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Budget Workshop Minutes 8-1-13 v
MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS ON THURSDAY,AUGUST 1,2013 AT 5:00 PM. City Commission Members present: Mike Borno, Mayor Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tem Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner Carolyn Woods, Commissioner Staff present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Nelson Van Liere, Finance Director Donna Kaluzniak, Public Utilities Director Rick Carper, Public Works Director Timmy Johnson, Recreation and Special Events Director Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk The meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Mayor Borno. Budget Overview (Handout: Budget Overview, which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A) City Manager Jim Hanson explained the workshop schedule and the items to be discussed at each meeting. He also explained the need for a shade meeting and suggested having it prior to the August workshop. He gave an overview of the budget, explaining the need to understand the long-term economic downturn that has occurred since FY08; property taxes and Intergovernmental revenues in General Fund are down; pension and health insurance costs have increased; and transfers into the General Fund have increased in order to help offset some of the changes. Mr. Hanson reported the personnel count has dropped by 5 people since 2008, but we will keep the same number of employees as we have in the current year's budget. Mr. Hanson explained the shift in funding from Capital to Operations explaining the General Fund Capital was $569k in FY08 to $464k in FY14; General Fund transfers to Stormwater Fund $460k in FY08 to $0 in FY14 and Gas Tax Contribution to General Fund $0 in FY08 to $73k in FY14. Mr. Hanson reported the Pension and Benefit Reform Savings in FY14 on Pension Defined Benefit Plan, Pension Defined Contribution Plan, Annual Leave Sell Back, Terminal Leave Sell Back, Reduction in Leave Accrual and Longevity Pay Elimination. He explained the FY14 budget is $240,000 less than it would have been. Mr. Hanson explained the philosophy and benefits of conservative, long-term budgeting. He explained the conservative points such as use of fund balances, no fast economic recovery, and operating fund reserves minimum of 25% and the long term points such as 10-year plans for all operating funds, capital planning for water, sewer, storm water, parks projects and maintenance projects each year. Mr. Hanson explained the Strategic Priorities that are included in the budget such as Reuse Construction, Marsh Master Plan Projects (multiple years), Parks Master Plan, New Sidewalk for Sturdivant Ave., Storm Water Master Plan Projects (multiple year projects), Going Paperless and Videotaping of Meetings (done in FY13 budget). Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 1,2013 Page 2 Mr. Hanson pointed out items that are not in the proposed budget such as raises or pay plan adjustments, additional tipping fees, Police Building, Mayport Corridor business crosswalks, city limit signs, and business incentives. He added that no rate increases are being proposed in the budget. Mr. Hanson explained the total revenues and expenses are down from the current year, reporting revenues for FY12 at $34.7 million, FY13 at $27.7 million and FY14 estimated at $27.5 million; and expenses for FY12 at$30.0 million, FY13 at $26.3 million and FY14 estimated at $27.8 million. Public Works (Handout: Public Works Budget FY 2013-2014, which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment B) Public Works Director Rick Carper stated that Public Works Administration, Streets, Fleet Maintenance, Parks Maintenance and Beautification, Sanitation and Stormwater make up his budget. He explained the main items in his budget, broken down by Funds: General Fund includes Streets and Maintenance — City buildings, ROW & Town Center maintenance; and Parks includes maintenance of green space, parks, playgrounds, color spots, beach cleaning, reconstruct Russell Park tennis courts 1 & 2 and Parks Master Plan. Commissioner Woods asked staff to consider using the same surfacing materials that the City of Jacksonville Beach recently used in the reconstruction of their tennis courts. She said it was a more desirable surface by the tennis players. Mr. Carper stated he suspects the cost would be greater, but did not have a figure available. Mr. Carper reported and answered questions on the following Parks projects: ICW Parks Master Plan- Design and Permitting for Dutton Island kayak launch and overlook and W. 6th Street overlook and Design and Permitting of Preserves Multi-Purpose Path; Veterans Memorial Park- Phase 1 complete; fundraising for Phase 2 (Chaplains Memorial Garden) underway; no City funds in proposed budget; Rose Park- Construction bid is substantially over project budget — project downscoped to meet funds available. Additional funding to be discussed: Add ADA compatible Playground - $40,000; Add paved parking - $20,000; Add Water Feature (Splash Park) with restroom - $160,000 - $210,000; and Add pervious parking at Dog Park 410,000. Bull Park Gazebo- (supplemental project list)- $40,000, proposed modification to existing Memorial Circle to provide a covered area for ceremonial (weddings, etc.) and event use (Songwriter's Night), and would include relocating Medjool Palm to elsewhere in park (or replacing). He showed photo examples of gazebos as he explained the idea for Bull Park. Mr. Hanson pointed out that the Convention Development Fund (Bed Tax) is designated as the primary source for City matching funds for Marsh Master Plan Projects. Convention Development Fund(Bed Tax) Mr. Carper referred to his tables titled Marsh Master Plan Long-Range Capital Plan as he reported information on the Fiscal Year, Project Name, Cost, Grant Funds and City Funds for each of the following projects: Construction Phase 1 of Marsh Ped Path; Construct Kayak Launch and Overlooks; Design and Permitting of Marsh Ped Path; P1 Trail - Tideviews to W. 6th St.; P2 Trail - Levy to Dutton Island Rd.; Overlook/Kayak Access; 14th St. Overlook/Access; P3 Trail - W 6th to Playa; Tideviews Pond - Trail; Dutton - Overlook Extension; P4 Trail - W. Plaza to Levy; W. 9th St. Overlook; W. 3`d. St. Overlook; Dutton Overlook; Pavilion Begonia Pond; Dutton Concession/Bathroom - South Launch; and Fishing Platform and Access improvements. He indicated Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 1,2013 Page 3 that the numbers should be 50/50, so he believes there are errors on the figures shown in his handout. Mr. Carper and Mr. Hanson answered questions regarding these projects and the funding. Mr. Carper outlined the proposal to build the Marsh Master Plan Trail over the next five years in four different phases. Commissioner Daugherty expressed a desire to get it built much sooner if grant funding were available. Stormwater Utility Fund Mr. Carper explained and reported the costs for Planned Capital Improvements including East Coast Drive Drainage Improvement - $360.00, Drainage Upgrades - Salt Air Neighborhood-swale reconstruction - $250,000, Drainage Upgrades - Seminole Road South End - $240,000. During the report on Drainage Upgrades to the Salt Air Neighborhood, there was a discussion about the need to survey the residents that would be affected to find whether or not they support the swale reconstruction which would cause for major construction in the front yards of many of them. Discussion followed about the desirability of upgrading the project to a curb and gutter system with piping and construction of a new drainage pond. Discussion followed about total cost, and possible assessments to the property owners for their share of the cost. Commissioner Daugherty was asked to prepare cost comparisons in that same neighborhood with and without curb and gutter. Staff is to follow up on this discussion with the previously obtained cost estimates on a per resident basis and report back to the Commission. Mr. Carper also reported on his request for a drainage design for Francis Street from Donner Road north to Dutton Island Road, noting that he expects the cost to be around $300,000 to $400,000. Mr. Carper explained that the following Stormwater Utility projects are on the Supplemental Project List and are not included in the proposed budget. East Coast Drive Streetscape additions—to expand Town Center appearance to East Coast Drive and Ahern - $65,000 noting there is a potential for financial participation by Town Center Agency/Businesses; Seminole Road Streetscape Additions - $250,000; and Robert Street Ditch - $180,000. Discussion ensued regarding the Robert Street Ditch. Mr. Carper indicated that DOT said if the City wishes to go forward with the project, they will research and consider cost sharing. Commissioner Daugherty inquired into passing a Resolution asking our representative on the state level to consider this for action. Mayor Borno suggested developing a good description of what the real problem is, what the resolutions are, and who the parties involved are and talk to them then, and if they need a resolution, that would be the time to support their actions when they are doing legislation, if they are willing to put it on the legislative list. Commissioner Daugherty reiterated that the Commission should send something officially asking our State representatives to consider it for action. Commissioner Woods suggested doing what the Mayor said, get the proposals done, have Mr. Carper approach D.O.T. for cost sharing and think about it for the next budget. A question was raised about a previous estimate of$100,000 for this same project. Staff was asked to follow-up on the question of the two different budget figures. They agreed to work on the details this year and put the money for it in the next budget. Mr. Hanson referred to the chart on page 114, titled Storm Water Utility, and the table on page 115, titled Long-Term Financial Plan Financial Projection Summary, as he explained details and answered questions on the Storm Water Utility Fund including amounts for Personnel Services, Operating Expenses, Debt Services, Capital Outlay, Transfers and Revenues. Commissioner Beckenbach requested that staff put text boxes on the drawing to show the various capital projects as well as where the revenue sources come from and how much we are spending. Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 1,2013 Page 4 Sanitation Fund Mr. Hanson referred to the table titled Tipping Fees Claimed by COJ and reported the amounts the City of Jacksonville claims we owe regarding tipping fees on Garbage, Commercial, Yard Waste and Sludge. Discussion ensued and he answered questions regarding the tipping fee issue. There was also a discussion about the timing for taking RFPs for a waste hauler beginning in the summer of 2014 when the current one is due to expire. Commissioner Woods asked that the City consider getting a price for curbside hazardous waste pickup. Mr. Hanson referred to and explained the chart titled Sanitation Fund (also page 112 in the proposed budget) which shows amounts for Personnel Services, Operating Expenses, Capital Outlay, Transfers and Revenues. Gas Tax Fund Mr. Carper explained the Resurfacing Program and noted the proposed budget includes $300,000, which is the same as last year. He reported last year's Overall Condition Index (OCI) score of 73.6 since inspections are still in progress for the current year, but suspects the score to be right there or slightly better once it's completed. He explained that each year he drives every street in the city and gives them a grade. Commissioner Daugherty explained the advantages of having a third party score the roads and suggested that staff look into what the cost would be. Mr. Carper referred to and explained the map showing the City Street Resurfacing History since 2005 and the table titled Pavement Management Rougue's Gallery. He indicated it has taken 11 years to do about half our streets. He explained a newly constructed street should last 30 years, but if you do a good resurfacing job you should get 15 to 20 years out of it. He answered questions from the Commission. (Mayor Borno left at 7:48 p.m. and returned at 7:50 p.m.) Mr. Hanson referred to the Gas Tax Fund chart (also on page 110 in the proposed budget) as he explained the Operating Expenses, Capital Outlay, Transfers and Revenues and answered questions. He explained the options for using the funds. He explained that the pay plan as recommended will take about $200,000 in the General Fund which is where 75% of the salaries are so you have to come up with that from somewhere. He recommended not trying to come up with it in fund balance because you don't want to spend one-time money on a recurring expense. He explained that the city employees need a raise and offered a way to free up some of the money from this fund and transfer it to the General Fund to be used to pay for it. Community Development Block Grant History Mr. Carper explained the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and reported the typical projects have included sidewalks; park improvements including restrooms, playing fields, parking and shelters; septic to sewer conversions; minor drainage projects and water and sewer main installations. Mr. Carper reported on the status of current and further CDBG projects. Half Cent Sales Tax Mr. Hanson reported there was an error on page 116 in the budget book so he requested that they replace that page with the one he distributed tonight. Mr. Hanson referred to the chart titled Half Cent Sales Tax as he explained the Transfers, Operating Expenses, Capital Outlay, and Revenues. He answered questions and explained what the money in the Half Cent Sales Tax Fund can be used for. Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 1,2013 Page 5 (Commissioner Daugherty left at 8:09 p.m. and returned at 8:13 p.m.) Supplemental Project List- Mayport Corridor Improvements Mr. Carper explained and reported the costs for the items on the Supplemental Project List relating to the Mayport Corridor which are decorative crosswalks, welcome signs, FRA fountain project, art for Atlantic Boulevard overpass and landscape matching program. He showed photos of where welcome signs could be put at the flyover median and in the first median north of Atlantic Boulevard. Supplemental Project List-Public Works Mr. Carper referred to various slides/photos as he explained and reported the costs for the items on the Supplemental Project List relating to the Public Works which are welcome sign on Atlantic Boulevard, emergency generator for Public Works, pave Stewart Street, East Coast Drive streetscape and Seminole Road streetscape. He explained the welcome sign was designed by Tat Chan eight years ago and the cost was estimated at$100,000 back then. A proposed project to install street side parking and bioswales was discussed. The outcome of this was that Commissioner Woods and others asked that, if this was to be funded, it should be redesigned to eliminate the on-street parking and bioswales and use the remaining right-of-way instead for a street-widening project which would allow for the installation of bike lanes on either side(in addition to the ped path). (Commissioner Beckenbach left at 8:37 p.m. and returned at 8:41 p.m.) Recreation (Handout: Department of Recreation and Special Events, which is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment C) Recreation and Special Events Director Timmy Johnson explained staffing in his department consists of three full-time employees which includes a director, administrative assistant, and recreation leader; one part-time employee which is a recreation leader; and one seasonal employee who helps out in the summer with a food program. He indicated that since there is a small staff, they rely on volunteers to assist them with programs. Community Centers Mr. Johnson reported the various community centers and the uses for each. Adele Grage: Department of Recreation and Special Events Offices, wedding permits, parties, receptions, memorials, meetings, art exhibits/Art Walk Reception,public computers and Atlantic Beach Experimental Theatre (ABET); Donner Community Center: after school program, tutoring/homework assistance, art projects, summer camp/lunch program, field trips, tennis, flag football, Octoberfest, Angel Toy Party, parties, facility rental for receptions, showers, special events, etc.; Jordan Community Center: tutoring, homework assistance, afterschool program, parties, games, Habitat for Education program, rentals for receptions, meetings, showers,etc., and park rentals for special events. Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee Mr. Johnson referred to the list of events that the Cultural Arts & Recreation Advisory Committee (CARAC)coordinates which includes Acoustic Nights, Songwriters' Concert, Arts in the Park, Tennis Tournament, 5k Fun Run, Fitness Program, Artisan Faire. They are also responsible for disbursing funds to outside agencies. Minutes—City Commission Budget Workshop August 1,2013 Page 6 Funding to Outside Organizations Mr. Johnson explained the funding to outside agencies totals $40,320 and includes Atlantic Beach Elementary School - $15,000; $5,820 (grass cutting); Mayport Middle School - $13,000; Beaches Resource Center - $2,000; Dial-A-Ride - $1,500; and Beaches Fine Arts - $3,000. Commissioner Daugherty reported a request from AB Elementary School for the City of Atlantic Beach to fund the installation of a new bike rack for$800. This was in addition to the $15,000 already put in the budget for their after school program subsidy and the $5,820 to subsidize landscaping and grass maintenance activities. Discussion was held about the possibility of having their PTA group fund that instead of the City. City Sponsored Events Mr. Johnson referred to and explained the list of City-sponsored events which included Shakespeare in the Park, Wild Wonders, Bowl Bash, Mid-Week Market, Movies in the Park, Family Fun Day/Campout, Angel Tree and Tree Lighting. 2012-2013 Events in Review Mr. Johnson showed a chart showing the rentals and usage of Adele Grage Cultural Center, Donner Community Center, Jordan Community Center, Bull Park, Donner Park, Dutton Pavilion, Howell Park, Johansen Park, Jordan Park, Russell Park and Veterans Memorial Park. He also explained the chart showing the number of beach permits, Dutton Camp, weddings, and others and answered questions. Other Items Commissioner Woods asked that the City consider the use of the funds received from the sale of 765 Sabalo Road to be put towards a pocket park that would be located in the new Beaches Habitat development that is being planned for the old Palms Apartments property at the intersection of Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard. There being no further discussion by the City Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m. A1,4;& kg-kt/ut) Mike Bomo V166(4e6 Mayor A114(1, Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk ATTACHMENT A r Budget Overview August 1, 2013 Workshop Schedule 1 Workshop 1 ; August 1 , 2013 • Budget Overview • Public Works • Other Subjects as Time Available Workshop 2; August 6, 2013 • Utilities • General Fund Revenues • IT/Enterprise Software Upgrade • Other Subjects as Time Available 2 Workshop 3; August 13, 2013 • Police Department • Half Cent Sales Tax Fund • Employee Pay and Benefits • Final Subjects Not Covered • Commission Discussion Workshop 4; August 22, 2013 • Commission Discussion • Final Amendments to Proposed Budget 3 Long Term Economic Downturn • Property taxes $5.4 million in FY08 to $5.0 million in FY14 • Intergovernmental revenues in General Fund $1.8 million in FY08 to $1.6 million in FY14 • Pension costs increased from $767k FY08 to $1.579 million FY14 • Health Insurance Costs $633k in FY 08, $854k in FY14 • Transfers into General Fund $400k in FY08 to $1.0 million in FY14 Personnel Count FY 08 154 FY 13 149 FY 14 149 4 Shift in Funding from Capital to Operations • General Fund Capital $569k FY08 to $464k FY14 • General Fund transfers to Stormwater Fund $460k FY08 to $0 FY14 • Gas Tax Contribution to General Fund $0 FY08 to $73k FY14 Pension & Benefit Reform Savings in FY 14 FY14 w/o FY14 Savings changes w/changes Pension DB Plan $1,700,539 $1,533,680 $166,859 Pension DC Plan $0 $55,230 -$55,230 Annual Leave Sell Back $129,180 $0 $129,180 Terminal Leave Sell Back NA NA Reduction in Leave Accrual NA NA Longevity Pay Elimination NA NA $240,809 5 Conservative, Long Term Budgeting • Conservative ► Use of fund balances ► No fast economic recovery ► Operating fund reserves minimum 25% • Long Term 10-year plans for all operating funds ► Capital planning for water, sewer, storm water, parks projects ► Maintenance projects each year Strategic Priorities Included in Budget • Reuse construction • Marsh Master Plan Projects (multiple years) • Parks Master Plan • New sidewalk; Sturdivant Ave • Storm Water Master Plan Projects (multiple year projects) • Going paperless • Video taping of meetings (done in FY 13 budget) 6 IpilliMMIP What's Not in Budget • Raises or pay plan adjustments • Tipping fees (additional fees) • Police Building • Mayport Corridor business crosswalks, city limit signs, business incentives Total Revenues and Expenses: All Funds Revenues Expenses FY 12 $34.7 million $30.0 million FY 13 $27.7 million $26.3 million FY 14 $27.5 million $27.8 million 7 ATTACHMENT B PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET FY 2013-2014 PW ADMIN STREETS FLEET MAINTENANCE PARKS MAINTENANCE and BEAUTIFICATION SANITATION STORMWATER GENERAL FUND * Streets and Maintenance — City Building, ROW & Town Center maintenance. Parks — Maintenance of green space, parks - playgrounds, color spots, beach cleaning. . Reconstruct Russell Park tennis courts 1 & 2. . Parks Master Plan. 1 PARKS Parks Master Plan • Develop inventory of existing parks facilities and I equipment • Public input regarding additional parks services and amenities • How to pay for these added amenities. Parks Projects . ICW Parks Master Plan Design / Permitting for Dutton Island kayak launch and overlook and W. 6th Street overlook Design and permitting of Preserves Multi-Purpose Path • Veteran's Memorial Park Phase 1 complete; fundraising for Phase 2 (Chaplains Memorial Garden) underway; no city funds in proposed budget 2 Parks Projects (cont) O* Rose Park - Construction bid substantially over project budget— project downscoped to meet funds available. • Additional funding to be discussed: Add ADA compatible Playground -—$40,000 Add paved parking -—$20,000 Add Water Feature (Splash Park)with restroom-$160,000 - $210,000 Add Pervious parking at Dog Park—$10,000 O Bull Park Gazebo (supplemental project list) - $40,000 • Proposed modification to existing Memorial Circle to provide a covered area for ceremonial (weddings, etc.) and event use (Songwriter's Night). • Would include relocating Medjool Palm to elsewhere in park (or replacing). Supplemental Project List „ - _+• t , PIM r .` . Bull Park Gazebo (examples) 3 Convention Development Fund (Bed Tax) *. Resolution 91 -5 authorizes use of funds to acquire and develop municipal parks, lifeguard stations and / or athletic fields or to promote tourism at the beaches. * Designated as Primary source for City matching funds for Marsh Master Plan Projects MARSH MASTER PLAN LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLAN Cost Grant, ��. Funds Op FY 12-13 Construct PH 1A $34,000 $17,000 $17,000 of Marsh Ped Path FY13-14 Construct Kayak Launch $223,000 $128,500 $94,500 and Overlooks Design and $150,000 $75,000 $75,000 Permitting of (COJ) Marsh Ped Path 4 MARSH MASTER PLAN LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLAN (continued) Year Proj _ - .. „Cost Grant Funds FY 14-15 P1 Trail; Tideviews to $315,000 $157,500 $157,500 W.6th St. FY 15-16 P2 Trail; Levy to Dutton $200,000 $130,000 $130,000 Island Rd. Overlook/ Kayak $30,000 Access 14th St. Overlook/ $30,000 Access MARSH MASTER PLAN LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLAN (continued) Year Pro ect Cost Grant Cit Fund- Funds FY 16-17 P3 Trail; W. 6th to Plaza $170,000 $130,000 $130,000 Tideviews Pond,Trail $90,000 FY 17-18 Dutton; Overlook $75,000 $130,000 $130,000 Extension P4 Trail; W. Plaza to $150,000 Levy W gth St. Overlook $35,000 5 MARSH MASTER PLAN LONG RANGE CAPITAL PLAN (continued) FY 18-19 W.3rd St. Overlook $28,000 $14,000 $14,000 Dutton Overlook $75,000 Pavilion $105,000 Begonia Pond FY 19-20 Dutton Concession/ $175,000 $102,500 $102,500 Bathroom;S. Launch Fishing Platform and $30,000 Access Improvements Stormwater Utility ❑ Planned Capital Improvements Stormwater Long Range Plan ❑ FY 12-13 - East Cost Drive Drainage Improvement - $360,000 u FY 13-14 — Drainage Upgrades — Salt Air Neighborhood —swale re-construction - $250,000 ru FY 13-14 — Drainage Upgrades — Seminole Road South End — $240,000 FY 13-14 Request — Francis Street Drainage Design 6 Stormwater Utility ❑ Supplemental Project List , l East Coast Drive Streetscape additions—to expand Town Center appearance to ECD and Ahern -$65,000 o Potential for financial participation by Town Center Agency/Businesses Seminole Road Streetscape Additions -$250,000 I Roberts Street Ditch -$180,000 (not on list)Storm Water Utility Fund 2 O 0 ►�'` �`�, r•rb t•t` 1•43 t a <1 Neb r•°' do et> rt;L ei> pyo �o 10 do• pyo• pyo do do Art's Personnel Services Operating 1=3 Debt Capital =Transfers tRevenues 7 Tipping Fees Claimed by COJ Garbage $145,257 $143,375 $288,632 Commercial $125,585 $116,701 $242,286 Yard Waste $36,223 $28,812 $65,035 Sludge $90,740 $57,987 $148,727 Payments -$44,873 -$50,907 -$95,780 Made Total $352,932 $295,968 $648,900 Sanitation Fund 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 o^°C ort` ry �rL ti`s �o �o =Personnel Services 1mOperating Capital uTransfers —t—Revenues 8 Gas Tax Fund Resurfacing Program • FY 13/14 - $300,000 budget proposed: • Overall Condition Index (OCI) - 73.6 (Very Good (2012 score— inspections still in progress for current year) Score has been maintained in 71-74 range since completion of Core City Project related resurfacing. • Current year paving completed. . -. "86- I s i tip • II City Street ' •.� , - ' �" I Resurfacing ;, _i, ods 011111 ; : History •. ct�� - ., morso "i'. ' ' it ii lk r Iter© . VFW : _' IR 9 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT ROUGUE'S GALLERY Street Name Starting Point Ending Point OCI Pine Street Atlantic Blvd. Dead End 38.33 3rd Street Ocean Blvd Beach Ave 40.83 Oceanforest Drive W. Oceanforest Drive N. Oceanwalk Drive S. 42.08 Saturiba Drive Seminole Road Park Terrace West 42.08 Selva Marina Drive NB Seminole Road Saturiba Drive 42.08 David Street Seminole Road Past Sylvan Drive 42.50 Oceanwalk Drive S. Seminole Road Oceanwalk Drive W. 42.50 Violet Street Levy Road Cul-De-Sac 42.92 Magnolia Street David Street Sturdivant Avenue 43.33 Mary Street Stewart Street Dead End 43.33 W.Plaza Drive Orchid Street Mayport Road 46.25 Beach Avenue 16th Street 18th Street 46.67 Orchid Street Levy Road W.Plaza Drive 46.67 Stocks Street Levy Road Cul-De-Sac 46.67 W.6th Street Begonia Street Main Street 46.67 W.9th Street Camelia Street Begonia Street 46.67 Mealy Street S. Stewart Street Cul-De-Sac 47.08 Dutton Island Road W. Park Gate End of Asphalt 47.92 Jasmine Street W.6th Street Cul-De-Sac 48.33 *Streets in Red paved this year Gas Tax Fund 600 500 400 300 200 100 II 0 ^^ ,\rt, ^0 I> ^h fro 1\ 0 °� ,0 �� rL(1, �^� �o �O ,yo to ,yo �o ,Lo �o �O Al, 1, �o o =Operating =Capital =Transfers +Revenues 10 Community Development Block Grant History 0-"But for. . . " Criteria used in past. +Typical projects have included: • Sidewalks • Park improvements, including restrooms, playing fields, parking and shelters • Septic to Sewer Conversions • Minor Drainage Projects • Water and Sewer Main Installations CDBG Projects • Current year project to add sidewalk on Dutton Island Road delayed because of stormwater issues. • Next year's project — final phase of Donner Park improvements — baseball field upgrades. • Possible future years — Francis Street Drainage and Projects from Parks Master Plan Study 11 Half Cent Sales Tax 900 800 700 600 500 — 400 300 N 7 2 200 100 - 0 0\P\ e 0\n) ,1> =Transfers —Operating mCapitai —S—Revenues Supplemental Project List Mayport Corridor Improvements 411 4040 F Decorative $100,000/$20 FDOT Maintenance requirement Crosswalks —33K/Yr Welcome Signs $11,000 Dutton Island Rd (SB), Flyover Ramp(E/N B), Southern Island under Flyover (NB) FRA Fountain $7,500 /$1,500 Add decorative, lighted fountain Project to pond at W.4th/5th Street. FRA $2,500 donation. Art for Atlantic $8,000 (est.) Details in Planning Discussion Blvd Overpass Landscape $0/$10,000 Details in Planning Discussion Matching Program 12 d . i ._ M MIVI.tt RI --- 1 -N\ - _ --._ �; V .• k Supplemental Project List Public Works Welcome Sign $100,000 Tat Chan Design Atlantic Blvd Emergency $50,000 Portable generator to provide Generator for power for long term outage. Public Works Pave Stewart $35,000 West of Main St. -only platted, Street residential street not paved. East Coast Drive $65,000 Planning level estimate—paver Streetscape walks, streetlights, etc. to match Town Center decor. Seminole Road $250,000 Planning level estimate—paver Streetscape parking, streetlights, bioswales, etc. 13 -17T . , _ dreg vIrtrie ei• pro ; if: 1.......iviro.w. ,_ ..t ,....„....tt..,„:..,.....,...4. 1 .., - .., ___ . , dlcartici -- - --iaiiinisig S.7.1 mpii...zA„ no ? 61 i —r..,-..4 ..........-......- --)-,-,--- 1- •• c7"^ sso,'-3 ' .0.'1 ,,_,r,57........:_.- .......,e,,,i.- -i.•••pi; -;-_-...-•:-C...,-_- f'' o )...v.,. <a. ,e...., % rjw±it4t,-.,,7,.:-.7.-274't g iffiFF:-. :,,..-••-ilTe-:...-..-4.-:_. I I: \ 1 1-fr gENI"..9.1.' • ' — . .....i 1 —-. -* ,. '' .4 4.) i ‘ ' .:;;;..4 I I ;,.. • / :el, • - 1 - • , • r-------1 ..;,... 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I. • !" ,t r. f ,L� TMY .r 1, t. .- ^ R -2-s"....,, ',fir .r" s , - ,� s .1.t-#' ~' r ._rte.:._. ', t In Portland,Oregon,rain • gardens are a part of the Iii , ' ry" streetscape.Theytreat f< — K� : • I. .,,, • stormwater where it falls - _ - and beautify neighbor- - hoods. • Photo:BNIM 17 8T tr-qikiii r 4 'i } . _9i3 s _ , -e,' ,s 115.x. r'q1 �lny� x ,/ j .,.., ..� ATTACHMENT C ..,ri . L� ' ' !, „., � • ,, ,„ Department of Recreation & Special Events Timmy Johnson, Director Della Giovanni,Administrative Assistant Gail Baker, Recreation Leader Dee Davis, Recreation Leader(part time) "' Social and Cultural Capital:Investing in our Families and our Future" _. > _ 5& UNI Y C T E R S Adele Grage: b Department of 'ecreation & Special Events Office_: •Wedding Permits , •Parties f 04 Air Ira •Receptions �� =z . Memorials •Meetings '� •Art Exhibits/ArtWalk Reception __ •Public Computers 'ABET 1 F a R n 0-.. n -fly- n.� . 14. a y SChoot Proms 3n1 �' }� ygy y ate- utoring/Home��orlc Assistance Art Projects Summer Camp/I_,unch Program Field 'tennis Flag Football OctoberFest Angel Toy Party Parties Facility Rental for Receptions, Showers, Special Events, etc. T. VaLL Jordan Ce iTer y... Tutoring I lomework Assistance • 1 + ^"1 lir ala Afterschool Program tnt �l' ► " '` �' Parties Games Habitat for Education Program Rentals for Receptions, Meetings, Showers, etc. Park Rentals for Special Events 2 olttee Cora �ltosal5&gec`C�pGI�sosY l. s, i tveats t,, ``M`\�al Copper .'':7. 11 f jP1.tor z 'r a 1 k 1 wl Run • i _ +� 5 Fitness Program r Artisan Faire Oversee(Una,to private organizations —_ -==FUN IN - —. TO OUTSIDE ORGANIZATIONS Atlantic Beach Elementary School -$ 5,000 $5,820 (grass cutting) Mayport Middle School -$13,000 Beaches Resource Center $2,000 Dial-A-Ride-$1,500 Beaches Fine Arts -$3,000 Total: $40,320 3 N • Shakespeare in the Park I .` ii, ;'^-,+,, :k ".t '` It • Wild Wonders " Sf Nic • Bowl Bash a i • 2Mid-Week Market Movies at the Park I '' • Family Fun Day/Campout ® Angel Tree • Tree Lighting 2012-2013 EVENTS IN REVIEW 9 8 7 6 5 4:' : iLi1L1LkL _ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT 9 8 m I:I I I I'n 7 IDOAAI I(I'h 6 - 5 I I \III Ply M1 ' IOIIAAAIA 3 - I()IU)\\I'Is n i - SNI I I I'I, ial Ip!_l _ �L-_L- --1- 1 -III LkLII - -- L --I--- OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT .4 • BEACH PERMITS �- -*- - ■DUI TON CAMP WEDDINGS 4 OTHER I 1111 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAC JUN JUI. AUG SEPT 5