1021 Atlantic Blvd #987 nail sign 2013 THE COMBUSTIBILITY TEST DATA FOR 1/8"THICK SHEET IS: SELF-IGNITION TEMPERATURE AS MEASURED BY ASTM D-1929 IS GREATER THAN 820 DEG.F, RATE OF BURNING AS MEASURED BY ASTM D-635 IS LESS THAN 1.5 INCHES APPROVEP AS SUBMITTED PER MINUTE,AND THE SMOKE DENSITY AS MEASURED BY ASTM-2843 IS NO APPROVED AS NOTD MORE THAN 5%. - f?ET L'f?NED F(;i{C:OI:REC:f-IONS 4" IGNLE) DALE. .040 aluminum returns w non Anchors as required PLEASE INSPECT THIS DRAWING&CHECK,APPROPRIATE BOXES,SIGN,&FAX BACK A COPY CN',AGNS WILL NUL BE. corrosive screws painted to RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS LINDE]ECTLD BUT APPROVED match returns ..1 BY THE Cl 1FNT. PRODUCTION CAN NOT PROCEED UNTIL DRAWING HAS BEEN SIGNED&RETURNED.DELAYS IN Face retalne _'—_— RETURNING PROOF WILL AFFECT SHIP DICES. WE, Letter face white LED lighting -exact LED ii spacing & hardware I , per LED manufacturer(white) Low voltage power supply COMPLIES WITH .050 aluminum back r - FBC 210 — Electrical stub thru wall as a y ecied b LED manufacturer mp 1/4"weep holes--_._.. __ � ,p y WIND SPEED = 1 h for low voltage supply WIND EXPOSURC>= B Electrical 120 volt 20 amp y G L Building fascia -- �� �a primary power supply w/ shut o by others LED Channel Letter w/ Remote Transformer JOB COP red faces THIS PLAN MUST BE I white returns ON JOB SITE FOR • white trim cap EACH INSPECTION * flush mounted ' • LED lighting 18„ ODE NCE C ATLANTIC BEACH SEE PERMITS FOR ADDITIONAL X~ . URGENT-ATTN:ELECTRICIANS CIRCUITS REQUIRED ..._�.__} NEWUL2161G.FPSIC44TRANSFOFWER TO BE 13'-0" REVIEWED BY. DATE: /022,3. \'�� REQLHRETHATALLCIRCUffSMUSTHAVE Complies with DEDICATEDHOT,NEUTRAL,GROUND DETERMINED UL 48 TERMI` 11%ATPA EL (120 VOLT) E212393SIGNNJSTBEGROLd� UTH DNCOMF`LANCEV , aE6MOFTHENAT,ONALEL-CTRIcCODE Display Square Footage: 20 C O F e R I G H T N C)_17 I^a THIS DESIGN AND DRAWING SHOWN IS THE PROPERTY OF CNS SIGNS,INC. JOB- Nails&Spa LOC-- 987 Atlantic Blvd -Thi.-E; drawing and ail NO TRANSMITTAL OR DISCLOSURE SHALL BE MADE TO ANY PERSON,FIRM, reproductions thereof, are OR CORPORATION WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL. sole property of MALL: Atlantic Village SPACE #: CNS SIGNS, Inc. 9 ( ) customer understand: that 263 South Ed ewood Ave. 904 425-3363 an artwork fee of $SOQ.CO i 20 owed to CNS SIGNS, Inc if CUSTOM ST M p EOUSpGpc Jacksonville, FL fax (904) 425-4946 DATE: BY: SCALE: SQ pT:- Reproduced without ccinsent General Notes: CERTIFICATION: 1/4"THROUGH BOLT 1. SCOPE OF WORK NOTE:This document establishes minimum requirements for I hereby certify that the accompanying WREFERED METHOD) attachment of generic signs to existing walls based on specified wind and gravity Wind Load Analysis demonstrates CONCRETE Ioads.Sign faces,letters,cabinets,raceways,and attachment brackets are compliance with Florida State CO COCMU structurally and electrically designed by the sign manufacturer and are specifically Building Code 2007,Section 1609, OR not responsibility of thisengineer.Size,solid area,and weight of generic signs is to the best of my knowledge. FASTENER THRU limited as specified in the generic outline drawing.Existing walls are specifically BACK OF SIGN SIGN FACE&FRAMES not responsibility of this engineer.In fact materials and construction of existing LIMITATION:This design is valid for one 3/4"WASHER ON DESIGNED BY OTHERS walls is not known at the time of this seal;for this reason various attachment sign,at specified location.In case of conflict, BACK OF WALL options for various wall construction types are specified.It is the sign installers structural requirements,scope of work,and FASTENER THRU responsibility to select an approved attachment detail based on the existing wall builder responsibilities control. WOOD OR BACK OF SIGN CABINET type.It is the building inspector's responsibility to verity existing wall construction STEEL FRAME (SEE TABLE) and proper selection and installation of attachments conforming to this generic attachment engineering. FASTENER THRU BACK OF SIGN 2. Construction Drawing Information a. Basic Wind Speed,V= 130 MPH(3 second gust). —2x4 BACKER b. Wind Exposure=C. JL IF REQUIRED c. Wind Importance Factor,I=1.0. I S a d. Occupancy Classification,Category II. WOOD OR Nai s STEEL FRAME e. Cpi=N/A 3. Wind pressure determined using the criteria in FBC 2010. FASTENER THRU BACK OF SIGN a. Sign Height=30 ft max,Mean Roof Height=30 ft max b. FBC 2010 Component&Cladding,Zone 5,Exposure C,30ft Mean Roof Height = 3/4"WASHER ON -57.0 psf wind pressure against wall surface or solid letter area;-28.5 psf over BACK OF OSB gross area if letters are 50%of gross area. c. ASCE 7-05: Fig.6-22 Open Signs: Force Coefficient Cf=1.6,Solid/Gross Area 3/8"EXPANSION SHIELD Ratio E=50%,Height Factor Kz=0.98, Directionality Factor Kd=0.85,Rigid Structure Gust Factor G=.85,Velocity Pressure qh=0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd` 3000 PSI CONCRETE Vz*I=0.00256*0.98*1.0*0.85*130^2'1.0=36.1 psf,Factored Wind CNS Sims Inc Pressure=P=qh*G*Cf*E=36.1 *.85*1.6*E=-24.6 psf if letters are 50% FASTENER THRU NOTE: of gross area. BACK OF SIGN MAXIMUM WEIGHT OF LETTERS IS 10 LB PER SQ FT 4. Florida Building Code 2010,ASTM specifications,ACI-318 for reinforced concrete. 2 1/2"EMBED. American Welding Society Code for Welding in Building Construction.AISC Specification DEPTH for Design,Fabrication,and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, 5. Wall material specs for attachment only: (Building design and structure is by others.) 114"SDS SCREWS a. CMU shall be 8"ASTM C90 with fasteners in 1.25"face shell. WOOD FRAME b. Wood framing shall be 2x4 SPF,0.42 s.g.with fasteners in mid 1/2"of 1.5"edge. FASTENER THRU c. Cold Formed Steel Framing shall be.033",36ksi with fasteners in flange. wail Sign Engineering BACK OF SIGN d. Wood Structural Sheathing shall be 7116"OSB or plywood. (Flush Mount 2"MIN.THREAD SIGN FACE&FRAMES e. Concrete shall be 3000 psi min compressive strength. PENETRATION DESIGNED BY OTHERS 7. Contractor shall verify all wall materials and construction,dimensions,and conditions m the MOUNTED FLUSH TO WALL X FASTENER WALL ALLOWABLE SPACING field before erection and notify the engineer of any discrepancies. NOTE: Q LOAD SDS SCREW MUST BE IN THE 8. Fasteners: CENTER OF WOOD STUD 7b a. 114"A307 steel through bolts: (CMU,concrete,frame,and OSB sheathing) 318"TOGGLE BOLT FASTENER THRU— "It 1/4"THRU BOLT A307 CMU I BRICK 100 LB (3)�OR(4)PER Install 3/4"washer on back side of OSB or wall use 2x4 blocking on back of wall if CONCRETE LETTER MIN. there is no structural surface in wall. LOCATION OF SIGN: BACK OF SIGN CABINET OSB (ONE IN EACH Allowable tension load= 100 Ib HOLLOW CMU (SEE TABLE) STUD w/OSB CORNER) STUD w12X4 BACKER b. 3/8"lag screw expansion shield(Simpson SMSA37): (concrete,CMU,and structural brick) ce,insert 3/8-16 screw and 832 Highway Al A N. Drill 5/8"hole,blow clean,tap anchor flush with surfa FASTENER THRU 0 318"LAG w/ CMU 250 LB tighten. Bolt must engage min 2/3 of threads. Allowable tension load in brick or Ponte Ved ra, FL 32082 BACK OF SIGN SIMPSON SMSA37 mortar is not specified by Simpson. CONCRETE 585 LB DO NOT USE LAG SHIELDS ON BRICK OR STONE VENEER. 12"MAX Allowable tension load in 3000 psi concrete=585 Ib WOOD OR 1/4"SIMPSON SDS SPF 240 LB (SDS): STEEL FRAME DEPTH VARIES c. 1/4"x 3"Simpson Strong-Drive®screwFor wood framing. Drive screw 2"THD PENETRATION into wood stud using drill/driver. 1/2"edge spacing and 2"thread penetration PRINTED DATE: FASTENER THRU SYP 345 LB minimum. Use longer screw if required for 2"penetration. Predrill wl 5/32"bit in BACK OF SIGN SYP,SPF does not require predrill. 7116"OSB,MIN. 318"TOGGLE BOLT OSB 200 LB Allowable tension load w/2"thread penetration=345 Ib in SP/240 Ib in SPF TYPICAL SIGN SECTION DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: d. 318"toggle bolt: For OSB and Hollow CMU.Not allowed in Gypsum board. CMU 300 LB Drill 7/8"hole thru CMU face or OSB. Insert wings thru hole until wings spring back 3116"or l4"SIMPSON TITENC NOT TO SCALE fully against inside face of wall.Tighten bolt. 114"SIMPSON TITEN CMU 1 1/4"EMBED. 150 LB Allowable tension load: in 7/16"OSB=200 Ib in hollow CMU=300 Ib FINALS DATE: CMU OR CONCRETE ORTAPCON DEPTH e. 3116"or 1/4"Simpson Titen or Tapcon: For concrete and CMU FASTENER THRU CONCRETE 1 112" 365 LB Drill 3/16"hole for 1/4"Tapcon or 1/8"hole for 3/16"Tapcon. Insert Tapcon into BACK OF SIGN EMBED.DEPTH hole and tighten using drill/driver. 3/16"SIMPSON TITEN CMU 1 114"EMBED. 110 LBJOB NUMBER: CMU 1 1/4"EMBED. ORTAPCON DEPTH f. #10 Wood Screw or Sheet Metal Screw: For 7/16"OSB or plywood sheathing. DEPTH OR CONCRETE 1 112" 305 LB Drive screw into OSB using drill/driver.Full thread penetration,do not strip or overdrive. Use longer screw if required for full penetration.Allowable withdrawal per CONCRETE 1 112" EMBED.DEPTH EMBED.DEPTH APA TT-051B,NDS Eq.11.2-2:Withdrawal=2850*G^2'D`L/2 sf=2850*.45^ DRAWING NUMBER #10 WOOD SCREW 7116"OSB OR 24 LB (6)OR(8)PER 2• 19"*7/16"/2=24 Ib OR SHEET METAL PLYWOOD LE''TER MIN. TYP. FASTENER SCREW SHEATHING (TWO IN EACH �-� CORNER) ATTACHMENT&WALL TYPE OF 1 SHEET OPTIONS � W S sallybeatity LAFITNESS -JO-ANN DOLLAR ME tn4�ca•w{<,eN st«.: 11 11 13 X15 16BZI 18 10Bmug= 22 f 25 27&27B 28291 �H3R BLOCK 8 1, I � �� � � � - •''`� 7 ion dOb dons mm mm 4=M 1-3 ;:. - Ic I _ xcS p IN JaksonIF F6 uitl — IN- 'NIImp m �' MID mom Outparcel C' loft CD I Atlantic Boulevard i