Agenda Item 6A AGENDA ITEM#6A
MAY 13,2013
WHEREAS, solving some of the largest problems or realizing some of the greatest opportunities
for a community often takes a considerable amount of time and commitment of community resources over
many months and sometimes years, and
WHEREAS, a city government only has a limited amount of time, money and resources to solve
problems or realize opportunities, so a process is needed to determine which goals are the most important,
WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach has used a strategic planning process to determine which
goals should receive scarce time and resources and that practice over many years has led to many major
improvements in the community, and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Commission has again conducted a strategic planning process in
March 2013 resulting in the most recent yearly Strategic Plan entitled "City of Atlantic Beach Strategic
Plan 2013-2014", and
WHEREAS, it is appropriate for the Mayor and Commission to formally adopt this Strategic Plan
for the upcoming year.
1. The City of Atlantic Beach Strategic Plan 2013-2014 is hereby adopted, and
2. City staff is directed to focus their best efforts toward the accomplishment of the goals and
objectives outlined in the Strategic Plan, and
3. The Mayor and Commission of Atlantic Beach support to the extent possible the legislative
and budgetary steps needed for the accomplishment of the goals contained in the Strategic
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach this 13th of May, 2013.
City Attorney
City Clerk
Atil,NI)A 1 I'I:M#6A
MAY 13,2013
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MAY 13,2013
City of Atlantic Beach
Strategic Plan
April 2013
The following draft strategic plan incorporates the Commission's goals from the strategic planning
workshops held in March. The Commission should now review, amend, and adopt this plan for our
use over the next year.
Winston Churchill once said"He who fails to plan is planning to fail". Strategic planning has been
a central component of the City Commission's decision making process over the last 14 years and
has directly contributed to the success that Atlantic Beach has accomplished in many areas
including the storm water system, acquisition and expansion of City parks, utility system
{ maintenance and related savings just to name a few.
The strategic planning workshops are typically held in the spring of each year so that the plan can
be formally adopted in time for the staff to incorporate the goals into the budgeting process. The
Commission then reviews and amends the draft budget during August with formal adoption in
The goals identified by the City Commission are described in priority order. The descriptions
following each goal include background information and the major points of discussion during
these strategic workshops. Scoring for each of these goals was done on a range of 1 to 5 with 5
being the highest score available from each Commissioner. The scores for each goal equal the total
scores from all five Commissioners. For example, a score of 25 meant that all five Commissioners
gave it the highest possible ranking. Budget estimates have been included where available.
An integral part of this strategic plan is the spreadsheet that shows not only the goals, but the
tactical steps for their accomplishment. This will be used to track the City's progress throughout
the year and will be updated quarterly for the City Commission to review.
It is human nature for each of us to want to get more done than the sum of our time and money
allows. Strategic Plans are prioritized to achieve not only as much as we can during the year but
also to insure that what gets done is most important. The limitation on time and money has been
compounded in recent years by staff cutbacks and the economic downturn in the economy which
limits budget availability. Our ability to accomplish these goals in the coming year will be largely
dependent upon the decisions made by the City Commission during the upcoming budget process.
We must also remember that attending to the daily affairs of running our City and providing
necessary services takes up a great majority of the time available.
We look forward to working with the Mayor and Commission to make Atlantic Beach the best
place to live and work that it can possibly be.
Jim 9-fanson
City Manager
MAY 13,2013
Goal Statements, Background and Description
Tipping Fees (Score 25) (Hanson, Carper)
Goal; This goal is to resolve the issue with the City of Jacksonville about payment of tipping fees
for the disposal of refuse from Atlantic Beach at Jacksonville landfills in a manner that is fair
and equitable to both sides.
� I
Background and Description; The City of Atlantic Beach entered into an interlocal agreement with
the City of Jacksonville in 1995 that provided for the payment of landfill tipping charges at a point
in the future when the City of Jacksonville no longer uses property taxes to fund landfill operations
d g
instead charges a uniform solid waste residential collection fee to Jacksonville residents to fi
cover all of the solid waste costs. Jacksonville officials have indicated their contention that they
are charging a uniform solid waste fee that meets the requirements in the interlocal agreement
requiring Atlantic Beach to pay for tipping fees. However, consultants working for Atlantic Beach
have concluded, after the review of considerable materials provided by the City of Jacksonville,
that Jacksonville has not met the uniform standard outlined in the agreement between the two cities.
Staff from both Atlantic Beach and the City of Neptune Beach, which have similar language in
their interlocal agreements, have been working with the Jacksonville to find an equitable means to
resolve the differences.
Budget Impact: The estimated annual cost to Atlantic Beach for landfill tipping fees is $400,000.
The city already pays $50,000/year now, so this would be an increase of$350,000/year. Back bills
claimed by Jacksonville currently total approximately$600,000.
Golf Course (Score 25) (Commissioners,Hanson)
Goal; The Selva Marina Country Club has fallen on difficult economic times and its ability to
remain open requires that changes be made. This goal is to work with the country club board to
best accomplish the City's objectives to maintain green space and minimize adverse impacts to
adjoining neighborhoods.
Background and Description; The Selva Marina Country Club has suffered from declining
membership in recent years which reduced available revenues to be able to pay off outstanding
debt. Part of the reason for this has been an inadequate source of irrigation water. Using brackish
water from the Selva Lagoon for irrigation has resulted in a deteriorating condition of the grass on
the golf course. Concerns have been expressed that the possible closing of the Club could result in
a loss of green space for the community and have an adverse impact on property values in
adjoining neighborhoods. Traffic impacts from development could also diminish the quality of life.
The country club board has recently restructured their debt to provide additional time to implement
a financial restructuring and is planning to sell off a portion of the golf course property for
residential development. In exchange, the club would receive funding to reduce or eliminate their
MAY 13,2013
fi outstanding debt, rebuild their golf course and clubhouse and continue to operate as a private club.
Working with the City, they have expressed a request for assistance to obtain treated wastewater
fl (reuse) for golf course irrigation. The goal is for the City to work cooperatively with the country
club board to insure that the remaining golf course property remains green space in the future and
If for the property to be annexed into Atlantic Beach.
Budget Impact: Reclaimed Facility Phase I(golf course only) $526,000
Reclaimed Facility Phase II (residential reuse) $500,000
Recruitment and Retention of City Staff(Score 25) (Danhauser)
Goal; This goal is to maintain and enhance the City's ability to recruit and retain dedicated and
li competent staff that will continue to provide the high level of services that our citizens demand.
E Background and Description; Provision of the high level of services that our community has come
to expect and demand requires that competent, energetic and dedicated staff be available. The City
has benefited in recent years from the economic downturn and high unemployment rate in
recruitment and retention. However, the economic downturn appears to be approaching its
fi conclusion and the City is completing a year long process of making changes to reduce the future
i cost of pensions and other benefits. Consequently, the ability to recruit and retain the necessary
u staff in the future should be reviewed closely. tf
Two strategies were discussed during the strategic planning workshops. The first is to conduct a
fpay and benefit study which would assess the City's ability to recruit and retain employees and
ii make recommendations for any necessary changes. This study is to be completed and available
I prior to the budget workshops for the upcoming FY-14 budget. A second strategy is to restart the
{ merit raise program which was discontinued several years ago when funding was not available.
il Merit raises are necessary for employees to be able to move from the beginning/entry rate of their
respective pay grades to the higher levels as experience and knowledge makes them more valuable.
Police Building(Score 25) (Commissioners, Classey)
;j Goal; This goal is to provide adequate physical facilities (building) to support the present and
future needs of the Atlantic Beach Police Department and the high level of police services
4 provided to residents.
Background and Description; The need to provide improved physical facilities for the Atlantic
Beach Police Department has been discussed by the City Commission and incorporated into its
', strategic plans since 2005. Several options have been studied ranging from the expansion and
reconstruction of the present building to constructing an entirely new facility. Several locations on
If city owned property have been studied as possible building sites. A decision was made by the City
Commission in 2010 to build a new 14,000 sq ft building on the east side of the creek, directly
across from the present building. Plans and specifications were completed and ready for bid.
However, concerns were raised about the encroachment of the new building into the adjoining
if Russell Park and the outgoing City Commission in 2011 deferred the decision on construction so
4 that the incoming Commission could make the decision.
MAY 13,2013
Since that time, a Police Building Committee was formed to consider alternatives and
recommended a 9,000 sq ft facility be built on the west side of the creek with a bridge and
renovation of up to 5,000 sq ft of the existing building. However, that recommendation also met
with some adverse public relation, including some from a minority of the building committee
p g tY
members themselves.
Most recent discussions among the City Commissioners have centered around two possibilities;
either the expansion and renovation of the existing building and keeping all of the facility on the
east side of the creek(thereby not encroaching on Russell Park) or acquiring a new site, most likely
along Mayport Road, where a new structure can be built.
The next step discussed by the City Commission at the strategic planning workshops in 2013 will
be to bring in an independent architect to assess the feasibility, cost and advisability of expanding
and remodeling the present building to provide the necessary facilities. Further action on this goal
will depend on the direction given by the Commission following the architect's report.
Budget Impact: There have been several budget estimates, but there is no agreement on size or
location for the new facilities.
Videotaping of Commission Meetings (Score 25) (Randich)
Goal; This goal is to provide high quality video recordings of City Commission meetings for
public use in both live and On Demand formats.
Background and Description; At present, the only option that the public has to learn about the
actions of their City Commission are to attend the meetings in person, listen to the audio
recordings, read the minutes of the meetings or read the newspaper. In recent years, several cities
have started videotaping their public meetings and provide these both live and on demand for later k1
viewing. Staff has provided estimates to the Commission of the cost to install the necessary
cameras and software as well as to operate and maintain the equipment. The Commission has
indicated a desire to budget the necessary funding and implement a videotaping system in the near
Budget Impact; $35,675
• . • �� . .
Waterway but also three community centers and several active and passive parks. Many parks
have been established or expanded over the last ten years and many new facilities have been added.
MAY 13,2013
parks and to det rmine their willingness to pay for those improvements. Such a plan is not to
become a "wish list" but rather a concise, long term plan describing specific projects, cost and
tl Some citizens have approached the City Commission with concerns that the tree canopy may be
connection with construction projects should be strengthened and expanded. A second request-twat}
is to consider what, if any, changes are necessary and desirable.
Marsh Master Plan (Score 23) (Carper)
Goal; This goal is to plan for,fund and construct the improvements recommended in the Marsh
Preserves Master Plan which was approved in April of 2012.
Background and Description; Over the last three years, Atlantic Beach has acquired several parcels
of property along the Intracoastal Waterway totaling approximately 370 acres. Acquisition of this
} property and improving public access to the marsh has been on the City's strategic list for several
years. One of the first steps completed by the City was the creation of a Marsh Preserves Master
Plan. The improvements called for in this Plan have been enthusiastically supported by a large
number of citizens and some of those improvements have already been designed, funded and
installed. Others are being designed and grant applications for several additional improvements are
being prepared. These improvements will be costly and the City has only limited funds to put into
the projects. It is anticipated that grant funding can be obtained for at least 50% of the cost of the
improvements over the next several years. The City Commission has indicated a desire to move
ahead as quickly as possible to construct the pedpath along the edge of the marsh and other
The Commission also expressed a desire to consider the acquisition of undeveloped marsh front
Gi lots as they become available in the future and if funding can be obtained.
Budget Impact; Total recommended projects from Marsh Plan total just under$2 million over the
next 10 years.
Mayport Corridor/Marsh Oaks Neighborhoods (Score 23) (Griffin, Carper)
Goal; This goal is to build, encourage and support a vibrant commercial corridor and strong
residential neighborhoods along Mayport Road and adjoining neighborhoods.
Background and Description; Improvements to the commercial areas along the Mayport Corridor
and to the adjoining neighborhoods have been a strategic focus of the City Commission for many
years. Tactical steps have included focused on crime levels, traffic, pedestrian safety, the blighted
appearance and the need for family friendly businesses. Much more is needed and additional
progress will require new approaches.
MAY 13,2013
Three types of approaches were outlined by the City Commission during the 2013 strategic
workshops. The first is to fill the currently vacant position for a Redevelopment Coordinator. Next
is to step up the levels of code enforcement and the third is to implement streetscape improvements
that could range from brick accents on sidewalks and crosswalks to decorative signage on city
right-of-way, and replacement of city holiday decorations.
Parks Planning (Score 22) (Carper)
Goal; This goal is to create a Parks Master Plan that identifies current and needed facilities in
Atlantic Beach that City residents desire and are willing to pay for.
Background and Description; The City of Atlantic Beach owns, operates and maintains an
extensive park system that includes not only the beach and preserves along the Intracoastal
Waterway but also three community centers and several active and passive parks. Many parks
have been established or expanded over the last ten years and many new facilities have been added.
A Parks Master Plan is needed to identify what else is needed and desired by city residents for their
parks and to determine their willingness to pay for those improvements. Such a plan is not to
become a "wish list" but rather a concise, long term plan describing specific projects, cost and
Budget Impact; Master Plan Consultant- $50,000
New Sidewalks (Score 20) (Carper)
Goal; This goal is to add new sidewalks in areas of Atlantic Beach where they are desirable and
most needed.
Background and Description; Atlantic Beach is an active, pedestrian friendly community. While
many of the business areas and neighborhoods in the City have adequate sidewalks, others do not.
The City Commission wants an updated sidewalk priority list that compares pedestrian safety,
usage and other factors to prioritize necessary improvements for consideration with the upcoming
budget. One specific sidewalk mentioned during the workshops was on Sturdivant Avenue.
Budget Impact; Sturdivant Avenue - $120,000
Budget Training Sessions (Score 20) (Van Liere)
Goal; This goal is to educate the City Commission about how to understand and utilize the City's
annual budget document.
Background and Description; Cities in Florida are required to meet a long list of federal and state
financial mandates which results in the use of numerous funds with different limitations. One
result is that municipal budgets are complicated and hard to understand. City Commissioners
MAY 13,2013
expressed a desire to learn more about how to utilize and understand the City's budget during the
workshops. The specific task is for the City's Finance Director to present a workshop on "how to
find your way around the budget" in July shortly after the draft budgets are made available for
public inspection.
Tree Ordinance (Score 20) (Griffin)
Goal; This Qoal also includes the assessment of possible amendments to the Tree Ordinance.
I {
Background and Description; This goal is to consider possible amendments to the City's tree
ordinance. Some citizens have approached the City Commission with concerns that the tree canopy
may be disappearing in Atlantic Beach and that the City's tree ordinance regulating the removal of
trees in connection with construction projects should be strengthened and expanded. A second
request was that regulations on removing boundary trees (trees on property lines) should be
explored. This goal is to consider what, if any, changes are necessary and desirable.
Incentives for Economic Developments (Score 19) (Griffin)
Goal; This goal is to identify, analyze and implement various economic incentives that Atlantic
Beach can provide to create and support a desirable and vibrant commercial corridor along
Mayport Road.
Background and Description; Related to another goal dealing with the Mayport corridor and
economic revitalization that was referenced earlier in this strategic plan, the Commission also
wanted to consider various incentives to support economic redevelopment including tax increment
financing, fee waivers and grants for businesses. The creation of a community redevelopment area
was discussed as a possibility. This goal is to review each of those possible incentives to determine
if they would be effective and affordable for Mayport Road.
Go Paperless (19) (Randich)
Yz i
Goal; This goal is to reduce the amount of paper used in printing commission agenda packets
along with staff time to print and deliver them.
Background and Description; The City Clerk's Office prints agenda packets for commissioners for
at least 23 meetings per year. Some of these can be lengthy. The commission discussed the
possibility of purchasing tablet computers for use by the commissioners so that the agenda packets
can be sent electronically without the need or cost for printing. These are estimated to cost $1,000
each after adding the keypads and software. These will be considered during the budget workshops
in August.
Budget Impact: $7,500
MAY 13,2013
Stormwater Master Plan Projects (Score 11) (Carper)
Goal; This goal is to fund and construct the projects identified in the City's Stormwater Master
Plan to reduce or eliminate nuisance flooding complaints in Atlantic Beach.
Background and Description; The City has recently been approached by residents in the
Poinsettia/Magnolia Street neighborhood about the standing water in their front yards and
driveways resulting from a partially blocked swale type drainage system. Neighbors were offered
the option of the City reestablishing the swale system as it was originally designed or possibly
upgrading to a curb and gutter system with piped drainage, although that would probably require an
assessment process where the neighbors paid a portion of the cost. There are other areas in Atlantic (#
Beach that have similar, poorly functioning swale systems. Commission discussions at the
strategic planning workshops centered around trying to move the projects ahead faster than shown
on the City's current 10-year financial plan for the Stormwater Fund and to more clearly spell out
the City's policy for assessments.
Budget Impact; East Coast Dr. Construction(already budgeted) - $360,000
Salt Air Retrofit-$250,000
Lower Seminole Road- $240,000 (does not include streetscape improvements)
Minor Projects—City Forces, etc. - $40,000
Identifying City Boundaries (Score 9) (Carper)
Goal; This goal is to more clearly identify the City limits boundaries for Atlantic Beach.
Background and Description; Cities have long erected"welcome" signs at their city limits to let the
public know where the jurisdictional lines exist. This is done both for public information and
public relations. In Atlantic Beach the city limits along Mayport Road are not easily recognized
because of their irregular shape and many residents outside of Atlantic Beach's limits believe that
they are part of Atlantic Beach.
Discussion at the strategic workshops centered around relocating or improving the City's
"welcome" signs and the construction of brick sidewalks or crosswalks at the entrance points. The
only action item to come out of these discussions was that Commissioner Daugherty was to make a
proposal to the Commission on how to more clearly identify the city limits at some point in the
Budget Impact; Welcome Sign- $5,000 - $10,000
Crosswalks - $85,000 (stamped asphalt, similar to Neptune Beach)
Town Center Parking(Score 9)
Goal; This goal is to provide adequate public parking in the Town Center area both for business
patrons and beachgoers.
MAY 13,2013
Background and Description; The City Code contains requirements for the number of parking
spaces to be provided by businesses based on their type and size. Waivers to code requirements
have often been granted in the past when it was impractical for new or expanding businesses to
acquire and develop parking lots in small increments. The City Code provides for either an
approval or denial of the parking waivers and the Commission, wanting to promote business, has
been reluctant to deny these requests. For this and other reasons, inadequate parking exists in the
Town Center area.
The City Commission has indicated a desire to look at various options that would help alleviate the
parking problems in Town Center while allowing for the orderly and efficient growth of new
k 1
Green Space Survey(Score 5)
Background and Description; Commissioners have recently been made aware of a group of private
individuals attempting to survey all remaining green space in the beaches area with an eye towards
purchasing and protecting the "vulnerable" parcels. No action items were discussed for the City.
Instead, there was agreement to wait until Atlantic Beach is approached with some sort of proposal
to aid in this project.
City of Atlantic Beach
Strategic Plan
April 2013
Estimated/ Actual
Actual Start Completion
Strategies/Goals Date ;Date Status 'Comments
Goal:This goal is to resolve the issue with the City of Jacksonville about
payment of tipping fees for the disposal of refuse from Atlantic Beach
1.Tipping Fees at Jacksonville landfills in a manner that is fair and equitable to both
(Hanson, Carper) sides.
Meet with COJ 1 Considerable delay has been encountered in getting financial information
officials to find from COJ and, more recently, in arranging meetings with COJ officials to
solutions 7/28/2010 9/30/2013 Ongoing discuss this issue.
Goal:The Selva Marina Country Club has fallen on difficult economic
times and its ability to remain open requires that changes be made.
2. Golf Course This goal is to work with the Country Club Board to best accomplish the
(Commissioners, City's objectives to maintain green space and minimize adverse impacts
Hanson) to adjoining neighborhoods.
Agreement to include provisions to insure that green space is
Agreement with maintained, annexation of remaining golf course property, provision of
SMCC 9/30/2013 Ongoing reuse water for irrigation, zoning and other matters.
Engineering to determine best way to provide irrigation for golf course
Evaluation of (i.e.; reuse or wells) needed if golf course to continue to be viable,
Irrigation Options 10/8/2012 1/15/2013 Complete whether operated as a private club or a city facility.
Explore Grant
Availability for Reuse
System 4/1/2013 5/1/2013 Working Submit grant application to SJRWMD for alternative water supply grant
'Contract with engineer for design of reclaimed facilities (after agreement
Design Reuse System 5/20/2013 8/30/2013 Not Started approved) and complete final design
Construct Reuse
System 9/15/2013 1/14/2013' Not Started Construction of reclaimed facilities
w �
City of Atlantic Beach
Strategic Plan
April 2013
Estimated/ Actual
Actual Start Completion
Strategies/Goals Date Date Status Comments
3.Recruitment& Goal:This goal is to maintain and enhance the City's ability to recruit
Retention of Quality and retain dedicated and competent staff that will continue to provide
Staff(Danhauser) 1
I Ithe high level of service that our citizens demand.
I 'Commission approved 3/25/13. Contract received 4/1/13 from Cody
Conduct Pay and Associates. Report should be completed 6/13 to be used in budget
Benefits Study 4/1/13 6/1/13 Started workshops.
Discuss in
j Budget Consider if funding is available to restart merit system that was put on
Merit System 8/1/2013 9/30/2013 Workshops hold because of budget limitations.
4. Police Building ■ Goal:This goal is to provide adequate physical facilities(building)to
(Commissioners, 1 support the present and future needs of the Atlantic Beach Police
Classey) Department and the high level of police services provided to residents.
Assess Feasibility of
Expansion/ Contract with new architect to determine cost and feasibility of
Renovation of expanding existing facility and remodeling existing space to meet long
Existing Building 4/23/2013 6/30/2013 Not Started term needs of the PD.
Determine Where PD
Station Should be ■ This is to be done by commission after review of the study of possible
Located 7/1/2013 renovation and expansion of existing building.
5.Videotaping of Goal: This goal is to provide high quality video recordings of City
Commission [Commission meetings for public use in both live and On Demand
Meetings (Randich) formats. y
Budget for Costs 3/18/2013 5/13/2013 Ongoing Budget amendment for final approval at 5/13/13 meeting. z
Purchase, Install ! > d
Equipment 5/14/2013 8/30/2013 Not Started !Commission to approve purchase and hosting contract. W ,-
W ,
City of Atlantic Beach
Strategic Plan
April 2013
Estimated/ Actual
Actual Start ■Completion
Strategies/Goals Date Date Status Comments
I i ∎
Goal:This goal is to plan for,fund and construct the improvements
6. Marsh Master Plan recommended in the Marsh Preserves Master Plan which was approved
(Carper) in April of 2012.
Obtain construction Grant application for construction of Dutton North end kayak launch and
funding for first two overlooks submitted to Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND);
projects: presentation to be made to the FIND Board in June 2013. City is awaiting
Overlooks/Launch 4/1/2013 10/1/2013 FIND approval.
Advertize/Award bid
for construction of
Overlooks/Launch 10/9/2013 12/9/2013 Not Started
Grant application for design & permitting of Marsh Preserves
Grant research and Multipurpose Path submitted to Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND);
assistance for Marsh presentation to be made to the FIND Board in June 2013. City is awaiting
Preserves FIND approval. Continue search for additional grants for construction
multipurpose path 1/14/2013 9/30/20131 Ongoing funding.
Select Consultant for
Design & Permitting
of Multipurpose Path 9/1/2013 12/9/2013 Not Started Will require RFP for selection of consultant under State requirements.
Obtain grant funding Application for construction portion of this project must meet timing
for Phase 2 of schedule for submission of FIND grants for FY-14. Staff to prepare grant
Multipurpose Path 1/13/2014 9/30/2014 Not Started application-due March 2014.
! I
7. Mayport
Corridor/Marsh Oak Goal:This goal is to build, encourage and support a vibrant commercial
Neighborhoods corridor and strong residential neighborhoods along Mayport Road and d
(Griffin, Carper) adjoining neighborhoods.
W Xk
City of Atlantic Beach
Strategic Plan
April 2013
I Estimated/
Estimated/ Actual
Actual Start Completion
Strategies/Goals I Date I Date 1Status Comments
Hire Redevelopment
Coordinator i 1/15/2013 5/15/2013 Ongoing Fill vacant position for Redevelopment Coordinator
Step up levels of code enforcement. Installation of new software system
to better track citation histories will save time,but options to increase
staff availability will be discussed with commission during upcoming
Code Enforcement 3/15/2013 12/31/2013 Ongoing I budget workshops.
Evaluate brick accents on sidewalks and crosswalks; decorative banners
Explore streetscape on City ROW(Mayport Road?); replace holiday decorations (lights on
improvements 8/1/2013 12/30/2013 Not started medjool palms in Mayport Road medians).
Goal:This goal is to create a Parks Master Plan that identifies current
8. Parks Planning ' I land needed facilities in Atlantic Beach that City residents desire and are
(Carper) willing to pay for.
Budget for Study 5/1/2013 9/30/2013 Not Started
Will advertize RFP, bring recommendation on consultant for commission
Select Consultant 9/15/2013 11/15/2013 Not Started approval.
Conduct Study 11/16/2013 3/30/2014 Not Started 90-120 days to do study
9. New Sidewalks Goal:This goal is to add new sidewalks in areas of Atlantic Beach where
(Carper) they are desirable and most needed.
Update Sidewalk Requested during Strategic Planning workshops. Commission to consider
Safety Priority List 3/16/2013 7/1/2013 Ongoing funding during FY 13-14 Budget Workshops in August 2013.
Budget for Sidewalk I I Anticipate Sturtevant will be number one. Include resolution of
Projects 4/30/2013 9/30/2013 Not Started ,stormwater problems in sidewalk design.
Construct New 1 >
Sidewalks Budgeted 10/1/2013 9/30/2014 Not Started 4 z
, d
W Y_
City of Atlantic Beach
Strategic Plan
April 2013
Estimated/ Actual
Actual Start Completion
Strategies/Goals Date Date Status Comments
10. Budget Training
Sessions (Hanson, Goal: This goal is to educate the City Commission about how to
Van Liere) ; understand and utilize the City's annual budget document.
Conduct Budget I Finance Director to present a workshop on "How to Find Your Way
Training Session 7/1/2013 7/30/2013 Not Started Around the Budget" after draft budget is delivered to commissioners.
11.Tree Ordinance Goal:This goal also includes the assessment of possible amendments to
(Griffin) the Tree Ordinance.
Identify and Evaluate
Necessary There was little discussion on this goal in strategic planning workshops.
Amendments 10/1/2013 12/30/2013 Not Started Work to start depending upon staff availability.
12. Incentives for Goal: This goal is to identify, analyze and implement various economic
Economic incentives that Atlantic Beach can provide to create and support a
Development desirable and vibrant commercial corridor along Mayport Road and
(Griffin) Atlantic Blvd.
The commission discussed several possible incentives for economic
development at the strategic workshops including tax increment
financing, creation of a community redevelopment area,fee waivers and
grants for businesses.This will be a task for the Redevelopment
Consider Incentives 8/1/2013 12/30/2013 Not Started Coordinator once hired.
Goal: This goal is to reduce the amount of paper used in printing
13. Go Paperless commission agenda packets along with staff time to print and deliver
(Randich) them.
Budget for Electronic Commission to consider providing electronic devices (tablets)for ran
Devices for commissioners to use for agenda review to eliminate time and cost to a
Commissioners 5/1/2013 9/30/2013 Not Started print agenda packets. w y
t71 o4
W �
City of Atlantic Beach
Strategic Plan
April 2013
Estimated/ Actual
{Actual Start Completion ,
Strategies/Goals i Date Date Status Comments
Purchase and
Distribute Devices 10/1/2013 11/30/2013 Not Started Depends on budget availability.
14.Stormwater I Goal:This goal is to fund and construct the projects identified in the
Master Plan Projects City's Stormwater Master Plan to reduce or eliminate nuisance flooding
(Carper) complaints in Atlantic Beach.
Design East Coast Authorized at 4/8 meeting to begin negotiations with Edwards
Drive Project 3/1/2013 8/30/2013 Engineering.Approval for contract expected at 5/13/13 meeting.
Construct East Coast Construction funds included in FY 12-13 Budget, but may not be obligated
Drive Improvements 10/1/2013 3/1/2014 Not Started before end of FY,will have to be rebudgeted for FY 13-14.
Budget for Saltair
Improvements 4/30/2013 9/23/20131 Not Started
Design Saltair If project remains swale restoration,will be able to use general
Drainage engineering consultant. If scope increases,will require RFP and
Improvements 10/1/2013 3/1/2014 Not Started timeframe would be extended.
Construct Saltair
Improvements 4/1/2014 9/30/2014 Not Started Depends upon funding availability.
Budget for Seminole
Rd. Improvements 4/30/2013! 9/23/2013�Not Started
Design for Seminole j Stormwater improvements only for street flooding, upgrading existing
Rd. Project 10/1/2013 3/1/2014 Not Started piping system. Not including streetscape impromenents.
Construct Seminole.
Rd. Project 4/1/2014 9/30/2014 Not Started Depends upon funding availability.
15. Identifying City
Boundaries(Comm. Goal:This goal is to more clearly identify the City limits boundaries for >
Daugherty) Atlantic Beach.
City of Atlantic Beach
Strategic Plan
April 2013
Estimated/ Actual
Actual Start Completion
Strategies/Goals Date j Date Status Comments
Identify proposed Comm. Daugherty to propose improvements to commission that would
improvements to better identify city limits possibly including welcome signs, crosswalks or
identify city limits 6/1/2013 8/30/2013 Not Started sidewalks.
Funding for j To be discussed with commission during budget workshops in August
Improvements I 8/30/2013 9/30/2013 Not Started and, if agreed, included in FY 14 budget.
16.Town Center Goal:This goal is to provide adequate public parking in the Town
Parking Center area both for business patrons and beachgoers.
Merchants group in Town Center is developing a study of possible
Obtain Input from j solutions of parking needs. Implementing solutions may require
Study by Town Center cooperation of Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach,Town Center merchants
Businesses 5/15/2013 6/15/2013 Draft Status and property owners and other stakeholders.
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