Amended Agenda Item 15E AGENDA ITEM# 15E
NOVEMBER 12,2013
The City is collaborating with other regional groups that are working toward a
scenic destination for A-1-A through NE Florida Coastal Cities, has committed
to improving all pedestrian and bicycle routes throughout the City and has
pledged to improve the Commercial Corridors of Atlantic Blvd. and Mayport
Rd. which are controlled by the State D.O.T. To this end we need to send a
letter of commitment to the D.O.T. seeking their support and asking for all
available funding, design, construction and project management they have
Below is a partial list of programs offered by the D.O.T. the City may be
eligible to participate in.
Transportation Enhancement Program
Eligible Activities
The following 12 activities are eligible for funding under the Transportation Enhancement
Program. Selecting any of the activities will provide a brief description of the activity. A more
complete description and project requirements are provided on the Enhancement Project
Requirements page.
For each of these enhancement activities, one or more of the following categories of work may
be considered for funding: planning efforts, project development and environmental studies,
design work, right-of-way acquisition, construction operations, and construction engineering and
inspection services.
Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles
This category includes providing bicycle and pedestrian features that are not included or
required as part of routine transportation projects. This may include activities that enhance the
transportation system through more aesthetic routing or design, construction of facilities where
none currently exist, or by improving existing facilities to make them more usable for bicyclists
and pedestrians.
Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians and bicyclists
This includes non-construction safety-related activities and the reasonable costs to provide
safety and educational activities such as bicycle and pedestrian safety training, cost of
facilitators and classes. It may also include related training materials such as brochures,
videotapes, other training aids, as well as rent for leased space and limited staff salaries.
Scenic or Historic Highway Programs (including the provision of tourist and welcome
center facilities)
This category covers protection and enhancement of state or federally designated scenic or
historic highways. Funds may be used for projects that will protect and enhance the scenic,
historic, cultural, natural, and archaeological integrity and visitor appreciation of an existing
highway and adjacent area, including welcome centers.
Landscaping and Other Scenic Beautification
This category includes landscape and street-scape planning, design, and construction projects
NOVEMBER 12,2013
which enhance the aesthetic or ecological resources along transportation corridors, points of
access, and lands qualifying for other categories of transportation enhancement activities. ..shtm
NOVEMBER 12,2013
TELEPHONE(904) 247-5800 Y'
FAX: (904)247-5845
November 12, 2013
Jordan Green and Ken Cheek
FDOT District 2
Dear Sirs:
The City of Atlantic Beach would like to formally request to be put in the Florida Department of
Transportation's District 2 Work Plan for improvements to Atlantic Beach's business corridors
of Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard. Having met with FDOT staff, we fee] that we have
viable projects that will both improve the aesthetics of these roads and also contribute to
Economic Development in our community. Mayport Road is a vital link between Naval Station
Mayport and Jacksonville's beach communities. Naval Station Mayport is the 3rd largest naval
fleet concentration in the US, and the 2"d largest on the East Coast. Atlantic Boulevard is a
gateway corridor from Atlantic Beach to both Jacksonville Beach and the City of Jacksonville.
Atlantic Beach is a highly desirable place to live, work, and play. As such, there are many
opportunities to attract new businesses and residents to the area, and also to improve the quality
of life of existing residents. We believe that improvements to Mayport Road and Atlantic
Boulevard will greatly enhance these opportunities.
Projects we are interested in are:
• Strcetscape projects such as: decorative pavers, special lighting, gateway signage,
• Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard Flyover: murals, mosaics, uplighting, painting,
• Bike/Ped improvements, which we will coordinate with the North Florida TPO
We ask that you please consider us for these projects for your work plan over the next few years.
We will happily assist FDOT with cost estimates, prioritizing funding for specific projects, or
whatever we can help with.