3-24-14 Handout- Springsted Springsted Executive Search , ,t ill' I_ Springsted's Management Consulting Services team has assisted numerous local governments throughout the United States in recruiting city managers, administrators, school superintendents,county administrators and department directors that meet their needs. Organizational Management and Many communities are turning to executive search firms to assist Human Resources Services them in recruiting and selecting chief administrative officers and senior level department heads. The complexities associated with public sector management, coupled with the demand for Community Surveys highly trained and experienced professional managers,makes it difficult to recruit individuals whose background and experience Executive Search meet specific community and organization needs. Springsted helps local governments identify and attract qualified Facilitation candidates for key positions and assists them in evaluating Organizational Improvement Studies candidate qualifications. Local governments benefit from Springsted's knowledge of the labor market and potential Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation candidates, as well as our ability to increase the number of available candidates by directly contacting qualified individuals Strategic Planning who would not likely respond to a job advertisement. The executive search process has four major components: Managing&Performance • Developing a position profile. Springsted works with the local Compensation and Benefit Systems government to define position qualifications and employment parameters. • Recruiting and screening candidates. Springsted places all Performance Evaluation Studies advertisements,contacts potential applicants,and handles all applicant communication and screening based on position qualifications Personnel Policies established by the local government. • Evaluating candidates. Springsted evaluates candidates by holding Position Classification and Evaluation Studies interviews,conducting extensive reference and background checks,and other assessments requested by the hiring government unit. Springsted also assists in structuring candidate interviews. • Selecting candidates. Springsted assists local governments in selecting the candidate and negotiating the terms of employment. Springsted is committed to assisting local governments and their newly appointed officers and managers respond to the needs of the community and the organization. Our executive searches include a session to facilitate discussion about performance expectations and goals within the first six months the new employee is on the job, at no additional charge. Springsted will also perform another executive search if the new employee voluntarily resigns or is dismissed for cause during the first year of employment. Public Sector Advisors 800,236.3033 www.springsted.com Springgsted Budget Facilitation ''�► ;� g 4 and Financial Planning Many organizations are experiencing the adverse financial impacts 1 created by the current recession. Springsted's organization to management consultants can assist your organization in developing g 1. Lc, strategies that will have an immediate impact and assist you in positioning your community for the future. Organizational Management and Springsted is a recognized national leader in providing local Human Resources Services government organizational management and operational finance consulting services. Our Springsted consultants,many of whom are former professional local government mangers, bring established processes and services,yielding significant benefits in: Community Surveys • Understanding the practicalities of the budget process Executive Search • Familiarity with the challenges of local governments • Knowledge of the policy-making and operational roles Facilitation • Maximizing public resources through sound fiscal management • Dynamic financial planning models to see the immediate Organizational Improvement Studies impact of decisions Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation • Investigating all potential revenue sources • Communicating effectively with diverse stakeholders Strategic Planning Managing&Performance Springsted's budget facilitation services blend sound fiscal Compensation and Benefit Systems management principles with analytical tools to help organizations make difficult choices in an objective manner, while reflecting Performance Evaluation Studies their values and maintaining a responsible financial position. Each budget facilitation process is individually tailored to meet the needs Personnel Policies of the organization. The process is inclusive of the stakeholders who can best assist in identifying potential solutions. Position Classification and Evaluation Studies Springsted's services will guide your organization through a realistic, well-thought out process, resulting in a strategic financial plan to address your immediate needs and position you with a long-term sustainable budget for the future consistent with your values. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com Springsted __ and Classification - . � � 1 � 1 � , Compensation t`` " �• �, f E + Pay levels for public service employees should be determined under well-understood and objective standards: high enough to • • attract and retain competent personnel, sufficiently flexible to - motivate initiative and industry, and comparable with salaries Organizational Management and received by their counterparts in private industry. To pay more than this is unfair to the taxpayer; to pay less is to degrade the Human Resources Services public service. Employees are a public agency's most valuable asset and its Community Surveys greatest expense. As such, they should be valued and dealt with in a fair and equitable manner. An organized, systematic Executive Search approach to defining positions, duties and responsibilities, Facilitation and setting appropriate pay rates for employees, is of critical importance: Organizational Improvement Studies • Springsted's system of classification involves every employee Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation and supervisor in the process of determining duties,responsibilities and qualifications Strategic Planning • The process of determining the worth of a job or position,in comparision with other jobs in the organization,is achieved through Springsted's Managing&Performance copyrighted Systematic Analysis and Factor Evaluation(SAFE®)system. • The development of an appropriate and competitive compensation Compensation and Benefit Systems system is the final step to ensure the agency can attract and retain Performance Evaluation Studies qualified and competent employees. This is achieved through a detailed salary and fringe benefit survey submitted to comparable agencies in Personnel Policies the region. Position Classification and Evaluation Studies A classification and compensation system is composed of three major components: • A series of class descriptions • Competitive salary schedule(s) • The assignment of classes to appropriate salary grades Springsted will deliver a system tailored to the specific needs of the governmental unit involved that will satisfy state and federal guidelines and requirements. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com Springsted Community , Surveys • Springsted partners with The Center for Community Opinion to '. 49„,,A offer clients the opportunity to conduct scientific,random sample v surveys of community residents. The data from this analytical tool z provides a valid measure of opinions regarding the city or county at a specific moment in time and assists the administration,council Organizational Management and or board in its decision making process. Human Resources Services The first step is to develop complete voter file demography to Community Surveys ensure the study's sample accurately mirrors the demography of the community. By encouraging broad-based district input, Executive Search we customize the instrument for the its unique needs and goals. Typically,200-400 individuals are called,depending on the number Facilitation of registered voters in the city or county and resources available for the study. Before interviewing begins, a team of professional Organizational Improvement Studies phone interviewers is assembled and the questionnaire field tested. Once interviewing is completed and data analyzed, a prose report Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation is prepared for the client. The report includes findings,conclusions and recommendations. Strategic Planning Managing&Performance Springsted and The Center for Community Opinion provide Compensation and Benefit Systems clients with an outstanding analytical tool,including the following outcomes: Performance Evaluation Studies • Written and electronic files summarizing the demography of registered voters living within the city or county Personnel Policies • Questionnaire customized for the unique needs and planning goals Position Classification and Evaluation Studies of the community • Sampling techniques ensuring a valid survey mirroring the opinions of the city or county as a whole • Phone interviews conducted by professional call centers • Summary data provided for both broad sample and key demographic groups within the community • Presentation of data and recommendations by experts experienced in survey projects A number of variables affect the fee of performing a community survey: cost of underlying data, number of questions, number of calls made, type of questions (i.e., closed or open-ended) and travel expenses for report presentation. Springsted prepares quotes for community surveys after discussing these variables and understanding the client's needs. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com Springsted -9.111111111111„... Facilitation of Group Meetings i L Local government leaders are often confronted with situations " in which elected officials, staff members, and/or a group of _— citizens need to come together to build consensus and to reach ' collective agreement on issues. Group decision making often results in individual participants being more supportive of the end Organizational Management and result because of their personal investment in the process. Some examples of situations where a group decision making process can Human Resources Services be valuable include setting priorities for the budget, determining whether and how to consolidate services,and defining specific steps needed to form a regional partnership or joint service agreement. In such scenarios, it is often essential to use the services of a Community Surveys skilled,neutral,third-party facilitator to lead the process and help the group work together more effectively. Executive Search Springsted staff have served successfully as skilled,neutral third- Facilitation party facilitators for numerous group meetings on a wide variety of local government topics and with a broad range of meeting Organizational Improvement Studies participants, including elected officials, staff, key stakeholders, citizens,and the media. Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation Strategic Planning As an outside facilitator,Springsted staff will: Managing&Performance • Design the process for the group meeting to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate and desired outcomes are achieved Compensation and Benefit Systems • Lead the group process and help the group stay on task to encourage creativity and promote efficiency and productivity Performance Evaluation Studies • Help the group with communication,examining and solving problems, Personnel Policies and decision making • Give full attention to how members of the group are working together and Position Classification and Evaluation Studies developing consensus on issues • Eliminate the need for a staff member to facilitate the session when one's knowledge and talents can be best used as a participant in the process As a result of using Springsted as a facilitator at your next group meeting,you can expect the following outcomes: • Initial meeting with Springsted to discuss expectations for group meeting(s) • Design of process and agenda for group meeting(s) • Facilitation of group meeting(s) • Document summarizing outcome of meeting(s) If you are interested in discussing group meeting facilitation using the Springsted model,we would welcome the opportunity to meet for an initial consultation at no charge. From that discussion,we would then create a proposal and cost estimate tailored to meet your specific group meeting facilitation needs. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com Springsted Organizational "� ' �i ' '4 Management/Human Resources Overview Springsted Incorporated has been providing organizational Organizational Management and management services for over 25 years. Our services have evolved and changed in response to the dynamic changes taking place in local Human Resources Services government. The following is a summary of the major services offered through our Organizational Management/Human Resources group. Services include: Community Surveys • Executive Search Springsted assists numerous local governments in recruiting city and county Executive Search managers and administrators,and department directors,using our contacts to identify potential candidates for the purposes of finding the best,most qualified Facilitation and capable person for the job. • Facilitation Organizational Improvement Studies Our staff successfully provides skilled,neutral,third-party facilitation for group meetings on a wide variety of topics with a broad range of meeting participants. Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation We will design and lead the process for your group meeting in a manner ensuring everyone has the opportunity to participate and desired outcomes are achieved. Strategic Planning • Organizational Improvement Studies Organizations are continuously looking for ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their services and maximize the use of human,financial and Managing&Performance capital resources. Our team can help your administration evaluate programs, departments and services,and develop strategies for achieving optimal Compensation and Benefit Systems performance. • Resource Sharing,Collaboration and Intergovernmental Cooperation Performance Evaluation Studies Whether you want to form a simple partnership,establish an intensive collaboration or actually merge services,we are able to assist you in asking the Personnel Policies right questions,identifying possible partners,introducing creative ideas,and recommending sound,practical and cost effective solutions. Strategic Planning Position Classification and Evaluation Studies • Managing strategically requires a conscious and deliberate action plan that provides a solid understanding of the organization's current position and a clear, compelling picture of where you want to go in the future. Springsted utilizes a highly participatory,locally tailored model for each strategic planning process. • Position Classification, Evaluation,Compensation and Benefits Studies Springsted can help you create an organized,fair and equitable compensation plan using our copyrighted SystematicAnalysis and Factor Evaluation(SAFE®) system to evaluate each position in your organization and then develop a structured classification system for you. The process is based on a high level of client participation. • Personnel Policies A comprehensive and up to date personnel policy manual is essential for organizational success. Springsted staff can assist you with the creation of personnel policies or the review of your current policies. In both cases,we ensure your personnel policies address all relevant areas of human resource management. • Performance Evaluation Studies High performing organizations are clear with their employees about expectations and regularly evaluate employee performance in meeting those expectations. Springsted can customize a performance evaluation system that is easy to understand and use. We will also provide training to your staff on how to utilize the system. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com Springsted iir / 4 / xi i — :t 3, + �_ _ ' Organizational . at.„, Improvement Studies sueuz 2,12' 2b33� More than ever,local governments are looking for ways to improve + `--='2'-':::-,';'!,,_-- - the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery and maximize "'; J"�° the use of available human, financial and capital resources. Success in such efforts often requires detailed analysis of staffing levels,financial resources and service delivery systems,as well as Organizational Management and a close examination of the processes used to accomplish the work g g of the organization. Benchmarking of specific performance levels Human Resources Services in these areas with that of other local governments may also be required. Springsted has successfully completed customized organizational Community Surveys improvement studies for localities throughout the country, ranging from high-level organizational assessments to in-depth Executive Search organizational efficiency and effectiveness studies. Given our demonstrated expertise and significant relevant experience, Facilitation Springsted is well-positioned to assist local governments in making sound decisions and in taking purposeful action throughout this Organizational Improvement Studies period of fiscal constraint. Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation Strategic Planning Organizational improvement studies typically begin with a review of relevant materials,interviews with key stakeholders and staff,and Managing&Performance the collection of data on agreed upon performance indicators from comparable local governments. The data collected is then analyzed Compensation and Benefit Systems by Springsted and the critical issues facing the organization are identified. Findings and recommendations are then developed and Performance Evaluation Studies reviewed with local government management. Recommendations range from changing organizational structure and staffing to Personnel Policies revising procedures and processes to eliminate unnecessary work or generate increased revenue. Position Classification and Evaluation Studies As a result of engaging Springsted to conduct an organizational improvement study,clients can expect the following outcomes: • Analysis of the organization's strengths and opportunities for improvement in the areas of staffing,finances,service delivery and internal business processes • Comparison of your performance on key indicators to that of comparable local governments • Identification and explanation of the study findings • Recommendations on how best to address the findings If you are interested in discussing Springsted's organizational improvement services,we would welcome the opportunity to meet for an initial consultation at no charge. From that discussion,we would then create a proposal and cost estimate tailored to meet your specific organizational improvement needs. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com Springsted , t �e�e�O�EE,6 , i 1 Performance < „ - Evaluation ;f oir �( S . I,. The annual performance appraisal is an opportunity to ss-ose �•� clarify the past and set a course for the future. However,° ,. it is not an experience that most employees or supervisors - - look forward to without some trepidation. It creates more Organizational Management and tension and anxiety than any other single job experience. Yet it is a necessary process. Human Resources Services The major goal of the annual performance appraisal/ performance management effort is to encourage and Community Surveys reinforce high levels of performance...continuously. In order to meet this goal, it becomes essential for every Executive Search employee to: Facilitation • Know and understand what is expected of them • Know that their efforts are supported, recognized Organizational Improvement Studies and appreciated Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation • Know and understand how they are being evaluated, Strategic Planning and to believe that the evaluation is fair • Receive honest feedback and evaluation about Managing&Performance their performance Compensation and Benefit Systems • Believe they are appropriately compensated for their performance and results Performance Evaluation Studies An appropriate performance appraisal system must include Personnel Policies the following elements: Position Classification and Evaluation Studies • Job-related performance criteria • Objective evaluation standards • Measurable goals and objectives • The flexibility to address a variety of special needs • The ability to create and stimulate communications between supervisors and employees Springsted's Human Resources Group is well versed in the necessary methodologies to accomplish these tasks, and has the experience that will assure as smooth a process as possible to ease the comfort level of your employees. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com Springsted A{{- ` J • Resource Sharin g Through , Intergovernmental Cooperation The pressure on local officials to create and find the most efficient, effective ways to deliver services is intense. Expectations are high with declining state intergovernmental aid, an uncertain economic — future and a fiscally restrained customer and citizen base. Creating efficiencies in local government simply does not occur from wishful Organizational Management and thinking,but requires time,energy and effort.Engaging in new and Human Resources Services often untried initiatives can be too risky or uncertain without clear cut benefits and a solid and strategic direction. Local officials,now more than ever,must work together to find new and creative ways to deliver critical,essential services. Community Surveys Springsted is a recognized leader in assisting and facilitating processes Executive Search and practical solutions. We recognize each local government is distinct, yet there are many commonalities and similarities in the Facilitation services provided. Springsted's team works with participating communities and sets the stage for success by: Organizational Improvement Studies • Asking the right questions • Building trust with all parties involved Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation • Creating a safe and productive environment for brainstorming Strategic Planning • Probing to identify problems and challenges • Identifying all possible partners • Bringing the right people to the table Managing&Performance • Introducing creative ideas • Facilitating meetings with staff and elected leaders Compensation and Benefit Systems • Preparing analyses and fiscal statements • Recommending sound,practical solutions Performance Evaluation Studies Personnel Policies Position Classification and Evaluation Studies Springsted's team adapts to each unique and challenging situation. As there is no "off the shelf' cookie-cutter solution applicable to every local government discussion; each situation is carefully and deliberately planned with local officials. From forming partnerships to establishing intensive collaborations for the merging of services, Springsted's team will lead and facilitate discussions. If necessary, Springsted will also support the process with timely financial analysis and essential communication recommendations. Springsted's involvement will produce a fair, balanced and open process. Success is defined in many distinct and diverse ways. We will work closely with all partners to ensure the investment of time, energy and public resources culminates in timely, efficient and effective outcomes that best serve all involved. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com Springsted 1", Strategic Planning r The reality confronting local governments today is that achieving � ' '' w a balanced budget within the current fiscal climate is anything u • but business as usual. Dramatic reductions in available resources --- require local government managers and elected leaders alike to think and act more strategically than ever before. Acting Organizational Management and strategically requires a plan that provides a solid understanding Human Resources Services of the organization's current position and a clear and compelling picture of where to go in the future. A well-designed strategic plan provides organizational direction, helps set priorities, assists with budgeting and resource allocation, and improves overall Community Surveys organizational effectiveness,accountability and decision making. Executive Search Facilitation Springsted has designed an award-winning process for strategic planning that answers three questions: Organizational Improvement Studies 1. Where are you now? Resource Sharing Through Intergovernmental Cooperation 2. Where do you want to go? 3. How will you get there? Strategic Planning The process has a proven track record for producing high quality results. Many consider strategic planning to be a long and arduous Managing&Performance process. Using our model,however, clients describe the strategic planning process as being uncomplicated,efficient and productive. Compensation and Benefit Systems The process emphasizes citizen,staff and stakeholder involvement to ensure development of a plan that is responsive to a variety of Performance Evaluation Studies needs and expectations. Personnel Policies Position Classification and Evaluation Studies As a result of using the Springsted strategic planning process, clients can expect the following outcomes: • Analysis of the organization's strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and threats(SWOT) • Identification of the critical issues facing the organization • A list of products/services and key customers • A mission statement • A set of defined organizational values • A vision statement • Key goals,objectives and initiatives for the organization • A list of performance measures to track and monitor progress on the plan • Guidance on effective implementation of the plan If you are interested in discussing the strategic planning process using the Springsted model,we would welcome the opportunity to meet for an initial consultation at no charge. From that discussion, we would then create a proposal and cost estimate tailored to meet your specific strategic planning needs. Public Sector Advisors 800.236.3033 www.springsted.com o c (.4 L- 0 cn _ Arnim 41=Mir AIM U — rram- ,ass _�- "mew mmHg Mt • 1=-• w w 1i! ?Wm' Misr - Su/I — simagF' • 11.7 1t' • • • tp s` Et'F +. U, cr Ct L U o w U > a5 CD v4 cd •— w U o c7/60 +-' U o 0 N 2 o "w N • A--) N U a P. p, o in 1 U 1 S11, 1 , ( .',/z . 6 ...1\ .• t • . aVI 'H.,..•';.;''kik;', 1, .._ I O U I a 11 0 o u 0 0 c 0 hj D 0 tn @ w -,3 al E w o a6 o °° o N .0 o U a 4) o o 0:-c1= 0 0 E 0 `�) s� S 0 = o� ^ 0 o T _ c , 0 = 0 t!� > " o e' W 0 . , o 0 mi w o) 0 00� , O o CO ) c -' 0 c[ =S 0 0 o e� i • � o. Ct a , Cl�? 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For almost 60 years, we have continually grown in the range of client Leadership relationships, comprehensiveness of services and prominence within the industry. Our managed growth is focused on providing clients with a balance of national perspective and local expertise. Three employee-owners lead Springsted, a Women's Business Enterprise (WBE)firm. With headquarters located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, we have additional offices located close to clients throughout the nation: Saint Paul,Minnesota—Corporate Headquarters Los Angeles,California Denver, Colorado Des Moines, Iowa Kansas City, Missouri Richmond,Virginia Milwaukee,Wisconsin The Springsted Our staff's breadth of experience and depth of expertise are two of our most important characteristics in providing high-quality service to clients. Many Springsted staff members Team have backgrounds in education,municipal and county government, development firms or non- profit organizations. They share our clients'perspectives in developing solutions. The organization of our staff is based on five principles designed to benefit our clients: • Staff is aligned both geographically and within specialty service areas • Clients can work with one advisory firm to effectively address all of their capital and operational financial needs • With a team-based approach to service,clients are assured that more than one professional is familiar with their individual situation • Basic work processes have been refined over many years of continued research and development. They are customized and reviewed throughout the process of addressing individual financing so clients are assured that they will receive creative,quality final products,tailored to their individual needs • Reliance on tested,well-conceived and well-managed processes,our services are delivered at cost-effective levels Independence As an independent advisor, Springsted has no relationship or affiliation with any underwriting firm. In the bond sale process,we work for only one side of the transaction—for you,the issuer, as the seller of your bonds. Unlike independent advisors, many underwriters work on both sides of the transaction and attempt to serve both the issuers and purchasers of bonds. The underwriter's conflicting goals are to obtain the lowest rates for issuers and reap the highest rates for the purchasers of those bonds. Our independent status yields the following client benefits: • Objective advice to maximize advantages for bond issuers • Free flow of information from all industry sources • Candid evaluation of underwriter proposals,with your best interests being foremost • Perspective to the long-term best interests of our clients, not simply a single sale • Confidence that you have a professional resource working solely on your behalf Springsted played a founding role in, and is a charter member of, the National Association of Independent Public Financial Advisors (NAIPFA). Our Clients' • Cities,Towns,Townships,Villages ;�• _ • Counties Locations t • School Districts • Economic Development,Redevelopment • and Port Authorities =1' . A • Housing Authorities • Special Service Districts 1, • Electric and Water Utilities • Higher Education Authorities • Hospitals • Non-Profit Organizations States in gold reflect client locations Areas with stars reflect regional offices Our Philosophy Springsted is unique among advisors in the range and quality of its total service offerings. and Service Approach With a foundation in public finance, Springsted has expanded its services to include all related financial and management areas. These"Specialty Service Areas"include operational finance, housing and economic development, investments, as well as organizational management and human resources. This service approach permits us to focus our dedicated specialty professional resources within the larger entity perspective. This approach ensures solutions satisfy both the immediate project objectives and the overall goals of our clients. This comprehensive approach is reflected in our five service areas: • Public Finance Services • Housing and Economic Development Services • Operational Finance and Fiscal Planning Services • Investment Services (these services are provided through our wholly-owned subsidiary,Springsted Investment Advisors Incorporated) • Organizational Management and Human Resources Services Record of Springsted's clients are increasingly confronted with changing environments requiring new Innovation ways to approach issues. Our record of assisting clients in these areas is exceptional in the blending of both traditional and "first-ever"financial solutions. These solutions often require not only implementing new financing techniques, but also our participation in legislative efforts to expand options for our clients. The best evidence of our record of innovation is the singular national recognition received by our clients from numerous and diverse professional organizations. A sampling of this recognition follows: • Award for Innovation in Government from the Ford Foundation and the John F.Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Recognized one of our client's work to correct contaminated soils throughout its downtown area through the concept of"tax decrement financing." • Awards for Excellence in Debt Management and Financial Management from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). Numerous singular national awards given in recognition of several of our clients' work in developing community infrastructure investment funds, municipal economic development"Growth Funds"and for initiating new financial management systems. These awards include the prestigious "Louisville Award for Exceptional Innovation" for our client's multi- jurisdiction capital planning and debt management system. • Award for Excellence in Community Revitalization from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials(NAHRO). Recognized one our client's work in the overall redevelopment of their city,crowning the achievement with a retail/residential complex that was built on the riverfront. • MAGNA Award from the National School Boards Association. Recognized another of our client's efforts to bring together three large school districts in order to construct a single, unified elementary school. • U.S.Conference of Mayors—The First Financial Leadership Award. Recognized our client's work in developing variable-rate bond issuance guidelines in their formal debt management policy. • U.S. Conference of Mayors—Public/Private Partnership Award. Recognized our client's work in revitalizing the core downtown of a major U.S. city, in partnership with an organization comprised of corporate CEOs. • First competitively marketed Build America Bonds in the nation for the City of De Pere,Wisconsin. We are very proud of our role in assisting our clients in finding new, innovative methods of achieving their objectives. Practice Groups Services Operational Finance and Fiscal Planning Services Group Operational Financial Planning Tax Impact Analysis Dedicated to helping you plan and manage resources to achieve Capital Improvement Planning Referendum Assistance maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Provides a variety of Integrated Capital/Operational Planning Public/Private Partnerships financial planning tools, enabling you to evaluate the interface Growth/Fiscal Impact Analysis Consolidation/Annexation Studies of capital infrastructure, tax policies, debt management and User Fee Studies Privatization Studies operational finance. Utility Cost Recovery Studies Financial Feasibility Analysis Public Finance Group Capital Improvement Policies Debt Management Financial experts providing comprehensive services for every type Debt Planning&Policies Credit Rating Strategy&Enhancement of public infrastructure and operational finance area. Specialized Debt Capacity Studies Arbitrage/Rebate Regulatory technology and experience devoted to providing you with Issuance Process Management Compliance Services independent advice covering all of your options,with associated Capital Infrastructure Financing Continuing Disclosure Regulatory full regulatory compliance services. Cash Flow&Pooled Financing Compliance Services Individual&Master Lease Programs Housing&Economic Development Group Policy Development Tax Increment Financing/ Addresses your community's quality of life through expanded Incentive Capacity Analysis Tax Abatement Services economic opportunities, housing options and development. Comprehensive services extend beyond planning and policy Development Strategy Housing Initiatives development, to financing plans, project facilitation and full Development Process Management Statutory Compliance Services compliance assistance. Developer Review&Negotiation Organizational Management&Human Resources Group Former public sector leaders, devoted to helping governing Strategic Planning Position Classification& bodies, senior management and HR departments in solving their Organizational Improvement Studies Compensation Studies organizational and staffing needs. Complete services to provide Benefit Systems Executive Search strategic direction, organizational improvements and staffing Performance Evaluation Studies Personnel Policies enhancements. Investment Services Group Investment professionals with experience in policy development, Policy Development Investment of Public Funds cash flow and portfolio analysis, fund selection and refunding Cash Flow Forecasting&Monitoring Ongoing Support and Advice existing debt. Portfolio Analysis Debt Refunding Services Springsted provides expertise in a broad range of practice areas, ensuring we remain involved in every stage of your community's development cycle. Springsted www.springsted.com 1.800.236.3033 ol tn u, a uo III ICI I \■, .;" U ' 41 , 'tom r•:) 7---- Ct C 0 i v) • i■I t_ o o 1 a U I a) (/) U 1 D_ History and Springsted is one of the largest and most established independent public sector advisory firms Organizational Springsted Incorporated has been providing organizational management services for over 25 in the United States. For over half a century, we have continually grown in the range of years. Our services have evolved and changed in response to the dynamic changes taking place Leadership Management and client relationships, comprehensiveness of services and prominence within the industry. Our in local government. The following is a summary of the major services offered through our managed growth is focused on providing clients with a balance of national perspective and Human Resources Organizational Management and Human Resources group. local expertise. Three employee-owners lead Springsted, a Women's Business Enterprise Services (WBE) firm. With headquarters located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, we have additional offices • Executive Search located close to clients throughout the nation: Springsted assists numerous local governments in recruiting city and county managers and administrators, and department directors, using our contacts to identify potential candidates for the Saint Paul, Minnesota—Corporate Headquarters purposes of finding the best, most qualified and capable person for the job. Los Angeles, California Denver, Colorado Des Moines, Iowa • Facilitation Kansas City, Missouri Richmond, Virginia Milwaukee, Wisconsin Our staff successfully provides skilled, neutral, third-party facilitation for group meetings on a wide variety of topics with a broad range of meeting participants. We will design and lead the process for your group meeting in a manner ensuring everyone has the opportunity to participate and desired outcomes are achieved. The Springsted Professional,competent, capable...these are words clients have used to describe the Springsted Team organizational management and human resources team. We have a strong staff with direct • Organizational Improvement Studies experience in managing and leading local city and county governments. Our team of Organizations are continuously looking for ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their professionals brings practical,realistic and creative solutions to the challenges faced by public services and maximize the use of human, financial and capital resources. Our team can help your entities. administration evaluate programs, departments and services, and develop strategies for achieving Our Organizational Management and Human Resources group is an experienced team. The optimal performance. team is composed of full time personnel working directly with clients,and a set of professional level support staff that provides the full range of analytical and administrative services. The • Resource Sharing, Collaboration and Intergovernmental Cooperation group is adaptable and client focused and each project is structured and staffed to meet and Whether you want to form a simple partnership, establish an intensive collaboration or actually merge exceed the anticipated outcomes and expectations of the clients. services,we are able to assist you in asking the right questions,identifying possible partners,introducing creative ideas, and recommending sound, practical and cost effective solutions. • Strategic Planning Springsted's Areas Springsted's approach provides clients with a single source of resources and expertise. Managing strategically requires a conscious and deliberate action plan that provides a solid Long-term partnership with clients produces results tailored to meet specific needs. This understanding of the organization's current position and a clear, compelling picture of where you want of Expertise to go in the future. Springsted utilizes a highly participatory, locally tailored model for each strategic comprehensive approach is reflected in our five service areas: planning process. • Organizational Management • Operational Finance and Fiscal and Human Resources Services Planning Services • Position Classification, Evaluation, Compensation and Benefits Studies • Public Finance Services • Investment Services Springsted can help you create an organized, fair and equitable compensation plan using our (some services provided through our wholly-owned copyrighted Systematic Analysis and Factor Evaluation (SAFE®) system to evaluate each position in • Housing & Economic Development Services subsidiary, Springsted Investment Advisors Inc.) your organization and then develop a structured classification system for you. The process is based on a high level of client participation. • Personnel Policies Our Clients' 0� • Cities,Towns,Townships,Villages • Counties A comprehensive and up to date personnel policy manual is essential for organizational success. Locations 7,-.4 Springsted staff can assist you with the creation of personnel policies or the review of your current • School Districts ' • Economic Development,Redevelopment policies. In both cases,we ensure your personnel policies address all relevant areas of human resource `f ', .. -, 0. and Port Authorities management. �3' } ' y> • Housing Authorities • • Special Service Districts • Performance Evaluation Studies all • Electric and Water Utilities High performing organizations are clear with their employees about expectations and regularly evaluate • Higher Education Authorities those expectations. Springsted can customize a performance ;� 9 employee performance in meeting t p p • Hospitals evaluation system that is easy to understand and use. We will also provide training to your staff on how • Non-Profit Organizations to utilize the system. States in gold reflect client locations Areas with stars reflect regional offices Practice Groups Services Operational Finance and Fiscal Planning Services Group Operational Financial Planning Tax Impact Analysis Dedicated to helping you plan and manage resources to achieve Capital Improvement Planning Referendum Assistance maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Provides a variety of Integrated Capital/Operational Planning Public/Private Partnerships financial planning tools, enabling you to evaluate the interface Growth/Fiscal Impact Analysis Consolidation/Annexation Studies of capital infrastructure, tax policies, debt management and User Fee Studies Privatization Studies operational finance. Utility Cost Recovery Studies Financial Feasibility Analysis Public Finance Group Capital Improvement Policies Debt Management Financial experts providing comprehensive services for every type Debt Planning&Policies Credit Rating Strategy&Enhancement of public infrastructure and operational finance area. Specialized Debt Capacity Studies Arbitrage/Rebate Regulatory technology and experience devoted to providing you with Issuance Process Management Compliance Services independent advice covering all of your options, with associated Capital Infrastructure Financing Continuing Disclosure Regulatory full regulatory compliance services. Cash Flow&Pooled Financing Compliance Services Individual&Master Lease Programs Housing&Economic Development Group Policy Development Tax Increment Financing/ Addresses your community's quality of life through expanded Incentive Capacity Analysis Tax Abatement Services economic opportunities, housing options and development. Comprehensive services extend beyond planning and policy Development Strategy Housing Initiatives development, to financing plans, project facilitation and full Development Process Management Statutory Compliance Services compliance assistance. Developer Review&Negotiation Organizational Management&Human Resources Group , _� i Former public sector leaders, devoted to helping governing Strategic Planning Position Classification& I bodies, senior management and HR departments in solving their Organizational Improvement Studies Compensation Studies ' —. – INI), organizational and staffing needs. Complete services to provide Benefit Systems Executive Search .. strategic direction, organizational improvements and staffing Performance Evaluation Studies Personnel Policies r E+ .. ! �� , Akek enhancements. I ill –►. i I ' 40 i i I • Investment Services Group tr.. - Investment professionals with experience in policy development, Policy Development Investment of Public Funds \ �j�- 111 i _I - cash flow and portfolio analysis, fund selection and refunding Cash Flow Forecasting&Monitoring n i 1� Y g g 0 go ng Support and Advice existing debt. I 1 { ° Portfolio Analysis Debt Refunding Services r re _ 1 ' , '�I _ 4 An Introduction to Springsted's Organizational Management and Springsted provides expertise in a broad Human Resources Services range of practice areas, ensuring we remain involved in every stage of your community's development cycle. Springsted www.springsted.com 1.800.236.3033 Springsted Public Sector Advisors Springsted John A.Anzivino Senior Vice President Direct:804-726-9750 Direct Fax:807-726-9752 Cell:804-381-8455 I Public Sector Advisors JAnzivino@springsted.com Springsted Springsted Incorporated 1564 East Parham Road Richmond,VA 23228-2360 Tel 804-726-9749 Fax.804-726-9752 www.springsted.com Public Sector Advisors