8-11-14 Police Building Workshop- Handout- Lou Keith 8-11-14 Workshop on Police Building Lou Keith Construction Costs (New$208sf& Remodel $112sf)? Police Building Ad Hoc Committee range was New$224-$296sf and Remodel $120-$224sf. Using the lowest range numbers (New$224sf x 5,730sf& Remodel $120sf x 5,550sf) would result in $148,000 in cost overruns. FFE ($90,000)? Ad Hoc Committee estimate $250,000-$339,000. 50% of$250,000=$125,000. No Temporary Relocation Cost listed? $2,500x10 months=$25,000 guesstimate. No Contingency listed? 10-15% is common, usually more with remodeling. No CRA$30K Fee listed? This was requested by the Chief. Square Footage The 12,807sf one story plan is an increase of 130% in space, 305sf per person. This plan exceeds the average square footage per person of six NE Florida PDs (includes Atlantic-Neptune-Jacksonville Beach PDs) of 233sf per person. Based on this comparative analysis, Atlantic Beach PD's space requirement would be 9,786sf an increase of 76% in space, 233sf per person. An Ad Hoc Committee member's spatial analysis indicated 10,850sf, an increase of 95% in space, 258sf per person. Delete the 1,527sf Plaza Street Addition Using the 12,807sf one story plan with the deletion of the 1,527sf addition would result in 11,280sf, an increase of 103% in space, 269sf per person. The deletion of the 1,527sf addition provides the City a realistic approach to remain within their$2,600,000 budget. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CRA REVISED REVISED REMARKS DELIVERY METHOD 12,807 SF 11,280 SF DELETE NEW 1,527SF ADDITION SITE SURVEY 2,100 2,100 SAME SOIL BORINGS 3,500 3,500 SAME AE FEES(7.5%TPC*) 172,204 148,383 LESS CM PRE DESIGN FEES(1%TPC*) 22,961 19,784 LESS COST OF CONSTRUCTION 2,296,056 1,978,440 LESS FFE 90,000 90,000 SAME TOTAL PROJECT COST(TPC*) 2,586,821 2,242,207 LESS CONTINGENCY(13.5%TPC*) 349,221 302,698 NONE LISTED ON TPC* CRA FEE 30,000 30,000 NONE LISTED ON TPC* TEMP RELOCATION COST($2,500x10 MOS.) 25,000 25,000 NONE LISTED ON TPC* REVISED TOTAL PROJECT COST 2,991,042 2,599,905 LESS BUDGET -2,600,000 -2,600,000 SAME OVER BUDGET 391,042 -95 UNDER BUDGET