Agenda Item 9A AGENDA ITEM#9A MAY 13,2013 April 30,2013 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the Commission FROM Jim Hanso. Ci u SUBJECT: City Manag- 's Report Budget Workshop Dates;Budget Workshops have been set for 2013 and include the following dates; •Thursday,August lst at 5 pm •Tuesday,August 6th at 5 pm •Thursday,August 15th at 5 pm •Thursday,August 22nd at 5 pm All of these workshops have been scheduled for the City Commission Chamber. Gospel in the Park Event;This is to report that I have waived the fees for the park usage for the Gospel in the Park event that will be held on Saturday,May 18,2013.The event is less than a week after the next City Commission meeting and a decision on waiver of fees was needed prior to that time so that the event could move ahead for planning purposes. The City Commission voted to waive the fees for the same event last year. Total fees that have been waived amount to$376.75. LIUNA(Blue Collar)Union Ratification Vote;State rules require that local government employee unions have a vote on whether or not to ratify their contracts after going through an impasse hearing with the local governing body. The LIUNA union held a vote on April 23`d. Seven union members voted and five of those voted not to approve the contract. This vote does not alter the Commission's decision in the impasse hearing and the changes to employee benefits will remain in effect per the Commission's decision. ICMA Webinar on Efficient and Effective Council Meetings;A webinar has been scheduled in the City Commission Chamber for Thursday,June 6th from 1:00 to 2:30 pm. It is entitled"Council Meetings;How to Be Efficient and Effective". A copy of the flyer is attached. It is anticipated that one or more City Commissioners may attend this webinar,so it will be posted as a public meeting. AGENDA ITEM#9A MAY 13,2013 Hanson, Jim From: ICMA University Webconference [events cicma.org] Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 12:08 AM To: Hanson, Jim Subject: Council Meetings: Effective Planning Strategies I CI MA . 0001 1, ars 11111 1 ( r-7 i 1,11,--11: <- focused, relevant, interactive Council Meetings: How to Be Efficient and Details Effective i MOO Date:June 6, 2013 Time: 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m. (EST) REGISTER TODAY Meet Your Expert Presenters Planning a council meeting Is an art. Navigating conflict, maintaining decorum, and Kevin Duggan getting the job done for the public requires focus and discipline. Join ICMA's Kevin is ICMA's West Coast regional Duggan and Mike Conduff in a practical webinar to help you plan and run council director. Duggan has more tht meetings that give your governing body and citizens the forum to make good years of experience In Californ decisions in an open,fair, and constructive environment. /th government, with the last 27 You and your staff will discuss: serving as a city manager for I cities of Campbell and Mountain View, Califov As West Coast regional director, he serves a; • How to create a tight agenda ;primary staff link between ICMA and mamba • Defining roles and boundaries professional associations in California, Orego • The importance of meeting rules, procedures,and professional conduct Washington, Alaska, and Nevada. • Conflict resolution • Working with residents at meetings He is a credentlaled city manager and has se as president of both Cal-ICMA and the City Click here for more information. Manager's Division of the League of Californi Cities. Sign Up Today and Your Entire Staff Can Listen In for One Fee Mike Conduff { is president and CEO of the Eli The registration fee is$149(ICMA members) or$249 (nonmembers).There is no ` Group and also serves as ICM► limit to the number of staff from your office participating in this webconference. In senior advisor for governance. the room where staff will participate, you'll need a speaker phone and a computer to view the Web component. Conduff is a multiple time best selling author with Jack Canfield (of Chicken 1