Handout for Fleet Landing Sign . , .. LL . - ,,,,......., ........ .......,,, ,,,.... ,...... .. , .,... . ....,.. . . , . , ........, . , il'. ., .... . _.....: ,._:... ,..„ ....„ ...., , L,„ , ' 411•1‘41111„,, . ., V V II 1 , ,., 1111 ' _,:., . ...:( „, .. - . ,...k . . . . . ... ..„, . 11 r. , . H:r....:::,''',.:•:.:i'li''':.:, ,:'':: ''..t:,',,:::::'.. ,L, . :::#/zi , 1 , ■ L.' 'r.;','::s'',,,f:: 7L„: „ . , . . . ... „ 0 ....., ..! , . - .?, ' -'- ,r; : . 1 ' -.. . „, . .. 1,"' 4 , , . ,. , ...,..4.. .. .. . .,,..,. i ' 1, . ', . . I . 0 ,),,,,,,:,,, ' 4 gat.. li 111 rl :..,..i.ii., 41...... ' 1 • I . I „ -i#0,--,P4iiiiiiiitiv 1 i p a (•,-..„..,..,....:,....,,,,,;%,•• . . .1. ,..„,,_. . ..,,. .,,, • . ,.. . i It !-.4.., ... 1 • ... . . .„. „ ._, 3 •' ,.,-!.'- -4i:tit, . . ' . . „ , APlill iramht allioili ,44 , 1 , 44 '''' 1'-tt:'. :„ 1 II 4 it, . . ...,. , ia4 , .... • . " ' * . . . -.i. C6 , ) ... ,„.,...,/ . .,..4 '- ' .., 41., - - -‘ - • .4.. w . ...- . : iff 111 II -....„, -..... ' It LI , „„. - k . al . ill *fp . :. „ .. , — .... .- - lt, I - PI'. ili$III:' ."' 11111--- ,; .. . . , . . . . . , • 44#11.q• City of Atlantic Beach r - APPLICATION NUMBER t Building Department i (To be assigned by the Building Department.) - y 800 Seminole Road NOV • 5v • . Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5 :5 8 :No Phone(904)247-5828 • Fax(I.e' 7-5845 Ojai), E-mail: building-dept©coab.us Date routed: / .9 / City web-site: http://www.coab.us - - APPLICATION REVIEW AND TRACKING FORM 1-l1- /l% - /22 �7 'roperty Address: / f f r 2i}-;;/An`j Department review required Yes ' No / Building ►ppiicant: 1/0/� '/). ��e' Planning&Zoning Tree Administrator ►roject: llfu S iC i"/f fT (Publig Wos_ ub_lig,Utilities) Pubfic Safety Fire Services Review fee.$ a Dept.Signature Other Agency Review or Permit Required Review or Receipt Date of Permit Verified By Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other: APPLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: Q/ Approved. ODenied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING&ZONING Reviewed by: Date: /,,If s,O TREE ADMIN. Second Review: []Approved as revised. ['Denied. PUBLIC WORKS Comments: PUBLIC UTILITIES PUBLIC SAFETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: DApproved as revised. ❑Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: Rwtsed 06114/09 Altor-Nte City of Atlantic Beach Nt APPLICATION NUMBER 44,..0*_:. Building Department °� �;, . (To be assigned by the Building Department.) ,t 800 Seminole Road iAtlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 U`/ •"`' ' -4 Phone(904)247-5826 • Fax(904)2 ,45 4,i��4� E-mail: building-dept©coab.us 0'0 I Date routed: /AT// City web-site: http://www.coab.us '..s.\.,,,,,,.,.REVIEW AND " A CKING FORM ,000164 / - 12.27 Property Address: / fief f Lb;An . Department review required Yes No Building Applicant: "y21,Q1YL S), N Planning&Zoning �` L Tree Administrator /rein e21) &?9,V fiZ / //fT ub Public gaiety Fire Services Other Agency Review or Permit Required of Review Permit or VerMied Receipt By Date Florida Dept.of Environmental Protection Florida Dept.of Transportation St.Johns River Water Management District Army Corps of Engineers Division of Hotels and Restaurants Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco Other. • A PLICATION STATUS Reviewing Department First Review: pproved. ODenied. (Circle one.) Comments: BUILDING PLANNING&ZONING Reviewed b : • Y Date: I/—/ 7:2•/D TREE ADMIN. Second Review: []Approved as revised. ODenied. ;ROI, WORK Comments: • •Ior'•;,,,,:mAir00 PUBL C S FETY Reviewed by: Date: FIRE SERVICES Third Review: ['Approved as revised. ['Denied. Comments: Reviewed by: Date: R.vls.d 05/14/0S N CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH "? CONSTRUCTION PERMIT WITHIN CITY RIGHTS OF WAY AND EASEMENTS A 800 Seminole Road `...rt Atlantic Beach,Florida 32233-5445 904-247-5800 Date l ig t'y r 1 q D Fax 904-247-5845 Job Address I Fitt+ Landis �1Yi ISSUED 133UED BY THE CITY Permitee: �� •�jg �fii / / Telephone* q04-a 6 5• t 3 tp Permittee Address: IQ 4 0 *Cox r n9 £i,}.,a 52 elAbnvi l lei Fir. A=0 Ie Requesting Permission to Construct rte, Sl$n Location: (Reference to Cross-Street) Pies+ Landtr Blvd and Acw,perk R4 1. Applicant declares that prior to filing this application he has ascertained the location of all existing utilities, both aerial and underground and the accurate locations are shown on the sketches. A Letter of Notification was mailed to the following Utilities/Municipalities: Jacksonville Electric Authority Yes( ) No Bell South Telephone Company Yes( ) No ( ) Date: Ferrell Gas Yes( ) Comcast ( ) Date: Yes( ) No ( ) Date: 2. Whenever necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintenance, safe and efficient operation, alteration or relocation of all,or any portion of said street or easement as determined by the Director of Public Works, any or all of said poles, wires, pipes, cables or other facilities and appurtenances authorized hereunder, shall be immediately removed from said street or easement or reset or relocated hereon as required by the Director of Public Works, and at the expense of the Permittee unless reimbursement is authorized. 3. AN work shall meet City of Atlantic Beach or Florida Department of Transportation Standards and be performed under the supervision of (Contrectol's Project Superintendent)located at Telephone it 4. All materials and equipment shall be subject to inspection by the Director of Public Works or his designee. 5. All the property mane satisfactory restored to city.� condition as f�as practical, in keeping with city specifications 6. A sketch of plans covering details of this installation, as well as, a copy of a recent survey shall be made a part of this permit. Calculations showing any Increase in lmoervioua area on owner's lot or in the city Right of Way are to be Included with this soolication, 7. This permittee shall commence actual construction in good faith with_days. If the beginning date is more than 60 days from date of permit approval, then permittee must review the permit with the Director of Public Works to make sure no changes have occurred in the area that would affect the permitted construction. 8. It is understood and agreed that the rights and privileges herein set out are granted only to the extent of the City's right,title and interest in the land to be entered upon and used by the holder,and the Holder will,at all times, assume all risk of and indemnity, defend, and save harmless the City of Atlantic Beach from and against any and all loss, damage, and cost of expenses arising in any manner of the exercise or attempted exercises by the holder of the aforesaid rights and privileges. 9. The Director of Public Works shall be notified twenty-four (24) hours prior to starting work and again immediately upon completion. OWNER EuZAIETN Signed: � .'.'•,:!" TE3KE Before me �Y of ,; �y''''�, /`�a `: Notur Palle•State of Florida Stale OE Personally appeared o �� ��17, 0' € �M Comm.lupin:Apt f.2013 Noisy Public at Large State of Fes, • , of. �`'�• �;r Commission a DO 881319 Illy conrrniasicn expires: i/ j tilaew TAroupn Notional Notary Assn. Personally Known: - �'."—•" -"- — _ Produced Identification: • or ,1,, CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH r ii, 'j 800 SEMINOLE ROAD j ...m.�, b ATLANTIC BEACH,FL 32233 INSPECTION PHONE LINE 247-5826 Application Number 10-00001227 Date 10/11/10 Property Address 1 FLEET LANDING BLVD MAIN Application type description SIGN PERMIT Property Zoning PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Application valuation . . . 0 Application desc new entrance sign Owner Contractor NAVAL CONTINUING CARE GENERAL SIGN SERVICE CORP FLEET LANDING 1940 SPEARING ST 1 FLEET LANDING BOULEVARD JACKSONVILLE FL 32206 ATLANTIC BEACH FL 32233 Permit SIGN PERMIT Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . 75.00 Plan Check Fee . . . 00 Issue Date . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . 4/09/11 Special Notes and Comments ELEC TO BE PULLED BY ERICKSON ELEC *2007 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE W/2009 REVISIONS FLORIDA FIRE PREVENTION CODE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE Other Fees STATE DCA SURCHARGE 2.00 STATE DBPR SURCHARGE 2 .00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 75.00 75.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total . 00 .00 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4 .00 4 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 79.00 79. 00 .00 .00 PERMIT IS APPROVED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ORDINANCES AND THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODES. t / 10'-ON / a 4 O aC a M i oio/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFAlrNAIIIIIIIIItmftmmim4op T c( . - � III . ri 1 I � I I 1 ( Iv III 1 .I INSERTED PIPEpI III ■ f I II I ,I FLAW SLEEVE w/EXPN I PR I►E G'RED I , 63 co 4 I. I SIG IT I cl 1` 1 I ,I I Iii 1 I f s.% ' , en T GRADE , ` 1(L. i k ° \/ (i COMPACTED ° I ° SOIL(TYP) d a� co II 4 • M ° ) I ° ° 1 1 1° d Li X 3`-6•SQ 1 W 0 SIGN ELEVATION SCALE:1/r=T-O- REW I, FILE COPY tc, `. - - __. / 10'-0• ° / ae •00111.1°..Cilluppl 8"`"%k Fut III r !� 111111 , 14 PRE-ENG'RED iI II III SIGN FACE ,i II. + MIN CO x STOP1 c IIM `` �� INSERTED INTO I II iO Iq I. I I SLEEVE wI EXPAI I 14 i)II FOAM. 1 III dpi I , 1 111 , _I 11If 11111 ft I . 0 I4 01 T Iy +i'11 GRADE W lk >', 4 II 4 r ' COMPACTEI III 'A III (T P - III 4 . o `1 JI III! o '4 II : ./ III ih 4 I I -t II IL O x" J . 4 1`t je 3'-010 It. W j, 3'-0"SO I W O C V V Mal SIGN ELEVATION SCALE:1/2°as T-O- i '4) NOTE: 1. DESIGN WIND PRESSURE IN CONFORMANCE w/FBC-2007 ED w/2009 SUPPLEMENT REFERENCING ASCE 7. SEE CHART FOR DESIGN 1'-4" CRITERIA PER ASCE 7-05. 2. SOIL SHALL BE CLEAN SAND WITH A MINIMUM ALLOWABLE BRNG PRESSURE OF 2000 PSF AND A MINIMUM ALLOWABLE \ LATERAL PASSIVE PRESSURE(FOR ISOLATED POLE)OF 600 PSF/FT. 3. CONCRETE:SHALL BE 3000 P.S.I.@ 28 DAYS. 4. STEEL:TUBE STEEL Fy=46 ksi MIN rilli STEEL PIPE ASTM A53-GRADE B(Fy=35 ksi) r IiIIII) 5.ALL WELDING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE W/AWS r,�,;;" 01.1 (LATEST EDITION)USING E70XX ELECTRODES. �� ALL WELDS SHALL BE FULL PENETRATION WELDS AT PE WALL EMI. 4"0 x STD PIPE WALL AT ALL POINTS OF CONTACT UNLESS NOTED 'YC ? INSERTED INTO PVC OTHERWISE. 'DING bo Li SLEEVE w/EXPANDING 6. SUBMIT SHOP DRAWINGS OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOAM. FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. ill III 7.PRE-ENG'RED SIGN FACE BY OTHERS.DELEGATE in ENGINEER SHALL PROVIDE DESIGN DRAWINGS r 'r TO RICHARDSON ENGINEERING FOR APPROVAL MI PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR ERECTION. 11 11111 I? III III /' WIND DESIGN CRITERIA CHART hill \ : � VIII WIND VELOCITY 120 :, SOIL----.-7 11 IMPORTANCE FACTOR .77 �� EXPOSURE CATEGORY(MMRF) C o f I INTERNAL PRESSURE COEFFICIENT +0 , -0 io `' I I COMPONENT&CLADDING PRESSURES 36.20 PSF v I ^_sk N. COEFFICIENT Cf 1.7 t DO NOT MASTER FILE THIS DRAWING 1 j 31-010 j RICHARDSON 0 r.II ENGINEERING C.) i SEALED BY RICHARD B.RICHARDSON,P.E. co 131 ZELMA STREET SIDE ELEVATION ORLANDO FLORIDA 32803 SCALE:I/r=r-r (407)425-4002 LIC#00012380 ID#EB 26251 PROJECT: FLEET LANDING ATLANTA BEACH,FLORIDA CLIENT: GENERAL SIGN SERVICE CORPORATION iiiiiiwitilltra 1 ti 10 JOB#: 100594 DATE: 09-30-2010 SHEET 1 OF f DRAWN BY: EDL J ` • • • 4 el a MAP SHOINS LIMITEP i A PART OP StGTION 6, 10 H$P 3 Sc1I fl$ MP,. . ,M MURAL I I VIP g 4.* Lbsessaft,,, „„osissettoussAI a . i es .= ! 11 . s c ri �, ' li it I i , p to i = . Row UtiD U!>D P�IttIGK cs� rolarar► tAit . .� \it pie k of t�+�waRra arlucer r Gor es. • j ,q _ _.. - .�-- v an mar I"ir. IAOl�11; u� S era Is� wtxr aarcr, Ib u n . . . . . ; . WO 1�. 1 TThE HIS ice_ +PlRe110f1oK t h ., . . .. �.. . _ ..,.. \f NOT ROW: t . 'r} IMISlt�Rttly" h NOT VALID iin101 r in . IC I SUM** MO K1n..I. 41111mm. 6) AS reasetters An .itAit w 1 . 4vat DATE 111 POD tizaO1D. pg. pout ,i_ Lout/ . . . w - .. . a CZ •• FLEET LAWNS DOULDIARD NEST (A 6O' *Id wenA , 0 = CC 00 IF- S =. /Cure 1? , _ Pi WIN g I •I . � 0 0 5 . § b ORAPNIG SCALE I4 10'-0' 01 SIDE VIEW 1 _ t IIII 15" A ( 6.5" I. 1 I I . l I 1 \ _ si .„ 1 I/2 ' THICK COPY AREA ( 11 tiiliTT.ourctRS. 59” TALL III WITH A PAINTED FINISH Sir W- e " 36SD I I I OAH 56.5" t _ - �M I I I I . 1 I I PREMIUM VINYL _ . WELT , Inspired Senior Living tgli KTWTOMATc REQANOU?i•AIHIEflTOMATtti • MONUMEMTFAU i I- . '• 18" • .r - ` + V _ _ GRADE et 401 T x r 6'-O" MAN it 10'-0' I 911 j i--- 14" --i 36" 36. 5 jd City of Atlantic B ' ch 4" DIA. MOUNTING POSTS AND DEPTH COPY ALIg and Zoning Dart11>0'e'>3t— ! SEE ENGINEERING REPORT BC subdivision FErnes nian� pp t►snnin adhcai tad development regulations, but does not constitute approval for the issuance of permits. Compliance with Florida Building Code and all other applicable local. State and Federal permitting requirements DOUBLE FACED MONUMENT SIGN must be verified by signature of the City of Atlantic MANUFACTURED FROM HIGH DENSITY SIGN FOAM COLORS : Beach Official prior issuance WITH A PAINTED FINISH TRIM & BASE - WA ITE a BACKGROUN - ES R ev m 3 DIMENSIONAL CUT-OUT LETTERS LETTERS - REG - MADE FROM HIGH DENSITY SIGN FOAM WITH A PAINTED FINISH General Sign Service Corp. Size: SEE ABOVE NOTES: _- This and � 1940 Speari ng Street ACTCE PIED: y Jacksonville, Florida 32206 : 36 . 5 : -- Overall Sq/Ft DUE TO T1* PHYSICAL uMITA1ONS OF TEE PAPER AND INK-BASED maY "0t be "wawa' Published' PHONE: (904) 355-5630 �d or used way without FAX: (904) 355-5632 da y=: S E PT . 21 , Z 010 OR written mint.