3-12-14 Legal Memo to R.Komando 3.12.14 Lindell & Farson, P.A. Allon,„ and cowisdors at Law 12276 San Jose Boulevard, Suite 126 Jacksonville, FL 32223-8630 Telephone: (904) 880-4000 Fax: (904) 880-4013 J. Michael Lindell Roger K. Gannam cerlified lv dre Florida Bar rgannany in&I I farson corn Cm;"/;./a/and Bripoe.s-,s Lug too;brw i nde farson.com D. Brad Hughes March 12, 2014 bhudes,:iid indel farson.com James A. Farson Alya Almiried irr Kenrucky Orson ii lindellfarson coin By Hand Delivery and e-mail to rich(d)claylawyers.com Richard Komando, Esq. City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Legal Memorandum in Opposition to Proposed Ordinance No. 95-14 Dear Mr. Komando: Please find enclosed my legal memorandum in opposition to City of Atlantic Beach proposed Ordinance No, 95-14. The memorandum includes both a summary and a comprehensive legal analysis of the reasons why Ordinance 95-14 is not only unnecessary, but also had for Atlantic Beach. It also includes several real stories of harms to individuals and businesses caused by similar laws around the country. I look forward to discussing these matters and answering your questions at tonight's Special Workshop. ,y tr. yo rs, ."(er K. Gannam RKG/gc Enc.