Public Works Budget FY1314 handout 8-1-131 PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET FY 2013-2014 PW ADMIN STREETS FLEET MAINTENANCE PARKS MAINTENANCE and BEAUTIFICATION SANITATION STORMWATER GENERAL FUND Streets and Maintenance –City Building, ROW & Town Center maintenance. Parks –Maintenance of green space, parks -playgrounds, color spots, beach cleaningcleaning. Reconstruct Russell Park tennis courts 1 & 2. Parks Master Plan. PARKS Parks Master Plan Develop inventory of existing parks facilities and / equipment Public input regarding additional parks services and amenities How to pay for these added amenities. 2 Parks Projects ICW Parks Master Plan Design / Permitting for Dutton Island kayak launch and overlook and W. 6th Street overlook Design and permitting of Preserves Multi-Purpose Path Veteran’s Memorial Park Phase 1 complete; fundraising for Phase 2 (Chaplains Memorial Garden) underway; no city funds in proposed budget Parks Projects (cont) Rose Park -Construction bid substantially over project budget –project downscopedto meet funds available. Additional funding to be discussed: Add ADA compatible Playground -~$40,000 Add paved parking -~$20,000 AddWtFt(SlhPk)itht $160000Add Water Feature (Splash Park) with restroom -$160,000 - $210,000 Add Pervious parking at Dog Park ~$10,000 Bull Park Gazebo (supplemental project list) -$40,000 Proposed modification to existing Memorial Circle to provide a covered area for ceremonial (weddings, etc.) and event use (Songwriter’s Night). Would include relocating MedjoolPalm to elsewhere in park (or replacing). Supplemental Project List Bull Park Gazebo (examples) 3 Convention Development Fund (Bed Tax) Resolution 91-5 authorizes use of funds to acquire and develop municipal parks, lifeguard stations and / or athletic fields or topromotetourismatthebeachesto promote tourism at the beaches. Designated as Primary source for City matching funds for Marsh Master Plan Projects MARSH MASTER PLAN LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLAN YearProjectCostGrant Funds City Funds FY 12-13 Construct PH 1A of Marsh Ped Path $34,000$17,000$17,000 FY13-14 ConstructKayakFY1314Construct Kayak Launch and Overlooks $223,000$128,500$94,500 Design and Permitting of Marsh PedPath $150,000$75,000 (COJ) $75,000 MARSH MASTER PLAN LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLAN (continued) YearProjectCostGrant Funds City Funds FY 14-15P1 Trail; Tideviewsto W. 6th St. $315,000$157,500$157,500 FY 15-16P2 Trail;Levy ;y to Dutton Island Rd. $200,000$130,000$130,000 Overlook/ Kayak Access $30,000 14th St. Overlook / Access $30,000 4 MARSH MASTER PLAN LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLAN (continued) YearProjectCostGrant Funds City Funds FY 16-17P3Trail; W. 6th to Plaza$170,000$130,000$130,000 TideviewsTideviews Pond, Trail$90,000 FY 17-18Dutton; Overlook Extension $75,000$130,000$130,000 P4 Trail; W. Plaza to Levy $150,000 W. 9th St. Overlook$35,000 MARSH MASTER PLAN LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLAN (continued) YearProjectCostGrant Funds City Funds FY 18-19W. 3rd St. Overlook$28,000$14,000$14,000 Dutton Overlook $75000Overlook$75,000 Pavilion Begonia Pond $105,000 FY 19-20Dutton Concession / Bathroom;S. Launch $175,000$102,500$102,500 Fishing Platform and Access Improvements $30,000 StormwaterUtility Planned Capital Improvements StormwaterLong Range Plan FY 12-13 -East Cost Drive Drainage Improvement -$360,000 FY 13-14 –Drainage Upgrades –Salt Air Neighborhood –swale re-construction - $250,000 FY 13-14 –Drainage Upgrades –Seminole Road South End –$240,000 FY 13-14 Request –Francis Street Drainage Design 5 StormwaterUtility Supplemental Project List East Coast Drive Streetscape additions –to expand Town Center appearance to ECD and Ahern -$65,000 Potential for financial participation by Town Center Agency / Businesses Seminole Road Streetscape Additions -$250,000 Roberts Street Ditch -$180,000 (not on list) 1 2 Mi l l i o n s Storm Water Utility Fund 0 Personnel Services Operating Debt Capital Transfers Revenues Tipping Fees Claimed by COJ FY 12FY13 Est. Total Garbage $145,257 $143,375 $288,632 Commercial $125,585$116,701$242,286 Yard Waste$36,223 $28,812 $65,035 Sludge$90,740 $57,987 $148,727 Payments Made -$44,873 -$50,907-$95,780 Total$352,932 $295,968 $648,900 6 1000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Th o u s a n d s Sanitation Fund 0 500 1,000 Personnel Services Operating Capital Transfers Revenues Gas Tax Fund Resurfacing Program FY 13/14 -$300,000 budget proposed: Overall Condition Index (OCI) –73.6 (Very Good (2012 score –inspections still in progress for current year) Score has been maintained in 71-74 range since completionofCoreCityProjectrelatedresurfacing.completion of Core City Project related resurfacing. Current year paving completed. City Street Resurfacing History Si2005Since 2005 7 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT ROUGUE’S GALLERY Street NameStarting PointEnding PointOCI Pine Street Atlantic Blvd. Dead End 38.33 3rd Street Ocean Blvd Beach Ave 40.83 OceanforestDrive W. OceanforestDrive N. OceanwalkDrive S. 42.08 SaturibaDrive Seminole Road Park Terrace West 42.08 SelvaMarina Drive NB Seminole Road SaturibaDrive 42.08 David Street Seminole Road Past Sylvan Drive 42.50 OceanwalkDrive S. Seminole Road OceanwalkDrive W. 42.50 VioletStreet LevyRoad Cul-De-Sac 42.92Violet Street Levy Road Cul De Sac 42.92 Magnolia Street David Street SturdivantAvenue 43.33 Mary Street Stewart Street Dead End 43.33 W. Plaza Drive Orchid Street MayportRoad 46.25 Beach Avenue 16th Street 18th Street 46.67 Orchid Street Levy Road W. Plaza Drive 46.67 Stocks Street Levy Road Cul-De-Sac 46.67 W. 6th Street Begonia Street Main Street 46.67 W. 9th Street CameliaStreet Begonia Street 46.67 Mealy Street S. Stewart Street Cul-De-Sac 47.08 Dutton Island Road W. Park Gate End of Asphalt 47.92 Jasmine Street W. 6th Street Cul-De-Sac 48.33 *Streets in Red paved this year 300 400 500 600 Th o u s a n d s Gas Tax Fund 0 100 200 Operating Capital Transfers Revenues Community Development Block Grant History “But for…” Criteria used in past. Typical projects have included: Sidewalks Park improvements, including restrooms, playing fields, parking and shelters Septic to Sewer Conversions Minor Drainage Projects Water and Sewer Main Installations 8 CDBG Projects Current year project to add sidewalk on Dutton Island Road delayed because of stormwater issues. Nextyear’sproject finalphaseofNext years project –final phase of Donner Park improvements –baseball field upgrades. Possible future years –Francis Street Drainage and Projects from Parks Master Plan Study 400 500 600 700 800 900 Half Cent Sales Tax 0 100 200 300 Th o u s a n d s Transfers Operating Capital Revenues Supplemental Project List Mayport Corridor Improvements ItemCost(Capital / Maintenance) Notes Decorative Crosswalks $100,000 / $20 –33K / Yr FDOT Maintenance requirement Welcome Signs$11,000Dutton Island Rd(SB), Flyover Ramp (E/N B), Southern Island under Flyover (NB) FRA Fountain Project $7,500 / $1,500Add decorative,lighted fountain to pond at W.4th / 5th Street. FRA $2,500 donation. Art for Atlantic Blvd Overpass $8,000 (est.)Detailsin Planning Discussion Landscape Matching Program $0 / $10,000Detailsin Planning Discussion 9 Supplemental Project List Public Works ItemCost(Capital / Maintenance) Notes Welcome Sign Atlantic Blvd $100,000Tat Chan Design Emergency Generatorfor $50,000Portablegenerator to provide powerforlongtermoutage.Generator for PublicWorks power for long term outage. Pave Stewart Street $35,000West of Main St.-only platted, residential streetnot paved. East Coast Drive Streetscape $65,000Planning level estimate –paver walks, streetlights, etc. to match Town Center décor. Seminole Road Streetscape $250,000Planning level estimate –paver parking, streetlights, bioswales, etc. 10 EAST COAST DRIVE / AHERN STREETSCAPE Seminole Road Possible Streetscape Typical Section Plan (Overhead) View Possible addition of on-street parking 11 Streetscape options – decorative lighting and crosswalks BIOSWALE W/ SOD 12