Agenda Item 8ACITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Renewal of Employee Benefit Insurance Policies SUBMITTED BY: Jim Hansea,City.Man DATE: October 21, 2013 S'TRATEGIC PLAN LINK: None AGENDA ITEM # 8A NOVEMBER 12, 2013 BACKGROUND: Several insurance policies related to employee benefits are up for renewal on January 1, 2014. To give adequate time for enrollment of employees in new or changed plans, these policies should be approved in November by the City Commission. BUDGET: The policies include the City sponsored plans for medical, life insurance and supplemental life as well as several voluntary policies that are paid by the employees which include dental, vision and short and long term disability. The most expensive of these policies is the employee medical insurance. The City switched carriers last January to Florida Blue after an extensive process of bids and evaluation of benefits done by the City's insurance broker; Harden & Associates. This year, after another lengthy review process, representatives from Harden & Associates are recommending renewal of the policy with Florida Blue effective January 1, 2014. The cost will go up approximately 9.8% both for the City and for employee coverages. In addition, some of the benefits will be reduced so that the cost increase can stay within the 10% increase that the City has budgeted. Representatives from Harden & Associates will be at the Workshop on October 28th to present their recommendations and answer questions. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation that they will use is attached to this staff report. The recommendation from Harden & Associates is to renew the other employee benefit policies with the existing carriers. The cost for life and supplemental life insurance from Standard Insurance will remain the same as in the past year. Dental insurance is provided by the Guardian Insurance Company and will have an increase of 8% in the PPO Plan and a 4% increase in the DHMO Plan. Policies for vision, provided by Humana CompBenefits and short/long term disability, provided by Lincoln, will cost the same next year as they have in the past year. The City has included in the FY 14 budget for a 10% increase in employee healthcare coverage. The City's cost for medical insurance in the FY 14 year is budgeted at $855,000. RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA ITEM # 8A NOVEMBER 12, 2013 Approve the renewal of all employee benefit insurance policies listed below effective January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 and authorize the City Manager to sign the related documents. • City Sponsored Policies Medical — Florida Blue Life and Supplemental Life — Standard • Voluntary Policies Dental — Guardian Vision — Humana CompBenefits Short/Long Term Disability - Lincoln ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint presentation from Harden & Associates. CERTAIN n lba Oa MORE CERTAIN 1.1 who ass.rnb(cii iP Renewal Options City of Atlantic Beach Q[Inlrrr 10, 201 lamina PNi Nrewrnnl 1 Erpleryekn R7e 1 PNPk41U.'•'•. HARDEN Results of 2013 Renewal . 'Florida Blue Options reduced current medical rates by 18% ($188,085 under current/renewal CIGNA premium of $1,426,119) with enhanced benefits. . Savings provided funding for wellness program (biometrics). HARDEN January 1, 2014 Renewal Options . Original Florida Blue renewal of 29.1% negotiated down to 19.0% with no changes, • Florida Blue plan alternatives recommended bring increase to 9.8% (within 10% budget). a Marketed to Aetna — 37% increase over current. . 2014 rates are below the 2013 CIGNA renewal and plan benefits are significantly better than 2013 CIGNA options. HARDEN 10/21/2013 AGENDA ITEM # 8A NOVEMBER 12, 2013 1 Reasons for Increase? ▪ 8.9% due to Health Care Reform (paid by Florida Blue, impacts rates) . 9 -12% due to medical trend (Inflation) Loss ratio for Immature plan year at 78% through August . Administrative expenses — 18% • Run -out of accounts for an additional 15% of renewal calculation HARM Sample Benefit Changes to Core Pan (went prnpe4.d Ind Ivldu.l out of Potion Manimum OiflW VIdti PCP specialist Advanced Imaging INK CAT, etc.) $ ;.500 545 Sao Raw $3o 555 $150 Prescription 5510 /Sao) 550 Sid /$S0 /$N All prevtntivt ftenfth and /nobler exnm1 xtal towered at JOO %fl f' HARDEN 10/21/2013 AGENDA ITEM # 8A NOVEMBER 12, 2013 2