Agenda Item 4GAGENDA ITEM # 4G NOVEMBER 12, 2013 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Professional Engineering Contract for Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies for Water Treatment Plant Nos. 1 — 4, RFP #13 -03 SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Directo DATE: October 18, 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: None BACKGROUND: New National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) rules require employers to protect workers from injuries and fatalities due to arc flash hazards. An arc flash happens when electrical arcs create an explosion that can vaporize metals, plastics and flesh. Most electrical injuries are caused by arc flash rather than shock. An arc flash can be caused by many things, including corrosion, condensation, even dropping tools and creating a spark. An arc flash hazard analysis per NFPA standards must be conducted on all of the large electrical equipment in order to determine approach boundaries for both qualified and non - qualified personnel, and recommended personal protective gear at specific distances. The analysis includes a short circuit study, fault current analysis, preparation of up -to -date single line diagrams and computer modeling of the electrical equipment. Labeling of equipment and staff training will be provided as well. At the October 14, 2013 Commission Meeting, the City Commission authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm, J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC (JCEA). A contract was negotiated in the amount of $53,975 for the scope of work specified in RFP #13 -03. This amount is very consistent and on the low end of costs paid by other utilities for similar work. As another comparison, one of the firms that responded to RFP #13 -03 provided a price for the work (though they were not supposed to do so) in the amount of $88,000, significantly higher than the amount negotiated with JCEA. BUDGET: A total of $60,000 was included in the FY14 budget for this work. RECOMMENDATION: Award a contract to J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC for completing the Professional Engineering Services for Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies for Water Treatment Plant Nos. 1 — 4 in the amount of 53,975 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Scope and cost proposal from J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: 1 J. COLLINS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, LLC 11516 -3 San ,lase Blvd. .lacksunv ille, Fl- 32223 (904) 262 -4121 Fax 262 -4122 john @i jeIDIlinsengineering.coR October 18, 2013 Donna Kaluzniak Utility Director City of Atlantic Beach 902 Assisi Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 AGENDA ITEM # 4G NOVEMBER 12, 2013 Re: Engineering Services for Aro Flash Computer Study at Four (4) Water Treatment Facilities Dear Donna: J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC (JCEA) is pleased to provide an engineering fee proposal for the asbuilt verification of existing electrical equipment, field work and preparation for an Arc Flash Computer Study for the electrical and power components of the COAB Water Treatment Plants 1, 2, 3 & 4. David Lassetter, PE (electrical engineer for recent electrical system improvements at WWTP#1) will be conducting most of the field work, coordination, and review of Arc Flash Computer Study. Eaton will be performing the Arc Flash Computer and Modeling Study. The City Employee Training will be conducted by Cogburn Bros., Inc. The general scope of work for the evaluation of the Four (4) Water Treatment Facilities: • Review all available as -built drawings for each facility. • Electrical Engineer will review previous electrical and control drawings, conduct field work and will develop the information that is to be used as the basis of the arc flash computer study. • Eaton will prepare an Arc Flash analysis with short circuit and device coordination • Electrical Engineer will review and finalize the study and field verify the warning label installations. The full scope of work is attached based on the City of Atlantic Beach's Request for Proposals (RFP). The total fee for this work is $53,975 (attached). J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC (JCEA) in conjunction with David Lassetter, PE is pleased to provide the City with these engineering services. AGENDA ITEM # 40 NOVIMI3E R 12, 2013 Page 2 of 2 October 18, 2013 If you have any questions, please call me at 716 -6282 (Cell). Sincerely, John E. Collins, Jr,, P.E. AGENDA ITEM # 4G NOVEMBER 12, 2013 POWER SYSTEMS AND ARC FLASH STUDIES FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT NOS. 1 - 4 I. SCOPE OF WORK: The Scope of Work for the Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies at the City of Atlantic Beach's Water Treatment Facilities No. 1, 2 3 & 4 is described below: • Perform and document Arc Flash and Short Circuit Analyses for all equipment and electrical panels. • Perform and document Protective Device Coordination and Evaluation. • Perform associated training for Atlantic Beach Utility personnel. • Label all motor control centers, switch gear, breaker boxes, electrical buckets, transformers and panels with any and all additional informational labels (i.e., hazard /risk categories) as may be appropriate to satisfy the standard of the National Fire Protection Association (N FPA 70E). Make recommendations on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements. • Identify all required boundaries and indicate such on the labels necessary for compliance with all applicable National Electric Code (N EC) and N FPA 70E requirements. Engineer shall collect data and prepare an up -to -date single line electrical diagram for each of the facilities listed below. Engineer shall coordinate and provide a fault current analysis and a coordination and arc flash study of the power distribution system for each of the following facilities: • Water Treatment Plant 1 • Water Treatment Plant 2 • Water Treatment Plant 3 • Water Treatment Plant 4 - 469 11th Street - 2301 Mayport Road - 902 Assisi Lane - 2848 Mayport Road The work will include providing a fault current and a coordination and arc flash study at the Utility service point and illustrating on the Time Current Curve coordination plots at least one step of Tine -side primary overcurrent protection upstream of this point. All switch gear, switchboard, panels, transformers, generators, and motors must be shown. The Power System Study shall include the following: A. Short Circuit Study. The short circuit study shall be performed with the aid of a appropriate computer program and shall be in accordance with the latest applicable I E EE and A N SI standards. H and drawn coordination curves shall not be acceptable. B. The fault current analysis shall determine which type of fault creates the highest fault current and therefore determines the interrupting capacity of the overcurrent devices. Base selections on the analysis. Analyze faults when the system is connected to the utility source and emergency power source. C. Provide a comprehensive one -line of the system and tabulated data and included the following for each overcurrent device. 1. Ampere rating AGENDA ITEM # 4G NOVEMBER 12, 2013 2. Interrupting ampere rating. 3. Frame size, sensor or plug rating. 4. Trip settings. 5. Fault available at line terminals. 6. Ground fault trip settings. 7. Type of cable, cable size and cable length from load terminals to next overcurrent device. D. Coordination Study. Using an appropriate computer program, provide a coordination study of the system (including emergency power systems), from sources through the largest branch circuit device in each radiating branch. Include as many plots as required to cover all radiating branches, with no more than six (6) curves on any one plot. Illustrate plots on log -log graph paper and tabulated recommended settings for each branch. The curves shall also include, but not be limited to, the following information: 1. Time current characteristic curves for all relays, fuses, breaker trip devices, etc. 2. Cable damage curves for all feeders. 3. Transformer inrush currents and damage curves. E. Arc Flash hazard analysis. Engineer will complete the Arc Flash Hazard Analysis in accordance with the procedures stated in N FPA 70E. The analysis will be performed in conjunction with the short circuit and protective device coordination studies. Fault current momentary duty and protective device clearing times are required to perform the arc flash hazard analysis and will be pulled from the Short Circuit and Protective Device Coordination studies. Results of the arc flash hazard analysis are used to define the flash protection boundary and the incident energy at any position or level in the electrical distribution system where work could be performed on energized parts. Required protective fire resistant (FR) clothing and safe working distances will be specified for all calculated fault locations. At the Conclusion of the Arc Flash Study, Engineer will submit the following for each circuit condition and arc location analyzed: 1. Arc fault magnitude 2. Device clearing time 3. Duration of arc 4. Arc flash boundary 5. Working distance 6. Incident energy 7. Required fire resistant clothing 8. ANSI compliant warning labels listing incident energy, are flash boundary, and risk category. F. Provide an executive summary for the study explaining the results and any conclusions and recommendations. G. SUBMITTALS. The engineer will provide one original hard copy of the study and one in Adobe PD F format. Standard detail sheets shall be in Auto CADD version 2007. AGENDA ITEM # 4G NOVEMBER 12, 2013 SUMMARY FEE & REIMBURSEABLES October 18, 2013 City of Atlantic Beach, FL - Arc Flash Study -Four (4) WTF LABOR COSTS & WORK ITEM BREAKDOWN Work Item FEE TOTAL Task I — Evaluation & Study Phase LABOR 1. Historical Data Collection $1,143 2. Review Asbuilts $4,357 3. Conduct Field Inspections $9,239 4. Data Collection for Arc Flash Computer Model $6,713 5. Review Model & Provide Results $3,257 6. Install Protection Labels $3,256 Totals REIMBURSABLE COSTS Mileage, Courier, Postage, Report Production, etc Arc Flash Model - Eaton Employee Training - Cogburn Bros. SUBTOTAL REIMBURSABLE COSTS TOTAL ENGINEERING COST $27,965 OTHER COSTS $760 $23,500 $1,750 $26,010 $53,975