6-23-14 Workshop MINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBER ON JUNE 23,2014 City Commission Members present: Mayor Carolyn Woods Mayor Pro Tem Mark Beckenbach Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Commissioner Jimmy Hill Commissioner Maria Mark Staff present: Nelson Van Liere, City Manager Richard Komando, City Attorney Donna Bartle, City Clerk Call to order. The meeting, which was held for the purpose of discussing the agenda items for the Commission Meeting of July 14, 2014,was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Woods. *DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS ON JULY 14,2014 COMMISSION MEETING: 1. A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Commission Meeting of June 9,2014. B. Approve the minutes of the Special Called Meeting of May 27, 2014. C. Approve the minutes of the Workshop of May 27, 2014. There was no discussion on this item. 2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors There was no discussion on this item. 3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings A. City Manager's Follow-up Report. City Manager Nelson Van Liere reported a change in the actuary report. He stated when the report was delivered the Actuary had not taken into consideration that the Police will have, out of their own contribution, an extra 1% increase so he revised the number the City needs to pay next year, which will be less by$15,371. 4. Consent Agenda ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. A. Acknowledge receipt of the Building Department Monthly Activity Report. Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 2 B. Award the contract for concrete repairs for the Public Works/Utilities Department to Gruhn May Inc. There was no discussion on this item. 5. Committee Reports None. 6. Action on Resolutions A. RESOLUTION NO. 14-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A MAINTENANCE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AND THE ATLANTIC BEACH COUNTRY CLUB DEVELOPMENT REGARDING MAINTENANCE OF A WOODEN BRIDGE,AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Van Liere reported on the revised language related to the Association establishing a reserve account for the capital expenditures and deferred maintenance of the bridge. 7. Action on Ordinances A. ORDINANCE NO. 80-14-85,Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22 UTILITIES, CREATING ARTICLE V, RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM, ADDING SECTION 22-365 CHARGES FOR RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. There was no discussion on this item. B. ORDINANCE NO. 80-14-86,Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 22 UTILITIES,ARTICLE II, AMENDING SECTION 22- 30, PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE TO PROVIDE METHOD OF MONITORING FIRE LINE USAGE; TO PROVIDE FOR SEVERABILITY; TO PROVIDE FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Commissioner Beckenbach asked about tampering of fire lines. Commissioner Hill stated it is highly unlikely that a fire line would be a source of someone tapping it to steal water because of the nature of the system, which is monitored and has an alarm on it. Public Utilities Director Donna Kaluzniak explained the backflow preventer that comes with the meter is about a$100 difference with the detector check. She stated she agrees with Commissioner Hill that they probably won't get a lot of people stealing water from their fire line, which is why she doesn't have a strong feeling about it either way. She stated it is just something most utilities have as a requirement,just to ensure people aren't stealing the water. Commissioner Hill stated if it is common or if it is something that is brand new, he is all for it; but he would defer to NFPA and go with what they require, because they are very strict. He stated if NFPA doesn't require it, he wouldn't think we would either. C. ORDINANCE NO.20-14-127,Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2013 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,2014,AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 3 There was no discussion on this item. D. ORDINANCE NO. 58-14-38,Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE VI, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, DIVISION 3, GENERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH; AMENDING SECTION 2-268, DISABILITY; AMENDING SECTION 2-274, MAXIMUM PENSION; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Woods explained both this Ordinance and Ordinance No. 58-14-39 below are tweaking our Ordinances to come into compliance with IRS issues and the changes were proposed by our pension attorney to assure we are within the letter of the law. There was no discussion on this item. E. ORDINANCE NO. 58-14-39,Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE VI, EMPLOYEE BENEFITS, DIVISION 4, POLICE OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH;AMENDING SECTION 2-307, DISABILITY; AMENDING SECTION 2-310.4, MAXIMUM PENSION; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. There was no discussion on this item. F. ORDINANCE NO. 15-14-14,Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA SUPPLEMENTING ORDINANCE NO. 15-95-7 ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON NOVEMBER 13, 1995, AS AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED (THE "ORIGINAL ORDINANCE"); AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, UTILITIES SYSTEM REVENUE REFUNDING BOND, SERIES 2014, IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $14,000,000 TO REFUND THE CITY'S OUTSTANDING UTILITIES SYSTEM REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2004, UTILITIES SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2010A-1 AND UTILITIES SYSTEM REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2010B; APPROVING A FORM OF LOAN AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF THE LOAN AGREEMENT AND OTHER ACTION IN CONNECTION WITH THE DELIVERY OF SUCH BOND; PROVIDING FOR SALE OF THE BOND BY RESOLUTION FOLLOWING SOLICITATION OF COMPETITIVE PROPOSALS FROM COMMERCIAL BANKS AND NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER; PLEDGING THE CITY'S PLEDGED REVENUES DESCRIBED IN THE ORIGINAL ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Woods explained this will refinance some of our debt, combining three separate loans and has the potential to save about $130,000/year. Commissioner Beckenbach asked about the variance in the interest rate. Mr. Van Liere explained that is because this authority to enter into this agreement today is for something that is going to happen August 18; interest rates are low now and he hopes that interest rates stay low between now and then. He stated how it fluctuates is tied to an index and he is pretty certain that our rates aren't going to change so much that this would not be a good thing for the City. Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 4 G. ORDINANCE NO. 95-14-108,Introduction and First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 9, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO PROHIBIT DISCRIMINATION; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The Mayor stated when she was first approached about an HRO ordinance, she explained she would support what our community supported and to this end we have had multiple workshops, listened to hundreds of speakers and visited and revisited every aspect of this ordinance. She stated overwhelmingly the phone calls and emails she has received have been in favor of an HRO, even more so as time and the discussions have gone on. She stated during the discussions some concerns were raised and she wants to clarify that the fears expressed are decidedly unwarranted. Referring to her handout and slide, she explained what the Atlantic Beach Human Rights Ordinance does and does not do. She further explained three areas that need addressing and her recommendations for change: (1)how can one person be defined as a family; (2) bathroom usage; (3) expense to our City. She stated, under definitions,it is common practice to define one as many and many as one;basically to say a family shall include a single individual and also that a person shall include one or more individuals, companies, etc., which is to simplify the language. She stated, under Section 1.A and under definitions, she is recommending they use the language from Volusia County that states bathrooms, locker rooms and other such facilities usage will be restricted by anatomical gender. She stated for the third issue, expense to our City, she is recommending, as in Article 1, Section 9.4, complaints go to a special magistrate,that a complaint be filed with the City Clerk in a written form and the City Clerk will deliver it to the City Attorney, who will deal with the magistrate. She further stated she is recommending the same process for Article 2, Section 920 dealing with housing. Mayor Woods asked if there were comments related to the wording on the bathroom usage. Commissioner Mark stated she would need to confer with the proponents for the Human Rights Ordinance to see if this is acceptable and once they see the final language there may be some tweaking to be done. Commissioner Daugherty stated what concerns him about this is that Commissioner Mark isn't saying what her opinion is on this but she wants to go to this lobbying group to see what they want her to do. City Attorney Komando read the language from Volusia County's Ordinance stating that the provisions of this article shall not prohibit a restriction or use in restroom, shower room, bath house or similar facilities consistent with the facility users actual anatomical gender, except that if the facility user has undergone and completed gender transition surgical procedures either before or during employment then said user shall be allowed to utilize restrooms, shower rooms and similar facilities consistent with his/her transsexual status. Commissioner Hill stated they are being used as a pawn. He stated the emails that came to Commission Mark from Equality Florida make it clear who is driving the agenda. He stated they have to decide on the need. Mayor Woods stated the vote will determine whether they need it; that is how the process works. She asked him if there was some specific language he would like to talk about. Commission Hill asked if this is the first ordinance the Commission is going to decide whether they need it by a vote or are they going to look into the facts of the matter and then decide. He stated they should set up some Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 5 kind of mechanism to document and confirm whether there is a real need for a reasonable period of time. He stated you don't determine the need by putting five people to a vote. He stated he endorsed the concept completely;he does not endorse this out of town lobbying. Mayor Woods asked the City Clerk to set the clock to give each Commissioner two times to speak to the issue, five minutes each time. Commissioner Hill asked the City Attorney is he agrees that $15,000 is the end of the litigation process; does he believe that is the maximum any business would ever be penalized if they are brought before a magistrate and it will end there and there will be no civil litigation that adds any money to that. Mr. Komando stated, the way he phrased that question, no. He stated whatever cost would be incurred in going to the magistrate is separate from whatever the cost of civil litigation would be included and if the County Court Judge were to award attorney's fees and costs, that is separate from the maximum indemnity. Commissioner Hill asked if the $15,000 is the limit that any business will pay in damages or can it go to civil court and go higher. Mr. Komando stated, is $15,000 the absolute limit, no, because they can be awarded attorney's fees and costs. He stated our Ordinance does not have a provision for punitive damages, etc. Commissioner Hill asked if this is considered Civil Court, through the magistrate, it's done and can't go any farther. Mr. Komando stated it is actually the first tier of review, the City's level of review and then if either side disagrees with the magistrate's ruling they would have the ability to appeal that to County Court. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Mark stated she had a change to the time the party can file a complaint from 30 days to 180 days. Commissioner Mark explained why she brought the HRO to the Commission. Commissioner Beckenbach asked that the Chair give everyone an additional 5 minutes to discuss this. Mayor Woods stated she is in favor of it as long as they are moving forward. Commissioner Beckenbach reported on emails he received from citizens, in particular, reading from an email from Helen Bradley. He stated he has no problem moving forward and if there are a few changes needed, let's change them. He stated the most asked question he had from people who were against the ordinance was the definition of sexual orientation and gender expression. Mayor Woods read the definition of gender expression from the ordinance. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Daugherty stated his biggest concern is when this infringes on his personal beliefs and faith. He referred to page 12, Section 9-18, stating Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation already covers that it is unlawful for realtors to discriminate. He stated he would move to strike Section 9-18 because it is unnecessary language. He stated on page 13, line 1, it says a complaint shall be filed within 180 days. He believes it would make it very impossible for somebody to defend themselves. Mr. Komando clarified Section 9-20 is dealing with Article 2, the fair housing portion, which is already in the Code and has not been changed. He stated under Section 9-4 in Draft 2 that says 30 days and Draft 3 is 180 days. Commissioner Daugherty asked if the City will be charged additional fees for the City Attorney's time or is this covered under his scope of services he provides. Mr. Komando stated he does not know because he doesn't know if it would be considered litigation and he would have to know what the substance of the complaint would be. Commissioner Daugherty referred to Section 9-22, Discrimination in Financing of Housing, stating this is already covered by Federal law Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 6 and moved that it be struck. He stated in 9-23 Section 1, it says 3 houses, and asked when they went from four to three. Mr. Komando stated under 9-23, subsection Al,the 3 or more is what is currently in the ordinance. He stated he did not touch anything that dealt with the fair housing issue. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Hill stated the word perception needs to be eliminated. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Mark asked if the word perception, as used in this particular ordinance as well as in all the other antidiscrimination laws is a legal term. Mr. Komando stated under Sexual Orientation, the definition says Sexual Orientation means an individual's actual or perceived heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. He stated that is the only time the word perceived is in Draft 2. He stated it is added to gender expression and gender identity in Draft 3. Mayor Woods stated it still doesn't relate to that they perceive they have been discriminated against; it is not used in that instance at all,which is what Commissioner Hill was talking about. Further discussion ensued. Mayor Woods asked the City Clerk if consensus was arrived at to cancel the workshop and have a workshop tonight on this item. City Clerk Bartle stated she was on vacation. Mr. Van Liere explained there were conversations with himself, Commissioner Mark, Mayor Woods and others that it would not be a productive meeting and they desired to have it changed to tonight. He stated since he believed that was the consensus,there were others who had scheduling conflicts, language was still being worked out and there wasn't even a final draft ready for the workshop agenda deadline, he moved the meeting to tonight. Further discussion ensued. Mayor Woods stated if they have any more specific issues they need to talk about they can talk about them. She stated this will move forward by consensus to the July 14 meeting where it will be up for first reading and then on July 28th meeting it will be discussed at another workshop and then it will be on the August 11th meeting for public hearing and final vote. Discussion related to hearing the two experts ensued, with Commission Hill requesting that they be allowed to speak. City Attorney Komando stated there are things that are changing on a Federal level on a weekly basis; there has been a Supreme Court decision since the last workshop and other regulators decisions as well. Mayor Woods asked if they need to have the two speakers or should they rely on our own City Attorney. Commissioner Mark stated she is fine with the City Attorney; he is on top of it and has been working on this. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he believes the outside attorney could speak through a blue slip. Commissioner Daugherty stated he doesn't believe any more speakers are going to change anyone's minds and we would be wasting our time and theirs. Mayor Woods suggested that if one side or the other would like to present in written form their perception of the existing laws and the protections out there, then they can all read it. She stated they have turned in blue slips and will have blue slips at three or more meetings. Mayor Woods explained that City Attorney Komando has written down all of the changes and issues and will incorporate the language and get the Commission a copy before the next meeting. The consensus was to change the time frame for filing a suit to 60 days from 180. H. ORDINANCE NO. 5-14-61,Introduction and First Reading(TABLED on 6/9/14) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE II, CITY COMMISSION, SEC. 2-16, TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR MEETINGS, TO PROVIDE FOR TWO (2) REGULAR MEETINGS PER MONTH EXCEPT FOR DECEMBER AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 7 Commissioner Beckenbach explained the background of how workshops came about. He stated he has no problem voting on the consent agenda, but does have a problem with voting on the miscellaneous items with a previous meeting to discuss. He stated he would also like to see contracts laid out in the beginning of the year so they know in advance what contracts are coming up and will know what will be on the consent agenda. He stated he believes they shouldn't change it because the citizens are his boss and are the ones who want to know what is going on, not staff. Mayor Woods stated she appreciates what Commissioner Beckenbach has said, but she has had lengthy conversations with the City Attorney, City Clerk and City Manager and they have tried to work out the hybrid they were discussing. She explained her understanding of this hybrid. City Manager Van Liere further explained the hybrid and the calendar for the agenda packet distribution. Commissioner Mark suggested adding public comment at the end of the meeting in addition to the beginning of the meeting. Discussion ensued. It was consensus to move forward with the hybrid. City Clerk Bartle asked for clarification that everything would be heard twice except for what was on the consent agenda. Mayor Woods stated the minutes will not be heard twice and unfinished business will not be heard twice, which would include resolutions. She stated they want to assure that everything is heard twice before it is voted on, except for the minutes, the consent agenda items, unfinished business, committee reports, and proclamations. Commissioner Mark stated she believes resolutions should stay where they are on the agenda because there is a place for them and when it comes up for discussion, if they believe it is something they want to discuss again, then that could be moved to the next meeting. She stated they shouldn't over-complicate this. Ms. Bartle stated she would be comfortable using something like they had in the packet and the Commission tell them of any changes they want to it. Mr. Van Liere stated the way he proposed this was that Resolutions would always be under Resolutions and if they want to vote on them do so and if not defer them. Ms. Bartle stated the only difference in what was submitted to them, in looking at the numbers, is there is a waiver and appointment of members to standing boards and committees that just comes one time which is under miscellaneous business. She stated what she is hearing is that they will never vote on miscellaneous items; it will be voted on when it becomes unfinished business. Mayor Woods stated she has always felt that committee appointments should be under committee reports, not under miscellaneous business. Commissioner Daugherty agreed. Mr. Van Liere stated they will make that change. Commissioner Hill stated after a test period he would like to take another look at this. He stated they don't want to get in the habit of doing something that the citizens can see a problem with and they just live with. Mr. Van Liere stated if anyone has an issue with the way it is going it can be addressed. Commissioner Hill stated he wants it on the agenda again in six months from the time of passing to be looked at again. 8. Miscellaneous Business A. Memorandum of Agreement between City of Atlantic Beach and North Florida Utility Coordination Group (NFUCG). Public Utilities Director Donna Kaluzniak explained the agreement, stating this is a continuation of that agreement. B. PLAT-14-00100012 (Atlantic Beach Country Club). Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 8 Building and Zoning Director Jeremy Hubsch explained Atlantic Beach Country Club is going to start construction on the first 17 homes and the first step is to get it platted. He stated Public Works, Public Utilities and our Planning Department saw nothing wrong with the plat, stating it matches up with the approved SPA map. He stated the Community Development Board approved it 6-0 at their last meeting. He answered questions from the Commission. C. Contingency Contract Extension for Disaster Debris Removal Services and Transfer of Contract from Byrd Brothers to Ceres Environmental. Public Works Director Doug Layton explained this was a bid that was awarded to the two lowest bidders and both of those have withdrawn. He stated they spoke with the third and last bidder who stated they were willing to honor their prices and would like to contract with us and this is for the Commission to approve that contract. 9. City Manager A. City Manager's Report. • 90-Day Calendar(July-September 2014) Mr. Van Liere stated he has moved the 90-day calendar down to the City Manager's report so it is not an action item and can be put on every agenda. He stated, due to conflicts,the August 5th budget workshop has been removed,which is the only change to the calendar since the last time they saw it. He stated the budget workshops will now be the August 13th and 20th. Courtesy of the Floor Marcelle Bessman,4417 Port Arthur Rd., spoke in favor of the Human Rights Ordinance(HRO). Mayor Woods asked for a consensus for a time limit. It was the consensus to limit the speakers to 3 minutes. Commissioner Hill asked that one representative from Equality Florida and the attorney who travelled have 5 minutes. It was consensus to do that. Chris Jorgensen,92 W. 3rd St., spoke in opposition to the HRO and thanked Commissioner Hill for his extraordinary insight, detailed concern for the health, well being and safety of the citizens of Atlantic Beach. Roger Gannam, 4232 Kincardine Drive, spoke in opposition to the HRO and explained the various issues. Tom Serwatka, 1431 Riverplace Blvd., Jacksonville- spoke on behalf of Equality Florida in support of the HRO and explained the reasons. Michael Farmer, 650 Park Street, Jacksonville/134 E. Colonial Dr., Orlando, also on staff of Equality Florida,spoke in support of the HRO. Sharon Krauss,4845 Plymouth Street,Jacksonville, spoke in opposition to the HRO. Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 9 Amber Barnes,740 Sailfish Dr., spoke in support of the HRO. Michael Sheklin, 1985 Brista De Mar Circle, spoke in support of the HRO. Chevara Orrin, 2069 North Market Street, Jacksonville, Founder and Co-creator of We Are Straight Allies and member of Jacksonville Coalition of Equality, spoke in support of the HRO. Mandy Bouton,213 Cherry Street,Neptune Beach, spoke in support of the HRO. Mark Tomaski, 448 Snapping Turtle Circle, spoke in opposition to Ordinance No. 5-14-61 and requested that the ordinance be stricken. He stated he sees no reason to waste any more time on something that is working for something that we have known has harmed us in the past. Judy Sheklin, 1985 Brista De Mar Circle,spoke in support of the HRO. Dan Merkan,3159 College St., spoke in support of the HRO and also was in favor of the change to the Commission meetings. 10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney Commissioner Hill stated he is not sure what has happened to our process and would like to see the Commission get serious about the rules or keep an open free flowing conversation going. He also stated he did hear a legitimate case of discrimination tonight but he believes Atlantic Beach is different and doesn't see our businesses or residents doing that. He asked are we just making a statement or are we addressing an issue. Commissioner Daugherty stated he wants a calendar of all contracts that are over $25,000 because there are so many things that come to them at the last minute. Mr. Van Liere explained that there is one on the website. Commissioner Daugherty stated he would get with Mr. Van Liere to discuss it. He further explained why he doesn't understand or see the need for the HRO. Commissioner Beckenbach explained why he is in favor of the HRO, stating although he may not be able to understand the discrimination,he knows that it occurs. He stated he believes every United States citizen should have the rights of the other United Stated citizens and should,under the law, be equal. He stated in this particular case he does not believe he can honestly say that homosexuals,heterosexuals and transgenders, at the present time, are equal under the law. Commissioner Mark agreed with Commissioner Beckenbach's comments supporting the HRO, stating she could not say it any better. She complimented Mayor Woods on moving the HRO discussion forward. She stated she supports invoking Robert's Rules to keep things at a professional level and refrain from personal attacks and disparaging remarks. She thanked the audience for being here. She commented on the proposed meeting changes and explained why she believes the Commission should give the hybrid meeting schedule a try. Mayor Woods stated,regarding the HRO, what the community wants is what she is behind and it is very important that they get the language right. She stated that is also true for the way they conduct their meetings. She stated if they are going to move to a hybrid meeting, she really wants Commissioner Minutes—City Commission Workshop June 23,2014 Page 10 Beckenbach to work out the details because if he is not comfortable with what they are moving to, she probably will not be comfortable with it. She stated they have worked with the Workshop platform for a while and there are some things that do seem to get bogged down and some things that don't need to be held up, so she hopes the hybrid will be the solution to make sure everything gets vetted at least twice and the things that need to move along do so. She stated if it takes a couple of more months to get the wording right,then that's what it takes. She stated they just need to keep working together and moving forward. Adjournment There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting adjourned at 9:53 p.m. Carolyn Woods Mayor aannut. oraga4e6 Donna L. Bartle, CMC City Clerk *Formal action(if needed)will be taken at the Commission Meeting of July 14,2014.