City Commission Members present:
Mayor Carolyn Woods
Mayor Pro Tern Maria Mark
Commissioner Mark Beckenbach
Commissioner Jimmy Hill
Staff present:
Jim Hanson, City Manager
Alan Jensen, City Attorney
Donna Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary
Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty
The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing the agenda items for the Commission
Meeting of December 9, 2013, was called to order at 9:20 p.m. by Mayor Woods.
1. A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of November 12, 2013.
B. Approve the minutes of the Commission Workshop of October 21, 2013.
C. Approve the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of October 28, 2013.
D. Approve the minutes of the Commission Workshop of October 28, 2013.
There was no discussion on this item.
2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors
Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. No one from the audience spoke so
she closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings
A. City Manager's Follow-up Report.
City Manager Hanson reported on the Salt Air drainage project, stating a survey was sent to the
219 residents affected by this project and 105 were returned. He stated they took out three
blocks which were not affected and should not have had the survey sent and of the resulting
owners and residents who returned the survey 56 or 80% supported the project and 14 or 20%
were opposed. He stated the tabulation was attached to the agenda. He stated unless otherwise
instructed by the Commission staff will proceed with the design and bidding on this project and
bring it back to the Commission when they are ready to ask for an approval of a contractor. Mr.
Hanson answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued.
4. Consent Agenda
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A. Acknowledge receipt of the Building Department Monthly Activity Report, List
of New Business Taxes and Utility Sales Report for October.
B. Extend the Utility Contractor contract for one additional year to Gruhn May, Inc.
at the current contract prices, effective January 11, 2013.
C. Award the construction contract to F & G Construction for $39,848.00 to
complete the Tideviews ADA Trail using the funds in account 320-6040-572-
6300 to fully fund the project and authorize staff to sign associated paperwork.
D. Award the annual contract for Welding Troubleshooting and Repair to
Hutchinson Welding& Repair, LLC at the prices submitted in Bid No. 1314-01.
E. Award the contract for beach cleaning services to Beachcombers North, Inc. (Bid
No. 1213-13) in the amount of$32,916.00 for one year, from November 1, 2013
through October 31, 2014, and authorize City Manager to sign the new contract.
F. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Radio Services Agreement between the
City of Atlantic Beach and the City of Jacksonville.
Mayor Woods read the Consent Agenda.
Commissioner Hill asked to discuss Item E, stating he did some research on beach raking and
there is clear evidence that raking increases, by a measurable percentage, the erosion in almost
every study he looked at. He asked why are we raking our beach if it is eroding our beach and
then paying to dredge them. He stated he wants to remove raking from the contract. He stated
he has no trouble with the provider but we have asked them to do something that he believes is a
mistake for several reasons. Mr. Hanson stated the Public Works Director is on vacation but will
have more information at the next meeting.
Commissioner Beckenbach questioned the cost of the towers in the Radio Services Agreement.
Mr. Hanson clarified his concern about the cost.
Mayor Woods stated she also researched the beach raking and there seems to be a lot of benefits
for our bird and turtle life to not rake and if they have consensus they could look into taking that
out of the contract. Further discussion about beach raking ensued.
5. Committee Reports
6. Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution No. 13-19
B. Resolution No. 13-20
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C. Resolution No. 13-17
D. Resolution No. 13-18
Mayor Woods stated she would have discussion on all the Resolutions at the same time. She
stated she understands people wanting an answer and wanting to see a smoking gun and a real
reason. She gave her background of involvement with the City. She stated she has worked with
these gentlemen for a long time and has seen them at their jobs, they have seen her at her job,
and they have had some political differences. She stated the past two elections have definitely
been about administrative changes and the people who were proponents of administrative
changes have won these elections. She stated she is not going to get into specifics but could
probably go on for 5-6 hours for different reasons why she believes these are positive changes.
She stated she is not going to do that; it is without cause for a reason. She stated it is a courtesy,
for one so that people's reputations and names don't get drug through the mud and also the other
issue of opening the City up for liability because of things that were said or not said. She stated
there have been a lot of accusations that this is a personal vendetta; it is not at all a personal
vendetta. She stated she believes there is someone with a personal vendetta against her and she
believes they have all seen those emails that go around and around, but that is not what this is.
Commissioner Hill stated, after listening to the comments, it is his job to ingest himself as deep
as possible into every issue and try to understand every issue completely. He stated he is not
new here, he didn't just get here, he didn't come here on a train this week; he has been here 30
years and understands the issue as well as anyone in the room. He stated he understands there
are very good points on both sides of the issue and any decision made will not be about a
personal vendetta if he has anything to do with it and anything that is done will only be in the
best interest of the citizens of Atlantic Beach as a whole for the longest period of time and the
most citizens. He stated he made a point to run his campaign on changing the direction, not the
long-term direction but the short-term direction we have been in as a City. He stated he did not
run on changing personnel but that is a possibility that has to be looked at and to open up a big
conversation about cause will shut doors that puts the citizens of Atlantic Beach financially liable
for that action. He stated he has heard a lot of people talking about the silence and a lack of
information; it is a procedural reality and every lawyer in this room needs to realize that the
procedural side of it is why the silence has been there and much less to do with the personal
vendetta, in his case. He stated he doesn't know or will he ever speak to another
Commissioner's thoughts but in his case there is not any personal vendetta at all, it is what is
ultimately best for the citizens. He stated whatever happens will be well researched and well
thought out.
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Commissioner Mark stated she has a couple of issues related to these resolutions. She stated we
have a fellow Commissioner who is not here tonight to discuss something as serious as
terminating two of our key City personnel and believes it was disrespectful and dismissive for
our Mayor-Commissioner to not defer these items until he was able to be here in person,
listening to the comments, facing the community and citizens here. She stated the second issue
she wanted to bring up was how these resolutions came about and are being proposed. She
stated it is no secret that Mayor-Commissioner Woods has wanted to terminate these two
gentlemen and she wanted to make it clear that when she ran two years ago and was elected she
did not run on changing any personnel. She stated changing status quo for her was changing the
elected officials. She stated the elected officials are the ones who have the power and make the
decisions and policy and then they have the administration to carry it out. She stated if the
administration is not carrying it out the way they believe they should be, then there is time for
change. She stated to just terminate two key City people with where we are as a City and where
we are going in the next several months, we could be opening ourselves up for a lot of liability.
She stated we have a major project that we are now under contract to finish by a certain deadline,
which is a key project that the City Manager will be heavily involved in. She stated we have the
tipping fee issue, the Interlocal Agreement and other things coming up that we are going to have
to negotiate with Jacksonville if we want to see it come to pass. She stated who better to
negotiate that for the City than the attorney who has been here for 25 years. She stated a law
firm out of Orange Park really makes her nervous. She stated the other piece to this is how our
Mayor-Commissioner has already drafted resolutions naming an interim City Manager with a
10% raise and this firm from Orange Park without even letting the Commission vet this. She
stated she has serious concerns about how those conversations took place, when they took place,
and who else was there when they took place. She stated we are talking about Sunshine,
transparency and she doesn't want to sound like she is putting a negative spin on this but when
she saw those resolutions she was shocked. Mayor Woods stated, you can't be shocked.
Commissioner Mark stated she wasn't shocked at the termination resolutions; she was shocked at
the appointment that she was already presenting to the Commission for discussion when they
haven't even discussed the terminations yet. Mayor Woods stated she wouldn't expect that they
would come into a meeting and have a vote to replace a City Manager or City Attorney without
an option for a replacement. She stated they are interim replacements and it is up to the
Commission to discuss and decide. She stated if they don't like these interim replacements, offer
up some others. Commissioner Mark asked what do we do in the meantime, if they don't like
the interim replacements but have voted and the vote goes her way and they are terminated, then
what. Mayor Woods stated they are here to discuss it right now and asked if she would like to
offer some other options. Commissioner Mark stated, without Commissioner Daugherty here,
she believes that is highly inappropriate and believes it is being very disrespectful to him sitting
on the dais. She stated we all sit there as equals; no one sits there with any more authority than
anyone else. Commissioner Mark stated she would like to defer this until there is a full
Commission here to take part in this conversation. Mayor Woods stated they can't vote on
anything like that tonight.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated he had said before he was not interested in chaos. He stated
he didn't believe the citizens would really appreciate it if we didn't have something that was
really concrete they could look at and say that will work or not work. He stated he doesn't know
why Commissioner Mark would think that the Mayor would not at least bring something to the
floor. Commissioner Mark stated she did not recall at that discussion that there was any
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discussion as far as who Mayor Woods was thinking of bringing in to name as an interim or to
name as a law firm to give us legal advice. She stated, in fact, at that workshop she was very
elusive by not being specific at that time what she had in mind and then we get the resolutions
via email last week. She asked if Commissioner Beckenbach knew that Mayor Woods had
already decided on suggesting an interim City Manager. Commissioner Beckenbach stated no he
had no idea until he got that sheet. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Hill stated he did not take the proposal as anything in stone; there were parts of it
that would absolutely not get a vote from him and there were parts he would like to discuss and
research and he was assuming this was just a part of the process and just a starting point but if it
is not it will struggle. He stated to carry some of those things forward he would like to have that
conversation with a full Commission, which would be at the next meeting. He stated for
procedural reasons they kind of lay out the basics here and do the meat and potatoes during the
full seating of the Commission. He stated he doesn't want to offer a bunch of solutions without
the fifth person. Mayor Woods stated the purpose of the workshop is to discuss what is here so if
there are some changes they can make those changes for the next meeting. She stated
Commissioner Daugherty can be here and be in on that discussion as well as Commissioner
Mark and everyone else and he can hear and see everything we are saying to give him a heads up
so he won't have missed the conversation. She stated she is hesitant to let this just drag out and
be a big drain on the community so if there are things they want to discuss about this she is
happy to discuss them at the workshop. Commissioner Hill stated he understands and he does
not want to try to rework it tonight without the fifth here.
City Manager Jim Hanson stated he has probably worked closer with Alan Jensen than anyone
here and for quite a number of years and he has given very good advice to the City for a long
time and has kept us out of a lot of lawsuits. He stated for those few we have gotten into, we
usually won. He stated he believes a lot of that is due to Mr. Jensen's judgment and he respects
him greatly for his commitment to the City. He further thanked friends and supporters who
spoke tonight, stating he is deeply honored by a number of the things that have been said and to
all those people who showed, he says to them it has meant a lot more to him than they can
realize. He stated the job does have its rewards and one of the biggest is for his wife and him to
have had the ability to work and live in Atlantic Beach which is truly a great community, one
component of which is geography. He stated there are a lot of other good cities up and down the
coast of Florida that don't have it nearly as well as we do here. He stated it is more than
geography and believes local government does have an important role to play in how good a
community it is that we live in. He stated the City is in good financial shape, the service levels
are great, the stormwater system works and there are a lot of other great things to say. He stated
he wished he could sit here and claim that he had done all of those but he has not. He stated
being the City Manager is in a way like being a quarterback of a football team. He stated it takes
a team to get something done and if the quarterback is the only player you send out on the field
you aren't going to score many points or win many games and will probably get carried off in a
stretcher. He stated you have to do better than that. He stated it has been his great fortune to
have worked with some excellent people over the years, starting with elected officials. He stated
there have been quite a number of elected officials he has been proud to work with who have had
the greatest integrity and their real bottom line in making decisions has been what they really
think is best for the community long-term. He stated we also have an excellent staff. He stated
he is here tonight to tell the Commission he is ready, willing and able to continue as their City
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Manager for as long as they would like to keep him. He stated he fully understands and commits
to fully supporting every elected official with his best possible efforts, which is no more or no
less than he has offered every City Commissioner since he has been here. He stated he and his
wife hope to continue to live and work in this City and to retire in this community. He stated the
decision on who they want as their City Manager is for the Commission to make and whatever
decision they make he will respect and wish them the greatest of success.
City Attorney Alan Jensen also expressed his thanks and gratitude to the people who came and
spoke for him tonight. He stated the highest recognition you can have in any profession is from
your peers and he is grateful for that and thanked everyone who spoke in that regard. He stated
he and Mr. Hanson do work a lot together and have a very good working relationship. He stated
he depends a lot on his insight on things and they communicate very well. He stated his job is to
protect the City of Atlantic Beach and he has never done anything up here personal to anyone.
He stated when he has done things in the past they have been at the request of this City
Commission and the City and he would like to continue doing that. He stated we do have some
serious issues facing the City right now. He stated he was involved when the first Interlocal
Agreement was done and filed a lawsuit in the early `90s that resulted in the second Interlocal
Agreement when Lyman Fletcher was Mayor. He stated the effort he has put into representing
the City is not limited to these meetings. He stated it is a privilege and an honor to represent the
City and he does that to the best of his ability. He stated if they make a change, it is the
Commission's decision. He stated he is ready, willing and able to continue to be their City
Attorney and whatever their decision is he will support it wholeheartedly because it is in the best
interest of the City for him to do that.
Mayor Woods stated they will carry the discussion forward to the next meeting.
Item 10A was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time.
10A. Human Rights Ordinance.
Commissioner Mark stated she would like to present at the December 9 meeting a discussion to
move forward on looking at enacting the ordinance. She stated there are some major steps
beyond that once they get Commission consensus to move forward. She stated she could ask for
that now or when they have full Commission so Commissioner Daugherty will have a chance to
watch the video and get the information to make his decision to agree or not. She stated if the
Commission is prepared to discuss that, she is open for that discussion.
Commissioner Hill stated there is a massive enforcement issue that has to be addressed before
they can enact an ordinance because it has to be enforceable. Commissioner Mark agreed stating
that is going to entail a lot of work on its own and before they engage on that task, she wants to
get consensus from the Commission that they do want to move forward in finally approving an
HRO. Mayor Woods stated there are a lot of important questions that need to be answered, the
language they have right now is nowhere near final. She stated what they will be voting on
December 9 is whether they want to move forward in getting some of those questions answered
and to try to start to develop an ordinance. Commissioner Mark stated, knowing that, depending
on how those next steps go it may be that they can't pass it because of some issue that may come
up. Commissioner Hill stated 80% of the people spoke on protecting mostly juveniles but the
ordinance specifically excludes those under 18. He stated he believes they need to look for more
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generic language that will not exclude a specific group that they haven't found yet and has not
been identified in their proposed ordinance. He further stated an entity that didn't pass the
ordinance shouldn't enforce our ordinance.
Commissioner Mark stated she and City Attorney Jensen have had numerous conversations and
he has been in contact with representatives of the coalition who are also lawyer heavy to talk
specifically about enforcement and how they can do that without it being a burden on the City
and without the City having to take that responsibility. She stated they are looking at some
viable options that should address those concerns but those are details that need to be worked
out. Mr. Jensen stated the Human Rights Commission of Jacksonville will enforce it for us if we
sign an Interlocal Agreement with Jacksonville and if that agreement is approved by their City
Council and either not signed or not vetoed by the Mayor of Jacksonville. Commissioner Mark
stated there are some other outside factors that we don't have control over at this point in time,
but before they begin to explore those other areas of questions, she didn't want them to do all
this work and then the Commission not want to pass it. She stated she is trying to take this one
step at a time.
Mayor Woods clarified the vote on December 9 will be whether they move forward with
investigating all the questions they have to start to work toward an ordinance. She stated they
are not voting to approve anything.
Commissioner Hill stated because of the effort at the State level if they are going to vote to do it
he would like to include some type of proclamation to let the State know our view to move
toward handling it because they have a lot of the enforcement we would need. He stated if they
endorse the concept they should give their voice to the State also.
Mr. Jensen explained he spoke with Charles McBurney, a lawyer and State Representative, who
said there is no active pending legislation filed that is coming up in the next legislative session.
He stated he agreed with Commissioner Hill that if they decide to go forward it would be good to
send a resolution to our Duval Delegation asking them to take it to the State to let the legislature
know what they want to do.
Mayor Woods stated she believes there was consensus but they will finalize that on December 9.
7. Action on Ordinances
A. ORDINANCE NO. 20-13-126,Introduction and First Reading
Finance Director Nelson Van Liere explained this ordinance is for the JAG grant, the COPS
grant and installation of an electronic gate system for Dutton Island.
B. ORDINANCE NO. 90-13-220,Introduction and First Reading
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Mr. Hanson explained the State-issued permit to operate the stormwater system requires us to
adopt a Florida Friendly Fertilizer Ordinance because they want the cities to enforce it. He
stated this proposed ordinance would regulate the use of fertilizers by requiring training for
commercial services that use them and provides rules for their application, but does not restrict
homeowners who apply the fertilizers although it is strongly recommended that they follow the
best management practices. He stated they do not expect significant additional cost to enforce
this. He answered questions from the Commission.
8. Miscellaneous Business
A. Crosswalk on Seminole Road at David Street (deferred from 10/28/13
Chief Classey presented a slide showing all the crosswalks along Seminole Road. He
summarized the history of the studies on the crosswalks and explained in detail the reasons a
crosswalk was not recommended for this intersection.
Commissioner Hill stated he believes the citizens have demonstrated the need for a crosswalk.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. Jensen stated City Code Section 19-6 requires the police department to declare this area a
traffic safety hazard area before they can put a traffic calming device there and asked if this is
considered a traffic calming device. Chief Classey stated he would say stop signs, yield signs,
crosswalks are all considered to be traffic controlling/calming devices. He cautioned the
Commission that if these decisions are made by less than just the objective statistical data, the
door is opened. Discussion ensued.
B. Community Development Board recommendation on boats/trailers in front yards.
Building and Zoning Director Mike Griffin stated the Community Development Board met on
11/19/13 and their unanimous recommendation was to not change the current ordinance related
to parking boats and recreational vehicles in the front yard. He answered questions from the
Commission. He showed a slide of the surrounding jurisdiction requirements for boats, trailers
and campers and of a lot with a 20 ft. front yard setback. Discussion ensued.
C. Request for a Waiver from City Code Section 19-7 Driveway Limitations to allow
a Circular Driveway on a Lot with Less Than 100 Foot Frontage.
Matthew Kachergus, homeowner of 344 Plaza Drive, explained the basis for his request,
stating he believes it would be esthetically more pleasing to the neighborhood and asked that the
Commission look favorably upon the waiver. Discussion on impervious surface ensued.
D. Mayor Pro-Tem Appointment.
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There was no discussion on this item.
E. Board Member Review Committee Appointment.
There was no discussion on this item.
F. Report on Activities of the North Florida Utility Coordination Group (NFUCG)
and approval to sign the Joint Defense/Common Interest Agreement.
Public Utilities Director Donna Kaluzniak summarized her staff report. She stated City Attorney
Jensen has reviewed the Agreement and had no problems with it. She answered questions from
the Commission.
G. Marsh Multipurpose Path Design and Permitting RFP#14-03.
City Manager Hanson explained the proposals from consultants are to be opened and scored and
the report will be forwarded to the Commission prior to the December 9, 2013 meeting. He
stated staff recommends that if negotiations come up to a reasonable scope and price and are
within the budget that staff be authorized to sign off on it, which will save a month in time. He
stated this will allow the project to be done early enough in the spring so they can meet some of
the project deadlines for grant applications.
9. City Manager
A. City Manager's Report.
10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney
A. Human Rights Ordinance.
This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting.
B. Discussion concerning Audio/Visual/ Logistical Issues at meeting locations
throughout the City.
Commissioner Beckenbach ask to defer this item to the next workshop, December 16, 2013.
C. Videotaping meeting/additional budget.
Mr. Hanson explained they have 30 meetings that are already budgeted for, which includes all of
the regular Commission meetings and the budget workshops. He stated some people have asked
recently that the City start putting in all the Commission's workshops, which is above our
budget. He stated there was also a last second request to televise the workshop dealing with the
police building. He stated the question is whether they want to increase the budget to give
enough flexibility to televise all of the workshops, which would be about another 8 workshops
and about $1,200 added to the budget amendment. He stated they could do that before the first
reading and they wouldn't have to trip it back to another reading. Mayor Woods pointed out that
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this is the budget amendment discussed earlier tonight that has three items on it, so it would now
have 4. Mr. Hanson stated they could go farther and tape the Community Development
meetings, the Code Enforcement Board meetings, the Special Magistrate meetings, etc. but he
believes it appropriate for the Commission to express which meetings they want videotaped, set
a budget for it and do it rather than every time somebody calls and asks for a meeting to be
videotaped then staff has to come up with extra money. He stated if the Commission would pick
out what they want they can put it in the budget and that will be what they do. Commissioner
Mark clarified that to have 8 additional meetings videotaped would be an additional $1,200. She
stated as far as extending the videotaping to the other boards and committees, she is not
supportive of that at this time but would like to continue to do the Commission meetings and
workshops and see how the interest is building and then that may be a discussion at a later date.
Mayor Woods agreed. Mr. Hanson stated staff will amend the Budget Amendment before
December 9 to add$1,200 and take it as a first reading then and it won't have to be amended.
D. Discussion on possible amendments to City Code Chapter 11 Noise to prohibit
commercial construction within a residential community on Sundays.
Commissioner Mark stated this was just to get feedback, stating they had two people who were
against this.
E. Discussion on possible amendments to City Code Chapter 11 Noise to prohibit
commercial lawn service companies before 9:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. on
Saturdays and Sundays.
Commissioner Mark stated there are two parts and asked for comments from the Commission.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated during the summertime he knows what it is like to cut a lawn
at noon versus cutting a lawn at 7:00 a.m. and if they are going to allow the homeowner to do
this he would not have a problem in allowing an individual who is not an owner to do it. He
stated those guys do not want to work at 12:00 or even 9:00; it gets really hot during the summer.
He stated, from people he knows in commercial construction, if they are putting a roof on and
there is a rainstorm coming they will work around the clock to finish and if this were in effect on
Sunday,this would prevent them from doing that. Discussion ensued.
11. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors
Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
Paul Gunsaulies, 780 Begonia St., stated he asked the Community Development Board about
the issue about having property lines in the middle and asked them to address that, which they
completely ignored. He stated he believes we are missing some facts one being how many
people are affected and the other being where the other cities measure from. He stated he would
also like to hear Commissioner Daugherty's points on this as well because he is the one who
started this process.
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Mike Whalen, 1420 Mayport Road, concerned about the property going in on the corner of
Atlantic and Mayport Road stating he does not believe it is good for the City. He stated he will
discuss this with each Commissioner.
No one else from the audience spoke so Mayor Woods closed the Courtesy of the Floor to
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting
adjourned at 11:23 p.m.
Carolyn Woods
41/V/611 ad11/ 4
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk
*Formal action(if needed)will be taken at the Commission Meeting of December 9,2013.