CE 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD 2013 (2) CODE ENFORCEMENT COVER SHEET LOCATION: ��� � � 3 RESI COMM eelCASE NUMBER: NAME: COMPLAINT TYPE: DATE: VIOLATION: NO 951A ACTION: INITIAL INSPECTION _ _DOOR HANGER COURTESY NOTICE MEETING WITH TENANT ON SITE INSPECTION NOTICE OF VIOLATIO fp REINSPECTION CHECK STATUS OF C RR N ICE POSTING NOV AND AFFIDAVIT MEETING WITH OWNER ON SITE NOTICE OF HEARING CODE BOARD MEETINGS OFFICER STATEMENT FORM POSTING NOH AND AFFIDAVIT TELEPHONE CALL TELEPHONE MESSAGE NOTICE OF REHEARING ORDER IMPOSING FINE W/COVERLTR AFF NON-COMP W/CONTEST LTR AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE FILE LIEN RECORD LIEN FILE TO CITY CLERK RELEASE OF LIEN CE FINE MEMO TO FINANCE LIEN LETTER MEETING WITH RESPONDENT BUILDING PERMIT APPLIED FOR CLOSED CASE EIN F TERNAL MEETING REFER TO CITY ATTY/IJEN OMPLIANCE ME 11911 -15 OWNER OCCUPIED CC's TENANT OCCUPIED G; VACANT CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 PHONE (904)247-5855 July 2, 2013 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 70122210000113850625 Equity One Atlantic Village, 16 N.E. Miami Gardens Dr Miami Beach, FL 33179 RE: Notice of Violation, City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances 1021 Atlantic Blvd, CASTRO Y FERRER GRANT PT RECD O/R 8130-2297 RE# 177602-0040, Case # 13-00000507,No Business Tax Receipt for Greenberg Dental. Dear Property Owner: Please be advised, Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement has found your property referenced above to be in violation of the City of Atlantic Beach, Code of Ordinances,to wit: VIOLATION Violation Description Chapter 20 Business Tax Receipts Section 20-52. Levy. A business license tax shall be levied on: (1) Any person who maintains a permanent business location or branch office within the City, for the privilege of engaging in or managing any business within it's jurisdiction. (2) Any person who maintains a permanent business location or branch office within the City, for the privilege of engaging in or managing any profession or occupation within it's jurisdiction. This letter requests that the noted violations be corrected by obtaining a Business Tax Receipt within ten (10) days of the receipt of this notice. To avoid having this case be referred to the Code Enforcement Board, all listed violations on this notice must be in compliance on or before the date established by Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement. The Board may impose fines up to two hundred fifty ($250.00) per day for continuing violations. Upon completing the corrective action required, it is your responsibility to contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement and arrange for an inspection to verify compliance. It is our goal to keep our neighborhoods looking well maintained while protecting property values and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please contact Atlantic Beach Code Enforcement at 904 247-5855 if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Deborah White CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Page Number 2 1021 ATLANTIC BLVD July 2, 2013 Postal CERTIFIED RECEIPT (DomesticLn rU Only, • Insurance Coverage • •' O Lnj OFFICIAL US.. E CO M Postage $ ra Certified Fee C3 Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here C3 (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee C3 (Endorsement Required) r-1 riJ Total Postage&Fees ru rU Sent To �r•r ----- O Street,Apt.No.; w.... ... r� or PO Box No. City,State,ZIP; . -- ------•-•--------- PS Form :,r August 2006 See Revprse for Instructions ■;Complete items 1,�2,and 3.Also citmpletQ A Slgn$ture; X 0 Ate' Item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired., p AddresAft ■ print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the 64d'6 you. S. Received by(Pd NameilO:Date' ■ Attach this card;101114 _7 babkof the rnaiipiece, or on the front if space per mks. D.Is delivery address dUfetent firm item 17,, 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery addreee below: , 0 No 15(n 3, Service Type D t,erdded`Mail 0 express Mall. Registered Retum Recefptfor Merdrsrrdlse 0 Insured Mall 0 O.O.D.' 4. Restricted Delivery?extra Fee) O Yea 2. A*Oktimber` +' 7012 2210 0001 1385 0625 (transfer fr'm service fabeq Domestic Return Receipt 1o25ir5 o2-M t540 PS Form 3811,February 2004 _ _ ....�.a,... F p(LAAf \ N. E ,clOFR% CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 PHONE: 247-5855 COURTESY NOTICE OF VIOLATION f DATE TIME i OWNER (H:C:UPANT i ADDRESS i THE INSPECTION MADE OF THE ABOVE PREMISES THIS DATE DISCLOSED YOU WERE IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE: OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA. YOU CAN COMPLY BY ; l ` � J WITHIN DAYS OF THIS NOTICE THIS IS A COURTESY NOTICE IN ORDER TO MAKE YOU AWARE OF A VIOLATION OF THE CITY CODE OF ATLANTIC BEACH. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS OR WOULD LIKE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THIS NOTICE, PLEASE CALL ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICE. i i CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER t RECEIVED BY .i' I^ i a n c� Ln r w f r, w rn mColl r a Lo Cc t } D -4 CJ d� T Ln C y t~' m > ,ar�srrxr, y 4,7 w i4 anvj