5-27-14 Workshop MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBER ON MAY 27,2014 City Commission Members present: Mayor Carolyn Woods Mayor Pro Tem Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Commissioner Jimmy Hill Commissioner Maria Mark Staff present: Nelson Van Liere, City Manager Richard Komando, City Attorney Donna Bartle, City Clerk Nancy Bailey, Recording Secretary Call to order. The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing the agenda items for the Commission Meeting of June 9, 2014,was called to order at 6:59 p.m. by Mayor Woods. WORKSHOP-ONLY ITEMS: 1. Presentation by North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) on Transportation Improvement Program. Denise Bunnewith, Planning Director for the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization, 1022 Prudential Drive, gave a presentation on the Transportation Improvement Program for 2014/15-2018/19, highlighting the projects that are at the beaches. She answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued regarding bike paths, pedestrian safety, electric carts and charging stations. Commissioner Mark announced that Visit Jacksonville is holding a brainstorming session on bike/pedestrian/waterway needs and assessments on June 26 at 9:00 a.m. which she will be attending. She stated she would forward the invite to Jeremy Hubsch and suggested that he attend for the City. *DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS ON JUNE 9,2014 COMMISSION MEETING: Call to order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of May 12, 2014. B. Approve the minutes of the Workshop of April 28, 2014. C. Approve the minutes of the Pre-Budget Workshop of April 23, 2014. D. Approve the minutes of the Commission HRO Workshop of April 22, 2014. E. Approve the minutes of the Town Hall Meeting of April 16, 2014. There was no discussion on these items. Item 8G was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time. G. Town Center Landscaping. Minutes—City Commission Workshop May 27,2014 Page 2 Jeremy Hubsch explained the Beaches Town Center Agency is going to be doing some new landscaping. He stated the City will be maintaining this. Mr. Carper further explained that R&D Landscaping, our current contractor,stated there would be no increase for maintaining this landscaping. Edward Jones, Board Member of Beaches Town Center Agency, explained the proposed landscaping for Town Center. He stated they also propose to add some new bike racks, trash cans, and benches. He stated they gave their proposal to the Council for Neptune Beach last week and they referred that to the City Manager and asked that he work directly with them. Mr. Jones suggested the two city managers get together so they feel comfortable with what they are doing. Discussion ensued. He answered questions from the Commission. Commissioner Mark asked that the Chair send an email to the Commissioners regarding when they meet. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors Courtesy of Floor to Visitors took place at the end of the meeting. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's Follow-up Report. There was no discussion on this item. 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A. Acknowledge receipt of the Building Department Monthly Activity Report and Financial Report for April 2014. B. Approve the 90-Day Calendar(June—August)for the Mayor and Commission. C. Acknowledge receipt of the Annual Water Quality Report for 2013. D. Acknowledge receipt of the 1St Quarter 2014 Police Department Report. E. Award a contract for Bid No. 1314-09 for the Repair and Coating of Elevated Tank at Water Plant#2 in the amount of$122,540 to Utility Service Co., Inc. and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract. 5. Committee Reports None. 6. Action on Resolutions A. RESOLUTION NO. 14-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY N OF ATLANTIC ONTRACT BETWEEN THERCI yGOFHATLANTIC BEACH TO EXECUTE A MAINTEN Minutes—City Commission Workshop May 27,2014 Page 3 AND THE ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB DEVELOPMENT REGARDING MAINTENANCE OF A WOODEN BRIDGE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Carper summarized the agreement with Atlantic Beach Partners and Atlantic Beach Country Club stating it requires them to do all maintenance on the bridge; have bi-annual inspections using FDOT standards; and to provide the City with a copy of the inspection report and their plan of action if any deficiencies are noted. He answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued. It was discussed changing the agreement to add that Atlantic Beach Country Club set aside a specific escrow fund for maintenance and replacement of the bridge. Mr. Carper further stated that the maintenance agreement allows the City, if the developer or country club does not maintain the bridge to the standards required by FDOT, to come in and do the maintenance and then charge them for that. City Manager Van Liere asked if the annexation process doesn't go through will the bridge be the City of Jacksonville's. Mr. Carper stated the city limit line will bisect the bridge; it goes down the middle of the creek. Mayor Woods clarified they will ask staff to add the above language regarding an escrow fund to the agreement for the June 9 meeting. Referring to Consent Agenda Item B, Commissioner Mark asked if everyone agreed to the 90-day calendar. Discussion ensued. Mr. Van Liere explained the discussion from the last meeting of how the calendar could work. Further discussion ensued. Discussion ensued regarding the Ordinance and grouping all meetings on Monday meeting nights as either a workshop or a voting meeting. Mayor Woods stated they would no longer need the calendar because everything would be on those Mondays. She stated the question for staff would then be what are the things that go onto the workshop agenda and what can routinely go on the voting meeting. Commissioner Hill stated any Commissioner should be able to pull an agenda item for a full vote if it is important enough to do so, so absentee isn't going to be a big issue. Mayor Woods stated the items that would be on the voting agenda every time would be approval of the minutes. Mr. Van Liere stated they are beginning to discuss another agenda item, the Ordinance in 7A. Mayor Woods stated they will go to 7A then. 7. Action on Ordinances A. ORDINANCE NO. 5-14-61, Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE II, CITY COMMISSION, SEC. 2-16, TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS, TO PROVIDE FOR TWO (2) REGULAR MEETINGS PER MONTH EXCEPT FOR DECEMBER AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Van Liere stated part of what they just brought up was one of the things they struggled with trying to come up with the hybrid version and how would staff decide which items would be heard once and which items would be moved. He stated the Commission always has the option to defer something that is on the agenda to the next meeting if they want to spend more time discussing it. He further summarized the Ordinance and explained the chart and the timeline for agenda items, stating the other part of their proposal was to add the extra week that the agenda is put out to the public for the meeting. When asked by Commissioner Hill if the City Attorney sees any problem procedurally with any of the discussed items, Mr. Komando clarified that it is the Commission's will in how they want to run the meetings. He stated there are certain things that require two hearings and certain things that have to be after a certain time, after 6:00, which they always do anyway, dealing with comp plan and zoning issues; Minutes—City Commission Workshop May 27,2014 Page 4 but aside from that and the fact that ordinances require two meetings, he does not see any problems if this is something they want to adopt. Mayor Woods stated then they will request staff to bring back a revised ordinance at the next meeting. City Clerk Bartle stated it is on the agenda for first reading with the time changed to 6:30. She stated they could add to it to adopt that chart as a standard. Mr. Van Liere stated it is a guideline, not a rule; there will always be exceptions. (Commissioner Mark left the meeting at 8:01 p.m. She returned at 8:03 p.m.) Discussion ensued. Following discussion about the waiver for the driveway that is on the agenda later, Jeremy Hubsch explained waivers don't go to the Community Development Board, but zoning variances do go to them and do not come before the Commission. He stated use-by-exceptions go to the Board and then come before the Commission and they do get noticed to all residents within 300 ft. of the proposed use-by-exception. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he believes if the Community Development Board has that much authority they should also be under a microscope and also have an agenda go out to the citizenry so the citizenry can review what is being discussed as far the variation, changes or exceptions to the zoning. Mr. Hubsch stated the agenda is put on the website also, so it is disseminated to the public. Further discussion ensued. It was the consensus that the use-by-exceptions will come before the Commission twice. (Commissioner Daugherty left the meeting at 8:11 p.m. He returned at 8:17 p.m.) Discussion ensued regarding how to schedule the meetings/workshops. Mayor Woods stated she doesn't have a problem with having the voting meeting and a workshop at every meeting. City Clerk Bartle stated an advantage of having this all in one meeting is, if there was something that was meant for discussion, it can be pulled out of order and addressed earlier in the meeting for whatever reason. She stated if they have to wait until the workshop, they won't know what time the workshop is going to start to tell the people to get here and have no option of letting them speak earlier. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he likes the workshop and would still like to continue with the way it is currently. Mayor Woods stated they need a clear consensus for staff and asked that each Commissioner give their opinion as to how they would like staff to proceed. Commissioner Mark stated she is confused stating she doesn't know how to respond. She stated she thought the next step was to either vote as it is being presented or move to amend and discuss those amendments at the meeting to be voted on. She stated she doesn't have any amendments to discuss. Commissioner Hill stated he wanted to give staff direction to follow the intent of what they were presented, with the modifications that were discussed, regarding having the items for two mandatory visits and not counting any other board as a touch point. He stated he would also like to vote to review this in four meetings to make sure they haven't gotten into a track and talk about this one more time during the workshop process and the fourth meeting and make sure it is working properly. Commissioner Mark spoke to the use-by-exception and having the Commission review it twice. She stated just because they have that for this Commission doesn't mean it will be on the future Commissions. She stated for this Commission, fine, but she doesn't believe they should say that is going to be etched in stone on any future Commissions. She further reminded them that the Community Development Board is in place for a reason and they do a thorough job as far as their review. She stated if this Commission believes they need to look at it two more times beyond the Community Development Board, then that, to her, contradicts what they are trying to do as far as being a friendly town and getting things done. She cautioned what those unattended consequences may be to do that and believes if you have a use-by-exception you do your homework, talk to the applicant and do your own due diligence. She reiterated just because they are going to put it twice on this Commission doesn't mean that is going to be the way it is going to stay. Commissioner Hill stated the only reason he was comfortable with that was that it didn't add time to it because of the new technique. He stated it didn't burden the homeowner time wise and didn't slow a project down. He stated the visit was already going to happen. He stated they condensed it into the same calendar period by doing it two times a month. Commissioner Mark disagreed, stating the Community Development Board would look at it, they would send their Minutes—City Commission Workshop May 27,2014 Page 5 recommendation, then the applicant would come here and then would have to come back for the Commission to approve it. Mayor Woods explained she believes Commission Hill is saying the way the meeting schedule is now it takes a month for us to look at it once and by changing the schedule they can look at it twice in that same month. Commissioner Hill agreed that was all he was saying. He stated he was conscientious that they didn't want to burden the citizen in the process and didn't add any time to it, which he would have been real sensitive to. Further discussion ensued. Commissioner Daugherty stated he wants to have meetings like they used to have them with a little more notice and then having the time from 5:00-6:30 set aside for any workshops they may decide they want to have. Mr. Van Liere recapped they will use the chart as a guideline in assembling the agenda to determine whether or not certain things are going to be seen twice under miscellaneous business and make sure the use-by-exceptions are seen twice. Ms. Bartle clarified,with the first time being a discussion only. B. ORDINANCE NO. 80-14-85,Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22 UTILITIES, ARTICLE IV, RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM, ADDING SECTION 22-365 CHARGES FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Van Liere stated this is to establish the rates for the reuse water for the country club and the homes that would be tied into it in the future. Public Utilities Director Donna Kaluzniak further explained the ordinance. She answered questions from the Commission. Discussion ensued regarding the rates. It was consensus of the Commission to direct staff to bring the ordinance back with a 75% rate. Mr. Van Liere stated they can set rates every year. He stated the master agreement they agreed to with the country club had a lot of hoops to jump through to come up with the rate so they came up with the market rate, industry standard. He stated a subsidized rate of 75% is about the going rate. Further discussion ensued. C. ORDINANCE NO. 80-14-86,Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22 UTILITIES, ARTICLE II, AMENDING SECTION 22- 30, PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE TO PROVIDE METHOD OF MONITORING FIRE LINE USAGE; TO PROVIDE FOR SEVERABILITY; TO PROVIDE FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Ms. Kaluzniak explained fire lines are water lines going into a building for fire protection. She stated typically they aren't metered but in 2005 the City was concerned about water loss so they did an ordinance to require all people putting in fire lines to meter those lines. She stated at the time it didn't seem that onerous,just looking at the meter itself, but after you have to put it in and build a vault and do a bypass line, etc. metering a fire line can add$14,000-20,000 for a business. She stated they would like to change the ordinance so fire lines are only required to have what is called a detector check meter, which she explained. She further explained in the ten years they have had the requirement to meter they have not seen anybody stealing water through their fire line. She stated rather than keep hammering on businesses, especially since they are still recovering from a recession, they would like to do the detector check meter instead. Commissioner Hill asked if the detector check meter serves any purpose. He stated the fire lines are monitored and will report an alarm that will generate a call to the fire department and a response and asked if they couldn't just check the number of responses to a building in a year and see if they have a problem, or do they want to know the volume of water that gets discharged each time. Ms. Kaluzniak stated, no, with the detector check meter, they are just basically checking to see if water went through it at all. Commissioner Hill stated he doesn't believe a detector meter is even necessary because the business would not want to flow water in their building through that system because it is Minutes—City Commission Workshop May 27,2014 Page 6 rusty. He stated it has no useful purpose whatsoever, unless they flow everyday in large quantities. He stated also, it will sound an alarm if it's properly installed and it is inspected annually. He reiterated he doesn't believe they need any kind of metering on that. Answering a question from Mayor Woods, Ms. Kaluzniak stated the meters are fairly inexpensive, probably a few hundred dollars. Commissioner Hill stated to have it installed would be around $3,000. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Hill stated if the City suspects somebody is stealing water for some purpose, he would think there are other methods because we are wasting money inspecting those meters and he believes that is pointless. He asked what is driving the need for this. Ms. Kaluzniak stated they are just trying to reduce water loss. She reiterated that over the last ten years they haven't seen anything go through the meters. Mr. Van Liere stated they would do further research for the next meeting. D. ORDINANCE NO. 20-14-127,Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2013 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2014, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Van Liere explained the amendments to the budget. He stated the total is $179,224 in revenues and expenses and a net of$44,862 additional expenses. 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Public Hearing- UBEX-14-00100012- Request for use-by-exception as permitted by Section 24-112 (c)(5) to allow the permanent storage of automobiles and automotive repair in the Light Industrial and Warehouse Zoning District located at 1840 South Mealy Street. Jeremy Hubsch explained the use-by-exception, showing a slide of the site. He stated they have already opened the business and the use-by-exception was initiated because they came in for their local business tax receipt and they were told they had to get a use-by-exception per our Code. He stated there is nothing we can do to stop them from opening up. Mayor Woods asked why we couldn't stop them from opening. City Attorney Komando explained a business receipt tax is just the City's way to collect tax for someone operating a business; it doesn't impart any authority for someone to open the business. Mr. Hubsch stated if someone does open up in an area that doesn't meet the zoning, our Code Enforcement Department can cite them for that and we can take them through the process. He explained sometimes we will find out that a business opened without us knowing about it; Code Enforcement then goes to them and informs them they aren't allowed to be in this district or they need to get the business tax receipt which then spurs them to check the zoning and tell them whether they are approved or need to get a use-by-exception. Commissioner Daugherty asked if this doesn't get approved, what happens to their business. Mr. Komando stated then they are operating in violation of the ordinance and they can be cited. Mayor Woods stated the business could be there but they couldn't do the things they don't get the exception for, i.e. store their cars there. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Hill stated a concern about employees living at the building. Mr. Hubsch stated the use-by-exception process is a contract between the business and the Commission so they could put a condition in there that states no residential or no persons staying overnight, etc. Mr. Komando stated he saw no problem with adding the condition but the ability to enforce it on an operation that may run 24 hours/day may be difficult. Commissioner Hill stated he just doesn't want them to have built-in dorms. Mr. Hubsch stated they will work on that language before the June 9 meeting. He answered questions from the Commission. Further discussion ensued. Mr. Carper further explained an issue with changing the use of the site. He stated there is a 1990 St. Johns River Water Management District Environmental Resource Permit on site for the file. He Minutes—City Commission Workshop May 27,2014 Page 7 stated they have a dry retention basin in the Northwest corner. He stated he would recommend that we require them to get that permit either renewed or updated based on their proposed use of the site. He stated they are not proposing to add more impervious surface but if they are going to be routinely parking cars on that, the Water Management District would consider that an impervious surface also. Mayor Woods asked that Mr. Carper get with Mr. Hubsch to come up with the language for that. B. Public Hearing - Request for a Waiver from City Code Section 19-7 Driveway Limitations to Allow a Thirty-Foot Driveway at 436 Beach Avenue. Mr. Carper stated the builder has constructed this driveway without a permit. He stated the permit was on hold waiting for this waiver to be approved. He stated it is, therefore, within the City's power to tell him to take the driveway out. He explained it is a paver driveway which requires both a right-of-way permit and a revocable encroachment permit. He stated the residents have received their Certificate of Occupancy and the house is occupied. He stated that was an error on his part. He stated he should not have signed off on the Certificate of Occupancy, knowing the driveway had not been permitted. He stated he did not know at the last Commission meeting, when this was discussed, that the driveway had been constructed. Commissioner Hill asked about a curb at 7th and Beach that was completed by the same builder. Mr. Carper stated that was put in at his direction. Commissioner Hill stated the problem is that it is a real deep trough and it creates a hazard. He stated it is a tire trap for a bike. Mr. Carper explained the purpose for this was that they had an issue of water from Beach Avenue running onto the houses to the south and he was trying to direct water back to the north. Mayor Woods stated that was a separate issue and asked if there were any other comments on the driveway. Commissioner Daugherty asked why they wouldn't approve this driveway. Mr. Carper explained none of the other driveways came through this process because this driveway limitation has only been in the Code for five years. Those other driveways that are already wider than this were built before they had a restriction. Commissioner Daugherty stated he is in favor of approving this because the homeowner is the one who is the victim if they make them tear it up because we have already given them the CO. He stated he would like to find a way to have this not happen again. Mr. Carper stated the check on this should have been his signature on the Certificate of Occupancy but he made a mistake. Commissioner Hill stated he agreed with Commissioner Daugherty and there is not a line of neighbors complaining so he believes they should move on. He stated he is leaning toward approving it but that in the future they should address these. Mr. Carper stated the builder was here at the workshop and nobody discussed it so he thought he was good to go. Discussion ensued. Mr. Carper stated Public Works needs to tighten up our Certificate of Occupancy inspections to make sure that what's on the ground before they sign off is what is permitted. Discussion ensued regarding setbacks. Mr. Hubsch explained the background of what occurred regarding the setbacks and permitting when the house was built. Further discussion ensued regarding the driveway. Commissioner Mark stated she believes the builder needs to remove it, because he knows what the processes are,having built in Atlantic Beach, and he took it upon himself to go ahead and build this driveway knowing that we had not given him permission. She stated we should not reward bad behavior. Commissioner Daugherty stated he would agree with Commissioner Mark except there will be a cost associated with removing the driveway and putting it back later. He stated since they had the CO,the resident has probably already paid the developer, so his question is who bears the cost. Further discussion ensued. Mayor Woods asked that staff continue to research the garage issue. C. Sewer Rehabilitation in Donner Subdivision HMGP Grant. Minutes—City Commission Workshop May 27,2014 Page 8 Donna Kaluzniak explained this is for the Hazard Mitigation Grant we received from the Department of Emergency Management. She stated similar to our other sewer rehab projects, staff would like to piggyback on the Insituform and Concrete Conservation Inc. contracts to do the cured-in-place pipe and manhole rehab and also have some contingency left for point repairs or to use for additional cured-in- place or manhole rehab, as needed. She stated she is requesting permission to approve the same process they have with the other sewer rehab projects. D. Engineering Design of Stormwater Improvements for Seminole Road Drainage Improvements and Streetscape Project(PW1407). Mayor Woods stated the City Manager advised there is a revised version of the staff report. (The revised staff report is attached and made part of this Official Record as Attachment A.) Rick Carper explained this was one of the projects for the stormwater master plan and summarized the project. He answered questions from the Commission. Item 8F was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time. F. Request from the Friends of Atlantic Beach Elementary School. Commissioner Hill stated he wouldn't mind asking them to look at a soft track. Mayor Woods stated that is what they are doing. E. Sign Amortization. Mayor Woods stated she would like to defer discussion on this item for two weeks. It was the consensus of the Commission to defer discussion until June 9. F. Request from the Friends of Atlantic Beach Elementary School. This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting. G. Town Center Landscaping. This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting. 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report. There was no discussion on this item. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney There was no discussion on this item. Minutes—City Commission Workshop May 27,2014 Page 9 Courtesy of Floor to Visitors Mark Tomaski, 448 Snapping Turtle Court W., discussed the workshops stating he is disappointed there is discussion to have them removed and hopes they keep them in place. Chris Jorgensen,92 W 3`d Street, commended the City for the Meet the Chief program. Adjournment There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting adjourned at 10:04 p.m. Carolyn Woods , Mayor A/Mut "'/ Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk *Formal action(if needed)will be taken at the Commission Meeting of June 9,2014. ATTACHMENT A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Engineering Design of Stormwater Improvements for Seminole Road Drainage Improvements and Streetscape Project (PW1407) SUBMITTED BY: Rick Carper, P.E., Public Works Director, DATE: May 12, 2014 STRATEGIC PLAN LINK: 13. Stormwater Master Plan Projects BACKGROUND: In April,the Commission approved Staff's recommendation of Genesis Group for the Engineering Design of Seminole Road Drainage Improvements and Streetscape and authorized staff to negotiate scope and fees for these services. Staff, in consultation with the City Manager, has reached agreement on the Scope of Services and Fee proposal attached to this staff report. The Scope of Services includes stormwater project design, geotechnical and environmental services and environmental permitting. Also included is development of Streetscape options with decorative lighting that are to be presented at workshops before final design choices are made. Design of a new water main to replace the existing—60 year old 8" cast iron line with a new 12" PVC main is included in this project. The complexity of the project is such that it will not be ready for bidding in this fiscal year. The Base Fee proposal is $117,920.00, including$17,000 for topographic survey. BUDGET: Original budget for project PW1407 was $490,000, with $240,000 from Stormwater Account, 470-0000-538-6300 and $250,000 in the Half Cent Sales Tax Account, 131-5002-541-6300. $62,000 was transferred for the Stormwater point repair on Sailfish Drive. Additional funds will be allocated to this project in the new budget, including funds from the Water Enterprise Fund for construction of the new water main. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Commission approve the Scope of Services and Fee Proposal for Engineering Design for Seminole Road Drainage Improvements and Streetscape and authorize the City Manager to sign the contract with Genesis Group. ATTACHMENTS: A. Scope of Services for Engineering Design for Seminole Road Drainage Improvements and Streetscape Improvements B. Contract Fee Summary REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER: —77, (/ -► 209.A1