Agenda Item 8J AdENDA ITEM tt H,1 MAY 13,2013 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING REPORT AGEN U ITEM: Pay increase for the City Manager and City Clerk. SUBMITTED BY: I Mike Borno, Mayor DATE: April 15, 2013 BACKGROUND: Both the City Manager and City Clerk are"appointed" with the City Commission establishing the salary of the incumbents each year, In past years, the pay of the City Manager and City Clerk have been adjusted based upon the same pay procedures as utilized for all other City employees. All non-union general employees were given a 1%raise as of 10/1/2012. BUDGET: Sufficient funds are included within the budget to provide a 1% raise to both of these employees. RECOMMENDATION: Approve raising the salaries of both the City Manager and City Clerk effective 10/1/12 when other non-union employees got their raises.