Agenda Item 4C AGENDA ITEM#4C MAY 13,2013 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA .I'T'EM: 2012 Gabriel Roeder Smith &Company City of Atlantic Beach Retirement System Actuary Reports SUBMITTED BY: Nelson Van Liere, Finance Director _ DATE: April 12,2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: N/A BACKGROUND: Each year,the Pension Board of Trustees authorizes an actuary to perform an annual valuation of our retirement systems. The purpose of the valuation is to measure the funding progress, to determine the employer contribution rate and to provide actuarial information for Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The City is required to contribute to each retirement system, the dollar amount specified in the valuations. This year's valuation indicates an increase of$53,698 to $1,098,090 for the General Employee Plan and an increase of$84,514 to$602,449 for the Police Employee's Plan. The long term funding ratios of the plans are 74% for General, an increase of 5%, and 65% for the Police, which is an increase of 2%. These valuations do not include the impact of the proposed revisions to the retirement plan presently being considered. The impact of those changes will change the dollar amount the City will be required to contribute next year as well as have an effect on the funding ratios. BUDGET: These items will affect the 2014 Operating Budget I ECOMMENDATION;Infomrntional Purposes ATTACHMENTS: Actuarial Valuation Report for General Employees Retirement System Actuarial Valuation Report for Police Employees Retirement System REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: