Amended Agenda Item 4B AGENDA ITEM 11 413
NOV'1;M13L;R 12,2013
AGENDA ITEM: Reject All Bids for East Coast Drive Drainage and Streetscape
SUBMITTED BY: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director
DATE: October 16, 2013
STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: 14. Stormwater Master Plan Projects.
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this Stormwater Project was to resolve intermittent
flooding at the East Coast Drive and Atlantic Blvd intersection caused by a too
small storm pipe running from Atlantic Blvd to Ahern Street. Because of the
construction required for a resolution meeting the City's Drainage Level of
Service Standards while not causing new stormwater issues downstream (Sherry
Drive), Staff proposed to include a Streetscape element to the project that would
make East Coast Drive off Atlantic and Ahern Street between East Coast and
Ocean Drives match the existing Town Center Streetscape. This proposal was
approved and funding included in the FY 13-14 Budget. Bid number 1213--
was opened on October 17, 2013 at 3:00 PM. There were seven bidders. All bids
exceeded the available project budget, with the lowest bid at$612,923.58 by
Florida Infrastructure, Inc.
BUDGET: Budget balance for the combined project for the East Coast Drive Drainage
Improvements (PW 1306) and Streetscape Improvements (PW14O1) is$396,686.
An additional $48,214 has already been expended for Survey, Geotechnical and
Design Engineering and Permitting.
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission reject all bids. Staff is working
with Edwards Engineering to see if a down scoped project can still provide
reasonable water level reductions at this intersection. If a satisfactory solution
can be obtained, Staff proposes to revise the Plans and Bid Specifications, and
then advertise for Rebid.
ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation Sheet
City of Atlantic Beach
East Coast Drive Drainage Improvements
BID 1213-12 5:00 PM
BGCO,Inc Callaway Contracting Florida Infrastructure Hager Construction Kirby Development Miranda Contracting Petticoat-Schmitt
Required Documents
Submitted in Triplicate x x x x x x x
Document Requirements Checklist x x x x x x x
Bid Form x x x x x x x
Bid Bond in the Amount of 5%of Bid x x x x x x x
Drug Free Workplace x x x x x x x
Public Entity Crimes Statement x z z z x x x
W_9 x x x x x x x
Trench Safety Affidavit x x x x x z x
Documentation of Receipt of Any -
Addenda(1 Addendum,5 items:Revised
Pre-Bid Minutes,Q&A,Soils Report, z z x x nD x x
Revised Plans Sheet 6,Revised Plans
Total(Base Bid Plus 10%Contingency 51,065.191.60 5714.48532 0562,666.56 3802,951,70 $03231210 $710,1111.56
of Items 1-41)
Total(Base Bid&Additive Alternate
Bid Items,Plus 10%Contingency. $784,770.40 562192358 $633,005.65,, sess,o88A5 $698,729.63 $772,396.30
Items 1-41,43-54)
Upon verification of bids,the following errors were found:
Mager glanntruilrtlon.°.Entered liieorreeltntal foritem p26 of$27000 Actual trial ls$1,17$,tail aS,erall d fetehceis$$17467.$D Yes$than total amount entered.
Kirby Development.Entered lndonrecttotal for Item 01 as$27,264.96.Actual total Is$27,164.96:Entered incorrect total of Subtotal of Base Bid as$5411,497.5D.Actualtotal Is$545,047,Entered Incorrect total of(tern 847 as 4,236.Actual 1014,826:Total overall difference is 549554 less than total entered(Subtotal of base.Alternate+20%).
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Award of Bid board on Dapatlmont Analysis and Commission Approval W
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