Amended Agenda Packet November 12, 2013CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING November 12, 2013 -6:30PM AMENDED AGENDA Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. A. B. C. D. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of October 14, 2013. Approve the minutes of the Special Called Commission Meeting of September 23, 2013. Approve the minutes of the Commission Workshop of September 23, 2013. Approve the minutes ofthe Town Hall Meeting of October 19,2013. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's Follow-up Report. 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A. Acknowledge receipt of the Financial Report, Building Department Monthly Activity Report, List ofNew Business Taxes and Utility Sales Report for September 2013. *B. Reject all bids for East Coast Drive Drainage and Streetscape Improvements (Bid No. 1213-12). C. Extend the annual contracts for environmental laboratory services (RFP 1 0-08) for one additional year to Columbia Analytical Services, Environmental Conservation Laboratories, and Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. at the cunent contract pnces. D. Extend the contract for Orthophosphate (Bid No. 1011-05) for one additional year to Cams Phosphates, Inc. at the current contract prices, effective December 1, 2013. E. Extend the contract for Polymer (Bid No. 1011-03) for one additional year to Fort Bend Services, Inc. at the cunent contract prices, effective December 1, 2013. F. Award the contract for beach cleaning services to Beachcombers North, Inc. (Bid No. 1213-13) in the amount of $32,916.00 for one year, from November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2014 and authorize City Manager to sign the new contract. G. Award a contract to J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC for completing the Professional Engineering Services for Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies for Water Treatment Plant Nos. 1 -4 (RFP 13-03) in the amount of $53,975 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. 5. Committee Reports None. 1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Action on Resolutions None. Action on Ordinances None. Miscellaneous Business A. Renewal of employee benefit insurance policies (health, dental, disability, etc.) (City *B. **C. Manager) Approval of Special Magistrate for Dangerous Dogs. (Cit~ Manager) Public Hearing on UBEX-13-00100071, 57 West 9t Street. Request for use-by- exception as permitted by Section 24-111 (c)( 6), to allow the sale of electric vehicle, including street legal golf carts, to be located on a property within the Commercial General (CG) zoning district at 57 West gth Street. City Manager A. City Manager's Report. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Adjournment of Retiring Commission Oath of Office for New Commission • James (Jimmy) Hill-Commissioner Seat 4 • Jonathan Daugherty -Commissioner Seat 5 • Carolyn Woods -Mayor-Commissioner Seat 1 Call to Order of New Commission 11. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors 12. Recognition of Outgoing Mayor A. RESOLUTION NO. 13-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, HONORING MAYOR LOUIS "MIKE" BORNO, JR. FOR IDS DISTINGUISHED PUBLIC SERVICE. **13. A. RESOLUTION NO. 13-16 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON THE ENFORCEMENT AGAINST STORING AND PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEIDCLES ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE 14. City Manager Report 15. Comments from Mayor and Commissioners A. Amend noise ordinance to prohibit lawn work before 9:00 a.m. on weekends. (Commissioner Mark) B. Project List. (Commissioner Mark) (Note: During the workshop on October 28, 2013, the Commission decided to schedule a workshop on December 9, 2013 at 5:00pm to discuss this item.) C. Report on Solid Waste Contract. (Commissioner Daugherty) D. Design for remodeling and expansion ofPolice Building. (Mayor Woods) 2 (Note: During the workshop on October 28, 2013, the Commission decided to schedule a workshop on November 18,2013 at 5:30pm to discuss this item.) **E. Request letter of commitment to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) seeking their support and funding. (Mayor Woods) Adjournment * These items have been revised since the workshop meeting of October 25, 2013. **These items have been added to the agenda since the workshop meeting of October 25, 2013. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Any person wishing to speak to the City Commission on any matter at this meeting should submit a request to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. For your convenience, forms for this purpose are available at the entrance to the Commission Chambers. Every eff011 is made to indicate what action the City Commission is expected to take on each agenda item. However, the City Commission may act upon any agenda subject, regardless of how the matter is stated on the agenda. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons with disabilities needing special accommodation to patiicipate in this meeting should contact the City Clerk by 5:00pm on Friday, November 8, 2013. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting, such person may need a record of the proceedings, and, for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. 3 MINUTES *REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING October 14, 2013 CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD IN ATTENDANCE: Mayor Mike Bomo Mayor Pro Tern Maria Mark Commissioner Mark Beckenbach (arrived at 6:33) Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Commissioner Carolyn Woods Call to Order/Pledge: City Attorney Alan C. Jensen City Manager Jim Hanson City Clerk Donna Bartle Recording Secretary Nancy E. Bailey Mayor Bomo called the meeting to order at 6:32p.m. Mayor Pro Tern Mark gave the Invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mayor Bomo welcomed members of Boy Scout Troop 837 in the audience who were working on citizenship in the community badges. 1. A. B. C. D. E. F. G Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of September 9, 2013. Approve the minutes of the Budget Workshop for August 6, 2013. Approve the minutes of the Budget Workshop for August 13, 2013. Approve the minutes of the Special Called (Shade) Meeting of August 26, 2013. Approve the minutes of the Special Called Commission Meeting of August 26, 2013. Approve the minutes of the Commission Workshop of August 26,2013. Approve the minutes of the Special Workshop of September 10, 2013. Mayor Bomo asked if there were any corrections to the above minutes. There were none so he stated the minutes will stand as submitted. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors Mayor Bomo opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Mayor Bomo welcomed the audience and explained the process for public comments. A. Proclamation Declaring November 2013 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Atlantic Beach. Mayor Bomo read the Proclamation in its entirety declaring November 2013 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Atlantic Beach and presented it to Alison Strother a volunteer with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Mayor Bomo also read a Proclamation that was not on the agenda declaring October 2013 as National Long- Term Care Residents' Rights Month and presented it to Michael Milliken, District Manager for the Department of Elder Affairs. Mitch Reeves, 1663 Sea Oats Drive, as chairman of the Ferry Task Force and board member of Friends of the Ferry, thanked the City of Atlantic Beach and the City Manager for providing them the support to work with the City of Jacksonville getting the fence and the labor to help them out. He stated they had their Ferry Fest last weekend and Jim Hanson was there again as a volunteer as he has always been. He presented Mr. Hanson and the City with a plank owner plaque on behalf of the Friends of the Ferry and the Ferry Task October 14,2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page2 Force and thanked him for his support and everything he has done. He also expressed his appreciation to the Explorers who volunteered all day and presented a check to the Atlantic Beach Explorers for their assistance at the Ferry Fest. Dee Reiter, 1798 Selva Marina Drive, thanked Mayor Bomo for his service as a Commissioner and as the Mayor stating she believes he has done a fabulous job. She also stated she supports the efforts to save the Selva Marina Country Club and the annexation and reuse facility project and hopes the City supports these. She also stated it would be a horrible mistake to fire Jim Hanson and Alan Jensen, stating both of those men have great experience, great leadership skills and great knowledge. She stated we need some continuity of government as we are getting ready to change hands and need some people who are not guided by self interest, people who have sound judgment and people we can trust to do a good job and what is best for the City, not for their personal agendas. She stated Mr. Hanson has done a fabulous job through all these years and administrations and she appreciates his efforts. She stated Mr. Jensen has done a great job for the City and she hopes they have the opportunity to serve our City for many more years in the future. Richard Selby, 3 Forrestal Circle N., spoke against the contract for $1.2 million for the reclaimed water facilities and asked what contingency plans they have to avoid a problem. He asked doesn't the annexation have to be done by a vote instead of a resolution. He stated they have 350-400 people who have a vested interest in Selva Marina Country Club and he believes rather than taking everybody's tax dollars to pay for somebody's special pleasure, he believes their concern should be more with business, of which they have none in Atlantic Beach any longer. He stated no one on the dais has tried to bring any business to Mayport Road. He also spoke against the medians on Mayport Road. T.R. Hainline, 1301 Riverplace Blvd., representing Atlantic Beach Partners, the proposed developer of Selva Marina, stated he is here to answer questions on the annexation. He stated, on behalf of Atlantic Beach Partners, they support the annexation effort that would be started with this resolution and are happy to continue working with the Commission and staff to see that become a reality. He also stated related to the approval of the Master Agreement and the Recreation and Greenspace Easement, they are here to answer any questions they have. He stated there was one revision they requested since the agenda meeting and if they have any questions they are here and happy to answer them. He stated they appreciated working with the Commission, the staff, Mr. Hanson and Mr. Jensen and believes they have made a lot of progress since they started on this matter and look forward to a continuing and very positive relationship for everyone. No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Bomo closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. Mayor Bomo recognized John Fletcher, former Commissioner, who was in the audience. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's Follow-up Report. None. 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF October 14,2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page3 RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A. Acknowledge receipt of the Financial Report, Building Department Monthly Activity Report, List of New Business Taxes and Utility Sales Report for August. B. Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET). C. Award the contract for Concrete Repairs for the Public Works/Utilities Department to DP Contracting Inc. for one year with two 1-year renewals starting October 15, 2013. D Award a contract to Sawcross, Inc. in the amount of $1.217 million for constmction of the Reclaimed Water Facilities, Bid No. 1213-11. In addition, authorize staff to encumber $42,000 as a contingency. The Notice to Proceed for constmction of Reclaimed Water Facilities, Bid No. 1213-11 shall become effective on the date that Atlantic Beach Partners and Atlantic Beach Country Club achieve final closing on the property sale between the two parties. However, in order to meet the deadline to provide water to the golf course, the reuse pump must be purchased immediately due to delivery time for the pump. Staff recommends that the Commission award the contract and allow immediate purchase of the pump only, with no further constmction until the date of the final closing noted above. E. Acknowledge receipt of the FY 2012-13-Summary ofUtility Accounts Written Off. Mayor Barno read the Consent Agenda. Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A -E as read. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED 5. Committee Reports None. 6. Action on Resolutions A. RESOLUTION NO. 13-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA INITIATING THE PROCESS PURSUANT TO SECTION 171.203, FLORIDA STATUTES FOR NEGOTIATING AN INTERLOCAL SERVICE BOUNDARY AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA; IDENTIFYING AN IN CORPORA TED AREA OF THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE TO BE DISCUSSED FOR POSSIBLE ANNEXATION; IDENTIFYING ISSUES FOR NEGOTIATION; PROVIDING DIRECTIONS TO THE CITY CLERK; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Barno read the Resolution by title. Motion: Approve Resolution No. 13-14. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark City Attorney Alan Jensen summarized the Resolution and explained the process for annexation. He answered questions from the Commission. Mr. Jensen also explained that since there are no residents on the October 14, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page4 property being considered for annexation, there is no one to vote. He stated if they were talking about property where people lived, you would need a referendum to be voted on. Mr. Hainline further explained the annexation and the benefits to Atlantic Beach and the City of Jacksonville. Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED 7. Action on Ordinances A. ORDINANCE NO. 75-13-19, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 21 TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES ARTICLE II STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING TO RENAME PARKING MORE THAN SEVENTY-TWO HOURS PROHIBITED TO PARKING IN THE RIGHT OF WAY WITH REVISED REQUIREMENTS AND TO PROVIDE A FINE STRUCTURE FOR VIOLATING THAT SECTION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Borno read Ordinance No. 75-13-19 by title. Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 75-13-19. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Mayor Borno explained this is revising the parking ordinance to make it easier for the Police to enforce parking limits on the right-of-way, specifically on East Coast Drive, Ocean Blvd., Sherry DriveS., Seminole Road, Plaza Drive (except for the 300 block), Royal Palms Drive, Sailfish Drive, Levy Road, Dutton Island Road and Donner Road, where we have high traffic areas and safety issues. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Woods asked that this be linked up to the Strategic Planning priority of pedestrian/bicycle safety. Chief Classey answered questions from the Commission. Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Public Hearing on UBEX-13-00100065, Tier One Construction, request for use-by-exception as permitted by Section 24-111 (c)( 6), to allow a contractor, not requiring outside storage, to be located on a property within the Commercial General (CG) zoning district at 33 West 6th Street. Mr. Hanson stated this was reported on at the workshop and the Community Development Board and staff recommends approval. Motion: Approve use-by-exception UBEX-13-00100065, to allow a contractor, not requiring outside storage, to be located on a property within the Commercial General (CG) zoning district at 33 West 6th Street. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty October 14,2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING PageS Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing. Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED B. Approval of Master Agreement/Recreation & Greenspace Easement with The Atlantic Beach Country Club, Inc. and Atlantic Beach Partners LLC. Motion: Approve the Master Agreement/Recreation & Greenspace Easement with The Atlantic Beach Country Club, Inc. and Atlantic Beach Partners LLC. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Mayor Borno explained this is to approve a Master Agreement and related Recreation and Greenspace Easement for the Country Club project. T.R. Hainline further explained the Master Agreement and Recreation and Greenspace Easement. He also explained the amendment to the Master Agreement which he stated is related to interruptions for maintenance and repair work on the reclaimed water system. He stated they are asking that those interruptions have a time limit of a maximum of 5 days. He stated this does not apply to a force majeure incident, which is something no one can anticipate such as acts of God. He answered questions from the Commission. Public Utilities Director Donna Kaluzniak answered questions from the Commission related to the 5 days limit. She explained she believes they could accommodate the 5 days schedule with having redundancy. She stated they may have to order some additional spare parts, etc. and keep them on hand, but the major components like the pumps, filters, chlorine facilities, etc. they either have duplicity or redundancy or they are more readily available items that they can get more quickly and repair more quickly. She stated also the annual contractors are responsive to us 24/7. After further discussion, it was agreed to add a clause at the end of paragraph 5.f.iii stating "unless agreed to by the Country Club or Atlantic Beach Partners or unless another suitable water source is provided." Discussion ensued and Mr. Hainline and Ms. Kaluzniak answered questions from the Commission. Amended Motion: Amend agreement to include the above statement. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Discussion ensued related to the use of potable water. Ms. Kaluzniak stated she would research whether a permit would be required for excess potable water usage. Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED Mr. Jensen stated he wanted to assure that the original motion includes authorization for the Mayor to sign. Amended Motion: Amend to include authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark October 14, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED Mayor Bomo called for a vote on the original motion as amended twice. Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED C. Proposed Rates for Sale of Reuse Water to Customers. Page6 Mr. Hanson stated this was a report made at the workshop and there were no amendments to this. He stated he had some requests from the workshop for additional research which has not been completed yet. D. Professional Engineering Services for Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies for Water Treatment Plant Nos. 1-4, RFP #13-03. Motion: Authorize staff to begin negotiations with the top ranked firm, J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC for completing the Professional Engineering Services for Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies for Water Treatment Plant Nos. 1-4, RFP #13-03. Moved by Woods Seconded by Mark Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED E. Report on Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Option. Mr. Hanson explained this was reported on at the workshop and Finance Director Nelson Van Liere had proposed to add this service for our customers' convenience in paying their bills and he has recommended a vendor to go with. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract with Bill2Pay, an automated payment provider, to develop and implement an IVR web page payment option and implement these services to include a convenience fee (Option 2), for credit card payments. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED F. Pay increase for the City Clerk. October 14, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page7 Mayor Bomo explained the City Clerk does not fall into categories for the pay study review and to not leave her out he would make a motion to approve a salary increase. Motion: Approve a salary increase of 2% plus $1,000 for the City Clerk, retroactive to 10-1-13. Moved by Bomo, Seconded by Woods Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report. Mr. Hanson introduced Cathy Berry, who was in the audience, reporting she has been hired as the new HR Director and will start next Monday. He also reported on the list of ongoing and budget projects to be completed over the next year. Mr. Hanson reported on the Salt Air Subdivision reconstruction of the swale system. He stated they will survey the residents to assure the majority of them want the project and will get a summary of their input for the Commission before moving ahead with design, bidding, etc. He stated he appreciates Mitch thanking him for his volunteering but stated he did not volunteer at the Ferry Fest this year. He stated he did attend and is a member of the Exchange Club, who was handling some of the parking, but they had plenty of people there and didn't need him so he didn't do any work. He asked Keith Randich to report on the tablets for the Commission. Mr. Randich summarized his staff report on the tablets for the Commission explaining they will be using the iPad and asked for one or two volunteers to work with staff to try out different software apps and to test the interface with the file share website. He stated once they are all satisfied they have a successful process they will roll out the balance of the tablets to the rest of the Commissioners. Commissioner Mark and Commissioner Woods volunteered. Discussion ensued. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney A. Report on Boil Water Notice. Commissioner Mark stated Donna Kaluzniak gave a very good presentation at the workshop and believes the protocol for safety measures she has put in with all the labs that do our testing is crystal clear so she does not anticipate it being an issue in the future. She stated she is not requesting that Ms. Kaluzniak make another report on this. B. Discussion and Recommendations for the Process and Procedure of Commission Evaluation of City Manager/City Clerk/City Attorney. Commissioner Beckenbach withdrew this item, stating it was discussed at the workshop and he will continue to bring things to the workshops for discussion. October 14, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 8 C. RCBS Corporation vs. the Estates of Atlantic Beach, LLC, et al. City Attorney Jensen explained the City was sued; we had to defend but have been reimbursed 100% for all of the legal fees and insurance deductible because we prevailed on the lawsuit, so the lawsuit did not cost the City anything. City Clerk Bartle • Thanked the Commission for the raise. • Reminded the Commission that there is a Town Hall meeting this Saturday, 10/19/13, at Adele Grage from 10:00-noon and stated unless they wanted her to be there she asked if someone would do the minutes. Jim Hanson stated he would do the minutes. • Wished a Happy Birthday to Nancy Bailey. Commissioner Mark • Stated she hopes Commissioners looked at the project list the City Manager submitted at her request and believes Commissioners tend to forget all the projects they have requested. She encouraged them to look at the list and prioritize those projects they feel need to be done within this fiscal year and identify the other projects that can be on the back burner to be revisited when they go through the Strategic Planning again. She asked that they, as Commissioners, be mindful when they are giving the various tasks for staff to do that time is the biggest value they have and she does not believe it is fair or prudent on the Commission's part to continue to stack these projects on staff and expect them to get done, when they aren't cognizant of all of the things that are being done. She pointed out that these projects don't even include what staff does on a normal basis with their jobs, but are over and beyond those responsibilities. She believes they need to look at these projects again and refine the priorities for staff. • Stated it has come to her attention that some elected officials have been surreptitiously approached by individuals within our community with the intent to influence their vote regarding certain matters that have yet to come before us as a Commission, with promises of some future benefits by an elected official should they vote in the affirmative. She stated if these solicitations have indeed been made on behalf of another elected official or officials, that elected official or officials are in direct violation of Florida Statutes, Chapter 112.313 Standards of Conduct for Public Officers. She read paragraph 2 Solicitation or Acceptance of Gifts. She stated she strongly recommends that the official who has been approached file a formal complaint with the Florida State Ethics Commission immediately because this type of unethical behavior should not be tolerated and she is embarrassed for the Commission and the citizens that this type of behavior is transpiring. Commissioner Beckenbach • Will not be at the town hall meeting due to a prior vacation planned and apologized to the citizens. • Stated he is curious as to what Commissioner Mark was speaking about and stated if there is something that is going on he would like to find out what it is. He stated if there is a Commissioner who has been approached please bring it to the ethics board and get it out in the open. Commissioner Daugherty • Welcomed the new Human Resources Manager and encouraged her to continue the health fairs. • Stated the trash contract is coming up in July and asked for a formal repmi from the City Manager at the next meeting as to where we are with our negotiations with Jacksonville and would like to open October 14, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 9 the discussion on what they would like to have in their next trash contract and whether they should be sending it out for bid at this time. • Stated since Commissioner Mark brought this issue up, he wants to clear the air. He stated this Commission has been big on open government and transparency and has fought heavily for it, making numerous advances. He stated he has been told that a lot of the Commissioners have been polled by different citizens and encouraged on the issue of Mr. Hanson's employment and it is no secret that Commissioner Woods has asked the City Attorney to draft a resolution to terminate both the City Manager and the City Attorney. He stated he has been very public on his stance and there was an article in the newspaper last week on this. He stated he asked the City Attorney whether he needed to disclose something and was told, legally, he did not have to disclose it because there is no proof, just his word versus someone else's. He stated what Commissioner Mark was talking about was that he was approached by two people who asked him to change his vote to fire Jim Hanson. He stated he told them he has not found anything egregious in Mr. Hanson's' actions and believes the City is in incredible shape because of the work he has done. He stated what disturbed him was these people told him that they already knew they had the votes to do this and told him who they thought would vote. He stated they told him he doesn't want to be in a 3-2, you want to be in a 4-1. He stated they indicated that Commissioner Woods had asked them to meet with him and he asked her about this and she said she had no knowledge of it. He stated they said should he do this that he would be the next Mayor Pro Tern. He stated it upsets him that this happened. He stated he is not saying that Commissioner Woods had any part in that at all and as far a filing an ethics complaint he is not going to do that because there is no proof and he sincerely hopes that that would never happen that way. He stated he does want to let people know that there are people who are going around talking to Commissioners and polling them, and he is not going to name those people either. Commissioner Woods asked if it was illegal for citizens to ask their Commissioners how they feel on a vote and try to influence them. Mr. Jensen stated no. Commissioner Daughetty stated what is illegal is for one Commissioner to ask someone else to go talk to another Commissioner and he is not saying that that was done; he is saying that is what he was told by them. He stated he asked them directly if Commissioner Woods had asked for them to meet with him and they said, why do you think we called you. MayorBorno • He reported on a proposal by Kurtis Loftis brought up at the Beaches Chamber meeting for the lifeguard chairs for the Winter Lights Festival from November 29-January 2. • Stated they all received an invitation to go to Veterans Day celebration and reminded them to respond if they are attending. Commissioner Woods • Stated there have been some pretty serious accusations thrown her way and she wanted to address them. She stated when people approach her about issues and talk to her about their concerns she tells them to talk to the other Commissioners. She stated it sounds like that is what happened, they felt strongly about an issue, asked her how they could make it happen and she told them to talk to every single Commissioner. She stated it is pretty much that simple and hopes Commissioner Daughetty gives that same advice to citizens when they come to him. She stated she believes Commissioner Daugherty and Commissioner Mark owe her a serious and heartfelt apology for spreading such insidious gossip. Commissioner Daugherty stated he never said she had anything to do with it. She stated he mentioned her name a number of times so she is not here to argue with him she just really feels this whole thing was completely out of line and he should pay more attention to what gets read October 14, 2013 REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Page 10 in the beginning of the meeting and how people are treated and spreading this kind of gossip, rumor and innuendo is very unhelpful. She thanked Mayor Bomo for the opportunity to address this. Commissioner Mark • Stated since she was brought into this she asked to readdress what Commissioner (Mayor-elect) Woods just said. She stated she did not mention any names and does not feel she owes her a public apology. She stated, secondly, according to what Commissioner Daugherty said, it was more than just talking to him and trying to find out what his vote would be or trying to sway his vote, it was also with the promise of another future benefit. She stated that is clearly a violation. She stated whether they said that on their own and then were going to try to convince Commissioner Woods to do that, she doesn't know, nor does she know who was involved in it. She stated she had heard this before from several different sources and felt like it was her duty as a Commissioner to bring this up. She stated no one has approached her at all. Commissioner Woods stated she can categorically say none of it is true. Commissioner Mark stated then she has people out there speaking for her. Commissioner Daugherty stated if there was anything that connected her to this he would have filed an ethics complaint but it was just what he was told and he believes he should let the Commission know about it. Commissioner Beckenbach • Stated the Beaches Leader had everything that soon-to-be Mayor Woods was thinking about and what she did and he does not believe you can be more open than what was in the newspaper long before what was going on. He stated he gets lobbied all the time. He stated if people told Commissioner Daugherty that he was going to be the Mayor Pro Tern he would be really hard pressed to really believe that. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:19p.m. ATTEST: Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk MikeBomo Mayor/Presiding Officer *A Workshop was held on September 23, 2013 for the purpose of discussing these items. Please refer to the Workshop Minutes for the previous discussion. MINUTES OF SPECIAL CALLED MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2013 PRESENT: Mayor Mike Bomo ALSO: Mayor Pro Tern Maria Mark Commissioner Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Commissioner Carolyn Woods Jim Hanson, City Manager Donna Bartle, City Clerk Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary The Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:32p.m. in the Commission Chamber. 1. Public Hearings on adopting Resolution 13-11 for the Millage Rate. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA LEVYING THE AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAX MILLAGE RATE FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2013 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2014; STATING THE PERCENTAGE BY WHICH THE MILLAGE TO BE LEVIED EXCEEDS THE ROLLED-BACK RATE; AND, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Bomo stated the first item to be considered was Adoption of the Millage Rate by Resolution 13-11. He stated the Tentative Millage Rate is 3.3285; the Roll-Back Rate is 3.3156 and the Tentative Millage Rate is 0.39% higher than the Roll-Back rate. He stated the purpose for adopting the millage rate of 3.3285 is to maintain a level of ad valorem tax revenue sufficient to maintain adequate funding for the existing level of services at the estimated cost and to continue to maintain the City's infrastructure. Motion: Adopt a final Millage Rate for Operating Purposes of 3.3285. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Mayor Bomo opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing. Roll Call Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 2. Public Hearing on adopting Ordinance No. 20-13-125 establishing the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2013/2014.Budget ordinance & resolution; 2nd reading and final adoption. AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE FINAL BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2013 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,2014. Mayor Borno stated the second item to be considered was Ordinance No. 20-13-125 establishing the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2013/2014 of$29,482,771 and asked for a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 20-13-125 establishing the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2013/2014. Motion: Adopt Ordinance No. 20-13-125 establishing the Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2013/2014. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so he closed the Public Hearing. Roll Call Votes: Aye: 5-Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Beckenbach, Borno Nay: 0 MOTION CARRIED 3. RESOLUTION NO. 13-12 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE BY THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA OF ITS HEALTH CARE FACILITIES REVENUE BONDS (FLEET LANDING PROJECT), SERIES 2013B, IN AN AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $20,000,000, AND FOR A LOAN BY THE CITY TO NAVAL CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT FOUNDATION, INC., A FLORIDA NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION, IN A PRINCIPAL AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SAID SERIES 2013B BONDS, FOR THE PURPOSES OF (A) FINANCING OR REFINANCING ALL OR ANY PART OF THE COST OF A CAPITAL PROJECT FOR THE CONTINUING CARE RETIREMENT FACILITY KNOWN AS "FLEET LANDING" AS DESCRIBED IN THIS RESOLUTION, (B) FUNDING A DEBT SERVICE RESERVE FUND FOR THE SERIES 2013B BONDS AND (C) PAYING A PORTION OF THE COSTS OF ISSUING THE SERIES 20 13B BONDS; PROVIDING FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE HOLDERS OF THE SERIES 20 13B BONDS AND FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A TRUST INDENTURE AND LOAN AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZING A NEGOTIATED SALE OF THE SERIES 2013B BONDS, AND APPROVING THE CONDITIONS AND CRITERIA FOR SUCH SALE; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE SERIES 2013B BONDS; AUTHORIZING A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND A FINAL OFFICIAL STATEMENT WITH RESPECT TO THE SERIES 2013B BONDS; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE SERIES 2013B BONDS AND OTHER RELATED INSTRUMENTS AND CERTIFICATES; MAKING CERTAIN OTHER COVENANTS AND AGREEMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF THE SERIES 2013B BONDS; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Borno read the Resolution by title. Motion: Approve Resolution No. 13-12 as read. Moved by Mark, Seconded by Daugherty Mayor Borno explained this is authorizing the issuance of tax exempt bonds by Fleet Landing. Mayor Borno opened the Public Hearing. Peter Dame, Akerman Senterfitt, Bond Counsel for the City, stated their job is to read the documents and make sure the City is protected and the financial wherewithal of the City is not pledged or otherwise implicated in the payment of these bonds. He explained the bonds are an economic development assistance to Fleet Landing to help them get lower cost fmancing and not put the City at risk. He assured the Commission that the City is not at risk here and stated after looking at the documents they believe they do protect the City in the way they are supposed to. Josh Ashby, One Fleet Landing, stated he would answer any questions the Commission had and appreciates the Commission considering this issue on a fast track so they can take advantage of this week's more advantageous pricing in the bond market and they are ready to continue moving forward with the transaction at this point. Chauncey Lever, Foley and Lardner, Bond Council for Fleet Landing, explained they prepared the Resolution that is before the Commission stating it authorizes the necessary documentation for the financing and provides that these are conduit bonds payable solely from the revenues received from Naval Continuing Care Retirement Foundation Inc. and other security pledged under the bond documents. No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Bomo closed the Public Hearing. Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED 4. Approval of purchase of playground equipment for Rose Park. Public Works Director Rick Carper gave a slide presentation of the Rose Park Playground concept summarizing his staff report. He explained this was in this Special Called Meeting due to the time limitations. He stated if this is approved tonight then they can get it on order and have it ready to be installed when the contractor doing the ground work at Rose Park is ready to accept it and the ribbon cutting for the park happens all in one fell swoop. He stated he is asking for authorization for the City Manager to contract with Playmore Recreational Concepts. Motion: Authorize the City Manager to approve the Rose Park playground purchase from Playmore Recreational Services. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Mr. Carper answered questions from the Commission. He stated they expect to have the ribbon cutting in mid-November. Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED 5. Authorization to Execute Contract with PBA (Police) Union. City Manager Jim Hanson stated the PBA (Police) Union members voted to ratify the proposed amendments in the contract that was proposed by the City and discussed by the Commission in -3- the shade meeting, stating the only change this year was dealing with pay. He stated funds for the pay increases were included in the budget and recommended they authorize the Mayor to sign the contract on behalf of the City. Motion: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement between the Coastal Florida Police Benevolent Association and the City of Atlantic Beach. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Daugherty Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED 6. Authorization to Execute Contract with LIUNA (Blue Collar) Union. Mr. Hanson stated the LIUNA (Blue Collar) Union did ratify the contract with a vote of 13-1. He stated this includes the same pay increases similar to those of other City employees and three minor contract amendments as discussed in the shade meeting. He recommends the Commission authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. Motion: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement between Northeast Florida Public Employees' Local 630 LIUNA, AFL-CIO and the City of Atlantic Beach. Moved by Woods, Seconded by Mark Votes: Aye: 5-Beckenbach, Daugherty, Mark, Woods, Borno Nay: 0- MOTION CARRIED There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Bomo declared the meeting adjourned at 6:49 p.m. ATTEST Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk -4- MikeBomo Mayor/Presiding Officer MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBER ON SEPTEMBER 23, 2013 City Commission Members present: Mayor Mike Bomo Mayor Pro Tern Maria Mark Commissioner Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Commissioner Carolyn Woods Staff present: Jim Hanson, City Manager Alan Jensen, City Attorney Donna Bartle, City Clerk Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing the agenda items for the Commission Meeting of October 14,2013, was called to order at 6:49p.m. by Mayor Bomo. Item lOA. was taken out of sequence and discussed at this time. lOA. Report on Boil Water Notice. City Manager Hanson explained why the safety of the water system was never in question. He stated the Reverse 911 warning system should have been used and staff should have prepared a clear and short media announcement to be sent out, stating he takes responsibility for this mistake. Public Utility Director Donna Kaluzniak further explained the time line of what happened and the steps that were taken up to rescinding the boil water notice. She also explained the format requirements and protocol of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for notices related to the groundwater rule. She answered several questions from the Commission. Chuck Ged, Owner, Advanced Environmental Laboratories, explained the testing process. He answered questions from the Commission. He further discussed their notification procedures for a presumptive positive, stating they are not required by law to notify the client of this but some clients want to know in anticipation that there may be, in 48 hours, a boil water notice. He stated it is up to the client to decide if they would like it or not. Ms. Kaluzniak stated the City did not tell the lab that they do not want to know; the City wants to know anytime there is a possible problem so they can be prepared and start working on it, etc. She stated perhaps there was miscommunication of what we want but that is what we want. She stated we have three labs under contract and she had all of them sign very specific statements that we want to be notified immediately; if they send an email and do not hear back within one hour, they are to keep calling until they get a live person. She stated this applies to any sample results that are abnormal. Mr. Ged stated they have also implemented that from their end as well. He stated Ms. Kaluzniak has provided them with a list in hierarchy of phone numbers and email addresses. He stated they will also contact the DEP if all else fails. Ms. Kaluzniak stated it is on our list also that they are to notify DEP and send them all of the bacteriological samples for us as well. Ms. Kaluzniak stated that we now have a link on our website for citizens to sign up for the Reverse 911 system so they can get notification for any kind of emergencies. Minutes-City Commission Workshop Page2 September 23,2013 Ms. Kaluzniak further stated she did not take the time to brief staff on how to answer some ofthe questions like she should have. She believes it may have saved some time and phone calls if she had better answers for the people who were not in the utility business to help answer some of the residents' questions and concerns. She asked Chief Classey to explain the Incident Command System, stating we should have invoked that system since we did have a potential emergency situation. Chief Mike Classey explained the Incident Command System, stating it applies to any type of emergency as an all-hazard type of organizational management system. Ms. Kaluzniak explained the improvements for the future including putting the Incident Command System for emergencies into place; improved notification process with Reverse 911; post all emergency notices on the City Website immediately; assembling a media contact list and a contact list for critical facilities. Commissioner Mark pointed out that the Commission should also be contacted immediately during these emergencies. Ms. Kaluzniak stated other improvements include written, signed notification procedure with laboratories with a contact list; refresher training for operators; review and update standard operating procedures; and work with DEP to determine ways to reduce potential for precautionary notices. Ms. Kaluzniak answered several other questions from the Commission. Item 8B. was taken out of sequence and discussed at this time. 8B. Approval of Master Agreement and Greenspace & Recreation Easement Mayor Bomo stated they have spent a lot of time in meetings on this which he believes have been extremely productive and the documents show the markups agreed to by all parties. He asked if the Commission had any questions because the representatives were here to answer them. He stated if not they will take action on this at the next Commission meeting. Mr. Hanson stated the changes were made to the Master Agreement and the Easement as discussed in the workshop on September 10. He stated the amendments made since that workshop were shown in strikethrough and underline format in the copies in the agenda packet and summarized those changes. He stated if approved on October 14, this would be signed by the City and all other parties, but would not go into effect unless and until the developer, Atlantic Beach Partners, acquires title to the property. He answered questions from the Commission. Laura Ferrante, Board Member of Selva Marina Country Club, stated it is her understanding that as soon as they close the real estate transaction, they want to break ground the following day. She stated Selva Marina Country Club will be closed as of the end of October. Replying to a request from Commissioner Woods, Mr. Hanson explained, for the benefit of the audience, Marc Hudson, who works for the North Florida Land Trust, is the consultant for the City dealing with the Recreation and Conservation Easement. Minutes-City Commission Workshop Page3 September 23, 2013 Commissioner Mark stated this has been a lot of work, a lot of compromise and discussion, but believes on all three sides of the parties it has been a great experience and hopes the community is happy with what they have been able to do. C. Proposed Rates for Sale of Reuse Water to Customers. Mr. Hanson explained the proposed rates as presented previously at the workshop on September 10. Discussion ensued. Item 4D. was taken out of sequence and discussed at this time. 4D. Award a contract to in the amount of $ for construction of the Reclaimed Water Facilities, Bid No. 1213-11. In addition, authorize staff to encumber $ as a contingency. The Notice to Proceed for construction of Reclaimed Water Facilities, Bid No. 1213-11 shall become effective on the date that Atlantic Beach Partners and Atlantic Beach Country Club achieve final closing on the property sale between the two parties. However, in order to meet the deadline to provide water to the golf course, the reuse pump must be purchased immediately due to delivery time for the pump. Staff recommends that the Commission award the contract and allow immediate purchase of the pump only, with no further construction until the date of the fmal closing noted above. Mr. Hanson stated bids were opened last week and Ms. Kaluzniak and John Collins worked on this to get the numbers in line. He stated he emailed the Commission the revised version over the weekend. Ms. Kaluzniak explained the bid stating it came in over budget. She stated the low bidder was Sawcross Inc. She stated because the bids came in over budget, J. Collins & Associates did a value engineering to reduce some things in the project to bring it as close to the budget number as possible. She explained the items that were removed or modified, which totaled $180,000. She stated after the recommended deductions by staff and the engineer, the total amount came to $1.259 million, including a $42,000 contingency. She also stated one of the items they are removing from the contract is a $9,000 temporary reclaim pump which she will order out of this budget year so it can be delivered in time. She answered questions from the Commission. She explained when this is awarded it will be contingent upon the land sale. John Collins, J. Collins Engineering, further explained why the bids came in over budget, how they did their estimates and their value engineering. He also answered questions from the Commission. *Discussion of Agenda Items on October 14,2013 Commission Meeting: 1. A. B. C. D. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of September 9, 2013. Approve the minutes of the Budget Workshop for August 6, 2013. Approve the minutes ofthe Budget Workshop for August 13,2013. Approve the minutes of the Special Called (Shade) Meeting of August 26, 2013. Minutes-City Commission Workshop Page4 September 23, 2013 F. Approve the minutes of the Commission Workshop of August 26, 2013. G Approve the minutes ofthe Special Workshop of September 10,2013. There was no discussion on this item. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors A. Proclamation Declaring November 2013 Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Atlantic Beach. There was no discussion on this item. Mayor Borno opened the Courtesy of the Floor. Richard Selby, 3 Forrestal Circle N. asked why are we building a $1.2 million water treatment plant for a private golf course and why is there such a mad rush to service a golf course. He stated it is a private entity. He also asked what are the developers bringing to the table. He stated also related to the reclamation water, they have been using pot water on Mayport Rd. forever and now they are going to give them special water usage but still use the more expensive pot water on Mayport Rd. He stated he sees no advantage for Atlantic Beach. He also stated he appreciates the automobile accident they had on Mayport Rd. at Atlantic Blvd. because it took out every bush. He stated now they can pull up to that stop sign and look over and see Florida Ave. and not get hit because their vision is totally blocked. He stated he loves those bushes being gone. Lou Keith, 1845 Tierra Verde Drive, asked if they accepted the pay study on their earlier vote as gospel. Mayor Borno stated yes. Steve Fouraker, 387 6th Street, stated he knows this is a different format for the Commission meeting but stated this is their only chance for the angry citizen to get up here and rant and asked to have public comments earlier then the Commission can get to their business of governing. He addressed the Commission about the complaint that the Sherry Drive and 8th Street vegetation in the right-of-way was a hazard in turning on to Sherry Drive. He related the background of the planting and removal of this vegetation and stated he believes this has gone from being a safety hazard to an aesthetic issue. He stated when it goes from being a public safety issue to an aesthetic issue, that is where he has a problem with the enforcement of that particular injunction so he is asking the City to get involved and stop what he considers the clear cutting of the vegetation in front of that house on 8th Street and Sherry. He stated he hopes the City learns to deal with homeowners with a little more sensitivity about this kind of issue. Mayor Borno asked Mr. Mayhew if there was anything new in the information he provided to the Commission and if he would keep his comments to something new, he would add his handout into the record of the minutes. Mr. Mayhew stated he would like the audience to hear what he has to say. Mayor Borno left at 8:22, he returned at 8:24. Minutes-City Commission Workshop PageS September 23,2013 Bill Mayhew, 1870 N. Sherry Dr., addressed the Commission stating he had already provided this to them in writing but wanted to read it to them again. He read from his handout regarding the pension plans in Atlantic Beach stating there is still work that needs to be done and discussed moral obligations and what is owed to the employees and citizen taxpayers. He stated he believes the City should not continue the defined benefit plans. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's Follow-up Report. Mr. Hanson reported the sale of 765 Sabalo Drive was completed with the highest bid being from Robert Henderson for $115,000. He stated Mr. Henderson will have 45 days to close on the property. He answered questions from the Commission. 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A. Acknowledge receipt of the Financial Report, Building Department Monthly Activity Report, List ofNew Business Taxes and Utility Sales Report for August. B. Authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater (ABET). C. Award the contract for Concrete Repairs for the Public Works/Utilities Department to DP Contracting Inc. for one year with a two 1 year renewals starting October 15, 2013. D Award a contract to in the amount of$ for construction of the Reclaimed Water Facilities, Bid No. 1213-11. In addition, authorize staff to encumber$ as a contingency. The Notice to Proceed for construction of Reclaimed Water Facilities, Bid No. 1213-11 shall become effective on the date that Atlantic Beach Partners and Atlantic Beach Country Club achieve final closing on the property sale between the two parties. However, in order to meet the deadline to provide water to the golf course, the reuse pump must be purchased immediately due to delivery time for the pump. Staff recommends that the Commission award the contract and allow immediate purchase of the pump only, with no further construction until the date of the final closing noted above. E. Acknowledge receipt of the FY 2012-13 -Summary of Utility Accounts Written Off. Item 4D was taken out of sequence and discussed earlier in the meeting. There was no discussion on the other items. 5. Committee Reports None. Minutes-City Commission Workshop Page6 6. Action on Resolutions None. 7. Action on Ordinances September 23,2013 A. ORDINANCE NO. 75-13-19, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 21 TRAFFIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES ARTICLE II STOPPING, STANDING AND PARKING TO RENAME PARKING MORE THAN SEVENTY- TWO HOURS PROHIBITED TO PARKING IN THE RIGHT OF WAY WITH REVISED REQUIREMENTS AND TO PROVIDE A FINE STRUCTURE FOR VIOLATING THAT SECTION AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Bomo read Ordinance No. 75-13-19 by title. Chief Mike Classey summarized the Ordinance. He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued and a change was suggested to remove "on a regular basis at his or her place of residence" and change it to "on a regular basis at a residence" in the second paragraph of Sec. 21-23. Chief Classey stated he will make the change as agreed to by the Commission. 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Public Hearing on UBEX-13-00100065, Tier One Construction, request for use- by-exception as permitted by Section 24-111(c)(6), to allow a contractor, not requiring outside storage, to be located on a property within the Commercial General (CG) zoning district at 33 West 6th Street. Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator Jeremy Hubsch explained the use-by-exception with a slide presentation including a site aerial of the property. He stated the Community Development Board unanimously recommended approval. He stated the applicant was not here tonight. Discussion ensued regarding the length of time for approval of these requests. B. Approval of Master Agreement/Recreation & Greenspace Easement with The Atlantic Beach Country Club, Inc. and Atlantic Beach Partners LLC. This item was taken out of sequence and discussed earlier in the meeting. C. Proposed Rates for Sale of Reuse Water to Customers. This item was taken out of sequence and discussed earlier in the meeting. D. Professional Engineering Services for Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies for Water Treatment Plant Nos. 1 -4, RFP #13-03. Ms. Kaluzniak summarized her staff report, stating this is a new OSHA and National Fire Protection rule for worker safety to eliminate or reduce the potential for Arc Flash hazard. She explained to meet the requirements of the rule they have to have an analysis which includes modeling the system and determining distance and personal protective equipment, labeling, Minutes -City Commission Workshop Page7 September 23, 2013 training and making sure they meet the requirements of OSHA. She stated they did a Request for Proposal and the top ranked firm was J. Collins Engineering Associates. She stated staff recommends the Commission authorize negotiation with that firm. E. Contract with Bill2Pay, an automated payment processing company, to implement an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and a web hosted payment portal. Finance Director Nelson Van Liere summarized his staff report proposing the Commission authorize the City to sign a contract with Bil12Pay, which is an automatic payment processing company, to start having an interactive voice response system (IVR) to accept credit card payments over the phone and a web-hosted payment portal. He stated the representative from Bill2Pay was in the audience. He stated staff recommends Option 2 which passes the fees on to the customer. He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued. Kyle Crawford, representative from Bill2Pay, explained the process and answered questions from the Commission. 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report. Mr. Hanson reported the next quarterly Town Hall Meeting will be held on October 19 at 10:00 a.m. in the Adele Grage Center. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney A. Report on Boil Water Notice. This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting. B. Discussion and Recommendations for the Process and Procedure of Commission Evaluation of City Manager/City Clerk/City Attorney. Commissioner Beckenbach responded to Richard Selby's comments. He stated he would call and send him some information to explain why we are pushing for this recommendation. He announced there will be a town hall meeting on Selva Marina tomorrow at 6:30p.m. Commissioner Beckenbach outlined his proposal for the evaluation process for the City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney, which he distributed to the Commission at the meeting. He stated his goal is not to berate somebody or say they are doing everything wrong; his goal is to make sure that individual is given from the Commission what they expect of that individual. He stated there should also be a quarterly follow-up report and whether or not they are achieving those goals. He asked that they review his proposal and give him their ideas and suggestions. Discussion ensued. Mr. Hanson responded to the evaluation proposal, stating he supports looking at the strategic goals. He stated in the two forms submitted there are a lot of changes that would be needed because there are a lot of provisions in those where he does not believe the Commission would be knowledgeable enough to be able to rate the City Manager and gave Minutes-City Commission Workshop PageS September 23, 2013 examples. He further stated the outline he submitted is not the way they do evaluations for City employees. He stated when the City employees are evaluated they fill out a form for the supervisor to review before the supervisor does anything. He stated in the case of a public review he does not believe they will get that. He stated he believes it more appropriate that they should meet with the employees first, rather than to indicate they are going to fill out the form and can't change it after reading the employee's, which implies that their mind is made up and they don't want any more input. Commissioner Woods recommended that, since Commissioner Beckenbach has been working with some people on this, they have an ad hoc committee to meet with each of the positions individually and get the input and come up with a form. Mr. Hanson stated he does not believe that the people Commissioner Beckenbach has been meeting with know much about the performance reviews and he would object to them being on the ad hoc committee; he believes they are some ofthe most negative people he has heard. He stated if they want to have people on a committee, get positive business people who understand how performance reviews work. Commissioner Woods stated she believes it should be a very small committee of 3 or 4 people and each of the positions be involved. Commissioner Mark stated it would be nice if the committee had some kind of HR background or experience and understand reviews and how that whole process works, especially with these three positions because with Sunshine anything that is written down is discoverable. She stated she believes they need to be very careful that these are objective evaluations because it could easily get into a personality level and when you talk about the public input she believes there needs to be parameters set. She stated she also believes it important to have some type of self assessment. She stated she has never, as an employee who has been through numerous reviews, not had an opportunity to give her assessment of her job performance and then meet one on one with her direct supervisor to discuss it and have the opportunity to go back and refine what was discussed during the evaluation. She stated she would be very careful in how they treat this in a public forum; it is to talk about things objectively and not to berate, embarrass or humiliate anyone in public or to allow the public to do that. Discussion ensued. Mayor Borno stated he has completed his evaluations and would make copies for the Commission of the format he used. City Attorney Alan Jensen explained the Resolution for annexation for the golf course that was distributed to the Commission tonight. He asked that it be added to the agenda for October 14 as an action item. Commissioner Woods expressed concern about losing ad valorem taxes if we are the initiating City. Mr. Jensen explained that State Statute requires that we, as the initiating entity, pass the initiating resolution, which is what this is. He stated this initiating resolution asks them to begin negotiations regarding annexation and addressing all the issues contained in there; it also addresses specifically ad valorem taxation. He explained that this is statutorily required to begin the process that we have all agreed to do with the Selva Marina Country Club and Atlantic Beach Partners, with their full support. He stated he met last week with the attorneys for the General Counsel's office with the City of Jacksonville, the attorneys at Rogers Towers for the developers/property owners, and discussed it with the City Manager. He stated he has received comments back from the Rogers Towers attorneys but has not yet received anything back from the Jacksonville Counsel's office. He stated there may still be some final tweaks but believes the sooner we start this process the better and asked that the Commission add this as an action item to the agenda of October 14. Discussion ensued. Minutes -City Commission Workshop Page9 September 23, 2013 Mayor Bomo asked that an item 8F also be added for action to the agenda of October 14, which is a pay raise for the City Clerk. Commissioner Daugherty asked why this did not include the City Manager. Mayor Bomo stated Mr. Hanson said he did not want to be considered. Mr. Jensen reported on the RCBS lawsuit stating the City of Atlantic Beach won the lawsuit at the trial level and prevailed on the appeal as well and in accordance with the agreement the Estates of Atlantic Beach will reimburse all costs incurred by the City. Commissioner Mark asked that this be brought up at the October 14 meeting. Commissioner Mark asked that they double side the agenda packets. Commissioner Beckenbach stated they are going to go paperless. Mr. Hanson stated they just adopted the budget and they can ask Keith Randich to start moving ahead on it. Commissioner Mark asked Mr. Hanson to bring to the October 14 meeting the list of all the projects and departments working on them and talk about it during the City Manager Report. Discussion ensued. There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Bomo declared the meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m. Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk MikeBomo Mayor *Formal action (if needed) will be taken at the Commission Meeting of October 14, 2013. Present: Minutes of Town Hall Meeting Saturday, October 19, 2013 Mayor Pro Tern Maria Mark Commissioner Carolyn Woods Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty City Manager Jim Hanson Eight citizens attended-George Zikeli, Lou Keith, Sally Clemens, Jimmy Hill, Steve and Monica Osborne, and Alexi Gonzales and her husband Mayor Pro Tern Mark called the meeting to order in the Adele Grage Community Center at 10:01 am. She explained that Mayor Borno was unable to attend because of a recently scheduled funeral that he had to attend. (Note: Mayor Borno did join the meeting at approximately 11:25 am after the funeral was over). Comments and discussions are summarized as follows: • George Zikeli was the first citizen that spoke. He wanted the Police Department to do more about enforcing the noise ordinance dealing with loud parties. He indicated that there had been a problem with a house across from his residence at 573 Royal Palms Drive. He also wanted the parks to be open before 8 am. Specifically he was referring to Dutton and Tide Views Parks so that he could go fishing. • Steve Osborne of Hidden Paradise Subdivision expressed a concern about the proposed multi-purpose path that is part of the Marsh Master Plan. Commissioner Woods stated that she had set a meeting with neighborhood residents on Saturday, October 26th at 10 am to discuss their concerns. Mr. Osborne indicated that homeowners had been aware ofthe Marsh Master Plan in 2011, but did not think it applied to them. Mr. Osborne wanted to know if any parking was proposed in the Levy area in connection with the Marsh Master Plan. Commissioner Woods asked the City Manager to attend the meeting on Saturday, October 26th. • Jimmy Hill said that he was opposed to using another consultant to plan for the Marsh Master Plan development and asked if the City could send a copy of the Tideviews newsletter to utility bill customers that receive their bills electronically. • Lou Keith expressed a concern about the Mayor using his prerogative to move items forward on the agendas to accommodate groups of people. He felt like any other citizens that attend the meeting should have their opportunity to speak first. He went on to voice several disagreements with the pay plan and update done by Cody and Associates for the City of Atlantic Beach. Specifically, he felt like the maximum pay in the Grade for the Police Chief was too high. He went on to say that City employees had received an average of an 11% pay raise. • Jimmy Hill said that he wanted to look into the pay scales for City employees after he gets sworn in and indicated that "several top officers have told him that there are problems". • Monica Osborne said she thought the Police Officers had a "very adversarial relationship with the community" and that she did not trust them. She related a story of a police officer she saw picking up garage sale signs and showing a bad attitude while doing so. • George Zikeli said that when he called the Police Department several years ago they were there in three minutes but he thought their response would probably be slower now. • Jimmy Hill said that the Police Department does not have a "Citizen Corp" mentality. He said that the officers had not been told to mingle with the public, but that they are "mercenaries not living here". He said that he wanted to be able to see through the windows of the police cars. But thought it was not the officer's fault that these problems existed. • Sally Clemens commented on the difference in speed limits of20 versus 25 mph in various City streets, wanted more stop signs on arterial streets, wanted to invite everyone to the MarshFest on November 161 \ feels safe in her neighborhood, wants the canal through Johansen Park kept cleaner so homeless people will not camp there, wants garage sale signs limited to only the yard of the garage sale owner, commented that it was the culture of younger people now not to smile at others, and wanted to amend the City Charter to require paperwork to be submitted prior to running for office for Commissioner in Atlantic Beach and that minimum requirements for Commissioners include at least five years as a U.S. citizen and a resident of Atlantic Beach at least three years. She also wanted all Commissioners to run at large. • Mayor Barno joined the meeting at 11 :25 pm. There being no further citizen comments, the Town Hall Meeting was adjourned at 11 :25 am. Jim Hanson City Manager Maria Mark Mayor Pro Tern City of Atlantic Beach AGENDA ITEM# 4A FINANCIAL REPORT NOVEMBER 12, 2013 September 2013 Cash Balances Prior Current Dollar Percent Fund(s) 08/31/13 09/30/13 Change Change General $ 6,529,285 $ 5,996,150 $ (533, 135) -8.17% Tree Replacement 6,493 6,493 0.00% Convention Development Tax 88,590 85,148 (3,442) -3.89% Local Option Gas Tax (2,483) 22,554 25,037 -1008.39% Better Jax 1/2 Cent Sales Tax 390,071 420,413 30,342 7.78% Police Training, Forfeiture, Grants, etc. 150,374 138,373 (12,001) -7.98% Community Development Block & ARRA Grants 0.00% Debt Service 67,231 73,113 5,882 8.75% Capital Projects 2,725,534 2,724,229 (1,305) -0.05% Utility 5,712,233 5,800,616 88,383 1.55% Sanitation 676,870 680,084 3,214 0.47% Building Code Enforcement 118,960 116,044 (2,917) -2.45% Storm Water 1,641,438 1,643,564 2,127 0.13% Pension -Police 94,615 82,413 (12,202) -12.90% Pension -General 36,708 48,330 11,622 31.66% Total $ 18,235,919 $ 17,837,524 $ (398,395) -2.18% Total Restricted Cash $7,874,450 Total Unrestricted Cash $9,963,074 Cash and Investments Annual Prior Current Dollar Percent Account Yield 08/31/13 09/30/13 Change Change Bank of America -Depository N/A $ 2,741,200 $ 3,346,746 $ 605,546 22.09% Guggenheim Floating Rate A 3.97% 2,172,238 2,835,127 662,890 30.52% lnvesco Floating Rate A 4.31% 2,490,016 2,820,909 330,893 13.29% Loomis Investment Grade Bond A 1,001,363 (1,001,363) -100.00% Lord Abbett Income A 472,380 (472,380) -100.00% Delaware Diversified Income Fund 498,704 (498,704) -100.00% Lord Abbett Short Duration Fund 2.56% 1,011,554 1,017,017 5,463 0.54% lnvesco Corporate Bond A 331,843 (331 ,843) -100.00% Pioneer Strategic Income A 1,014,685 (1,014,685) -100.00% Legg Mason WA Cash Reserve Fund 0.08% 1,001,749 1,777 (999,971) -99.82% Putnam Diversified Inc. 4.15% 2,500,692 2,483,629 (17,063) 0.00% Alliance Limited Duration High Income A 3.45% 1,998,106 2,857,723 859,617 0.00% Lord Abbott Floating Rate 4.08% 997,895 1,469,807 471,912 0.00% MSSB Money MarkeUCash 2 1,001,293 1,001,292 N/A SBA-Florida Prime 344 344 0.00% Cash on Hand 3,150 3,150 0.00% Subtotal $ 18,235,919 $ 17,837,524 $ (398,395) -2.18% Police Pension Investments $ 7,341,912 $ 7,593,617 $ 251,706 3.43% General Pension Investments 13,374,481 13,847,140 472,659 3.53% Subtotal $ 20,716,393 $ 21,440,757 $ 724,364 3.50% Total $ 38,952,312 $ 39,278,281 $ 325,969 0.84% * Denotes the 30 day SEC Yield Anualized City of Atlantic Beach AGENDA ITEM# 4A FINANCIAL REPORT NOVEMBER 12,2013 September 2013 Revenues Annual YTD -1 00.00% YTD Dollar Percent Fund I (Footnote) Estimate of Estimate Actual Variance General (1) $ 11 '102,740 $ 11 '102,740 $ 10,951,205 $ Convention Development Tax 87,500 87,500 88,536 Local Option Gas Tax 433,655 433,655 415,405 Better Jax 1/2 Ct Sales Tax 657,738 657,738 670,455 Police Training, Forfeiture & Grants, etc. 112,645 112,645 126,325 Grants-(3) 108,866 108,866 255,206 Debt Service 71,900 71,900 69,790 Capital Projects 5,000 5,000 (54,636) Utility-(4) 8,610,929 8,610,929 8,271,547 Sanitation 1,814,950 1,814,950 1,784,948 Building Code Enforcement-(5) 282,600 282,600 299,151 Storm Water 1,097,430 1,097,430 1,074,148 Pension-Police (2) 1,233,745 1,233,745 1,130,248 Pension -General (2) 2,173,963 2,173,963 2,046,752 Total $ 27,793,661 $ 27,793,661 $ 27,129,079 $ Analysis of Major Variances This is the final monthly report for the year generated on a budget basis. Finance will continue to make adjustments based on items that we are made aware of in October that relate to last year. These adjustments will be reflected in the Audit report for 2013 later in the year. Now that we have reached year end, all of the timing differences in the variances have been overcome. The investment returns for the remained down by 2.2% from last year as September returns were flat. The variances in revenues include a reversal of prior gains from earlier in the year in investment earnings due to the sharp decrease in the fixed income bond market. Most other revenue categories are near budget estimates except for Public Utilities where sales volumes are down and the Pension Plans as described below. (1) The 1.36% slight negative variance in the General Fund indicates that revenues overall approximated the budgeted amounts. A couple of other revenue sources that were slightly down were the utility tax and franchise fees from JEA as well as revenues from the communications services tax. Property tax collections ended the year slightly above budget by $27,039. State shared tax revenues were also slightly above budget for the year. (2) The $103,497 negative variance in the Police Employee Pension Fund and the $127,211 negative variance in the General Employee Pension Fund resulted from the increase in the market values of the investments being lower than the budget year to date. (3) Grant revenues are higher than the budget because C.D.B.G. and F.E.M.A. Wind retro-fit grant proceeds related to last year's grant expenditures were received this year. Those balances were then used to off-set the funds spent last year bringing the cash balance back to zero. (4) Utility sales were well under budget for Year for both Water and Sewer. Base charges are below budget by about 7% and 2% and volume sales are below projections by about 12% in water and 5% in sewer. These are partially off-set by the receipt of a rebate from electric energy savings from JEA of $142,066. Water and sewer volume sales normally increase over the late summer months but there was not enough of an increase to achieve budget this year .. (5) Building Permit fee revenues ended the year about 12% above projections. (151 ,535) 1,036 (18,250) 12,717 13,680 146,340 (2,110) (59,636) (339,382) (30,002) 16,551 (23,282) (103,497) 127,211 (664,582) Variance -1.36% 1.18% -4.21% 1.93% 12.14% 134.42% -2.93% -1192.73% -3.94% -1.65% 5.86% -2.12% -8.39% -5.85% -2.39% City of Atlantic Beach AGENDA ITEM# 4A FINANCIAL REPORT September 2013 NOVEMBER 12, 2013 Expenses Annual YTD-100.00% YTD Dollar Percent Department I (Footnote) Estimate of Estimate Actual Variance Variance Governing Body $ 42,645 $ 42,645 $ 40,225 $ 2,420 5.67% City Administration (2) 2,474,839 2,474,839 2,349,491 125,348 5.06% General Government (2) 1,064,477 1,064,477 1,035,155 29,322 2.75% Planning and Building 448,160 448,160 408,607 39,553 8.83% Public Safety ( 1 ,5 ) 5,497,886 5,497,886 5,288,805 209,081 3.80% Recreation and Special Events 406,15.1 406,151 387,140 19,011 4.68% Public Works (3) 6,130,393 6,130,393 4,961,700 1,168,693 19.06% Public Utilities (4) 9,334,737 9,334,737 8,213,979 1,120,758 12.01% Pension -Police 653,056 653,056 705,609 (52,553) -8.05% Pension -General 856,123 856,123 931,497 {75,374} Total $ 26,908,467 26,908,467 24,322,209 $2,586,258 Annual YTD-100.00% YTD Dollar Resource Allocation Estimate of Estimate Actual Variance Personnel Services (5) $ 9,658,810 $ 9,658,810 $ 9,305,423 $ 353,387 Operating Expenses (2) 10,290,417 10,290,417 9,440,048 850,369 Capital Outlay (1) & (2) 3,110,374 3,110,374 1,799,422 1,310,952 Debt Service (4) 2,519,412 2,519,412 2,447,863 71,549 Transfers 1,329,454 1,329,454 1,329,454 Total $ 26,908,467 $ 26,908,467 $ 24,322,209 $ 2,586,258 Analysis of Major Variances Overall, the major variances are the result of capital projects that have been postponed or are behind schedule. Variances are created when the actual funds spent to date are different from the percentage of the budget elapsed to date. Now that we have reached year end, the timing variances are eliminated. Some of the variances are described below. (1) The positive variance in the Public Safety divisions is mostly due to the Patrol and Dispatch both experiencing employee turnover and some savings in operating expenses. The Lifeguard expenses have now been fully expended and came in close to budget. The budgeted expenditures on the Police Building add to that variance since the project is on hold.-see Project Activity Schedule. (2) The positive variance in City Administration results from various small amounts in Finance, City Clerk and IT created by some turnover and savings on budgeted health insurance .. (3) The variance in the Public Works Department is due to various contracted service items not fully underway such as the East Coast Drive Drainage project or the Rose Park project. The department has spent about 46% of its project budget -see Project Activity Schedule. (4) The positive variance in Public Utilities results mostly from operations savings in the sewer division and from unspent funds on budgeted capital expenditures. The department has spent approximately 77% of its project budget. (5) The positive variance in the Personnel Services results from vacant positions that have not been filled across multiple departments. The City budgets full employment, so any vacancy contributes to a positive variance. The Lifeguards are typically seasonal employees working June through September. This includes vacancies in Finance, Planning, Police Patrol and recently Human Resources. -8.80% Percent Variance 3.66% 8.26% 42.15% 2.84% 0.00% City of Atlantic Beach AGENDA ITEM# 4A FINANCIAL REPORT NOVEMBER 12,2013 September 2013 Project Activity-Current Year Activity Only Project YTD YTD Project Name Number Budget Actual Balance Status Public Safety Police Building Renovation/Design/Construction PS0504 60,000 0 60,000 DE $ 60,000 $ $ 60,000 Public Utilities: TMDL-Lift Station/Main Transfer Flow PU0906 9,282 9,282 0 c TMDL Upgrade/Construction -WWTP #1 PU1106 88,762 88,762 0 c TMDL Sludge/Odor Improvements PU1110 15,591 15,591 0 c Water Main-12th Street at Ocean Blvd/Beach Ave PU1204 34,122 34,121 1 c Water Main-14th & 15th Street at Ocean Boulevard PU1205 190,620 190,620 0 c Reclaim Water Plant PU0805 192,889 191,039 1,850 B Rehab of Interior of Tank #1 PU1301 41,500 37,927 3,573 c Recoat Both Ground Storage Tanks WP #3 PU1303 55,000 51,253 3,747 c Replace the Water Main on Pine Street PU1304 90,000 61,347 28,653 I Replace 4" Water ?Main at Wonderwood and Finegan PU1305 180,000 98,888 81 '112 I PT Repair at Lift Station C PU1306 17,000 10,280 6,721 I PT Repair at West 6th and Stock PU1307 55,000 19,891 35,109 c Repair 24" Effluent Force Main PU1308 86,000 7,851 78,149 R Repair 12" Force Main PU1309 56,000 5,019 50,981 R Replace Yard Pump PU1310 18,435 18,434 1 c Sewer Rehabilitation 2013 PU1311 202,300 189,669 12,631 c Subtotal $ 1,332,501 $ 1,029,974 $ 302,527 Public Works: Marsh Master Plan Signs PM1301 38,700 7,243 31,457 I Marsh Master Plan Project Design PM1303 34,000 34,590 (590) E Rose Park Development PM1302 232,840 225,228 7,612 I Marsh Path at Tideviews PM1304 35,000 0 35,000 R Dutton Island Road Sidewalks PW1301 79,064 23,140 55,924 I Sidewalk and Curb Replacements PW1302 10,000 6,041 3,959 I City Hall Parking Lot Lights PW1303 32,000 24,896 7,104 c lrregation Improvements Atlantic Blvd. PW1304 4,600 4,600 0 c Sidewalk on West 9th Street PW1305 33,000 25,669 7,331 c East Coast Drive Drainage Improvements PW1306 364,707 48,214 316,493 R Subtotal $ 863,911 $ 399,622 $ 464,289 Total $2,256,412 $ 1,429,596 $826,817 Status Key A -Bid Advertised E -Design Phase B -Bid Awarded I -Project In-progress C-Project Completed N -Complete/Non-Capital D -Design Completed R-Re-budget Next Fiscal Year OR Re-Evaluated DE-Deferred X -Project Cancelled BUILDING DEPT. MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT COMPARISON REPORT REPORT FOR THE MONTH SEPTEMBER 2013 COMPARISION 2012 -2013 PERMIT TYPE NUMBER OF PERMITS I TOTAL INSPECTIONS YTD 2012 YTD 2013 YTD 2012 YTD 2013 YTD 2012 YTD 2013 SINGLE FAMILY I 20 9 $ 7,075,045.00 ! $4,550,300.00 DUPLEX 0 0 $ -$3,386,132.00 REMODEUADDITIONS 237 217 I $ 3,890,707.00 $0.00 COMMERCIAL NEW 0 I 0 I $ -$ - OTHER I 1891 1655 $ 7,741,095.00 $ 6,104,062.00 TOTAL 2148 1881 $ 18,706,847.00 $14,040,494.00 3468 3709 I PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2013 NO. PERMITS PERMIT COST CONSTRUCTION VALUE INSPECTIONS PERFORMED SINGLE FAMILY 0 I$ -$ -(BUILDING 123 NEW DUPLEX MUL Tl FAM I 0 $ -$ -ELECTRICAL 43 RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS 18 $ 2,065.00 $ 364,975.00 !PLUMBING 58 COMMERCIAL NEW 0 $ -$ -MECHANICAL 52 COMERCIAL ADDITIONS 0 $ -$ -MISC. 38 COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS 0 $ -$ - PERMITS MISC 0 $ -$ -I TOTAL 314 ELECTRICAL 22 $ 1,703.00 $ -I MECHANICAL GAS I 5 $ 375.00 $ -I MECHANICAL HVAC 25 $ 2,369.00 $ - PLUMBING 24 $ 2,141.00 $ -I I ROOFING 16 $ 1,335.00 $ 99,890.00 WINDOW/DOOR 8 $ 637.00 $ 95,168.00 I DEMOLITION 2 $ 200.00 $ - REINSPECTION FEES 0 $ -$ • I I I PERMIT RENEWALS 0 $ -$ - OCCUPANCY INSPECTIONS 2 $ 200.00 $ - PENAL TV FEES 2 $ 284.00 $ - SIGNS I 0 $ -$ - FENCES 7 $ 245.00 $ - DRIVEWAYS 4 $ 140.00 $ I Z;t> -oo WELL 0 $ $ -<:tn -mz SIDING 1 $ 145.00 $ 18,852.00 ~u tl:l;t> POOL 3 ,$ 670.00 $ 104,000.00 m-- TOTAL 139 $ 12,509.00 $ 682,885.00 ' i'=l@ }3$; I N""" ;::: .... LICENSE ACTIVITY REPORT BY BUSINESS NAME AGENDA ITEM# 4A NOVEMBER 12,2013 PREPARED 10/22/13, 9:22:21 City of Atlantic Beach PROGRAM OL122L NEW LICENSES FOR ALL YEARS BETWEEN: 09/01/13 TO 09/30/13 DEPT: ALL DEPARTMENTS CLASS: ALL CLASSES LIC # BUSINESS NAME BUSINESS ADDRESS 14-00007828 ATLANTIC SPEECH THERAPY 447 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 14-00007830 ATLANTIC SPEECH THERAPY 447 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 ISSUED TYPE CLASSIFICATION BUS PHONE # 9/13/13 NEW OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST 904-652-5408 9/13/13 NEW PROFESSIONAL, OTHER THAN LISTED 904-652-5408 13-00007831 BOWL OF PRO 725 ATLANTIC BLVD UNIT 09 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 9/06/13 NEW RESTAURANTS(INC. SNACK BARS & TAKE 0 904-434-8171 13-00007832 CAROLINA BEDDING DIRECT LLC 377 8TH ST 9/06/13 NEW CONSULTANT, NOT OTHERWISE CLASSIFIED 904-307-1765 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 14-00007838 COCA-COLA REFRESHMENTS USA, IN 9/13/13 NEW VENDING MACHINE 1085 ATLANTIC BLVD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 14-00007836 CONTINENTAL INDEMNITY COMPANY 9/13/13 NEW INSURANCE COMPANY OUTSIDE CITY ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 14-00007852 DOWNEY REALTY, INC. 9/30/13 NEW REAL ESTATE BROKER 372 AHERN ST ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 14-00007821 GRETCHEN DETERS-MURRAY 346 MAGNOLIA ST ATLANTIC BEAC~ FL 32233 14-00007825 J.W. CLEANING SERVICE 179 JACKSON RD ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 9/13/13 NEW MARRIAGE OR FAMILY COUNSELOR 9/05/13 NEW CLEANING/JANITORIAL/MAID SERVICE 14-00007847 MADISON INSURANCE COMPANY 9/30/13 NEW INSURANCE COMPANY OUTSIDE CITY ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 14-00007839 NATIONAL TEACHERS ASSOCIATES L 9/30/13 NEW INSURANCE COMPANY OUTSIDE CITY ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 14-00007841 NORTH FLORIDA PEST CONTROL, IN 9/30/13 NEW PEST CONTROL/EXTERMINATOR 36 W 6TH ST ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 813-569-2600 402-827-3424 904-241-4242 904-247-9939 904-677-6366 803-754-2942 972-532-2100 904-223-5843 13-00007822 PIE HEAVEN BAKERY CAFE 9/04/13 NEW RESTAURANTS(INC. SNACK BARS & TAKE 0 1980 MAYPORT RD 904-994-5387 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 14-00007848 PROTECTIVE LIFE AND ANNUITY IN 9/30/13 NEW INSURANCE COMPANY OUTSIDE CITY ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 GRAND TOTALS --------------NEW LICENSES ---- AC: 13 PP: 1 IN: 0 VO: 0 PG: 0 BR: 0 OB: 0 UC: 0 LIC: 14 City of Atlantic Beach, Fl. Utility Sales Report September 2013 Gallons Actual Revenue Water Sales Accounts 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gl Accounts Atlantic Beach 5,643 41,534 $155,981 $3.76 5,619 Buccaneer 2,489 17,364 $88,274 $5.08 2,454 Total Water Sales 8,132 58,898 $244,254 $4.15 8,073 Gallons Water Plant Production 0000 Atlantic Beach 47,646 Buccaneer 16,619 Total Production 64,265 Total Water Billed 58,898 Water Loss for month: 5,367 Percentage Loss 8.35% Total12 mo. Avg. Loss 9.93% Gallons Actual Revenue i Sewer Sales Accounts 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gl Accounts Atlantic Beach 5,235 31,320 $242,312 $7.74 5,198 Buccaneer 2,394 19,070 $179,344 $9.40 2,350 Total Sewer Sales 7,629 50,390 $421,657 $8. 7,548 Gallons Actual Revenue Sewer Treatment 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gl Atlantic Beach 49.449 $421,657 $8.53 Total Sewer Treated 49.449 $421,657 $8.53 AGENDA ITEM# 4A NOVEMBER 12, 2013 September 2012 Gallons Actual Revenue 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gl 39,421 $147,637 $3.75 19,103 $95,961 $5.02 58,524 $243,598 $4.16 Gallons 0000 48,184 23,658 71,842 58,524 13,318 18.54% 16.01% Gallons Actual Revenue 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gl 31,087 $236,406 $7.60 20,242 $186,537 $9.22 51 329 $422,943 $8.24 Gallons Actual Revenue 0000 Revenue Per 1,000 gl 66.642 $422,943 $6.35 66.642 $422,943 $6.35 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM /1 4B NOVEMllER 12,2013 AGENDA ITEM: Reject All Bids for East Coast Drive Drainage and Streetscape Improvements SUBM ITTED BY: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director DATE: October 16, 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: 14. Stormwater Master Plan Projects. BACKGROUND: The purpose of this Storm water Project was to resolve intermittent BUDGET: flooding at the East Coast Drive and Atlantic Blvd intersection caused by a too sma ll storm pipe running from Atlantic Blvd to Ahern Street. Becau se of the construction required for a resolution meeting the City's Drainage Level of Service Standards while not causing new stormwater issues downstream (Sherry Drive}, Staff proposed to include a Streetscape element to the project that would make Ea st Coast Drive off Atlantic and Ahern Street between East Coast and Ocean Drives match the existing Town Center Streetscape. This proposa l was approved and funding includ ed in t he FY 13 -14 Budget. Bid number 1213- was opened on October 17, 2013 at 3:00PM. There were seven bidders . All bids exceeded the available project budget, with the lowest bid at $612,923.58 by Florida Infrastructure, Inc. Budget balance for the combined project for the East Coast Drive Drainage Improvements (PW 1306} and Streetscape Improvements (PW1401} is $396,686. An additional $48,214 has already been expended for Survey, Geotechnical and Design Engineerin g and Permitting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission reject all bid s. Staff is working with Edwards Engineering to see if a down seeped project can still provide reasonab le water level reductions at this intersection. If a satisfactory solution can be obtained, Staff proposes to revise the Plans and Bid Specifications, and then advertise for Rebid . AlTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulatio n Sheet REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER:--------------- 8101213-12 BGCO,Inc Callaway Contracting Required Documents Submitted in Triplicate X X Document Requirements Checklist X X Bid Form X X Bid Bond in the Amount of5% of Bid X X Drug Free Workplace X X Public Entity Crimes Statement X X W-9 X X Trench Safety Affidavit X X Documentation of Receipt of Any Addenda (I Addendum, 5 items: Revised X X Pre-Bid Minutes, Q&A. Soils Report, Revised Plans Sheet 6, Revised Plans Total (Base Bid Plus 10% Contingency $1,065,191.60 $714.485.32 ofltems 1-41) Total (Base Bid & Additive Alternate $1,146,194.50 $784,770.40 Bid Items, Plus 10 °/o Contingency. Items 1-41,43-54) Upon verification of bids, the following errors were found: CttyofAtlnntlcBoach Enst Coast Drlvu Dndn11go lmprovumonts 10ftlf2013 Florida Infrastructure Hager Construction X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X $562,666.56 ~··~ 1,' ... · •.•. ·. $611.923.58 r·····. r ~~i~.~s··:/·········. i; I ·.• .·. -;: •···••·· ·.·. J:OOPM Kirby Development Miranda Contracting Petticoat-Schmitt X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NO X X $802.,851.70 $632..,312..,18 $710,361.56 $865,086.05 $698,729.63 $772,396.36 HageFto)1Strl1t:ffO'M'i'·.~£'ii't0FE!Cflr!C01Tt~rtOtaYfOf;tterrF.,260f$17;000:·,/rau~'FfO~HSlll7S..:Totai'O~erart dlfff!F.;ii,Ee'1SSS1:7}407:SO~tMijfiiiri'io~al a~~~-nt (!~t~red. Kirby Deve!opme1n: Entered Incorrect total for ttem "las $27,264.96. AetuaHotal!s $2711Ei4,g6. Ent(!red incorrect total of Subtotal of Base Bid a!: $54SA97.50.-, Ar:nlitfto't811S$548~o;i7.-Eii~t~tCd irii::Orii!-tt tOtaf oflterT! '1147 as 4;236.-ActU-af f$.s4:·a.u;:-Tbtaf Ovei.i'!l'diffi!rent:e is $49S.S41eSs than -total e!'ltcired '(Subtot:l'l of b'as~ + Alternate + 10%). Awnrd of Bid b!lRod on Doparlmont Analysis nnd CommiS3Ion Approv11l AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM# 4C NOVEMBER 12,2013 Extension of Contracts for Environmental Laboratory Services RFP No. 10-08 Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Dire~ October 8, 2013 BACKGROUND: State and federal agencies require the City to perform numerous laboratory tests on drinking water and on wastewater treatment plant effluent to ensure compliance with regulations. This work requires specialized skill, experience, equipment, and laboratory certification through the Department ofHealth. The City has contracts with three local environmental laboratories to conduct the various analyses-Columbia Analytical Services (CAS), Environmental Conservation Laboratories (ENCO) and Advanced Environmental Laboratories (AEL). Staff has required the laboratories to provide a signed agreement to immediately notify the City of any test result that exceeds a regulatory requirement. The current contract was issued based on results of a Request for Proposal, and was a 3-year contract with an option for a 2-year renewal. Staff is requesting approval to renew the existing contract for the 2-year period at the current rates. The current laboratories have agreed to honor their current pricing if we extend the contract. Staff is fairly certain that re-issuing a Request for Proposal and awarding new contracts would result in a price increase, as the existing contract was awarded during the economic downturn. Staff recommends renewal of the existing contracts for another year at the current price structures. BUDGET: These services are used on an as-needed basis, and funding is included in the Water and Sewer Funds in the amount of approximately $90,000 under account numbers 400- 5502-533-3400 and 410-5508-535-3400. RECOMMENDATION: Extend the annual contracts for environmental laboratory services for one additional year to Columbia Analytical Services, Environmental Conservation Laboratories, and Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. at the current contract prices. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letters of Agreement to Extend Contract from Columbia Analytical Services, Inc., Advanced Environmental Laboratories, and Environmental Conservation Laboratories. REVIEWED BY CITY ~G~R:7 October 8, 2013 Mr. Brian Weigel Laboratory Director ALS Group-Columbia Analytical Services, Inc. RE: Extension of Annual Contract RFP 10-08 Dear Mr. Weigel: AGENDA ITEM# 4C NOVEMBER 12,2013 As you are aware, the annual contract with the City of Atlantic Beach for environmental laboratory services expires on November 8, 2013. We would like to extend the contract for two additional years at the current prices. lfthis is acceptable, please sign below and email back to me by October 15, so I can prepare a staff report for the City Commission. We look forward to recommending that we continue our contract with your company . Donna Kaluzniak Utility Director .. ALS GROUP -COLUMBIA ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. AGREES TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AT THE PRICES SUBMITTED IN PROPOSAL NO. 10-08 FOR TWQ_ADDITIONAL YEARS BEGINNING NOVEMBER 13, 2013. ~~ Brian Weigel, Laboratory Director Public Utilities Department Dad I 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5834 October 8, 2013 Mr. Pau l LeBlan c Laboratory M anager Environmental Conservation Laboratories, Inc. RE : Extension of Annual Contract RFP 10-08 Dear Mr. LeBlanc: AGENDA IT~M II <I C NOVEMI3ER 12,2013 As you are aware, the annua l con tract with the City of Atlantic Beach for environmental laboratory se rvices expires on November 8, 2013. We wou l d like to extend the contract for two additional years at the current prices. If this is acceptable, please sign below and email back to me by October 15, so I can prepare a sta ff repo rt for the Ci ty Commiss ion . W e look forward to recommending that we continue our co ntract with your company. Sincere ly, ~~ Donna Ka l uzn iak Utility Director ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVAT ION LABORATORIES, INC . AGREES TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT W ITH THE C ITY OF AT LANTIC BEACH AT T HE PR ICES SUBMITTED IN PROPOSAL NO. 10-08 FOR TWO ADD IT IONAL YEARS BEG INNING NOVEMBER 13,2013. CMIIIV'\OLV W OVte rMj_ Jam es W. Gregory r:r ·· ~-. iJ ~ 0 2013 .10.0809:37:03-04'00' Jame s W. Gregory Senior Vice President Public Utilities Department October 8, 201 3 Date 1200 Sandpiper lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247 -5834 October 8, 2013 Walter Kranz General Manager Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. RE: Extension of Annual Contract RFP 10-08 Dear Mr. Kranz: AGENDA ITEM# 4C NOVEMBER 12, 2013 As you are aware, the annual contract with the City of Atlantic Beach for environmental laboratory services expires on November 8, 2013. We would like to extend the contract for two additional years at the current prices. lfthis is acceptable, please sign below and email back to me by October 15, so I can prepare a staff report for the City Commission. We look forward to recommending that we continue our contract with your company. Sincerely, Donna Kaluzniak Utility Director ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES, INC. AGREES TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AT THE CURRENT PRICES FOR TWO AD;;;;;;;;gs /[;OVEMBER 1~;; ~ b~ 13 Walter Kranz, General Manager Date r / Public Utilities Department 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Extension of Annual Contract for Orthophosphate Bid No. 1011-05 Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Direct~ October 7, 2013 AGENDA ITEM# 4D NOVEMBER 12,2013 BACKGROUND: Orthophosphate is a chemical used in water treatment to prevent lead and copper in house plumbing from leaching into the water. Carus Phosphates, Inc. was awarded a 3-year contract with two one-year renewals in November 2010. Staff is requesting approval of the one year renewal at the 2010 rates. Carus Phosphates has been the low bidder and provider of Orthophosphates for many years. The cost of the product is reasonable and deliveries are timely. The City has contacted Carus Phosphates, Inc. regarding an extension of their current contract for one year at the current rates and they have agreed. BUDGET: Funding is included in the Water Treatment fund under account no. 400-5502-533-5200 in the amount of $5,000. RECOMMENDATION: Extend the contract for 01thophosphate for one additional year to Carus Phosphates, Inc. at the current contract prices, effective December 1, 2013. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of agreement to extend contract from Carus Phosphates, Inc. October 8, 2013 Mr. Craig Principi Carus Phosphates RE: Extension of Bid No. 1011-05 Dear Mr. Principi: AGENDA ITEM# 4D NOVEMBER 12,2013 As you are aware, the annual contract with the City of Atlantic Beach for Orthophosphate expires November 30, 2013. We would like to extend the contract for another year at the current prices, If this is acceptable to your company. If acceptable, please sign below and return by fax to me October 15, 2013 so I can prepare a staff report for the City Commission. We look forward t~ recommending that we con~inue our contract with your company. Utility Director CARUS PHOSPHATES, INC. AGREES TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT FOR ORTHOPHOSPHATE WITH THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AT THE PRICES SUBMITTED IN BID NO. 1011-05 FOR AN ADDITIONAL YEAR EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2013. Public Utilities Department lo{sf 13 I I Date 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5834 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Extension of Annual Contract for Polymer Bid No. 1011-03 Donna Kaluzniak, Utility Directo®-J October 7, 2013 AGENDA ITEM# 4E NOVEMBER 12, 2013 BACKGROUND: Polymer is a chemical used at the Wastewater Treatment Plant to help with the sludge dewatering process. Polymers are complex, proprietary formulas that must go through performance testing at the treatment plant as part of the bid process. Fort Bend Services, Inc. had the best formula and lowest cost and was awarded a 3-year contract with two one-year renewals in November 2010. Staff is requesting approval of the one year renewal at the 2010 rates. Staff has been pleased with the performance of this product and timely delivery, and the vendor has agreed to renew the contract at the current rates. BUDGET: Funding is included in the Sewer Treatment fund under account no. 410-5508-535- 5200 in the amount of $35,000. RECOMMENDATION: Extend the contract for Polymer for one additional year to Fort Bend Services, Inc. at the current contract prices, effective December 1, 2013. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter of agreement to extend contract from Fort Bend Services, Inc. October 7, 2013 Mr. David James Fort Bend Services RE: Extension of Bl~ No. 1011-03 Dear Mr. James: AGENDA IT EM It 4E NOVI=:MI3ER 12,201 3 As you are aware, the annual contract with th e City of Atlantic Beach for Polymer expires November 30, 2013. We wou l d like to extend the contract for another year at the current prices, If this is acce ptable to yot!r company. If acceptab le, plea se sign below and return to me by October 15, 2013 so I can prepare a staff report for the City Commission. We look forward to recommending that we continue our contract with your company. Sincerely, ~~ Utility Director FORT BEND SERVICES AGREES TO EXTEND THE CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AT THE PRICES SUBMITTED IN BID NO . 1011 -03 FOR AN ADD IT IONAL YEAR EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2013. Date Public Utilities Department 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atl antic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5834 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AG EN DA ITEM II 4F NOVEMlli~R 12,2013 AGENDA ITEM: Beach Cleaning Annual Contract, Bid No. 1213-13 SUBMITTED BY: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director ' <.._. DATE: October 4, 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: No link, Beach Cleaning Services included in Annual Budget BACKGROUND: On September 25, 2013 , a bid opening was held for the Annual Contract for Beach Cleaning and Raking for the new fiscal year (12-month period). Because of the nature and sensitivity of dealing with sea turtles during the hatching season (March 1 -October 31 ), the bid specifications were revised to place more emphasis on the requirements and protocol of operating on the beach with equipment during this season. The City requested the bidders supply three references with similar project experience in order to secure a beach cleaning company familiar with handling these unique requirements. The City received four (4) responses from companies as shown on the Bid Tab . Although Beachcombers was not the low bid , they were the only responder to show actual beach cleaning experience. Beachcombers North, Inc. has provided the City with beach cleaning services since the 1990's . They have demonstrated excellent professionalism and knowledge in performing their services. During the last 6 years that Public Works has managed the beach cleaning contract, very few issues have come up and only one incident regarding the sea turtles occurred which was quickly discussed and addressed to avoid similar problems in the future. Beachcombers has shown they will "do what it takes '' to ensure services are provid e d properly with concern for the turtles being paramount while still keeping the beaches clean . BUDGET: The new fiscal year budget includes $33,000 in account 001 -6020-572-3400 (Parks Maintenance , Contractual Services). RECOMMENDATION: Due to the need for experience in this type of service, staff recommends awarding the contract to Beachcombers North, Inc. in the amount of $32 ,916 .00 for one year, from November 1, 2013 through October 31, 2014, and authorizing the City Manager to sign the new contract. This cost is the same as the City has paid for the past four years. ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tab BID 1213-13 TOTAL ANNUAL COST (52 WEEKS PER YEAR) North, Inc. $32,916.00 City of Atlantic Beach Annual Contract for Beach Cleaning September 25, 2013 Faith Construction Group, Inc. $28,912.00 Award of Bid based on Department Analysis and Commission Approval 3:00PM Foreman Services Service Group 360 Int., $27,820.00 $49,764.00 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM# 4G NOVEMBER 12, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Professional Engineering Contract for Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies for Water Treatment Plant Nos. 1 -4, RFP #13-03 SUBMITTED BY: Donna Kaluzniak, CEP, Utility Directo~ DATE: October 18,2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: None BACKGROUND: New National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) rules require employers to protect workers from injuries and fatalities due to arc flash hazards. An arc flash happens when electrical arcs create an explosion that can vaporize metals, plastics and flesh. Most electrical injuries are caused by arc flash rather than shock. An arc flash can be caused by many things, including corrosion, condensation, even dropping tools and creating a spark. An arc flash hazard analysis per NFP A standards must be conducted on all of the large electrical equipment in order to determine approach boundaries for both qualified and non-qualified personnel, and recommended personal protective gear at specific distances. The analysis includes a short circuit study, fault current analysis, preparation of up-to-date single line diagrams and computer modeling of the electrical equipment. Labeling of equipment and staff training will be provided as well. At the October 14, 2013 Commission Meeting, the City Commission authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm, J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC (JCEA). A contract was negotiated in the amount of $53,975 for the scope of work specified in RFP #13-03. This amount is very consistent and on the low end of costs paid by other utilities for similar work. As another comparison, one of the firms that responded to RFP #13-03 provided a price for the work (though they were not supposed to do so) in the amount of $88,000, significantly higher than the amount negotiated with JCEA. BUDGET: A total of $60,000 was included in the FY14 budget for this work. RECOMMENDATION: Award a contract to J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC for completing the Professional Engineering Services for Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies for Water Treatment Plant Nos. 1-4 in the amount of 53,975 and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Scope and cost proposal from J. Collins Engineering Associates, LLC J. COLLINS ENGINEERING ASSOCJATES, LLC AG EN DA ITE M /1 4G NOVHMIJER 12,2013 o ooooooooooooooooooo ... ooooo oooooo••••••••·••••••••••••••••••••·•••••••••••••••••••••o•too..,oooooooooooooouoooMooooooooooootoooooo•ooo•oouoo oo•ottoooottl tUttt tttttttttoooooo•ooooo oo ooo oooooooooootooooooo"'''''''''HOoooooooo• I 1 5 1 1)-~ Son Josr Blvd . .l ncksom i l k, rJ 32223 (904) 162-4 12 1 Fox 21)2-4122 john @j ~.:oll inscng incc ring.c<'ll1 October 18, 2013 Donna Kaluzniak Ut ili ty Dire cto r Ci ty of Atlan ti c Beach 902 Ass isi Lan e Atlantic Be ach, FL 32233 Re : Engineering Services for Arc Flash Computer Study at Four (4) Water Treatment Facilities De ar Donna : J. Co llins Eng ineering Associ ate s, LLC (JCEA) is pleased to provide an engineerin g fee propos al for th e asbui lt ver ification of existing elec trica l eq uipment, f ield work and prepa rati on for an Arc Flash Computer Study f or the elec trica l and power compo nen ts of th e COAB Water Treatment Pla nt s 1, 2, 3 & 4. David Lassetter, PE (el ectrical engin ee r for rece nt elec trica l system improvements at WWTP#1) will be conductin g mo st of the fi eld work, coo rd ination, and review of Arc Flas h Computer Study. Eaton will be performing the Arc Flash Computer and Mode ling Stu dy. The City Employee T rain in g wi ll be co ndu cted by Cogburn Bro s., Inc. The ge neral sco pe of work for the evaluatio n of the Four (4) Water T rea tm ent Fa cilities: • Revi ew all available as-b ui lt drawings for eac h facility. • Ele ctri ca l Enginee r will revi ew previo us e lectrical and co ntrol drawi ng s, co ndu ct fie ld work and wi ll deve lop the inform at ion that is to be used as th e basis of th e arc fl ash co mputer study. • Eato n will prepare an Arc Flash analysis with short circ uit and devi ce coo rd ina t io n • Elec tri cal Engineer will re view and fina li ze the stu dy and fi eld verify th e warning labe l in sta ll atio ns. The full scope of work is attached base d on th e City of At lanti c Be ach's Reque st fo r Proposa ls (RFP). Th e total fee for this work is $53,975 (attached). J. Co ll ins Engineering Associates, LLC (JCEA) in conjuncti on wi th Davi d Lassette r, PE is pleased to provide the City with th ese engineering serv ices. Page 2 of2 O c tober 18, 2013 If yo u h ave a ny q uesti ons, please ca ll m e at 7 16-6282 (Ce l l ). S incere ly, ~CtL- John E. Collins, Jr., P.E. AGENDA ITEM N 4G NOVEMI3ER 12,20 13 POWER SYSTEMS AND ARC FLASH STUDIES FOR WATER TREATMENT PLANT NOS. 1 -4 I. SCOPE OF WORK: AGENDA ITEM# 4G NOVEMBER 12,2013 The Scope of Work for the Power Systems and Arc Flash Studies at the City of Atlantic Beach's Water Treatment Facilities No. 1, 2 3 & 4 is described below: • Perform and document Arc Flash and Short Circuit Analyses for all equipment and electrical panels. • Perform and document Protective Device Coordination and Evaluation. • Perform associated training for Atlantic Beach Utility personnel. • Label all motor control centers, switch gear, breaker boxes, electrical buckets, transformers and panels with any and all additional informational labels (i.e., hazard/risk categories) as may be appropriate to satisfy the standard of the National Fire Protection Association (N FPA 70E). Make recommendations on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements. • Identify all required boundaries and indicate such on the labels necessary for compliance with all applicable National Electric Code (N EC) and N FPA 70E requirements. Engineer shall collect data and prepare an up-to-date single line electrical diagram for each of the facilities listed below. Engineer shall coordinate and provide a fault current analysis and a coordination and arc flash study of the power distribution system for each of the following facilities: • Water Treatment Plant 1 -469 11th Street • Water Treatment Plant 2 -2301 Mayport Road • Water Treatment Plant 3-902 Assisi Lane • Water Treatment Plant 4 -2848 Mayport Road The work will include providing a fault current and a coordination and arc flash study at the Utility service point and illustrating on the Time Current Curve coordination plots at least one step of line-side primary overcurrent protection upstream of this point. All switch gear, switchboard, panels, transformers, generators, and motors must be shown. The Power System Study shall include the following: A. Short Circuit Study. The short circuit study shall be performed with the aid of a appropriate computer program and shall be in accordance with the latest applicable I E EE and A N Sl standards. H and drawn coordination curves shall not be acceptable. B. The fault current analysis shall determine which type of fault creates the highest fault current and therefore determines the interrupting capacity of the overcurrent devices. Base selections on the analysis. Analyze faults when the system is connected to the utility source and emergency power source. C. Provide a comprehensive one-line of the system and tabulated data and included the following for each overcurrent device. 1. Ampere rating 2. Interrupting ampere rating. 3. Frame size, sensor or plug rating. 4. Trip settings. 5. Fault available at line terminals. 6. Ground fault trip settings. 7. Type of cable, cable size and cable length from load terminals to next overcurrent device. AGENDA ITEM# 4G NOVEMBER 12, 2013 D. Coordination Study. Using an appropriate computer program, provide a coordination study of the system (including emergency power systems), from sources through the largest branch circuit device in each radiating branch. Include as many plots as required to cover all radiating branches, with no more than six (6) curves on any one plot. Illustrate plots on log-log graph paper and tabulated recommended settings for each branch. The curves shall also include, but not be limited to, the following information: 1. Time current characteristic curves for all relays, fuses, breaker trip devices, etc. 2. Cable damage curves for all feeders. 3. Transformer inrush currents and damage curves. E. Arc Flash hazard analysis. Engineer will complete the Arc Flash Hazard Analysis in accordance with the procedures stated in N FPA 70E. The analysis will be performed in conjunction with the short circuit and protective device coordination studies. Fault current momentary duty and protective device clearing times are required to perform the arc flash hazard analysis and will be pulled from the Short Circuit and Protective Device Coordination studies. Results of the arc flash hazard analysis are used to define the flash protection boundary and the incident energy at any position or level in the electrical distribution system where work could be performed on energized parts. Required protective fire resistant (FR) clothing and safe working distances will be specified for all calculated fault locations. At the Conclusion of the Arc Flash Study, Engineer will submit the following for each circuit condition and arc location analyzed: 1. Arc fault magnitude 2. Device clearing time 3. Duration of arc 4. Arc flash boundary 5. Working distance 6. Incident energy 7. Required fire resistant clothing 8. ANSI compliant warning labels listing incident energy, are flash boundary, and risk category. F. Provide an executive summary for the study explaining the results and any conclusions and recommendations. G. SUBMITTALS. The engineer will provide one original hard copy of the study and one in Adobe PD F format. Standard detail sheets shall be in Auto CADD version 2007. SUMMARY FEE & REIMBURSEABLES October 18, 2013 c ity of At antic Beach, FL -Arc Flash Study -Four (4) WTF LABOR COSTS & WORK ITEM BREAKDOWN Work Item Task I -Evaluation & Study Phase 1. Historical Data Collection 2. Review Asbuilts 3. Conduct Field Inspections 4. Data Collection for Arc Flash Computer Model 5. Review Model & Provide Results 6. Install Protection Labels Totals REIMBURSABLE COSTS Mileage, Courier, Postage, Report Production, etc Arc Flash Model -Eaton Employee Training -Cogburn Bros. SUBTOTAL REIMBURSABLE COSTS TOTAL ENGINEERING COST FEE TOTAL LABOR OTHER COSTS $1,143 $4,357 $9,239 $6,713 $3,257 $3,256 $27,965 $760 $23,500 $1,750 $26,010 $53,975 AGENDA ITEM# 4G NOVEMBER 12,2013 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: DATE: STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: BACKGROUND: BUDGET: CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT Renewal of Employee Benefit Insurance Policies Jim Han~~ October 21,2013 ( None AGENDA ITEM# 8A NOVEMBER 12, 2013 Several insurance policies related to employee benefits are up for renewal on January 1, 2014. To give adequate time for enrollment of employees in new or changed plans, these policies should be approved in November by the City Commission. The policies include the City sponsored plans for medical, life insurance and supplemental life as well as several voluntary policies that are paid by the employees which include dental, vision and short and long term disability. The most expensive of these policies is the employee medical insurance. The City switched carriers last January to Florida Blue after an extensive process of bids and evaluation of benefits done by the City's insurance broker; Harden & Associates. This year, after another lengthy review process, representatives from Harden & Associates are recommending renewal of the policy with Florida Blue effective January 1, 2014. The cost will go up approximately 9.8% both for the City and for employee coverages. In addition, some of the benefits will be reduced so that the cost increase can stay within the 1 0% increase that the City has budgeted. Re~resentatives from Harden & Associates will be at the Workshop on October 28 1 to present their recommendations and answer questions. A copy of the PowerPoint presentation that they will use is attached to this staff report. The recommendation from Harden & Associates is to renew the other employee benefit policies with the existing carriers. The cost for life and supplemental life insurance from Standard Insurance will remain the same as in the past year. Dental insurance is provided by the Guardian Insurance Company and will have an increase of 8% in the PPO Plan and a 4% increase in the DHMO Plan. Policies for vision, provided by Humana CompBenefits and short/long term disability, provided by Lincoln, will cost the same next year as they have in the past year. The City has included in the FY 14 budget for a 10% increase in employee healthcare coverage. The City's cost for medical insurance in the FY 14 year is budgeted at $855,000. RECOMMENDATION: ATTACHMENTS: AGENDA ITEM# 8A NOVEMBER 12,2013 Approve the renewal of all employee benefit insurance policies listed below effective January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 and authorize the City Manager to sign the related documents. • City Sponsored Policies Medical-Florida Blue Life and Supplemental Life -Standard • Voluntary Policies Dental -Guardian Vision -Humana CompBenefits Short/Long Term Disability -Lincoln PowerPoint presentation from Harden & Associates. Results of 2013 Renewal • Florida Blue Options reduced cu rrent medical rates by 18% ($188,085 under current/renewal CIGNA premium of $1,026,119) with enhanced benefits. • Sav ings provided funding for well ness program (biometrics). " HARDEN January 1, 2014 Renewal Options • Original Florida Blue renewa l of 29.1% negotiated down to 19.0% with no changes. • Flor ida Blue plan alternatives reco mmended b ring increase to 9.8% (within 10% budget). • Marketed to Aetna-37% increase over current. • 2014 rates are be low the 2013 CIGNA renewal and plan benefits are significantly better than 2013 CIG NA options. _.., " HARD EN ......... 10/21/2013 AGENDA ITEM tl 8A NOVEM BER 12,20 13 1 ;... ....... . _ _.,-.·.·-~ .. · _, ' --, ~-. ~· . -. .......,_ ,._ , ,. . . ;ReaSC?I)~·-f!J~ !!l~r-~ase?:. . _ ·, • 8·9% due to Health Ca re Reform (p aid by Florida Blue, Imp ac ts rate s) • 9·12% due to med ica l trend (inflation) • Loss ra tio for Immature pl an year at 78% through August • Administrative ex penses -18% • Run -out of accoun t s fo r an ad dltlonal 15% of renewal ca lculation I' HARDEN -- !f--4 • • -.·..., .. -1 ~. "' "' • J t 1 •· • ._I 1 Sampl~ Benefit Ch~nges .t~ Core ·PI_a_n : lndlvldu ol Out of Poc ktt $l,!i00 M I)Cimum Ol llatVhlll PCP $2S ~pe<loll•t $45 Adv•nctd lm•sfna $80 IM RI, CIIT, etc 1 Preset1J)tlon $10/$30/ sso $4,500 SlO $55 $250 SJO/SS0/$80 I' HARDEN -· 10/21 /2013 AGENDA ITE M II 8A NO VEMO ER 12,20 13 2 AGENDA ITEM# 8B NOVEMBER 12,2013 AGENDAITEMNO. RB DATE: Novembe-r J ~);;. o 13 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appointment of Special Magistrate DATE: October 25,2013 SUBMITTED BY: SRATEGIC PLAN LINK: N/A BACKGROUND: The City Commission recently added Section 2~146.1 to the Code of Ordinances. This section requires that a Special Magistrate(s) to hear dangerous dog cases be appointed by the City Manager subject to the approval of the Commission. The City advertised for the position of Special Magistrate and received five (5) applications. A panel consisting of the City Manager, City Attomey and Police Chief interviewed ailS candidates. Attorney Jeb Branham was selected by the panel as the best qualified for the position. Mr. Branham has been a practicing attorney for almost 20 years. His office is located at the Beach and he bas been the Town Attorney for Baldwin and Callahan for the past 10 years. His responsibilities include prosecuting code enforcement violations, handling all land use and zoning matters and conducting quasi judicial proceedings. He has also handled some legal matters for the Town of Hilliard. The panel believes that Mr. Branham's training, education and experience uniquely qualify rum for the position of Special Magistrate. BUDGET: Will be based upon the number of dangerous dog cases held. Staff anticipates that expenses will be less than $1,000 per year. RECOMMENDATIONS: To approve the appointment of Jeb T. Branham as Special Magistrate for the City of Atlantic Beach. ATTACHMENTS: Attorney Jeb T. Branham's resume REPRESENTATION PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY JEB T. BRANHAM, EsQ. ORIGINAL JEB T. BRANI-1AM AG ENDA ITEM 1/ 81> NOVEMBE R 12,2013 'FIRM Q .UAL.IFI CATI ONS i\GENDi\ ITEM # 8R NOVEMBER 12,20 13 THE BEN E FIT OF EXPERI ENCE DEVELOPED A 'r TWO OF TI-!E NAl'ION 'S BEST AND LARGEST LAW F I RMS COMBINED WITH 10 Y EARS OF REPRESENTING MUNIC IPAL GOVERNMENT'S My goal is co bring e v e r y clie n t the be n e fit of exp erie nce d e v eloped at two of t he nati on 's best an d largest: law flnns • f ' 1 • I ·•II I n -with the r>crsona l a tte ntion you can o nly get from a s rn all practice. W e de li ver t h e legal sophi sticatio n gained from working in a bi g firm envi ronm ent for some of t h e world 's largest corporations like th e Cocn-Coln Company, General Motors. Eli Lill y & Company. Novartis Ph arm ace uclcals, and 3M co m b ine d with Indivi d ua l, personalized attention. O U /1 11, OJ I ( I I ., \I , .•• : Practicing at t he b est fi r m s and workin g for the most d e m and ing clients in t h e wor ld p u ts an atten t ion to qual ity in o ur work that most: lawyers n e v e r h ave the oppot-cunity or n eed to deve lop. JFf.i•/11 J' N J()l If! 1 1 J ( P ill V 0 1 1'-JO M IJ N I < 111 /\1 11 '11 ''., [1. 0'111 1 J~(·,OVJ ·H I ~MI 'hl f'/\l .l 'X I 'FHW I .JC:I J e b Bran h am h as t h e hono r and b e n efit of workin g as t h e Town Atto rn ey for C allahan for ten years a nd as the Town Attorney for Baldw in for nin e years. T h e t·e arc f ew attorneys in the are<1 w ith this exp erien ce handli ng the legal m ::ll:ters uni ctu e to municipa li t ies a nd governme nt, combine d w it h sophisticated , broad -b ased li tigatio n expertise. My serv i<:e as a town attorn e y i11clu c.J cs the responsibili ty f o r p rosec ut in g cod e e nf or<:emcnt violations, handling all land use a nd zonin g m atter s a nd the con du<:t of quasl-jttdlci a l proceedings. I hav e con d ucte d d oze ns of quasi- judi cial pro ceedin gs, including numerous r ezo nin gs, annexatio n s, a nd comprehensive pl a n amendments. D uring my tenure, the Town of Call ahan h a d a :toning matter proceed to Fla. Scat. s. 70.5 1 special magistrate procee dings artc.l a s ubsequ e nt <I PI>eal to t h e C ircuit Cou n:. The Circuit: Co u rt uph e ld t h e Town's decis io n . On occasion, I represent: private cli e nts In land u se a n d co d e e n fo t·ccmenc m atters, b oth be fore city coun cil s, in t h e state trial courts, an d o n appeal. As t h e attorney for two Town s, I understan d the importan ce of m a in tainin g a thoro ugh knowledge of and ensuring f ull compliance with state public r ecords, public meetings, and e thics laws. D r aftin g legis lati o n and regularly condu cti n g hearin gs in which a munic ip a lity r e n ders jud gm e nts affecting citize n s· rights has giv e n m e the experie nce n ecessary to e ff ectiv e ly bal a nce t h e sometim es comp etin g interests of t he gove rnmen t, Indiv id u als, property owne rs, n e ighbors , and the citizenry as a whol e. J BRANHAM PERSONAL I:::XP£f IENCE : AGENDA ITEM II 8B NOVEMBER 12,20 13 I hav e been a do g owner for· I 3 yea rs. I also lived n ext doono a dog that was eve nru ally designated a dangerous dog and destroyed. Th e next doo r neighbors' dog tried co b ite both my father and my wife, as well as other n eighbor·s. I had to phys ical ly pr·event t h e dog ft·om bi t in g my wife. These i nciden~ oused me to leam the laws applicab le to aggr ess ive anim als. Afte r the owne r-s mo ved away, the dog injured someone, leading to the dog's d estr1.1 ction. Despite the do g's aggress ion towards oc h ers , the dog's owner 'S love d i t and co nsidered it a ge nt le p et fot• t he ir son. The experience of being both a long-term dog owner· and a n eighbo r to an agg.·essive dog gives me a unique p ct·speccive to bring to the dec ision-mal<ing process required of the Specia l Magistrate. GOVI:::RNMEN f /\1. I rrtGA'JJOf\J I~.X.P l ~l~ll-:r..J CE: Began r ept·csen t in g t h e Town of Call ahan in 2 003 to resolve n umerous cl a im s f r om prior admin istratiotl's misco nduct. • Resolv ed proceedings instituted aga in st t h e Town o f Call ahan by the Florida Department o f Transpo e·cation for ut ili ty relocation c h arges at a sb<-fig ure sav ings over FOOT's d emands. • Resolved administr ativ e proceedings In stituted against the Town o f Call ahan for· misconduct by a grant adm ini strator at a s ix-figu re savings over t h e Departrne11 t of Community Affair's demands. • Resolved inv erse con demnatio n a nd trespass litigation filed agai nst the Town of Cnll ahan resul ti n g from retentior p o nd con structed ill egall y on private property for market va lu e of property. On behalf of t h e Town of Hilliard, successfully r esolv ed litigation b etween t h e Town a nd bull ding co ncra ccor ove conv ersion of church into new Tow11 Half. Served as lead n egotiator for t h e Town of Ba ldw in on union contract w it h Teamsters. Obtain e d a di s mi ssal with pre judic e of a lawsu it fil e d again st: the Town of Bal dwin by a f ormer em pl oyee when prior li t igatio n attorneys repr esentin g the Town were unsuccessful . O btain ed a tempo r ary injur'lctlon for t:h e Town of Baldwin to stop the operation of :m unautho r ized l>o rr·ow pi t . O btaine d a temporar y inj unction for t h e Town of Call ahan to sto p unpermitted c onstr uctlon. Successfully defe nded ch e Town of Call a h an's d<.mla l of a site pl a n in certior a ri proceedin gs. O bta in ed defense v e rdict fot· private corporation in code enforcemc11t accio tl in w hi c h t h e C ity of Jacksonvifle sou gh t over $400,0 00 in fines. • App ealed denial of v ariance for private lnndown er via writ of certiorari a nd obtaine<.l agreed-upon resolution witl t h e C ity of N e ptun e Beach. Obtain ed multip le cou rt order s authoriz in g the demoli tion of n ui sance structu res in code e nforcemen t proceedings. J BRANhfAI\11 2 ' .,. "• •. ,_ I • •••- PERFORMANCE OF .JOB REQUIREMENTS AGENDA IT EM II 8B NOVE MBER 12,20 13 I w ill use my years of mu nicipal and q uas i-judicial experience to conduce r ock-soli d code e nforce m ent hearings on d a ngerou s dog cases. I understand danger o us dog cases in volv e cricitcal issues of publi c safety and d raw out strong e motions and serio us c oncerns on all s ides. I w il l ba lnn ce the in terests of the C ity of Atla ntic Beach, dog o w ne r s, and n e ig hbors co e n s ure fundmencal f airn ess for nil and due pro c:css for the all eged violator. I will deve lor> written gu id e lin es and bas ic r>roce clures to pro vide a dv a nce n otice to alleged v iol ators, code e nforceme nt officers, w itnesses, and oth ers about how heari ngs will b e cond u cted t o e nsure fairness a nd tl1 inimi ze in -h earing di s rupt ions and controver sies. I will in corpor ate a ny s imilar gui delin es cur r e n tly in use by Atla n t ic Beach into our m ater ia ls to In s ure cont:i niuicy. W e w ill pr e pare age ndas chat: include a ll cases set for h earing 0 11 a h ear ing day. I anticpate the C ity Attorney or a m e m b e t· of Atla nt ic Be ac h 's a dmi n istrative staff will present the cases to me for decis ion in acco rdance with Fla. Stat. s. 162.07(2). We will require sworn testimony a nd w ill provide opportltni t ies for cross examinat io n . After h earings, I wi ll pre pare written findings o f f act, conclusions of law, and an order t o effectuate a ll d e ci s ions . I anticipate u s in g court r e porte r s co transcribe proceedin gs co m eet the recording r e quirements of Fla. Sc at. s. J 62.07(3) ond to create e ff ectiv e records If d ecisio ns are app ealed to t h e C ircuit Court. I will b e th e only attorney ha n d lin g th e special magistrate d ut ies. I h ave practiced law s in ce l99S and am licensed in Georgia a nd Florida. I was r ecently e lecte d co the State Bar of Georgia Board of Governors. I a lways pay careful attent ion to the publi c's budgetary co ncerns a n d routinely deli ver services r.o government cli ents under budget. I bring a practical approach to my firm's wo rk. As a special magistrate ch at means conducting fair, trans pa r e nt h e w :wlngs, Iss u ing prompt decisions t hat will w it h stand a pp eal, and s p end in g only the m il1imt1111 hours ne cessary to achieve chose results. My expe r ienc e in muni cipa l law, li tigat ion, and qu<JSI -judi cla l proc ee din gs will all ow me co prepare, conduct he ar in gs , :rt d w rite de cis ion s efficiently. My goal is to use my experience to p~rform the j ob well wh il e minimizing billab l e hours. ANI IAM 3 RESUME ,.., JEB T . BRAT HAM 35 00 3t·d Street South-Jackso nvill e Beach, f-lorid~ 32250 (904) 339-0 5 00, j<.b@j c bb ranh am .com ww..1.jd.1 Lw an h 11n.co m •. LICENSES AND C OUFIT ADM ISSIONS AGENDA IT F.M II 8B NOVEMBER 12,20 13 Flot•ida Bat', September 2000. A lso ad mitte d to U .S.O .C .. Middle D istrict of Flo rida an d the Eleventh C ircui t Co urt of A pp eals. Geot-gia Bat\ November 1995. Also ad m itte d co Georgia Sup r eme Cou rt a n d Co urt of Appeals an d U .S.D.C., N orth ern D istrict o f Georgia. A ut horized by t h e State of Georgia co ap iH!ar as sole o r lead co unsel at t ri a ls and de posit io n s . LEGAL EXPERIENCE Jeb T. Bt·anham. Esq. jad<Sonvill e Beach. Flot'ida (11 200 2-pt·esent). So le practit io n er or p a r tner in s m a ll firm fr o m 2 00 2 to 2 010, practici ng In c o m m e r cial a nd municipal law, e mph asiz ing li t igatio n, b oth t ri a l a nd a ppe ll ate. Re p resen tativ e m atters inclu de T own Atto r n ey for Ba ldw in a nd Call a h a n, Fl orid a , settling administr ativ e law m atte r s w it h the State o f Florida $500,000 und er State 's d e m a n d, li t igati ng t:he fl eet-wid e failur e o f m a rine e ngin es f o r Costa Ri can fi s hin g lo d ge a nd s ubsequ e nt: nat,io n -wld e c lass actio n, ge n e r a l c oun sel r e presen tatio n o f natio n a l a uto pa intin g fra nchis o r, liti gatin g easem e nt ri ghts b etween regio n a l r esta uran t and la n d deve lop er, a nd t r a d e m a r k registration for state a nd n ation a l s u rfin g o r gani zations. 1'-'lc:GuireWoods, Jac:lcsonvi ll e. Flot·id a (11 2000 -12/200 I ). Com merci a lllt iga tl o n de pa rtm e nt representin g bot: In stitut io n a l a nd cl osely-h e ld b~1 s in esscs in di s putes fro m b a nkin g r>t·oce durcs co bus in ess torts. Rep rese ntative m atter s include lit igation aris ing fro m t he sale of m u l t i ~milli o n doll a r co m panies, di st r i b uto r s h ip terminatio n , t he fleet w id e fa ilure o f marine e n gin es, a nd -at t ri a l a nd II th Circuit appe ll ate level -t h e ter m in ation of p hysician s fro m a n insuran ce n e twork. Resp o ns ible fo r all aspects o f lit igatio n in c l u d ing r.oordin acing a nd draftin g di scov ery, takin g a nd d e fe nding d e pos it io n s, a nd c ourt a pp e ara n ces. Ki ng & Spal ding. Atlanta, Geot·gia (5/1998-12/1999). T ore li t igatio n t eam d e f e ndin g a u tom obil e a n d m e dica l d e vice m a nufactu rers a nd comme r ciallicigation team d e fe ndin g Coca-Cola in Pe psico v. Cow-Colo an t itrust li t igation. Defe nde d high exp osure a nd n a ti o nwi d e li t igatio n m att:e r s (both pendi tl g a nd p ote111:ia l), w it h exten s ive ex p e ri e n ce a ddressin g d oc um e nt productio n logistics a nd p rivil ege issu es. Start-to-fini s h case h a n d li ng r es p o ns ibi lity for Ge n e r al Motor s a utom otiv e products li a bility cases. JE BRAN l....fA M 4 RESUME, CONTINUED AGENDA ITEM # 813 NOVEMI3ER 12,20 13 Hawkins & Parnell, Atlanta, Ga (9/1995 -411998). Products liabili ty defense for prescription pharmaceuticals, medical devices, clothing and textil es, and i ndustriai products. Broad range of li tigatio n experi e n ce reprcset1ting insurers an d in s ure<ls in comm erclal disputes and pcrso nallnjury defense. Start-to· finish case h andlin g a nd billing res ponsibility w ith extensive client contact. Developed and implemented document retention policy for international medical device manufacturer. Publi shed opinion: Presto v. Sa ndoz Phorma<:euticols Cor f>., 226 Ga. App. 547, 487 S.E.2d 70 ( 1997). I 'ROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS o Elected to the Board of Governors of the State Bar of Gcorgi:J in 20 13 o Member of Florida Bar (member of C ity, Coun ty, n nd Local Govemmcnt Lnw Sectio n a nd Bus in ess Law Sectio n) o Member of the State Bar of Georgia o Member of the j acksonvill e Bar Associat i ~n Univet·!lity ofT cnnessee College of law Knoxville, Tennessee Juris Doctor, c um laude, May, 19 95 EDUCAltON Ernof"Y Univet·sity Atlanta, Georgia B.A., Engli s h I 992 C-lonors and Achievements. Top 15% of law schoo l dass, dean's li st a ll sem ester s; Univ ersity of Tennessee Law Review; Arn. Jur. awards in Con Law II and Crimin a l Procedure. Merit scholarship from Southeastern Bankruptcy Law In stitute. 81\GI<GtlOUND Born 1970, Knoxville, Tennessee. Married to Mi c h e ll e for 12 years with one five -year o ld son. C ivic activities include former Board Membe r for Frum t h e Ground Up a n d Smfrlder Foundation, First C oast Chapter. Memb er of and Sunday school teacher for Palms Presbyterian Church and se rv ed on ch e search committee for a n ew p astor. Member of the legal commlttec of the Ocean Cay Homeowner's Assoc iation . I AN HAJVI s AGENDA IT EM# 8B NOVEMBE R 12,2013 FIRM OUTLINE OF FEES & ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES The fee for my services is $175 per hour. T hi s in c lud es heari ng t im e, ti me spent pt ·epa l'ing hearing matel'i als , a nd t im e s p e nt writ ing decis ion s a nd orders. T he only a nt icipated exp e ns es are c ourt re po t'ter fees. I a nt ic ipate usi ng Powers Re port in g fo t· mo st headngs.At my request , Powe r s Re port ing has ::~gree d to a fl at-fee di scoun te d rate of $75 for heal'i ngs. Pt·e pa t-ation of hearing transcrip ts will cost $4.50 p e r page, a nd cope is of transct·ipts will cost $2.00 pe r page.Tra nsc t'ipts are li ke ly to be prepared o nly when co nvict e d violators appeal. In s uch in stances, t he vio la tot· mu st p ay fot· t he u·a nsc r ipt. In many in stances, the $75 fl at fee will be th e o nl y fee in curr·e d by Atlantic Beac h. CONTACT INFORMATION I can speak about t he items described in t hi s proposal. I may be reache d at: Th e Ho norable Sh irl ey Graham Mayot·, Town of Call a ha n Teleph o n e: (904) 879 -38 0 I Facs imi le: (904) 879-6 15 1 Email : m ay or@townofcallaha n ~fl .gov Li sa Pw·vi s C le rk, Town of Hilli ard Te lephone : (904) 845-3555 Facs imi le: (904) 845 -122 1 Em ar l: lp urvi s@townofhilli a1·d.com .. J E 3500 3rd Street South Jac kson vill e Beach, Florid a 32250 (904) 339-0500 POSITIVE REFERENCES T he Hon ora bl e St1n Totman Mayor, Town of Ba ldwi n Te le phone: (904) 266-503 I Fa csimil e: (904) 266-422 0 Ema il : ba ldwinmayor ·@comcast.net BlANIIAM 6 AG ENDA IT EM: Sl JB MITfED BY: DATE: /\GENOA rn·:M # 8C NOVEMBf.R 12,20 13 AGENDA ITEM NO. ___ _ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ClTY CO MMISSION ME ETl NG STAFF REPORT DATE: Pu bl ic Hea rin g for UBEX-13-00 10007 1 Mic hael Griffin, CBO, CFM tl/,. Bui ld ing an d Zoni ng Di recto r . lf' Jeremy Hub sch.4),} RedevcJopm en ta-blz6ning Coo rdina to r Oc tober 18, 20 13 ------------------- STRATEGIC PLAN LINK : Goa l Numb e r 7, Mayport Corridor. This goal is Lo build , encourage, and suppo1t a vibra nt commercial co rridor and st ron g res id ential neighbo rh oods along Ma yport Road and adjoining neighborhoods. BACKGROUND: Requ est for a use-by-exc eption to all ow for the sa le of electric vehkles at a vacant site at lh c corner of Maypo rt Road and 9111 Street West. The property is zo ned Commercia l Genera l (CG). The applicants own a n elect ri c vehicle sa les bu s in ess th at is currently located i'llong Maypmt R oa d in Jacksonvi ll e. They claim to do about 90% of sa les onlin e and serve a customer base that is primarily ou tsid e of North Florida . The applican ts previ o usly ap pli ed a nd were approved for a u se-by-excepti on on a d1fferent piece of land th ey own, which is one block aw ay fi·om thi s proposed location. Aller the ir ori ginal use-by-excepti on was approved, th e ap pli cants changed th e ir mind an d dec id ed to open th e ir busi ness on a different pa rc e l they own. This requires th em to get a new use-by-excepti on. The new location fron ls Maypo1t Road , thus req ui ri ng the app licants to meet Co mme rcia l Corridor standards for the new building they intend lo construct. Adcli ti onally, lh cy will have to meet a ll other development Rta ndards required by city co des. Details of th e regu lations specifi c to the site are li sted in th e attach ed CDB s taff report. The Community Development Bo ard co nsidered this request alo ng wit h comments from staff and the a pp lica nt s at th e October 15'" mee tin g, and the Board recommended approval by a vote or 6-0, (jndin g the req ues t .i s co nsis ten t with the Comp rehens ive P lan as well as Section 24-63 an d Section 24-l ll(c) of th e Land Development Regulati o ns . BUDG ET: None. RECOMMENDATION: Motion Lo a pprove as recommended by the Community Developmtnl Board. ATTACHMENTS: Draft minut es of tl1 e October 15 , 20 13 Com munity D evelopment Board meet in g; copy of Commtmity Dcvclopm enl Board staff rep ort; co py o fUBEX-13-0 0 1 00071 appl ication . REVillWED BY ClTY MANA!~G.!!r'2£\R~: -=r~~!!!!l-.... ------------- Draft Minutes of th e October 15, 2013 regular meeting of the Community Development Bo(lrrl AGENDA ITEM II BC NOVEMBER 12,2013 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD October 15, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER.-6:00pm Ch air Brea Pau l verifi ed the presence of a quorum with th e attenda nce of Jason Burgess, l<elly Elm ore, J<irk Han se n, Patrick St ratton and Sylvia Simmons. The me eti ng was called to order at 6:00pm. Also present was Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator, Jeremy Hubsc h and Recording Secretary Jenny Walker. 2. ADOPTION OF MEETJNG MINUTES-August 20, 2013. Brea Paul ca ll ed for a motion to approve the minutes of the August 20, 2013 reg ular meeting. Jason Burgess moved that minutes be approved as written. Kelly Elmore seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of 6-0. 3. OLD BUSINESS. Non e. 1. NEW BUSINESS. A. UBEX-13-00100071, 57 W est gth Street. Public hearing-Request for use-by-exception as permitted by Section 24-lll(c)(G), to allow the sale of electric vehicles, including street legal golf carts, to be located on a property within the Commercial General (C G) zon ing district at 57 West 91h Street. Staff Repor·t Jeremy Hubsch, Redev elopm ent and Zoning Coordinator gave a presentation about Use By Exception 13-00100071. Mr. Hu bsch noted UBEX and ZVAR is for t h e same applicant. Initial r equ est was for a d iffer ent lot and now they have changed their mind and they would like to get the same UBEX and ZVAR for a lot on corn er of West g th St. and Mayport Rd. Thi s requires them to go through the entire process all over again. By r elocating t o this gth St. location this should alleviate some of th e traffic issues that we w e r e concerned with on the other l ot. Th e original site was bordering resid ential property, whereas this one will be bordering strictly commercia l properties. Th e deve l op m en t standards for this site are max bui l ding height of 35 feet, the setbacks are 20 feet on the front, 10 f eet on the side or the rear. They are required to do a land sca pe plan and a sign permit. And will have to meet the Commercial Corridor standards. It is an electrica l Page I of4 AGENDA ITEM# 8C NOVEMBER 12, 2013 Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2013 regular meeting of the Community Development Board Applicant Comment Public Comment Board Discussion Motion vehicle sales business. 90% of their sales are online. They have limited traffic and limited visitors based on the nature of their business. One of the decisions you will need to make is whether or not you will want to revoke the original UBEX if this one is approved, it could remain and they could potentially build on the other site in the future. The applicants also want to be able to display some of the electric cars along Mayport Road. The applicant, Ms. Jackrel, spoke stating their business has grown tremendously and they need a bigger building. She stated that they are good neighbors and keep their property's adequetely maintained. There is really no traffic flow with their type business. They only have 6 employees. They will be able to fit 2 more parking spaces on this new lot. They didn't want to display on 10th St because it isn't as lucrative a piece of property. If she is going on Mayport Road she doesn't want to be bound to not being able to put one or two carts displayed. It would be confined on their property and they would not have for sale signs on them, and be put away at night. Nothing else has changed except they will gain more space. No outside repairs. She asked that the board not take away the last UBEX. She cannot afford to build on that original property and this new lot at the same time. Eventually she would like to build a building on the original lot for storage with no foot traffic. No one from the public came forward to comment on the request. Jason Burgess began the discussion stating he thinks the business is great, but he just can't find an exception for the parking. Hansen stated he does see the parking exception based on the nature of the business being mostly internet they determined at the last meeting 4 to 1 that they didn't have to have the normal amount of parking spaces. Hansen also stated that the original UBEX expires 1 year after the date of approval. Mr. Elmore questioned if this UBEX in line with Mayport Overlay Corridor? Mr. Elmore also stated that we are issuing so many UBEX and Variances that we should either do away with the Mayport Overlay for aesthetics or should be taking these a bit more serious about what the aesthetics are going to be up and down Mayport Road. It was also discussed that outside display of merchandise is against our code so we cannot approve that. The outside display will be a Code Enforcement issue. Mr. Hansen moved that the Community Development Board Page 2 of4 Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2013 regular meeting of tbe Community Development Board AGENDA ITEM# 8C NOVEMBER 12, 2013 recommend approval of the Use-by-exception (Application UBEX- 13-00100071) to the City Commission, to allow the sale of electric vehicles, including street legal golf carts, to be located on a property within the Commercial General (CG) zoning district at 57 West gth Street. Mr. Kelly Elmore seconded the motion and it passed, unanimously 6-0. B. ZVAR-13-00100073, 57 West gth Street. Public Hearing-Request for variance from the provisions of Section 24-161(h)(3), to reduce the required number of off street parking spaces from 23 to 13 on a property zoned CG at 57 West gth Street. Staff Report Applicant Comment Public Comment Board Discussion Motion Mr. Hubsch stated that this business is unique whereas they are mostly an online business and won't have much retail business so they are requesting to reduce the parking spaces from 23 to 13. Ms. Jackrel states that they need the bigger building to be able to have a turning radius inside the building to move the electric vehicles around without having to take them outside. She stated that much of their building use is storage of the vehicles inside. No public comment. Board member Hansen stated we have approved this previously and that says why wouldn't we approve it this time? Mr. Elmore discussed justifying the reduction of parking spaces by stating that half of their commercial space is "Industrial Use" then there is a much lighter parking requirement. Mr. Hansen moved that the Community Development Board vote to approve ZVAR-13-00100073, request for variance from the provisions of Section 24-161(h)(3}, to reduce the required number of off street purking spuccs from 23 to 13 on a property zoned CG at 57 West gth Street. Mr. Elmore seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of 4-2. Brea Paul stated this is not addressing the outside display of vehicles, as it is not permitted by the code. Page 3 of4 Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2013 regular meeting of the Community Development Board 5. REPORTS. AGENDA ITEM# 8C NOVEMBER 12, 2013 A. Boats and Trailers. Michael Griffin states that the City Commission has requested that the Community Development Board discuss the current ordinance for Boats and Trailers and see if it needs to be amended, strengthened or lessened. He did some investigation of surrounding jurisdictions and discussed their setbacks for boats and trailers. It was determined Atlantic Beach has a less restrictive code than most adjacent cities and Counties. Mr. Griffin showed photos of existing boats and trailers and explained the setback requirements. Mr. Michael Hampton, 651 Begonia St, is an 18 foot boat owner that spoke stating that he has spent thousands of dollars to fix up his property. He cannot get his boat on either side of his property because his lot is too small. He states he has been cited with threatening letters for a $250. a day fine. He thinks the code is good to control eyesores but his boat is not an eyesore. He would have to remove a tree on his property in order for him to park his boat legally. The board informed him he could remove the tree legally as long as he is not building in that spot. He stated his lot is too small and the city right of way takes up most of his front yard. Mr. Paul Gunsaulies, 780 Begonia St., a camper owner spoke stating he believes the city should make some exceptions to residents on that side of Mayport Rd regarding storage of boats and trailers. He stated that the residents on his street spoke to the Commissioners and Carolyn Woods was outraged about one of the residents not being allowed to have their boat parked there. Jonathan Dougherty suggested possibly to change the code to 15 feet off of the property line to 15 feet off of the street for setbacks. The board discussed revisions to the cities' boat and trailer ordinance and decided to table this item until the next meeting. The board would like to get the number of boat, trailer and recreation vehicle violations from Code Enforcement to discuss at the next meeting. The board would also like additional samples of the violations, and a map showing the setbacks in Atlantic Beach be provided at the next meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT-: 7:41PM Brea Paul, Chair Attest Page4 of4 AGENDA ITEM CASE NO LOCATION APPLICANT DATE STAFF' STAFF COMMENTS e . ' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT 4A UBEX-13 -00100071 AGENDA I TEM II 8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 Request for use-by-exception to allow for the sa le of electric vehicles in a new building within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District 57 9 '1'11 STREET WEST TED AND DEBRA JACRREL OCTOBER 5, 2 0 13 JEREMY HUBSCH, REDEVELOPMENT AND ZONING COORDINATOR This Use-by-Exception is requested to allow for the sale of e lectric vehicles at a vacant site on 9th Street West, which is at the comer of Mayport Road a nd 9th Street West. The applica n ts currently operate an electr ic vehicle sales business called Moto Electric Vehicles at 2426 Mayport Road in Jacksonville. The applicants r ece ntly had a Use-By- F:xception approved at a property o n 1Qth Street West for the same use they a re currently requesting. They have s ince decided that they would lil<e to open a large r facility and arc seeking to open at the proposed s ite instead of the original 10th Street s ite. However, th ey would lik e to retain the ir existing Use-By-Exce ption at th e 101" Str eet property if th ey ever decide to expand their business. The proposed location at Mayport an d 9th Street appears to be a more appropriate location than the previously appr oved 10th Street site. Some r esid e nts voiced concerns abou t t raffic impacts that the business would bring to their neighborhood. 10th Street West is a r e latively heavily traveled road, as it is the first left turn you can make from the Mayport fl yover. The ingress/egress for the proposed location at 9th Str eet is closer to Mayport Road and is a less h eavily traveled road than 1 0th Street. .Additi ona lly, the s ite at 10th S treet directly borders a Hab itat for Huma nity resid enti.a l project. Th e proposed site at 9111 Street does no t border any residential. The applicants stated in t h e a pplication pacl<age that the activili es on site will be contained to the inside of the building and tha t a la r ge majority of sales come fro m on lin e business. This differs from the majority of automotive sales in the area which typically have inventory on display outside. Additionally, the products that the applicant sell s appear to be of a higher quality and cost than the typical used ca r bus in ess a lo ng Mayport Road. Therefore, this p roposed li Se does not ap pear to be compa r able or similar to other automotive sales busin esses along the Mayport Road corridor. If this proposed use was more similar to the existing used car dealers along Mayport Road, staff would emph atica lly recommend d enial. However, g iv en the uniqueness of the proposed busin ess and the fact that there will be no outdoor sales; staff believes the proposed use is wo r th consideration. Comprehensive Plan AGENDA ITEM# 8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 Policy A.1.10.5 of the Comprehensive Plan states, "Along the Mayport Road corridor. the continuation and proliferation of light industrial uses. automotive sales and repair businesses and other more intensive commercial business activities shall be discouraged in favor of those businesses and uses that provide neighborhood serving retail products and services that generate daily activity and interaction between residents of the surrounding neighborhoods". The proposed business sells products that can be highly desirable to residents of Atlantic Beach. In a relatively densely populated area, with a wide geographic range of community assets such as Beaches Town Center, the marsh, and the beach; an electric golf cart or low speed electric vehicle may be preferable to biking or the automobile. Staff believes this is particularly likely for the elderly residents of Fleet Landing, the golf club residents of Selva Marina, or residents of the many beachside or marshside communities throughout Atlantic Beach. Policy A.1.14.1 of the Comprehensive Plan states, "The city shall maintain an energy efficient land use pattern and shall continue to promote the use of transit and alternative methods of transportation that decrease reliance on the automobile". Electric vehicles are energy efficient and better for the environment than those that use gas. Low speed electric vehicles and electric golf carts are also commonly used as alternative forms of transportation in an array of communities across the nation. One noteworthy example is The Villages in central Florida, where golf carts are the preferred method of transportation throughout the community and its commercial centers. Policy A.1.10.4 of the Comprehensive Plan states that, "retail and service uses that sustain neighborhoods. and encourage a more aesthetically pleasing and pedestrian friendly environment shall be encouraged". As previously stated, the proposed use promotes a more pedestrian friendly environment that is less reliant on the automobile. Additionally, the applicants are proposing a pedestrian friendly building design that locates the building close to the street, has perimeter landscaping, and visually screens the parking area from Mayport Road. Development Standards If the use-by exception is approved, the proposed site plan will undergo an additional review from staff in regards to compliance with the Atlantic Beach Land Development Regulations. The proposed site is located less than 100 feet from the right-of-way of Mayport Road, and therefore will have to meet the commercial corridor development standards outlined in LDR section 24-171. Below are development standards that will need to be met by the applicants: o Maximum building height of 35' • Impervious Surface Ratio (ISR) of 70% • Front setback of 20' or 10' if parking is on the side or rear of building, rear setback of 10', side yard setback of 10' where adjacent to residential. Otherwise a combined 15 total feet with five feet minimum on either side. • Per 24-161.b.4, no sales or business activity can occur within parking areas. • Per 24-161.k.2, all new development requires bicycle parking. • Commercial corridor development standards per 24-171. This includes a section that says no metal clad, corrugated metal, plywood, or exposed concrete block are allowed as exterior finish materials. • A sign permit will be required. The site is allowed 1 square foot of display area for each linear foot of frontage, provided no such sign shall exceed 96 square feet or 8 feet in height, and 12 feet in width. 1 free standing sign for every 100' of frontage, up to 3 total signs. • A landscape plan is required. 10% of vehicular use area shall be landscaped; if storing vehicles for sale, at least 5% must be landscaped; a landscape area of not less than 10 square feet for each linear foot of street frontage, 50% of which shall be at least a five foot wiue strip abutting the street right ofvvay (except driveways), the remaining area shall be within 25' of the right of way; a durable opaque landscape screen along at least 75% of the street frontage, excluding driveways, must be 3' high for shrubs. Page 2 of 5 Subject Si te and Surrounding Prop e rties Fi gure 1. 58 10th Stre et Wes t a nd su rrounding p roperties (Goog ie M aps) Figure 2. 58 10 th Str ee t Wes t looking east Figure 3 . 58 10th Street W est looking west Page 3 of5 t\GENDt\ ITEM# 8C NOVE MBER 12,20 13 SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL AGENDA ITEM# 8C NOVEMBER 12, 2013 The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of a requested Use-by-Exception (File No. UBEX 13-00100071) to allow for the sale of electric vehicles for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 57 9th Street West provided: 1. Approval ofthis Use-by-Exception is consistentwith the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 3. The requested use is consistent with Section 24-111 (c) in that the proposed use is found to be consistent with the uses permitted in the CG zoning districts with respect to intensity of use, traffic impacts and compatibility with existing commercial uses and any nearby residential uses. 4. The requested use is consistent with the intended redevelopment of the Mayport Road corridor. If the Community Development Board does agree to recommend approval, staff suggests that the following conditions be placed on the approval: 1. No outside sales or outside placement of merchandise shall be allowed. 2. All of the development standards listed in this staff report and in the Land Development Regulations shall be incorporated into the design at construction plan approval. Page 4 of 5 SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND DENIAL AGENDA ITEM# SC NOVEMBER 12, 2013 The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend denial to the City Commission of a requested Use-by-Exception to allow for the sale of electric vehicles for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 57 West 91h Street provided: 1. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is not consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is not in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 3. The requested use is not consistent with Section 24-lll(c) in that the proposed use is found to be inconsistent with the uses pennitted in the CG zoning districts with respect to intensity of use, traffic impacts and compatibility with existing commercial uses and any nearby residential uses. 4. The requested use is inconsistent with the intended redevelopment of the Mayport Road conidor. Page 5 of 5 APPLICATION FORA USE-BY-EXCEPTION City of Atlantic Beach · 800 Seminole Road • Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904) 247-5826 · FAX (904) 247-5845 · http:f/www.coab.us AGENDA ITEM# 8C NOVEMBER 12, 2013 Date __ q-'--·-_l-=(o=----·l_'?> ____ File No .. __________ Receipt _________ _ 1. Aw~mrsName~~~~~~~±~.~~~~~~~~~~~e~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Applicant'sAddress \ c3'4-o1-Little:-·l+t·rb:r C+. J (:t'J-, A-'3 22..2..,- 3. Property Location S+ Ldt§f q=+FI L)~t-{\;\(\ cvnh G I.EcH I r L- 4. PropertyAppraiser'sRealEstateNumber l10ltl 1l10l1.) BlockNo. L/Q LotNo. l-:.J 5. Current Zoning Classification .. -... "/ 11 a/13 no "'q u. . . «._~ o. Comprehens1\le Plan Future Land Use designatiOn ______ _ 7. Requested Use-by-Exception A1 rtr.wpt1ue Sc\ c \ . i-bo\ _ 0"'1 F\-I'L l;c.1-1 9. Utility Provider ,8..,~.:'-M.!!.J."'-"~-"' ::_,:r.._ep.~---------- 10. Statement of facts and special reasons for the requested Use-by-Exception, which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-63 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Attach as Exhibit A. (The attached guide may be used if desired. Please address each item, as appropriate to this request.) 11. Provide all of the following information. (All information must be provided before an application is scheduled for any public hearing.) a. Site Flan showing the location of all structures, temporary and permanent, including setbacks, building height, number of stories and square footage, impervious surface area, and existing and/or proposed driveways. Identify any existing structures and uses. b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner, a letter of authorization from the owner(s) for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. c. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.) d. Required number of copies. (I'wo (2) copies of all documents that are not larger than 11 x 17 inches in size. If plans or photographs, or color attachments are submitted, please provide eight (8) copies of these.) e. Application Fee ($250.00) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH TillS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s) or authorized pe1·son if owner's authorization form is attached: Pdnt•do' typ•dnom•(•)' ~cl~/ __L~~ Signature(s): ___ ___,r;;;&_....::..--"----------------f-~--..1'~::::__:::::::_:.=+-\--------- ADDRESS AND CONTACT IN}\OR}'1ATION OF ~ERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS APPLICATION Name:_j)_(~~~-~·~~~~~·-~~[~·~, ~~~-~-~----,_ __________ ~~~-------- Mailin; ~ddress: I ~ ~-·. L -r:.r _1-3 2-z...<-..j Phon•\lj~l-J-Sf?.\' {/oj)J)l ;7Ju'2 E-moil' Qurf,i·Qi,~;?@ mtodunnj,l' ,(' EXHIBIT A AGENDA ITEM# 8C NOVEMBER 12, 2013 The review of an application for a Use-by-Exception shall consider the following items. Please address each of the following as applicable to your specific application. 1. Ingress and egress to property and proposed Structures thereon with particular reference to vehicular and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of fire or catastrophe. ""T"hc---e ...Sbq\ b{~M ()i:> -dt::V\t)dbq IC) (ejc;y-Js. -{?} es-e·~..l 2. 3. 4. Refuse, trash collection and service areas, with particular reference to items (1) and (2) above; h.~D a_d oe·-s-1'0-~'P c. c:\-, 5. Utilities, with reference to locations\ availability and compatibility; 1--..\ o t(d 0e -~_, fY"P 6 cJ- 6. If adjacent uses are different types of uses, describe type of screening and buffering that will be provided bet~een y~ur use and the adj_acent use. Fen<.,_c:.. c:\rc~ ·d-~ C'-LI :::,ts' --tldjci < eor-- l>Se-r~ki> Cinny~-n al - 7. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effects and compatibility and hmmony with properties in the District; (See Signs and Advertising, Chapter 17 .) _<;. ·' ('cc· ·- a.pp.rv-e,O. 8. Required Yards and other Open Space. Show building setbacks and areas of open space on site plan. 9. General compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the surrounding Zoning District as well as consiste?cy with applicable provision~ of the Comprehensive Plan. A-\\ C"-G~j CtCetl \ e--ope r-n -c > C.JC./ yl.(.e d d,S; Other information you may wish to provide: ---------------------- Debra and Ted Jackrel 13707 Little Harbor Ct. Jacksonville; FL 32225 (904) 221-7888 ourfamily2@mindspring.com Mr. Jeremy Hubsch, Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5817 jhubsG.b@coab. us Property Location: 57 West 91h Street Atlantic Bch, FL Corner Mayport Road and W glh Street (4) Lots: 170771-0000 thru 170774-0000 September 23, 2013 Dear Mr. Hubsch: AGENDA ITEM# 8C NOVEMBER 12, 2013 Please submit the following statement of facts and special reasons for the requested USE-BY- EXCEPTION 1) Existing (4) lots had already been approved, back in approximately, 1998, as a parking lot, for our auto dealership. This property has been used for this purpose, consistently, up to and including the date of this letter. 2) As per your research, in order to improve upon this property location, the prior approvals cannot be grandfathered if any improvements to the property take place; therefore requiring another use-by exception application. 3) We would like to build a building on the existing (4) lots as per the rendering sketch attached. Please be advised that this property will be used by our business: Moto Electric Vehicles, as has already been approved for the West 1oth Street lots. We are seeking approval to change the location from our West 1oth Street lots to these West glh Street lots, for the immediate construction of our new facility. Reasons: a) Originally, this property had a "potential" buyer, as we were attempting to sell this property. This deal has now fallen through, and thus is causing us hardship to retain this comer lot with no lease or sale in the near future. This is the major reason for the re-application to the West 91h Street property b) Basically the same neighborhood, so locals should not be upset with the change of location c) Building size can be increased by-200 square feet d) Additional two parking spots will be created e) External Display area will now be usable f) Loading dock will not affect the incoming traffic off Mayport Road, as W9th Street does not have the break in the middle divider g) Adjoining properties are both commercial, as are Surrounding properties, across the street, which will make the neighborhood more user friendly. h) Entrance and Exits from the property will be on W 9th Street Please grant us the use-by exception so that we may commence final building plans and construction, and not delay the process. Thank you for expediting the scheduling for the next' approval meeting. 8~- Debra Jackrel w z :::; 1::: 'o "" I it " 0 "' ::0 0.. :s 0:: 195'-0" t. SIDE PROPERTY UN_E _______ _ l RETENTION SWALE ~--------------~~=----- I I t I I 4 588 SF TOTAL 'KARDSCAPE 130'-0" NEW 9,195 SF METAL BUILDING 9TH STREET WEST 9TH STREET OPTION SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN ~ @ SCALE: 1••1a-<t AGENDA ITEM# I !A NOVEMBER 12,2013 RESOLUTION NO. 13-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, HONORING MAYOR LOUIS "MIKE" BORNO, JR. FOR IDS DISTINGUISHED PUBLIC SERVICE WHEREAS, Mike Borno has served the citizens of Atlantic Beach as an elected official for a total of 14 years and 7 months, which he served with distinction accomplishing many strategic priorities; and WHEREAS, Mike Borno represented the citizens of Atlantic Beach in a forthright, honest and objective manner; and WHEREAS, for the past 13 years, Mike Borno has been one of the most actively involved members of the Northeast Florida League of Cities, which consists of 34 cities in the northeast area. He served with distinction as the Regional Director for six years and as President for the past two years; and WHEREAS, Mike Borno attended six Annual Legislative Conferences, several Legislative Action Days and numerous meetings in Tallahassee as requested by the Florida League of Cities to speak with our legislators on important issues affecting our City such as Home Rule and pension reform; and WHEREAS, the City Commission recognizes what a valuable and important contribution Mike Borno has made as a member of the City Commission and as a citizen of Atlantic Beach. With his help and guidance, the citizens of Atlantic Beach have benefited greatly from the numerous projects and list of accomplishments that were completed during his tenure. These projects include the opening of Dutton Island Preserve for public use, construction of the Oceanside Rotary Skate Park, completion of the Hopkins Creek drainage project, implementation of the revitalization project for Mayport Road/AlA Commercial Corridor, the creation of the River Branch Preserve, completion of the wastewater treatment system expansion and consolidation and dedication ofthe Beaches Veterans Memorial Park; and WHEREAS, Mike Borno gave most generously of his time, talents, and energy to preserve the character and quality of life in Atlantic Beach for the benefit of all the citizens and the influence that he had upon the development in this City and the gracious residential atmosphere its citizens enjoy is apparent to all. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, hereby expresses its deep appreciation for the dedicated service and contributions of Mike Borno and on behalf of the citizens of Atlantic Beach extend heartfelt gratitude and best wishes for continued success and happiness in the future. ADOPTED by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, this 12th day ofNovember 2013. Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tern Carolyn Woods, Commissioner Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner AGENDA ITEM# 12A NOVEMBER 12,2013 RESOLUTION NO. 13-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, HONORING MAYOR LOUIS "MIKE" BORNO, JR. FOR IDS DISTINGUISHED PUBLIC SERVICE WHEREAS, Mike Borno has served the citizens of Atlantic Beach as an elected official for a total of 14 years and 7 months, which he served with distinction accomplishing many strategic priorities; and WHEREAS, Mike Borno represented the citizens of Atlantic Beach in a forthright, honest and objective manner; and WHEREAS, for the past 13 years, Mike Borno has been one of the most actively involved members of the Northeast Florida League of Cities, which consists of 34 cities in the northeast area. He served with distinction as the Regional Director for six years and as President for the past two years; and WHEREAS, Mike Borno attended six Annual Legislative Conferences, several Legislative Action Days and numerous meetings in Tallahassee as requested by the Florida League of Cities to speak with our legislators on important issues affecting our City such as Home Rule and pension reform; and WHEREAS, the City Commission recognizes what a valuable and important contribution Mike Borno has made as a member of the City Commission and as a citizen of Atlantic Beach. With his help and guidance, the citizens of Atlantic Beach have benefited greatly from the numerous projects and list of accomplishments that were completed during his tenure. These projects include; the opening of Dutton Island Preserve for public use, construction of the Oceanside Rotary Skate Park, completion of the Hopkins Creek drainage project, implementation of the revitalization project for Mayport Road/AlA Commercial Corridor, the creation of the River Branch Preserve, completion of the wastewater treatment system expansion and consolidation and dedication of the Beaches Veterans Memorial Park; and WHEREAS, Mike Borno gave most generously of his time, talents, and energy to preserve the character and quality of life in Atlantic Beach for the benefit of all the citizens and the influence that he had upon the development in this City and the gracious residential atmosphere its citizens enjoy is apparent to all. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, hereby expresses its deep appreciation for the dedicated service and contributions of Mike Bortw and on behalf of the citizens of Atlantic Beach extend hem1felt gratitude and best wishes for continued success and happiness in the future. ADOPTED by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, this 121h day of November 2013. Carolyn Woods, Mayor Maria Mark, Mayor Pro Tern Jonathan Daugherty, Commissioner Mark Beckenbach, Commissioner Jimmy Hill, Commissioner RESOLUTION NO. 13-16 AGENDA ITEM# 13A NOVEMBER 12,2013 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, IMPOSING A MORATORIUM ON THE ENFORCEMENT AGAINST STORING AND PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Sec. 24-163(b)(2) of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances restricts the parking and storage of recreational vehicles, boats or boat trailers, or other type of trailer, so that they can be parked or stored no closer than 15 feet fi:om the fi:ont lot line and must be parked generally perpendicular to the front property line, and WHEREAS, the City Commission is waiting for a recommendation from the Community Development Board on this issue, and the Community Development Board has had discussion thereon, and will continue to have discussion and then make recommendations to the City Commission, and WHEREAS, until a recommendation is received from the Community Development Board and any decision going forward is made by the City Commission, it is in the best interests of the City of Atlantic Beach and its residents and property owners to temporarily impose a moratorium on the enforcement of storing or parking recreational vehicles as set fmth in Sec. 24-163(b)(2) of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach as follows: SECTION 1. A moratorium is hereby imposed on the enforcement against storing and parking of recreational vehicles as set fmth in Sec. 24-163(b )(2) of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. A copy of Section 24-163 of the Code is attached hereto. SECTION 2. This moratorium shall continue in effect until December 10, 2013, at which time it shall expire, unless it is extended by the City Commission upon a dete1mination that the public need for such moratorium continues to exist. SECTION 3. The City shall take whatever fmther action may be necessary in order to implement the te1ms hereof. SECTION 4. This moratorium shall not apply to any other provisions or restrictions contained in Sec. 24-163 of the Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. PASSED by the City Commission this __ day ofNovember, 2013. ATTEST: Donna L. Bartle, City Clerk Approved as to fmm and conectness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney Resolution No. 13-16 Louis "Mike" Borno, Jr., Mayor AGENDA ITEM# 13A NOVEMBER 12,2013 Page 2 of2 Advanced Disposal November 4, 2013 Mr. Rick Carper Public Works Director City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Ln. Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 AGENDA ITEM# 14 NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RE: Agreement Between the City of Atlantic Beach and Advanced Disposal Services Jacksonville, LLC for Solid Waste, Yard Waste and Recycling Collection and Disposal Services Dear Mr. Carper, On May 31, 2007 Advanced Disposal Services entered into the above referenced Agreement for a seven (7) year term until May 31, 2014. As discussed, Advanced Disposal would agree to extend the agreement for an additional three (3) month period. After such time the agreement would then extend for one (1} month on a month to month basis. Any modification to the extension agreement must be made ninety (90) days prior to the date to be modified. This letter is to agree to the terms listed above upon council approval. Sincerely, Chris Hagan Municipal Marketing and Governmental Affairs Cc: Jim Hanson 7580 Philips Highway • Jacksonville, FL 32256 tel (907) 731·3440 • fax (904) 731-7094 • www.AdvancedDisposal.com Printed on recycled paper. Please recycle. t! AGENDA ITEM# lSE NOVEMBER 12,2013 The City is collaborating with other regional groups that are working toward a scenic destination for A-1-A through NE Florida Coastal Cities, has committed to improving all pedestrian and bicycle routes throughout the City and has pledged to improve the Commercial Corridors of Atlantic Blvd. and Mayport Rd. which are controlled by the State D.O.T. To this end we need to send a letter of commitment to the D.O.T. seeking their support and asking for all available funding, design, construction and project management they have available. Below is a partial list of programs offered by the D.O.T. the City may be eligible to participate in. Transportation Enhancement Program Eligible Activities The following 12 activities are eligible for funding under the Transportation Enhancement Program. Selecting any of the activities will provide a brief description of the activity. A more complete description and project requirements are provided on the Enhancement Project Requirements page. For each of these enhancement activities, one or more of the following categories of work may be considered for funding: planning efforts, project development and environmental studies, design work, right-of-way acquisition, construction operations, and construction engineering and inspection services. Activities Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles This category includes providing bicycle and pedestrian features that are not included or required as part of routine transportation projects. This may include activities that enhance the transportation system through more aesthetic routing or design, construction of facilities where none currently exist, or by improving existing facilities to make them more usable for bicyclists and pedestrians. Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians and bicyclists This includes non-construction safety-related activities and the reasonable costs to provide safety and educational activities such as bicycle and pedestrian safety training, cost of facilitators and classes. It may also include related training materials such as brochures, videotapes, other training aids, as well as rent for leased space and limited staff salaries. Scenic or Historic Highway Programs {including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities) This category covers protection and enhancement of state or federally designated scenic or historic highways. Funds may be used for projects that will protect and enhance the scenic, historic, cultural, natural, and archaeological integrity and visitor appreciation of an existing highway and adjacent area, including welcome centers. Landscaping and Other Scenic Beautification This category includes landscape and street-scape planning, design, and construction projects AGENDA ITEM# 15E NOVEMB ER 12,2013 which e nhance the aesthetic or ecological resources a long transportation corridors, points of access, and lands qualifying for other categories of transportation enhancement activit ies. http://www.dot.s tate .fl .us/emo/enhance/e ligibl el.shtm CITY OF ATLANTJC BEACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233 TELEPHONE (904) 247-5800 Ji'AX : (904) 247-5845 November 12,20 13 Jordan Green and Ken Cheek FDOT District 2 Dear Sirs: 1\GEND/\ ITEM II 15E NOVEMnER 12,20 13 The City of Atlantic Beach would like to formally request to be put in the Flodda Department of Transpm1ation's District 2 Work Plan for improvements to Atlantic Beach 's business corridors of Mayport Road and Atlantic Bou levard. Having met with FDOT staff, we fee l that we have viable projects that wi ll both improve the aesthetics of these roads and also contribute to Economic Development in our community. Mayport Road is a vita l link between Naval Station Mayport and Jacksonville's beach communities. Nava l Station Mayport is the 3'11 largest naval fleet concentration in the US, and the 2"11 largest on the East Coast. Atlantic Bou levard is a gateway corridor fi·om Atlantic Beach to both Jacksonv ill e Beach and the C ity of Jacksonville. Atlantic Beach is a highly desirab le place to live, work, and pl ay. As such, there are many opportunities to attract new businesses and residents to the area, and also to improve the quality of life of existing residents. We believe that improvements to Mayport Road and Atlantic iloulevard will greatly enhance these opponunities. Projects we are interested in are : • Streetscape projects such as: decorative pavers, special l ighting, gateway signage, landscaping • Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard F lyover: murals, mosaics, uplighting, painting, landscaping • Bike/Ped improvements, which we will coordinate with the North F lorida TPO We ask that you please consider us for these projects for your work p lan over the next few years. We wi ll happi ly assist FDOT with cost estimates, priotitizing funding for specific projects, or whatever we can help with. Sincerely , List of Ongoing and Budgeted ~rojects Project IXe&"ponslble Individual A. Strategic Goals 1. Tipping Fees 2. Golf Course >Completion/ approval of • :~ j. Hanson, Jensen agreements with ABCC Hanson > Construction of reuse facilities Kaluzniak > Adoption of reus_e rates ' Hanson .•··. 4. Police Building Classey, Hanson 6. Marsh Master Plan >Construct overlooks on Dutton, W. 6th Stand new kayak launch Outton Isle ... · c;arper· >Construct 1st phase of ped · ' ., path at Tldevlews Carper >Design, permitting and ROW for entire ped path Carper > Possible moving ahead of ped path construction If grants available? Carper 7. Mayport corridor/ Marsh Oaks neighborhoods Griffin/ Hubsch 8. Parks planning (Master Plan) Carper 9. New sidewalks (Sturtevant St.) Carper 11. Tree Ordinance modifications 12. Incentives for economic Griffin development Griffin 13. Go paperless (tablet computers for commissioners) Randich 14. Stormwater Master Plan Projects >Salt Air Swale Reconstruction >Seminole Rd Reconst. 15. Identifying Boundaries Carpsr Carper Carper AGENDA ITEM# 15B NOVEMBER 12,2013 September 30,2013 Estimated Time for Completion *1 Notes Considerable 20 hrs. 520 hrs. 20 hrs. Considerable .. --20 hrs. Considerable Unknown 2040 hrs. Considerable Minor Unknown ?40 hrs. 20 hrs. Co_nsldera bJe Considerable 20 hrs .. Includes Strategic Goals_not already completed. Project has already been ongoing for almost three years. Additional time above what already_dolie 20 hrs. est. Depends on Commission's Decisions ;-,, Possibly deferred because grand funding not received for FV 14 D.epends on changes made 16. Town Center Parking Not Assigned 17. Green Space Survey Not Assigned B. Other Projects Health Insurance Renewal Hanson 10 hrs. Rose Park Construction Carper 40 hrs. Upgrades to Enterprise Software Randich 1000 hrs. Expansion of Kennel Classey 60 hrs. East Coast Dr. Drainage and Streetscape Improvements · Carper 40hrs Bull Park Gazebo Strategic Planning Hanson, Dept. Heads 100 hrs. Hanson, Vanliere, Budget Preparation FY 15 Departments 1000 hrs. Seminole Rd. Streetscape Proj Carper significant Fountain Addition; Mayport Carper 10 hrs. Russell Tennis Court Reconst. Carper 10 hrs. Veterans Park Projects carper Roberts St. Ditch carper Unknown Resurfacing City Streets Carper 20 hrs. CDBG Project FY 14 Carper 40 hrs. Water Line Replacements; Wonderwood & Mayport Landing Kaluznial< 100 hrs. Rehab Elevated Storage Tank WP#2 Kaiuzniak · 30 hrs. Rehab Ground Storage Tank WP#2 Kaluzniak 30 hrs. Donner Subdivision Sewer Rehab. Kaluznfal< 40 hrs. Saturuba Dr./ Sea Oats Sewer Rehab. Kaluznial< 50 hrs. Water Main Replacements; Pine and Wonderwood l<aluzniak 50 hrs. Replace Outfall Pipes l<aluzniak 100 hrs. Water Supply Planning/Utility Group/ Rule Monitoring Kaluzniak 60 hrs. *1 Hours estimated for top staff only; not for all staff involved. AGENDA ITEM# 15B NOVEMBER 12, 2013 HR Director position vacant Construction In progress Hour est. for Hanson/ Vanliere alone not counting Dept. heads Nothing scheduled now. Depends on BVMP funding.