Amended Agenda Item 8C AGENDA 11kM II RC NOVEMBER 12,2013 AGENDA ITEM NO, DATE: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing for UBEX-l3-00100071 SUBMTrrED BY: Michael Griffin,C130, CFM Building and Zoning Director Jeremy Hubsch Redevelopment a d Zoning Coordinator DATE: October 18, 2013 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: Goal Number 7,Mayport Corridor.This goal is to build,encourage,and support a vibrant commercial corridor and strong residential neighborhoods along Mayport Road and adjoining neighborhoods. BACKGROUND: Request for a use-by-exception to allow for the sale of electric vehicles at a vacant site at the corner of Mayport Road and 96 Street West.The property is zoned Commercial General (CO). The applicants own an electric vehicle sales business that is currently located along Mayport Road in Jacksonville. They claim to do about 90% of sales online and serve a customer base that is primarily outside of North Florida. The applicants previously applied and were approved for a use-by-exception on a different piece of land they own,which is one block away from this proposed location. After their original use-by-exception was approved, the applicants changed their mind and decided to open their business on a different parcel they own. This requires them to get a new use-by-exception.The new location fronts Mayport Road,thus requiring the applicants to meet Commercial Corridor standards for the new building they intend to construct. Additionally,they will have to meet all other development standards required by city codes.Details of the regulations specific to the site are listed in the attached CDB staff report. The Community Development Board considered this request along with comments from staff and the applicants at the October 15a meeting,and the Board recommended approval by a vote of 6-0, finding the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan as well as Section 24-63 and Section 24-111(c) of the Land Development Regulations. BUDGET: None. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve as recommended by the Community Development Board. ATTACHMENTS: Draft minutes of the October 15, 2013 Community Development Board meeting;copy of Community Development Board staff report; copy of LTBEX-13-00100071 application. REVIEWED BY CITY MAIN-11 : AGENDA ITEM#BC Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2013 regular meeting of the Community Development Board NOVEMBER 12,2013 ` i7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD October 15,2013 1, CALL TO ORDER.-6:00 pm Chair Brea Paul verified the presence of a quorum with the attendance of Jason Burgess, Kelly Elmore, Kirk Hansen, Patrick Stratton and Sylvia Simmons. The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm. Also present was Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator, Jeremy Hubsch and Recording Secretary Jenny Walker.. 2. ADOPTION OF MEETING MINUTES-August 20,2013. Brea Paul called for a motion to approve the minutes of the August 20, 2013 regular meeting. Jason Burgess moved that minutes be approved as written. Kelly Elmore seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of 6-0. 3. OLD BUSINESS.None. 4. NEW BUSINESS. A. UBEX-13-00100071, 57 West 9th Street. Public hearing- Request for use-by-exception as permitted by Section 24-111(c)(6), to allow the sale of electric vehicles,including street legal golf carts, to be located on a property within the Commercial General (CG)zoning district at 57 West 9th Street. Staff Jeremy Hubsch, Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator gave a Report presentation about Use By Exception 13-00100071. Mr. Hubsch noted UBEX and ZVAR is for the same applicant. Initial request was for a different lot and now they have changed their mind and they would like to get the same UBEX and ZVAR for a lot on corner of West 9th St. and Mayport Rd. This requires them to go through the entire process all over again. By relocating to this 9th St. location this should alleviate some of the traffic issues that we were concerned with on the other lot. The original site was bordering residential property, whereas this one will be bordering strictly commercial properties. The development standards for this site are max building height of 35 feet, the setbacks are 20 feet on the front, 10 feet on the side or the rear. They are required to do a landscape plan and a sign permit. And will have to meet the Commercial Corridor standards. It is an electrical Page 1 of4 AGENDA ITEM#8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2013 regular meeting of the Community Development Board vehicle sales business. 90% of their sales are online. They have limited traffic and limited visitors based on the nature of their business. One of the decisions you will need to make is whether or not you will want to revoke the original UBEX if this one is approved, it could remain and they could potentially build on the other site in the future. The applicants also want to be able to display some of the electric cars along Mayport Road. Applicant The applicant, Ms. Jackrel, spoke stating their business has grown Comment tremendously and they need a bigger building. She stated that they are good neighbors and keep their property's adequetely maintained. There is really no traffic flow with their type business. They only have 6 employees. They will be able to fit 2 more parking spaces on this new lot. They didn't want to display on 10th St because it isn't as lucrative a piece of property. If she is going on Mayport Road she doesn't want to be bound to not being able to put one or two carts displayed. It would be confined on their property and they would not have for sale signs on them, and be put away at night. Nothing else has changed except they will gain more space. No outside repairs. She asked that the board not take away the last UBEX. She cannot afford to build on that original property and this new lot at the same time Eventually she would like to build a building on the original lot for storage with no foot traffic. Public No one from the public came forward to comment on the request. Comment Board Jason Burgess began the discussion stating he thinks the business is Discussion great, but he just can't find an exception for the parking. Hansen stated he does see the parking exception based on the nature of the business being mostly Internet they determined at the last meeting 4 to 1 that they didn't have to have the normal amount of parking spaces. Hansen also stated that the original UBEX expires 1 year after the date of approval. Mr. Elmore questioned if this UBEX in line with Mayport Overlay Corridor? Mr. Elmore also stated that we are issuing so many UBEX and Variances that we should either do away with the Mayport Overlay for aesthetics or should be taking these a bit more serious about what the aesthetics are going to be up and down Mayport Road. It was also discussed that outside display of merchandise is against our code so we cannot approve that. The outside display will be a Code Enforcement issue. Motion Mr. Hansen moved that the Community Development Board Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2013 regular meeting of the Community Development Board recommend approval of the Use-by-exception (Application UBEX- 13-00100071)to the City Commission, to allow the sale of electric vehicles, including street legal golf carts, to be located on a property within the Commercial General (CG) zoning district at 57 West 9th Street. Mr. Kelly Elmore seconded the motion and it passed, unanimously 6-0. B. ZVAR-13-00100073, 57 West 9th Street. Public Hearing—Request for variance from the provisions of Section 24-161(h)(3),to reduce the required number of off street parking spaces from 23 to 13 on a property zoned CG at 57 West 9th Street. Staff Mr. Hubsch stated that this business is unique whereas they are Report mostly an online business and won't have much retail business so they are requesting to reduce the parking spaces from 23 to 13. Applicant Ms.Jackrel states that they need the bigger building to be able to Comment have a turning radius inside the building to move the electric vehicles around without having to take them outside. She stated that much of their building use is storage of the vehicles inside. Public_ No public comment. Comment Board Board member Hansen stated we have approved this previously Discussion and that says why wouldn't we approve it this time? Mr. Elmore discussed justifying the reduction of parking spaces by stating that half of their commercial space is "Industrial Use" then there is a much lighter parking requirement. Motion Mr. Hansen moved that the Community Development Board vote to approve ZVAR-13-00100073, request for variance from the provisions of Section 24-161(h)(3), to reduce the required number of off street parking spaces from 23 to 13 on a property zoned CG at 57 West 9th Street. Mr. Elmore seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of 4-2. Brea Paul stated this is not addressing the outside display of vehicles, as it is not permitted by the code. Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM#8C Draft Minutes of the October 15, 2013 regular meeting of the Community Development Board NOVEMBER 12,2013 5. REPORTS. A. Boats and Trailers. Michael Griffin states that the City Commission has requested that the Community Development Board discuss the current ordinance for Boats and Trailers and see if it needs to be amended, strengthened or lessened. He did some investigation of surrounding jurisdictions and discussed their setbacks for boats and trailers. It was determined Atlantic Beach has a less restrictive code than most adjacent cities and Counties. Mr. Griffin showed photos of existing boats and trailers and explained the setback requirements. Mr. Michael Hampton, 651 Begonia St, is an 18 foot boat owner that spoke stating that he has spent thousands of dollars to fix up his property. He cannot get his boat on either side of his property because his lot is too small. He states he has been cited with threatening letters for a $250. a day fine. He thinks the code is good to control eyesores but his boat is not an eyesore. He would have to remove a tree on his property in order for him to park his boat legally. The board informed him he could remove the tree legally as long as he is not building in that spot. He stated his lot is too small and the city right of way takes up most of his front yard. Mr. Paul Gunsaulies, 780 Begonia St., a camper owner spoke stating he believes the city should make some exceptions to residents on that side of Mayport Rd regarding storage of boats and trailers. He stated that the residents on his street spoke to the Commissioners and Carolyn Woods was outraged about one of the residents not being allowed to have their boat parked there. Jonathan Dougherty suggested possibly to change the code to 15 feet off of the property line to 15 feet off of the street for setbacks. The board discussed revisions to the cities' boat and trailer ordinance and decided to table this item until the next meeting. The board would like to get the number of boat, trailer and recreation vehicle violations from Code Enforcement to discuss at the next meeting. The board would also like additional samples of the violations, and a map showing the setbacks in Atlantic Beach be provided at the next meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT- : 7:41 PM Brea Paul, Chair Attest Page 4 of 4 - AGENDA ITEM it C NOVEMBER 12,2013 Y dd . 5 y- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM 4A CASE NO UBEX-13-00100071 Request for use-by-exception to allow for the sale of electric vehicles in a new building within the Commercial General(CG)Zoning District LOCATION 57 9Th STREET WEST APPLICANT TED AND DEBRA JACKREL DATE OCTOBER 5, 2013 STAFF JEREMY HUBSCH, REDEVELOPMENT AND ZONING COORDINATOR STAFF COMMENTS This Use-by-Exception is requested to allow for the sale of electric vehicles at a vacant site on 9t,Street West,which is at the corner of Mayport Road and 9th Street West. The applicants currently operate an electric vehicle sales business called Moto Electric Vehicles at 2426 Mayport Road in Jacksonville,The applicants recently had a Use-By- Exception approved at a property on 10th Street West for the same use they are currently requesting.They have since decided that they would like to open a larger facility and are seeking to open at the proposed site instead of the original 10th Street site.However,they would like to retain their existing Use-By-Exception at the 10th Street property if they ever decide to expand their business. The proposed location at Mayport and 9th Street appears to be a more appropriate location than the previously approved 10th Street site,Some residents voiced concerns about traffic impacts that the business would bring to their neighborhood, 10th Street West is a relatively heavily traveled road,as it is the first left turn you can make from the Mayport flyover.The ingress/egress for the proposed location at 9th Street is closer to Mayport Road and is a less heavily traveled road than 10th Street.Additionally,the site at 10th Street directly borders a Habitat for Humanity residential project.The proposed site at 9th Street does not border any residential. The applicants stated in the application package that the activities on site will be contained to the inside of the building and that a large majority of sales come from online business.This differs from the majority of automotive sales in the area which typically have inventory on display outside. Additionally,the products that the applicant sells appear to be of a higher quality and cost than the typical used car business along Mayport Road.Therefore, this proposed use does not appear to be comparable or similar to other automotive sales businesses along the Mayport Road corridor. If this proposed use was more similar to the existing used car dealers along Mayport Road,staff would emphatically recommend denial.However,given the uniqueness of the proposed business and the fact that there will be no outdoor sales;staff believes the proposed use is worth consideration. AGENDA ITEM#8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 Comprehensive Plan Policy A.1.10.5 of the Comprehensive Plan states, "Along the Mayport Road corridor, the continuation and proliferation of light industrial uses, automotive sales and repair businesses and other more intensive commercial business activities shall be discouraged in favor of those businesses and uses that provide neighborhood serving retail products and services that generate daily activity and interaction between residents of the surrounding neighborhoods".The proposed business sells products that can be highly desirable to residents of Atlantic Beach. In a relatively densely populated area, with a wide geographic range of community assets such as Beaches Town Center,the marsh, and the beach; an electric golf cart or low speed electric vehicle may be preferable to biking or the automobile. Staff believes this is particularly likely for the elderly residents of Fleet Landing, the golf club residents of Selva Marina, or residents of the many beachside or marshside communities throughout Atlantic Beach. Policy A.1.14.1 of the Comprehensive Plan states, "The city shall maintain an energy efficient land use pattern and shall continue to promote the use of transit and alternative methods of transportation that decrease reliance on the automobile". Electric vehicles are energy efficient and better for the environment than those that use gas. Low speed electric vehicles and electric golf carts are also commonly used as alternative forms of transportation in an array of communities across the nation.One noteworthy example is The Villages in central Florida,where golf carts are the preferred method of transportation throughout the community and its commercial centers. Policy A.1.10.4 of the Comprehensive Plan states that, "retail and service uses that sustain neighborhoods, and encourage a more aesthetically pleasing and pedestrian friendly environment shall be encouraged".As previously stated, the proposed use promotes a more pedestrian friendly environment that is less reliant on the automobile. Additionally, the applicants are proposing a pedestrian friendly building design that locates the building close to the street,has perimeter landscaping,and visually screens the parking area from Mayport Road. Development Standards If the use-by exception is approved,the proposed site plan will undergo an additional review from staff in regards to compliance with the Atlantic Beach Land Development Regulations. The proposed site is located less than 100 feet from the right-of-way of Mayport Road,and therefore will have to meet the commercial corridor development standards outlined in LDR section 24-171. Below are development standards that will need to be met by the applicants: • Maximum building height of 35' • Impervious Surface Ratio (ISR) of 70% • Front setback of 20'or 10'if parking is on the side or rear of building,rear setback of 10',side yard setback of 10'where adjacent to residential.Otherwise a combined 15 total feet with five feet minimum on either side. • Per 24-161,b.4,no sales or business activity can occur within parking areas. • Per 24-161.k.2,all new development requires bicycle parking. • Commercial corridor development standards per 24-171.This includes a section that says no metal clad, corrugated metal,plywood, or exposed concrete block are allowed as exterior finish materials. • A sign permit will be required.The site is allowed 1 square foot of display area for each linear foot of frontage,provided no such sign shall exceed 96 square feet or 8 feet in height,and 12 feet in width. 1 free standing sign for every 100' of frontage,up to 3 total signs. • A landscape plan is required. 10% of vehicular use area shall be landscaped; if storing vehicles for sale,at least 5%must be landscaped; a landscape area of not less than 10 square feet for each linear foot of street frontage,50% of which shall be at least a five font wide strip abutting the street right of way (except driveways),the remaining area shall be within 25' of the right of way; a durable opaque landscape screen along at least 75% of the street frontage,excluding driveways,must be 3'high for shrubs. Page 2 of 5 AGENDA ITEM#8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 • Subject Site and Surrounding Properties ,, 4 ' 41"/x — #-t� r. • I:' IIIL � Wf f t J-'s l J X7.47 �r71 S'r ) / e i, ',.y ' f � ff.'s .}'- t`.III r��J} f i y I tom, / . tf. iw # -e1 -- 'J .:ii4ji.. 1�i -_ �/ d A / / ,`ei ? 't iii:',''- 1 I • V 4. r, / 5!r: ° v �i'�i'4� 1.. W�"•,-.irk �4. r a - V p le:, 71 y yr� 1 - ' ' " i ei,a i 'rte'.` !, I /��x ff i / i/ /(j;� . .i • . 1 +. _mot_. r } ..,ate `, a l s./F•i Figure 1.58 10rh Street West anti surrounding properties(Google Maps) _ r ° }, Y'f14" y a, a t I r et'4'' r s I ' ` t t" F ` Iii .4.,ar r , '±j4`V� i + r i 'A 's r h r 1 __ . 1 k '°f t' F fi r t' ' 71 i { (( , ,yru — . — I I' icd Figure 2.58 1011i Street West looking east Figure 3.58 10'1i Street West looking west Page 3 of 5 AGENDA ITEM#8C NOVEMBER I2,20I3 SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend approval to the City Commission of a requested Use-by-Exception (File No.UBEX 13-00100071) to allow for the sale of electric vehicles for property within the Commercial General (CG) Zoning District and located at 57 9th Street West provided: 1. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is consistentwiththe intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 3. The requested use is consistent with Section 24-111(c) in that the proposed use is found to be consistent with the uses permitted in the CG zoning districts with respect to intensity of use, traffic impacts and compatibility with existing commercial uses and any nearby residential uses. 4. The requested use is consistent with the intended redevelopment of the Mayport Road corridor. If the Community Development Board does agree to recommend approval, staff suggests that the following conditions be placed on the approval: 1. No outside sales or outside placement of merchandise shall be allowed. 2. All of the development standards listed in this staff report and in the Land Development Regulations shall be incorporated into the design at construction plan approval. Page 4 of 5 AGENDA ITEM#8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 SUGGESTED ACTION TO RECOMMEND DENIAL The Community Development Board may consider a motion to recommend denial to the City Commission of a requested Use-by-Exception to allow for the sale of electric vehicles for property within the Commercial General(CG)Zoning District and located at 57 West 9th Street provided: 1. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is not consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Approval of this Use-by-Exception is not in compliance with the requirements of Section 24-63, Zoning, Subdivision and Land Development Regulations. 3. The requested use is not consistent with Section 24-111(c) in that the proposed use is found to be inconsistent with the uses permitted in the CG zoning districts with respect to intensity of use, traffic impacts and compatibility with existing commercial uses and any nearby residential uses. 4. The requested use is inconsistent with the intended redevelopment of the Mayport Road corridor. Page 5 of 5 AGENDA ITEM#8C • NOVEMBER 12,2013 jt \,'i .. .aAgp,Sl .^+;ae;=�.:.:'1,;ail.:.�•f 1 .lR aY.zyzs �r 0 APPLICATION FOR A USE-BY-EXCEPTION City of Atlantic Beach • 800 Seminole Road .Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 Phone: (904)247-5826 • FAX (904)247-5845 • http://www.coab.us Date q- U 2 1 -3 File No. Receipt 1. Applicant's Name b l a. e.11 r 2. Applicant's Address i 3 t0 I—ct is 1+4.r u+J . j A"I-, FL 3 X 2,25 3. Property Location 5 T Wes-r- ci 4h S t- Gvl G SCH.,rG_ 4. Property Appraiser's Real Estate Number 1 101 1( 110110. Block No. t'R 0 Lot No. 1 I10- 3 ) 11Oi11 5. Current Zoning Classification LCe Compre ensi a Plan Future Land Use designation 7. Requested Use-by-Exception !1l 711.x,-t1•uti Lie -S d e\ I S 1 1_C-i 3 = SOn1Z� 1i` Ci'►n MI,ecta 8. Size of Parcel 14-4-7, < toy ,s-i Lr,-i. 4 = Slid 2v 9.Utility Provider iil rc.ti+i,ri::Ten 10. Statement of facts and special reasons for the requested Use-by-Exception, which demonstrates compliance with Section 24-63 of the City of Atlantic Beach Code of Ordinances, Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. Attach as Exhibit A. (The attached guide may be used if desired. Please address each item,as appropriate to this request.) 11. Provide all of the following information. (All information must be provided before an application is scheduled for any public hearing.) a. Site Plan showing the location of all structures,temporary and permanent,including setbacks,building height, number of stories and square footage, impervious surface area, and existing and/or proposed driveways. Identify any existing structures and uses. b. Proof of ownership (deed or certificate by lawyer or abstract company or title company that verifies record owner as above). If the applicant is not the owner,a letter of authorization from the owner(s)for applicant to represent the owner for all purposes related to this application must be provided. e. Survey and legal description of property sought to be rezoned. (Attach as Exhibit B.) d. Required number of copies.(Two (2)copies of all documents that are not larger than 11 x 17 inches in size. If plans or photographs,or color attachments are submitted,please provide eight(8)copies of these.) e. Application Fee($250.00) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED WITH THIS APPLICATION IS CORRECT: Signature of owner(s)or authorized person if owner's authorization form is attached: Printed or typed name(s):..1 ? r.,. a _ -'e-I =�C��`fit` �� Signature(s): IP ADDRESS AND CONTACT 1NFORMATION OF PERSON TO RECEIVE ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THIS s APPLICATION Na me: e 196 (t L!l,2 ) � Mailin Address: {,:;I"L L -} t-(-- Jo( 147_, 3 Zz2-3 Phone CAI 'i 1 ---Mg FAX' l c f �. a E-mail: I r i if) a I • 6) AGENDA ITEM#8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 EXHIBIT A The review of an application for a Use-by-Exception shall consider the following items. Please address each of the following as applicable to your specific application. 1. Ingress and egress to property and proposed Structures thereon with particular reference to vehicular and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control and access in case of fire or catastrophe. i ce' 1-1cI‘ n° -cWV res to eCjcss 2. Parking and Loading Spaces, where required, with particular attention to the items in (1) above. PtIr-h-la Cln�' a _Mi _ 4tl ._ rte[:'1 , • ,C ''..her- £3L)nCr r,:l. bG.4 Ll+S∎�rrr r fG �C�ies, ar''d br) IA ) 3. The potential for any adverse impacts to adjoining properties and properties generally in the area resulting from excessive noise, glare and lighting, odor, traffic and similar characteristics of the Use-by-Exception being requested. -T her c, i..0•.11 be 's— ors+Q 4. Refuse, trash collection and service areas,with particular reference to items(1)and(2)above; Nitt> Ce-t1 lk i�4-■Q 6 5. Utilities,with reference to locations availability and compatibility; c..l K._61 -st, 1Y6 c 6. If adjacent uses are different types of uses, describe type of screening and buffering that will be provided beI1t(ween your use and the adjacent use. EenC.-- C-'\re d�•c 1 ,'L 5t- - acts e; c er r 7. Signs, if any, and proposed exterior lighting,with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effects and compatibility and harmony with properties in the District; (See Signs and Advertising,Chapter 17.) .C[0 nd.c.�r;C 1'�� t U +'1 .�t� - 1 cnt,d V, Cp n L i t 511-0N j a-PPre-Vej 8. Required Yards and other Open Space. Show building setbacks and areas of open space on site plan. 9. General compatibility with adjacent properties and other property in the surrounding Zoning District as well as consistency with applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan. X411 C-Cc1_.\acenr p—Z.rect-i C S CL fr., ),C^Prtnr!rt ,L Other information you may wish to provide: AGENDA ITEM#8C NOVEMBER 12,2013 Debra and Ted.Jackrel 13707 Little Harbor Ct. Jacksonville, FL 32225 (904) 221-7888 ourfamily2 @mindspring.com Mr. Jeremy Hubsch, Redevelopment and Zoning Coordinator City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 (904) 247-5817 ihubsch(@,coab.us Property Location: 57 West 9th Street Atlantic Bch, FL Corner Mayport Road and W 9th Street (4) Lots: 170771-0000 thru 170774-0000 September 23, 2013 Dear Mr. Hubsch: Please submit the following statement of facts and special reasons for the requested USE- BY- EXCEPTION 1) Existing (4) lots had already been approved, back in approximately, 1998, as a parking lot, for our auto dealership. This property has been used for this purpose, consistently, up to and including the date of this letter. 2) As per your research, in order to improve upon this property location, the prior approvals cannot be grandfathered if any improvements to the property take place; therefore requiring another use-by exception application. 3) We would like to build a building on the existing (4) lots as per the rendering sketch attached. Please be advised that this property will be used by our business: Moto Electric Vehicles, as has already been approved for the West 10th Street lots.We are seeking approval to change the location from our West 10th Street lots to these West 9th Street lots, for the immediate construction of our new facility. Reasons: a) Originally, this property had a"potential" buyer, as we were attempting to sell this property. This deal has now fallen through, and thus is causing us hardship to retain this corner lot with no lease or sale in the near future.This is the major reason for the re-application to the West 9th Street property b) Basically the same neighborhood, so locals should not be upset with the change of location c) Building size can be increased by— 200 square feet d)Additional two parking spots will be created e) External Display area will now be usable f) Loading dock will not affect the incoming traffic off Mayport Road, as W9th Street does not have the break in the middle divider g) Adjoining properties are both commercial, as are Surrounding properties, across the street, which will make the neighborhood more user friendly. h) Entrance and Exits from the property will be on W 9th Street Please grant us the use- by exception so that we may commence final building plans and construction, and not delay the process. Thank you for expediting the scheduling for the next approval meeting. Best Reg rds, Debra Jackrel 1 1 I 2 1 nZI7 I 4 I 5 JASON CANNING Z. .o.Rw.+...a.tiw 1sbm 1,tM.IM=17 195-0" 1_ r .14s ,R.rt,.a.. D / j RETENTION SWALE^--.-\\ SIDE PROPERTY UNE ° PRDJECr ppcHrtecT N. _�__��_-- ` _ .may �w50N T.UNM.G IS Zi rLCnm\uRru[Mi✓mv.o a. 4. 1 I G I NEW 9,195 SF o METAL BUILDING ■ 0 z_ J / / 130'-O" 35.-0^ E 20'-0" C O j / f• PpoJPCT YEAM re N o 110'_0^ c ° CC I a 2 �1 �I r a�clu -. 5. D. I O CC I I a v 0 10' DOOR 10' DOOR Q I rnmnM4+ePn 4.588 SF TOTAL HARDSCAPE II '--/^^ ,` i 11 J J ivy\i--i LOADING I , �� 13 SPACES �I--' h %-u' I 1 _1 PLATFORM b 23 REQUIRED „ ,...„.7.4 ,∎∎ ° ileardlibl .- B r. ISSUE SIDE PROPERTY UNE D `t' CO \ —\\- 1)SEPT]BiJ SD 5 G S \ \ 9 9T• STREET WEST • - w Z IS 40=° 01- Y0 �m wr W �2 S iO __ 9TH STREET OPTION ” A ®®SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN WDIAI7 nI A z� m 2 v SCALE17.1D. FT/ r") D 5• 1D 2E' PROJECT NO:1324 DRAWN BY: .170 CHECKED By:JLC sneers% z A1.2 <I- z 1 I 2 I 1 I ,SHEET ! l'MM� 5 �T1 1--I N4 N O OD W C7