Records Request- Simmons 3-14 From: Accutrend Data CorptFax: (866) 648- 1197 To: 19042475805 @rcfax.cc Fax: +19042475805 Page 4 of 4 03125/2014 12:01 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST Date 03/21 /2014 Person/Organization requesting information: Thomas Simmons / tsimmons @accutrend . com Address: PO Box 6615 Englewood , CO 80155 Telephone: 303-488-0011 ext 1019 information/Documents requested (Please be specific): I would please like to request a listing of new businesses that have filed for a Business License in your city in the month of February 2014. Every effort will be made to provide the requested information in a timely manner, regardless of whether the request is signed or in what manner the request is made . Signature: For Office Use: Estimated time to process request: Estimated cost of processing: Request processed by: Amount Paid: Date