Agenda Item 8K AGENDA ITEM#8K MAY 13,2013 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Engineering for Selva Marina Reclaimed Facilities Golf Course Irrigation RFP 07-04 SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Director DATE: May 3, 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: Golf Course BACKGROUND: One of the City Commission's top strategic priorities is to work with the Selva Marina Country Club in order to maintain greenspace and minimize adverse impacts to adjoining neighborhoods. At the April 22, 2013 Commission Workshop, staff presented an engineering proposal outlining two phases for the Selva Marina Reclaimed Facilities—one for temporary irrigation of the golf course and one for permanent golf course irrigation plus residential reuse for a new subdivision. A copy of that staff report is attached. After discussion at the Workshop, staff was directed to prepare a revised proposal and scope to provide the permanent facility for the golf course irrigation only. In addition, the developer notified staff last week that the golf course will need an annual average flow of 0.4 million gallons per day(MGD), a greater volume than the 0.25 MGD system originally studied. J. Collins Engineering provided a revised proposal for engineering services for planning,report preparation for DEP, permitting, survey, geotechnical, design,bidding, and construction administration for a 0.4 MGD reclaimed facility(with temporary capability to provide 1 MGD for the grow-in period) to provide golf course irrigation. The proposed cost for this work is $98,900. Staff has submitted an application for a 40%matching grant from the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) to fund reclaimed water facilities to both the golf course and the residential subdivision. We hope to hear whether the grant is awarded by mid-June 2013. Staff will prepare a report on reuse costs and revenues after we receive word on the grant from the SJRWMD. BUDGET: Funds for engineering of the Selva Marina Reclaimed Facilities project are available from other projects in the Sewer Fund under account number 410-5508-535-6300. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC to perform engineering services for Selva Marina Reclaimed Facilities for Golf Course Irrigation in the amount of$98,900 and authorize the City Manager to sign contract. 1 AGENDA ITEM#8K MAY 13,2013 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revised Proposal from J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC 2. Irrigation Water Timeline for Selva Marina Country Club 3. Copy of Staff Report prepared for Workshop of 4/22/13. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: M• 2 AGENDA 1ThM 4 SK MAY 13,2013 J. COLLINS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LLC` lI I(- Siti lir.._• l11%ti! Io, L.,,+II\'t11r_ 11 322]1 I'+H I 2112-1121 t 1111r.f 0'01111'"It MO:I 111 @,.�Cril! May 3, 2013 Donna Kaluzniak, CEP Utility Director City of Atlantic Beach 902 Assisi Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: Fee Proposal--Selva Marina Reclaimed Facilities Engineering for Golf Course Irrigation Dear Ms. Kaluzniak: J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC (JCEA) is pleased to provide engineering services to the City of Atlantic Beach. Per your request, JCEA has provided a scope of work and fee to provide Selva Marina Reclaimed Facilities Engineering for Golf Course Irrigation. To complete this project, JCEA will plan, permit, design and perform construction administrative services on the following; • Reclaimed water facilities to provide public access irrigation for the golf course only • Expedite design to meet deadline for Selva Marina grow-in period • Design for temporary flow of 1 MGD and average daily flow of 0.4 MGD after grow-in period • Prepare engineering report and preliminary design for FDEP • Prepare Final Design documents and specifications, permitting, bidding services, and construction administration. Our fee for this work is a lump sum of $98,900, The attached scope and fee documents provide more detail for your review. We can proceed with this effort upon written authorization from you. Sincerely, 94C-(23" John E. Collins, Jr., P.E. Project Manager AGENDA ITEM#8K MAY 13,2013 SCOPE OF WORK & FEE PROPOSAL PROJECT NAME:City of Atlantic Beach-Reuse Treatment Facility for Golf Course Irrigation at WWTP. PART 1.0 PROJECT PURPOSE:Construct a new reuse treatment and pumping facility that will provide additional treatment of WWTP final effluent to produce Public Access Reuse Water. Reuse water will be provided to the Selva Marina Country Club (SMCC)for irrigation of the golf course.A future phase would provide SMCC residential irrigation (not in this scope of work). Part 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES:The scope of services includes: The work to be performed by the Engineer included under Reuse Treatment Facility for Golf Course Irrigation at WWTP is: TASK 1-PRELIMNARY DESIGN/FINAL DESIGN/PERMITTING Preliminary Design &Permitting-Golf Course Irrigation 1. In an effort to accelerate permitting,design and construction of reuse treatment and transmission facilities at Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP)to provide reclaimed or reuse water for irrigation purposes at Selva Marina Country Club Golf Course, preliminary meetings have been recently held with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).The irrigation needs at SMCC are both short term required as quickly as January 2014 and long term. In order to accomplish both immediate (grass grow-in)and long term of golf course irrigation needs,facilities will be designed to handle a higher initial irrigation demand and then permanently a lower irrigation demand. In addition, permitting would include a future phase for residential irrigation. In accordance with recent guidance from FDEP, prepare a Preliminary Design Report to support FDEP Major Permit Modification for a new Reuse Facility. Work includes identification of soil types and amount of irrigation (requires input from Golf Course designer);WWTP#1 improvements required for new Reuse Facility and engineering components of the system including treatment/pumping equipment, high level disinfection, continuous online monitoring, piping and electrical/instrumentation. Engineering Report will detail the plan for Golf Course Irrigation and a future phase for residential irrigation.After completion of the Engineering Report, prepare application for FDEP Major Permit Modification for a new Reuse Facility for Owner and Engineer signature and submit to FDEP. Upon approval, FDEP will issue a permit for the proposed golf course irrigation project and include the future phase for residential irrigation.The permit would not require that the residential irrigation be constructed. 2. Preliminary design would include initial design concept to a 30%design level. Design involves upgrading WWTP to produce Public Access Reuse Water. For Golf Course Irrigation,the work will include a fast track approach for providing Public Access Reuse Water for the golf course pond so that SMCC can provide irrigation for reconstruction and grow-in of a new staged golf course (short term approach).The Golf Course Irrigation demand is one million gallons per day(gpd)for approximately 8 months and 400,000 gpd annual average. Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#8K MAY 13,2013 Final Design-Golf Course Irrigation Design for Golf Course Irrigation includes new construction and utilization of existing components of WWTP#1 to minimize construction cost and time. Modifications will produce a standalone reuse treatment facility that will provide irrigation for both the short term grow-in period of the golf course and as well as the complete permanent irrigation needs of the golf course.The Golf Course Irrigation project Final Design will include additions or implementation of the following: 1. Coordination with golf course designer on components of their design including construction phasing, irrigation demands, results of soil tests, pond location and size and location of reuse piping interconnection to SMCC. 2. New pumping unit to allow the dedication of one pump to transport reuse water to the golf course during reconstruction. New pump would be automated based on drop of pressure (valve is opened at SMCC irrigation storage pond). 3. Piping and valves to allow reuse water to be pumped to an existing 6"force main for transportation to the SMCC irrigation storage pond. 4. New electric control valve at SMCC irrigation pond to automate reuse pumping from WWTP#1. 5. New high level disinfection system including new chlorine contact chamber. 6. Online continuous monitoring for turbidity and chlorine residual. 7. Building for electrical/instrumentation/online monitoring equipment 8. Miscellaneous site improvements including site grading, building access drive, and stormwater management pond. 9. Geotechnical Engineering services for building and stormwater pond or swales (an allowance). 10. Surveying services for new site (an allowance) 11. Incorporation into the design of operational WWTP changes to implement production of reuse water. 12. Electrical system upgrades to provide a new power source to the northern property line of WWTP. 13. Civil, Mechanical,Structural, Electrical and Instrumentation design. 14. Provide 30%and 90% Design Documents to City&Perform Design Review with the City. Subtotal Engineering Fee-Reuse System for Golf Course Irrigation-Task 1-Planning, Permitting& Design Services: Planning& FDEP Permitting -$8,071 Design (Includes Civil, Mechanical) -$20,161 Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#8K MAY 13,2013 TASK 2-BIDDING SERVICES Bidding Services for Reuse System for Golf Course Irrigation would include the following scope of services includes: 1. Prepare Documents for Bid and prepare advertisement 2. Pre-bid meeting includes preparation,agenda, presentation and response to questions 3. Respond to Requests For Information (RFIs), Issue Addenda as needed 4. Bid Opening 5. Bid Tabulation and review 6. Recommendation to Award Letter Subtotal Engineering Fee-Reuse System for Golf Course Irrigation-Task 2- Bidding Services: Bidding -$6,887 TASK 3-CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Construction Administrative Services for the Reuse System for Golf Course Irrigation would include the following scope of services includes: Construction Administration (CA) Basic Services-Reuse System for Golf Course Irrigation Services provided by Engineer include: 1. Representation of Owner in all project meetings and other field matters relating to the construction of the project. 2. Attend Preconstruction conference 3. Review and process Shop Drawings and O&M Manuals 4. Review and process Pay requests 5. Conduct periodic site visits to review the work progress 6. Answer Contractor or Owner questions 7. Review Change Order requests and prepare Change Order(s) as required. 8. Conduct Pre-Final and Final inspections and generate punch lists 9. Review As-built drawings and prepare CADD Record Drawings 10. Develop FDEP Compliant Overall O&M Summary Manual Based on Equipment O& M Manuals provided by Equipment Vendors 11. Certify project completion to FDEP Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#8K MAY 13,2013 Subtotal Engineering Fee-Reuse System for Golf Course Irrigation-Task 3-Construction Administrative Services: CA -$16,101 Subtotal Fee for Reuse System for Golf Course Irrigation-Task 1,2 &3= $51,220 Direct Costs-Electrical,Structural,Survey,Stormwater, Geotech Subconsultants -Task 1,2&3= $46,980 Direct Costs-Reimburseables= $ 700 Total Fee Reuse System for Golf Course Irrigation -Task 1,2&3 $98,900 Page 4 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#8K MAY 13,2013 Selva Marina Country Club Revised Irrigation Water Timeline Reclaimed Facilities for Golf Course Irrigation 5/2/13 4/22/13 and 5/13/13- City commission approval of funding of engineering for Reclaimed Facilities for Golf Course Irrigation. 5/14/13- Design and permitting of reuse system for golf course (3 months to complete). 5/14/13- Staff to draft Reuse Ordinance per SJRWMD requirements. 5/27/13 and 6/10/13- 1st Reading - Commission approval of Reuse Ordinance as required by SJRWMD 6/3/13- Staff begins to design rate structure for reuse for Selva Marina Golf Course. 6/10/13- Draft agreement with SMCC. Includes a binding agreement (per DEP regulations) with SMCC to ensure that construction, operation, maintenance and monitoring meet DEP requirements. The City must retain primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with all DEP requirements. 6/24/13 and 7/8/13- Final Reading - Commission approval of Reuse Ordinance 7/22/13 and 8/12/13 – Commission approval of agreement with SMCC, including rate structure and DEP requirements 8/18/13 - Advertise for bids for construction of reuse system for golf course 9/18/13 - Bids due for reuse system for golf course 9/23 and 10/14 - Award of construction bid for reuse system for golf course by City Commission 10/21/13 Construct Phase I reuse system (golf course irrigation for grow-in only, with temporary facilities – 5 months to complete) 3/15/2014- Date identified by developer to begin using irrigation water for golf course. Note: This is a very compressed and optimistic engineering and construction schedule—assumes no problems in permitting, equipment delivery, etc. AGENDA ITEM f#8K MAY 13,2013 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Selva Marina Reclaimed Facilities Engineering, Phase I and II RFP 07-04 SUBMITTED BY Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Direct r _____.4) DATE: April 21, 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: Golf Course BACI{GROUND: One of the City Commission's top strategic priorities is to work with the Sclva Marina Country Club in order to maintain greenspace and minimize adverse impacts to adjoining neighborhoods, As part of an agreement currently being developed with Selva Marina, the City will provide reclaimed water facilities to irrigate the golf course in exchange for land use restrictions in order to ensure the property remains as greenspace in the future. Based on Selva Marina's timeline for golf course construction, they will need the reclaimed water by January 2014. In order to complete design, permitting,bidding and construction by that deadline,the City must begin the design and permitting process immediately. The contract currently held by J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC (JCEA) for the Wastewater Improvements through RFP 07-04 included final design, permitting, bidding and construction services for a reclaimed water facility. At the City's request, JCEA.has submitted a revised proposal for this work in two phases. Phase i of the project will provide reclaimed water facilities to provide irrigation for the golf course only. Some of these facilities will be temporary in nature in order to meet the short timeline. Phase I engineering will need to be started immediately. The proposed cost for Phase I for the planning and preliminary engineering report (required by DEP), final design, permitting,bidding services, and construction administration is $50,296,68, Phase II of the project will provide additional reclaimed facilities to provide residential reuse for the new subdivision and for future use. Additional facilities will be required for residential reuse in order to provide more volume, to maintain system pressure and provide a transmission main for the subdivision. In order to have the reclaimed water for the newly constructed homes, Phase II of the project must be started shortly after Phase I.The proposed cost for Phase II will include DEP Environmental Resource Permitting for stormwater, survey, geotechnical work, final design,bidding services and construction administration and is$107,231.56. While the two phases could be designed separately, completing both phases together would be a slight cost savings as the engineer would save some costs in duplication of permitting efforts. The cost reduction for awarding engineering both Phase I and Phase II at the same time would be a reduction of$6,000,bringing the total for both phases to $151,528.24. I AGENDA ITEM#8K MAY 13,2013 Note that in order to get the cost as low as possible, JCEA has reduced their overhead and profit from 150% and 10%, respectively(as per contract) to 130% and 8%. BUDGET: Funds for engineering of both Phase I and Phase II of the project are available from other projects in the Sewer Fund under account number 410-5508-535-6300. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC to perform engineering services for Phase I and Phase II of the Selva Marina Reclaimed Facilities in the amount of $151,528.24 and authorize the City Manager to sign contract. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Proposal from J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC 2. Irrigation Water Timeline for Selva Marina Country Club REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: 2