1-12-15 Handout - Mayor Woods Bartle, Donna
From: Woods, Carolyn
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2015 10:43 AM
To: Elected Officials
Cc: gulliford @coj.net; Van Liere, Nelson; rich @claylawyers.com; Bartle, Donna; billmay22 @att.net
Subject: Duval Police and Firefighter Pensions
Dear Fellow Commissioners,
I have been following the discussions about the Jacksonville Police and Firefighters pension
woes for some time. Recently Rep. Janet Adkins, as the chair of the Duval Delegation, has
requested an investigation by the state inspector general and the Florida Department of Law
enforcement to see if any laws or rules have been broken by the pension fund.
As we are a part of Duval County and all of our citizens are affected by the payment of these
funds I am in total support of Rep. Adkins efforts to investigate all aspects of the funds.
At tonight's commission meeting I will be asking our commission to support these efforts in
two ways.
First by authorizing me to speak on our commission's behalf to the Duval delegation at the
pension workshop to be held Thursday, January 15, 2015 from 11:00am to 1:00 p.m. in the
Lynwood Roberts Room, City Hall - First Floor, located at 117 W. Duval Street. My comments as
I have stated on the speaker form are "As the real and ever-growing pension fund debt for
Duval county is of grave concern to all of its citizens, and those who would receive these
benefits, the City Commission of Atlantic Beach would like to add their support for a
thorough investigation into the Duval County police and firefighter pension funds to assure
the public that all state laws and rules have been properly interpreted and followed."
Second I am asking the Commission to pass a formal resolution, at our next commission
meeting, requesting Governor Scott to recognize the need for and duty to provide assurances
and oversight concerning pensions and to authorize a complete and thorough investigation on
behalf of the citizens of Duval County.
I am sending this in advance of tonight's meeting so you will have time to consider this
request and offer your input at tonight's meeting and to staff regarding the resolution.
Carolyn Woods
Atlantic Beach Mayor