Police Employee Pension Board Minutes 04-11-2013CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH PENSION FUND POLICE EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD MEETING MEETING MINUTES April 11, 2013 1. The City of Atlantic Beach Police Employees' Pension Board meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. The members in attendance were trustees: New member David Cameron as a police member selection, John Wolfel and Harry McNally. Vic Gualillo and William Tomson were absent. Nelson Van Liere, Pension Plan Administrator; & Michael O'Shields, Senior Vice President & Institutional Consultant, Morgan Stanley was also in attendance. The board introduced and welcomed David Cameron to the Board. 2. Approval of the minutes from the Police Employee Retirement System March 14, 2013 meeting. Motion to approve was made by Harry McNally and seconded by David Cameron. The vote was unanimous to approve. 3.Michael O'Shields of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney led a discussion about the performance of the investments since the last meeting in March. Considering the equity markets were still elevated in an overvalued position, Michael suggested that the Police Board of trustees sell one of the mutual funds that has a high concentration of Government bonds, (McDonald Investment Management Government / Credit Fund ), and purchase a fund with corporate notes, ( Sage Intermediate Corporate Only Fund) for better dividends and potential market appreciation. In conjunction with this trade, Michael was instructed to also move from cash enough funds added to Sage to put the fixed income allocation to 50% of the portfolio. Harry McNally made the motion, seconded by David Cameron and unanimously approved. The General Employees made a motion to move 1,000,000 form cash and into Sage Intermediate Corporate Only Fund. The criteria to re- invest those funds into equities have not been met. Alan Gleit made the motion and Dennis Roberts seconded it. The motion passed unanimously Investment Results POLICE October 1 through March 31, 2013 Michael O'Shields discussed the Investment Summary provided indicated an increase in the fund of $180,379 and 2.6% return through March 2013. 4. No new business. 5. Adjournment — the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM. Vic Gualillo Harry cNally Chair Secretary T