3-12-14- Handout- Nancy Whittington City of Atlantic Beach Human Rights Ordinance Email Traffic Analysis
TYPE OF CONTACT AB resident PRO AB resident CON Out-of-Town PRO Out-of-Town CON
EMAIL 57 27 169 7
Sent between 3/2013 Sent between 3/2013 Sent between Sent between 3/2013 Sent between
and 3/11/2014 and 3/11/2014 12/2013 & 3/11/2014 and 3/11/2014 12/2013& 3/11/2014
SPEAKERS 36 10 32 11
Commission meetings
between 11/25/2013
and 2/24/2014
TOTALS 93 37 201 18
initiative have been active since early in 2013,yet the AB community did not become aware of this until 11/25/2013.
--Raw numbers show 71%PRO and 29% CON of the total 130 Atlantic Beach resident contacts.
--Rate of contact for PRO Atlantic Beach residents was 8.45/contacts month from March 2013 until 3/11/2014.
--Rate of contact for CON Atlantic Beach residents was 12.3/contacts month from December 2013 until 3/11/2014.
1. Data was provided by city staff as FTP files available on the City website covering the period from March 2013
through 3/11/2014.
2. Spreadsheet tally for each city contact includes emails and speakers at the city commission meetings noted on
the minutes and speaker blue slips from 11/25/13 through 2/24/2014. In other words,someone who spoke and
emailed the commissioners would be counted only once. Multiple emails are counted once. Multiple sessions
at the podium during the public comment section of commission meetings are counted only once.
3. Emails requesting information only are not counted. Emails or blue slips from the commission meetings that do
not indicate a preference or a town of origin are not counted.
4. Atlantic Beach residency claims are double checked using voter rolls and Duval property record information to
properly categorize those who live in the 32233 zip code but are not within the boundaries of the city.
Notable Impressions:
1. Out of the almost 1700 emails sent the city regarding this issue, almost 1200 were from a server identified at
hr@EQFL.org. The bulk of the emails were"robo-emails" using the same text requesting support sent to each of
the five AB commissioners. Out of the favorable HRO emails,only about seven appear to be written individually
by AB residents.
2. Many of the"robo-emails"were sent multiple times to increase the overall contact tally. Several of the emails
had different names associated with the same sending email. The use of a spreadsheet helped identify the
duplications in name and email to fairly identify the net total.
3. Consider that the "PRO"faction for the HRO legislation started in March 2013. The other side of this issue was
aware of this effort and was not heard from until December 2013. If the totals above are spread across the total
months of active operations,then the eleven months of the PRO section divided by the 93 total AB citizens who
emailed and spoke equals 8.45 per month. If the total AB citizen who offered concerns about the HRO were
divided by the three months of active awareness,then the 37 total AB citizen contacts equals 12.3 per month.
4. One AB resident,Judy Sheklin, contacted the city over 58 times by email. She has also spoken 4 times.
Page 1 of 1 Revised 3/11/2014