 4,000 ,SF) can be met on this site in a one or two story design; and what would be the fixture expansion capabilities of that building? Can the existing building be renovated and bt °Ought within current building codes (including mecting rFNA recjttir : ', LG rr floodplain) and could the department continue to operate out of the existing building andlor phased expansions while it is being expanded and renovated? • Depending on answers to above item, develop a phased plan for expansion of the existing facility. Plan should include cost of moves and temporary facilities if necessary to maintain daily operations of Police and Emergency Communications. • Compare functional area existing square footages with standards of police facilities built today, taking into account the size of the police force and the community. b. Review Existing Workload and Demand: Review all available data, lncludhm but trot limited to: Number of Galls- for - Service N urnber of complaints Number of crimes committed Number of investigations Number of evidence collected/destroyed c. Analysis of Citizen and Community Policing Needs Analysis begins with the present day needs, projected increase in volume of demands and anticipated developments in the community police operations from the present day to 20 years hence;. C Determine if police building needs -to be a critical facility • define services requested from police • Population growth • Personnel staging considerations • Contiguous community collaboration possibilities • Policy changes that cut workload needs • Community Policing philosophy impacts AGENDA ITEM # 8G MAY 13, 2013 Analysis, assumptions, projections, and forecasts are to be consistent with National Accreditation Standards for Police Facilities. 2. Space Planning a. Building functional areas to be included in this study • Main entrance and reception area • Communication and dispatch area • Interview rooms • Detective interrogation rooms • Police Chief offices • Stab`— administrative offices • Records room • Evidence room • Equipment storage area • Forensic processing area • Prison SallyPort • launch break room • Roll call room, meetings • Cell blocks, male, female, juvenile • Training room, seminars, in -house training • Conference room • Janitorial roam • Male & female locker rooms, showers, toilets • Armory All functional areas are to include security of the most advanced (yet affordable) variety, including but not limited to video, audio, security glass, master locks, card and recognition access, of prime importance is the proximity of certain functional areas to each other to effect the most efficient and user friendly layout(s). b. With an understanding of Atlantic Beach's needs gained through the Space Needs Assessment above, the Consultant shall provide a hierarchy of the functional areas together with a _justification for placement within the building size affordable with the City's budget spending cap of up to $3,000,000. c. Present final plan at a Public Meeting of the City Commission with cost estimates and any non -cast considerations.