1-12-15 MINUTES
January 12, 2015
Mayor Carolyn Woods City Manager Nelson Van Liere
Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach City Attorney Richard Komando
Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty City Clerk Donna L. Bartle
Commissioner Jimmy Hill
Commissioner Maria Mark
Call to Order/Pledge:
Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Woods gave the Invocation, followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Approval of Minutes
A. Approve the minutes of the Commission Meeting of December 8, 2014.
B. Approve the minutes of the Commission Meeting of November 24, 2014.
C. Approve the minutes of the Commission Workshop of November 24, 2014.
Mayor Woods asked if there were any corrections to the above minutes. There were no corrections, so Mayor
Woods stated the minutes will stand as submitted.
2. Courtesy of Floor to Visitors
Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. She welcomed the audience and explained the
process for public comments.
Patricia Hazouri,207 Florida Blvd.,Neptune Beach, spoke in support of opening an access to Hanna Park.
Rich Trendel,2233 Seminole Road, spoke in support of opening an access to Hanna Park.
Keith Meiser, 2317 Seminole Road, President of Bluffs Townhouse Homeowners Association, spoke in
opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Amalia Wappes, 1885 Beach Avenue, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Lyman Fletcher, urged them to be civil with each other and try to understand the position of your neighbors
because, if you lose that integrity with one another, none of this is worth it.
John Harris, 1834 Ocean Grove Drive, spoke in support of opening an access to Hanna Park.
Dale Wappes, 1885 Beach Avenue, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Judy Sheklin, 1985 Brista De Mar Circle, spoke in support of opening an access to Hanna Park.
Melvin Helmick, Oceanwalk, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
William Flood, 1737 Seminole Road, spoke in support of opening an access to Hanna Park.
Ralph Teten,472 Skate Road, spoke in support of opening an access to Hanna Park.
Mark Adamec, 136 Oceanforest Dr. N., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Steve Fouraker,387 6th St., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Michael Bruce,2313 Oceanforest Dr. W., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park. He also
stated he would like his letter and a flyer sent out in Oceanwalk to be put into the public record.
Klauss Torp, 1918 Seminole Road, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Stephen Tocknell, 3643 Oak Street, Jacksonville, First Coast Chapter Director for the Florida Bicycle
Association and representing the East Coast Greenway Association, stated he was here to support
anything that would address the concern of safety for bikers for the East Coast Greenway. He further stated,
for the record, that the North Florida TPO is conducting a beaches bicycle pedestrian study and, hopefully,
that study can address some of the concerns expressed tonight. He recommended that the beaches
communities bond together and form a bicycle task force so some of these issues could be addressed a little
more comprehensively. He stated his paramount concern is the need to have the safest possible route through
the beaches for the East Coast Greenway and if this contributes to that solution then he is very much in favor
of it.
Dick Hilliard,338 11th Street, stated he has mixed emotions about opening the access but his son is in favor
of opening an access to Hanna Park.
Rick Ard,2323 Barefoot Trace, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Alex Ruden,311 17th St., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Amos Almand,51 Ocean Breeze Dr., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Don Heth,86 Nicole Lane, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Elizabeth Fox, 70 Ocean Breeze Dr., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Bonnie Hansen,2393 Ocean Breeze Ct., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Gail Goff,430 Garden Lane, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Dick Hilliard, 338 11th St., addressed the drainage and parking on Seminole, stating swale drainage works
beautifully. He stated the parking should not be there; it is illegal by code.
Kirk Hansen,2393 Ocean Breeze Ct., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Patricia Cleland, 865 Ocean Blvd., spoke in opposition to having Ocean Blvd. and East Coast one way.
She stated any small city planner would say it is a stupid idea. She further spoke in opposition to opening an
access to Hanna Park.
Tom Owen,2225 Oceanwalk, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Carole Schwartz, 1857 Tierra Verde Dr., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Chris Jorgensen,92 W.3rd St., spoke in favor of opening an access to Hanna Park.
Mary Ellen Waugh, 1710 Beach Avenue, stated we need better bike paths on Seminole Road; she doesn't
agree about Ocean Blvd. and East Coast not being one-way streets; and she believes Beach Avenue should be
a pedestrian street on the weekends. Stated they should be looking at this comprehensively and have a
committee to look at biking, walking, skateboarding, and kid safety in the whole City.
Mike Hines,385 Garden Lane, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Kelly Tuttle, 1860 Sea Oats Dr., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Pam Almand, 51 Ocean Breeze Dr., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Mike Grossberg,50 Ocean Breeze Drive, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Doug Tuttle, 1860 Sea Oats Dr., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Beth Gunter, 405 Garden Lane, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Clyde Bradley,443 Whiting Lane, spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
Roger Gober, 122 Oceanwalk Dr. S., spoke in opposition to opening an access to Hanna Park.
No one else from the audience spoke, so Mayor Woods closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
Item 8C was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time.
8C. Request from Fletcher High Band Boosters.
Director of Recreation Programs and Special Events Timmy Johnson explained the request for funding from
the Fletcher High School Band Boosters to the Cultural Arts and Recreation Committee. He stated the
Committee recommended making a $2,000 donation to the Fletcher Boosters. He stated there is $4,000 in
their discretionary fund for this recommendation. He stated members of Fletcher are here and would like to
speak to the Commission as well.
Ned LaGoy, 1844 Sea Oats, presented members of the Fletcher Wind Ensemble to the Commission. He
stated they need the Commission's support to make the dream of performing at Carnegie Hall in NYC a
reality for the Fletcher Wind Ensemble. He gave the history of how they were invited to perform at Carnegie
Hall. He stated the cost is $1600 per performer and they have raised $392 to date per performer. He stated
they are here tonight to recognize the generous $2,000 commitment the Commission has made and to request
consideration of additional funding.
Motion: Authorize the City Manager to make a one-time donation in the amount of $2,000 to the
Fletcher High School Band Boosters to support sending 9 members of the wind ensemble to the 2015
National Invitation Band and Orchestra Festival at Carnegie Hall in New York City in April.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Hill
Commissioner Mark asked if they are going to take action because this was under discussion only. She
withdrew her motion. Mayor Woods explained this was on the agenda for discussion only but will be
moved forward for the actual vote at the next Commission meeting.
Commissioner Daugherty stated they have a lot of requests and the only thing they have set aside money for
is Atlantic Beach Elementary and Dial A Ride. He stated once they do this, other groups will come for
donations and it sets a precedent.
Commissioner Hill stated although he understands setting precedents there is a small group that is at risk of
not having the means to do it independently and that is the group he would like to make sure gets to do it the
most. He stated he is in favor of it. He stated the Cultural Arts and Recreation Committee that has approved
this already took this into account and has identified the funds from a source that is specifically for things like
Commissioner Mark asked if the other beach cities are planning to donate to this, since this is a beach based
school and students. She asked if they have been in touch with the Buffet Group to do a sponsorship since
their wind instruments are a major part of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra (JSO). She also asked if
they contacted anyone at the JSO to see if they would have supporters who would want to see our local
children perform at Carnegie Hall.
Mr. LaGoy stated Mayor Pruett from Neptune Beach has donated personally and Mayor Latham from
Jacksonville Beach has contacted Mr. Merkle at the band director's office to provide his services.
Debbie Bowman, band parent at Fletcher, stated they did approach the JSO and are very supportive of the
local bands. She stated there was a Harmony Grant with the Symphony Guild for $500, but they were not a
recipient. She discussed other places they have tried to get funds from.
Mayor Woods stated they do have a process for considering donations and funding of this type and it is going
through the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory Committee. She stated she is going to go with their
Commissioner Beckenbach verified with Mr. Johnson that the Cultural Arts and Recreation Advisory
Committee recommended giving the group the $2,000. Mr. Johnson stated that was correct.
Commissioner Mark asked what happens if they don't raise the money. Ms. Bowman stated the financial
burden goes to the parents.
Discussion ensued.
Ms. Bowman stated one of the stipulations with the Jacksonville Youth Commission Travel Trust Fund is that
they have to come up with a community service project and they gave them two. She stated they are
constantly doing community service, i.e. playing in Salvation Army gigs, the Neptune Beach Christmas
Parade. She stated if that will help ease a little bit of guilt, because she understands that once you give money
to one organization it opens the floodgates. She stated they have children who would be able to pay back the
community in whatever way they think is appropriate. She stated she believes everybody should have to
work for what they get.
It was the consensus of the Commission to move the item to Unfinished Business for the next agenda.
Beth Peterson, Booster President, asked if they would like them to come to the next meeting. Mayor Woods
stated yes. Ms. Peterson asked if they could bring the drum line to perform. Mayor Woods stated they could
but they would only have 5 minutes.
Item 8G was taken out of sequence and acted on at this time.
G. Consideration of Opening an Access to Hanna Park from Seminole Road.
City Manager Nelson Van Liere explained this item was put on the agenda to decide if they wanted to put the
time and work into ironing out all the issues that would come before us to open up the gate. He stated they
need to decide whether to move forward and devote the resources for studying parking issues, crime, traffic,
alternative bike paths, etc. He stated they didn't want to spend the resources to do a report before they knew
if they were interested in one.
Commissioner Daugherty stated in 2017 a bike path will be built and funded by DOT from Oceanwalk to
Atlantic Blvd under the federal program Safe Routes to School. He stated one of the benefits of opening the
gate would be for children to have a safe route to get to Mayport Middle School. He suggested making the
gate a card access and have a camera at the gate. He stated he is leaning toward opening the access but they
should look at all the possible problems and find ways to mitigate for them.
Commissioner Beckenbach stated the safety issue as far as the bikers was a concern and they should address
that issue. He stated he would like to continue to move forward, not as far as the opening itself, but to talk
about what pedestrian and biking benefits they can have throughout the City. He stated at a later time, if a
number of the safety items have been addressed, then they can look further as far as the possibility of opening
the access.
Commissioner Mark stated she agrees with Commissioner Beckenbach. She stated it isn't so much the
opening of the gate but all the more important issues that have been raised. She believes their priorities
should be to assess these problems on Seminole Road. She stated as far as she is concerned opening Hanna
Park is a parked issue and they will address those more immediate concerns.
Commissioner Hill stated we do not have a huge bicycle safety problem in the community and he doesn't
want Chief Deal to knee jerk react to this north end of the community's clear use of the one issue to address
the other real issues. He stated there are very legitimate issues but the bicycle safety aspect of it is a mute
point. He stated there is only one real reason not to do this which is having a lot of additional people in the
neighborhood that we don't know who they are and that we don't have to deal with right now. He stated an
easy solution would be to make them pay for the access. He stated before they open a gate they should put a
bike path on Mayport. He stated he believes they should approve the City Manager to have a conversation to
see if it could ever happen so if in the future they get to the point where it is an amenity. He stated he is
firmly on the fence because he would love to be able to go ride the trails but he would not want to burden his
neighbors with the trouble it would create if it was done wrong.
Mayor Woods stated any special requirements for non-residents cannot be done on any level. She stated she
doesn't see the point in asking Jacksonville now because if they are looking at doing something in three or
four years it is going to be a different administration. She does believe bike safety is a big issue; the first
thing this Commission did was make pedestrian/bike safety their number one task. She agrees with
Commissioner Beckenbach and Commissioner Mark that they should look at the biking and pedestrian safety
issues first. She stated she believes if they are going to do it for this side of the City they should do it as part
of our CRA in the Mayport Corridor as well.
Mayor Woods asked how they would like to proceed. Commissioner Beckenbach stated he would like to
move the item forward for discussion and address bicycle safety issues. Commissioner Mark stated she
would like to table the discussion of opening Hanna Park gate and focus on pedestrian/bike safety on
Seminole Road. Mayor Woods stated she would like to table it and focus on the other issues first.
Commissioner Hill stated the only reason to continue the conversation would be the Greenway. Mayor
Woods stated the only thing they are tabling is opening the gate but they are moving the conversation to the
bicycle paths and safety throughout our City. Commissioner Daugherty stated that is a different subject, they
are talking about opening up a park and adding an amenity to the north end of our City and he doesn't believe
they should just not make a decision. He stated he believes they should be good leaders and make a decision
one way or another and one way to make a decision is to get the information. Discussion ensued.
Mayor Woods stated the consensus was to table opening an access to Hanna Park and focus on
pedestrian/bicycle safety and looking at the big picture.
Mayor Woods recessed the meeting at 9:13 p.m. Mayor Woods reconvened the meeting at 9:22 p.m.
3. Unfinished Business from Previous Meetings
A. Public Hearing on request for use-by-exception (UBEX-14-00100045) to allow welding,
metal fabrication, and sheet metal works in the Light Industrial and Warehousing (LIW)
Zoning District at 325 Mealy Drive.
Building and Zoning Director Jeremy Hubsch explained at the first hearing of this use-by-exception it was
recommended to limit the hours of operation to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and was
voted 6-0 for approval by the Community Development Board.
Mayor Woods opened the Public Hearing. No one from the audience spoke so she closed the Public Hearing.
Motion: Approve the Use-By-Exception 14-00100045 with condition that hours of operation are
limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Beckenbach
Discussion ensued regarding the dumpsters and noise level.
The owner, Feriz Delkic, answered questions from the Commission.
Aye: 4—Beckenbach, Hill,Mark, Woods
Nay: 1 - Daugherty
B. Extend the expired terms on the Community Development Board by 90 days for members
Kelly Elmore, A. Brea Paul, Harleston Parkes and Sylvia Simmons whose terms expired
December 31, 2014.
Commissioner Hill explained the reason for the extension request.
Motion: Extend the expired terms on the Community Development Board by 90 days for members
Kelly Elmore, A. Brea Paul, Harleston Parkes and Sylvia Simmons whose terms expired December 31,
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Daugherty
Aye: 5—Beckenbach, Daugherty,Hill,Mark, Woods
Nay: 0
4. Consent Agenda
A. Acknowledge receipt of the Building Department Monthly Activity Report and the
Financial Report for November 2014.
B. Declare list of property as surplus so that the items on it may be disposed of in the most
beneficial way to the City.
C. Authorize the City Manager to sign the Amendment to the Radio Services Agreement
between the City of Atlantic Beach and the City of Jacksonville.
Mayor Woods read the Consent Agenda.
Motion: Approve Consent Agenda Items A, B & C as read.
Moved by Daugherty, Seconded by Mark
Aye: 5—Beckenbach, Daugherty,Hill,Mark,Woods
Nay: 0
5. Committee Reports
6. Action on Resolutions
A. Resolution No. 15-01
Mayor Woods read Resolution No. 15-01 by title.
Mr. Hubsch stated this is the first nomination of a Heritage Tree in Atlantic Beach. He showed a slide of the
tree. He explained what the Heritage Tree designation is. He stated this tree was nominated by Marisa
Carbone and John Finotti.
Motion: Approve Resolution No. 15-01 as read.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Daugherty
Commissioner Hill asked since the property owner designates it a heritage tree, what does that do to that tree
beyond that property owner's existence. Mr. Hubsch stated it stays a Heritage Tree into perpetuity and
requires greater mitigation if it is removed. It would be a 1 to 1 mitigation.
Aye: 5—Beckenbach,Daugherty, Hill,Mark,Woods
Nay: 0
7. Action on Ordinances
A. Ordinance No. 90-15-223, Public Hearing- Introduction and First Reading
Commissioner Mark stated she had it as 90-15-233. Mayor Woods read Ordinance No. 90-15-233 by title.
Motion: Approve Ordinance No. 90-15-233 [sic,the correct ordinance number is 90-15-2231 as read.
Moved by Mark, Seconded by Daugherty
Mr. Hubsch explained this has come up before but the noticing was a little bit off so they pulled it and re-
noticed it properly and here it is before you again. He stated it is just reverting the code back to how it was
and had been since the early 20th century in Atlantic Beach.
Commissioner Hill stated the citizen who originally brought this to us and noticed there were issues with it
had some concerns about the percolation on this property that started all of this. He asked that staff take a
look at the pavers that were used to see if they were properly mitigated and report back.
Mayor Woods opened the Public Hearing.
Rich Reichler, 2025 Beach Avenue, stated he has a strong opposition to the proposed change to the through
lot regulation, explaining his reasons. He stated this law should stand as it is currently written; it works and it
works fairly. He stated reversing the change simply creates a major appearance of impropriety as it benefits
only a tiny minority of the City's population at the expense of the rest.
No one else from the audience spoke so the Mayor closed the Public Hearing.
Mayor Woods stated her understanding of what this law is doing is keeping a 20 ft. setback on Ocean Blvd.
that had been in place and was removed and also maintaining the 5 ft. setback for garages on Beach Ave.,
which was traditionally the way it was because of the through lots and the address being on Ocean Blvd. and
the garages being in the back. She stated on Beach Ave. the garages were also along Beach Ave. and the
front of the homes were on the beach. She stated Beach Ave. was designed as an alleyway. She stated if
there was an additional 20 ft. setback on the west side of Beach Ave. then there would be a lot of homes not
in compliance with our Code. Mr. Hubsch stated that was correct, they would become nonconforming
structures. He stated the actual beach used to be a street, so when Atlantic Beach was first developed the
oceanfront homes had a street on the actual beach and the rear, which is now Beach Ave., was more of an
alleyway so they would access their homes through that alleyway and have their garages there. He stated
similarly that is how the opposite side of Beach Ave. developed. He stated you had detached garages on both
sides of Beach Ave. so it has always acted as more of an alleyway rather than a true road. He stated this is
how the Code has been since the early 20th century other than a brief period in the 1980s when they made the
exact change we made last spring and then 2-3 years later they reverted it back to how it had been. He stated
they must have figured out that it didn't work either. He stated now we are back to the same thing where we
want to revert back to the original Code. Discussion ensued. Mr. Hubsch answered questions from the
Aye: 4—Daugherty, Hill,Mark,Woods
Nay: 1 - Beckenbach
8. Miscellaneous Business (Discussion only)
A. Beaches Town Center Wayfinding Signage.
Mr. Hubsch summarized his staff report. He stated the Town Center Agency needs Commission approval
because our Sign Code says private signs on any public property other than as approved by the City
Commission are prohibited. He stated Neptune Beach has already approved the proposed plan for the signs
within their jurisdiction.
Bobby Raymond, 380 9th Street, Board Member of the Beaches Town Center Agency, explained the sizes of
the signs.
Discussion ensued.
Mr. Raymond stated the merchants in Town Center are in unison and the Town Center Board is in agreement
that the wayfinding signs are a benefit to let people know that there is more than just restaurants in Town
Mayor Woods stated they will keep this item on the next agenda for discussion only. She suggested that
Mr. Raymond meet with everyone individually so he will have a clearer idea of what they want.
B. Seminole Road Improvements.
Mayor Woods postponed discussion on this item to the next meeting.
C. Request from Fletcher High Band Boosters.
This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting.
D. Atlantic Beach Country Club—Acceptance of utilities for Ownership and Maintenance.
Director of Public Utilities Donna Kaluzniak stated whenever we have utilities in new subdivisions, the City
typically accepts ownership and maintenance as long as they have built those utilities to our standards and
provide certain information we need regarding warranty, etc. She stated the Country Club has a few minor
outstanding items that should be completed by voting on the meeting of the 26th so she doesn't see any reason
not to accept it.
Commissioner Hill stated they still have not put in a gate on the west side of the project. He stated we need
some leverage to make sure that gate is adequate. Commissioner Daugherty stated he agreed; this may be the
last chance to get leverage. Mayor Woods stated she doesn't believe they will have an issue with them
putting that gate up. Ms. Kaluzniak stated they have already submitted plans for it.
It was the consensus of the Commission to move this forward for a vote at the next meeting.
E. Release and Settlement Agreement between City of Atlantic Beach and City of Jacksonville
resolving all existing disputes between them relating to tipping fees.
City Manager Nelson Van Liere stated this is the agreement to settle the past debt. He stated we would pay
$322,000 to settle the past debtand pay a 50% price discount on the sludge going forward. He stated he
believes it is a fair and equitable deal and they are ready to get this over with. He stated the next item is the
Ordinance amending the budget to fund the payment.
Mayor Woods asked if they have consensus to move both these items forward for action at the next meeting.
Discussion ensued. Mr. Komando stated the agreement that is before them contemplates that if something
happens that is more favorable to Neptune Beach that they will be able to take advantage of that. Further
discussion ensued.
It was the consensus of the Commission to move Items 8E and 8F forward for action on the next
Mr. Van Liere announced that he went to the Mayor's office on Friday and they had a Mayor's Budget
Review Committee meeting where they spoke about it and they are moving this forward.
F. Ordinance No. 20-15-129 amending the Operating Budget for the City of Atlantic Beach,
Florida for fiscal year beginning October 1, 2014 and ending September 30, 2015, and
providing an effective date.
This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting.
G. Consideration of Opening an Access to Hanna Park from Seminole Road.
This item was taken out of sequence and acted on earlier in the meeting.
9. City Manager
A. City Manager's Report.
• 90-Day Calendar(January 2014- March 2015)
Mr. Van Liere announced the Donna Hicken Marathon will be February 15.
He stated the police building is underway and the first presentation to the Commission will be in April.
He stated they have the results of the tree canopy survey and Commissioner Mark has been studying it.
He stated there have been questions about opening a gate at the south end of the Cloisters. He stated that they
have decided they do want to open the gate and are going to go through the process to amend a PUD that will
require them to come before the Commission after the Community Development Board recommendation.
He stated now that the tipping fees have been settled he discussed with Jacksonville moving forward on the
annexation and found that the Chief Administrative Officer for the Mayor's office they had been working on
this with has left.
He stated the Roberts Street ditch should begin construction in about 30 days.
He stated the Marsh Overlooks and Kayak Launch bid will open on January 21, the Francis St. bid will open
on January 28, and the Saltair project bids are due on January 23.
10. Reports and/or requests from City Commissioners and City Attorney
City Clerk Bartle
• Asked if the Wolfson appeal on February 9 will need to be added to the calendar for a Special Called
Meeting or are they still waiting for them to confirm. Mr. Komando stated he spoke to opposing counsel to
let him know that his request to continue was granted for February 9 and they would discuss it in the
Commission meeting. He stated he was not given any objection to the date, so he is not anticipating any
reason why it wouldn't go at that time.
Commissioner Mark
• Reported that the Mayport CRA is having their first community workshop on February 12.
• Regarding the annexation, she would like for either our City Manager or City Attorney to have
authorization from the Commission to really start pushing this through.
Commissioner Hill
• Stated he took a note on a piece of paper at the Town Hall Meeting about a tripping hazard that was
reported. He asked the City Clerk to check the recording after the meeting to see if she can get his
address and pass it on to the City Manager.
City Attorney Komando
• Gave an update on the Charter Review Committee and checked with them as to whether the
Commission could start having their own independent workshops. He stated the Committee thought
that was a great idea and to kick off the Charter Review process from the Commission's standpoint
perhaps they could have a joint workshop with members from that Committee. He stated the Charter
Review Committee is scheduled to meet this Thursday and right now they have one last issue they
need to vote on and then they should be preparing a report for the Commission. He stated he would
ask them when they would want to meet with the Commission and report back at the next meeting.
Commissioner Beckenbach
• Stated at the Town Hall Meeting there was a question from Rich Reichler pertaining to violation
requests related to one of the houses and the non-permeable driveway. Mayor Woods stated
Commissioner Hill already brought that up.
Mayor Woods
• Stated she has been following the discussions regarding the Jacksonville Police and Firefighters
Pension woes and recently Representative Janet Adkins who is the Chair of the Duval Delegation has
requested an investigation by the State Inspector General and the Florida Department of Law
Enforcement to see if any laws or rules have been broken by the pension fund. She stated, as we are
part of Duval County and all of our citizens are affected by the payment of these funds, she is in total
support of Representative Adkins efforts to investigate all aspects of the funds. She asked for support
by authorizing her to speak on the Commission's behalf to the Duval Delegation at the Pension
Workshop to be held this Thursday, January 15. She stated the comment she plans on issuing is, as
the real and ever growing pension fund debt for Duval County is a grave concern to all of its citizens
and those who would receive these benefits, the City Commission of Atlantic Beach would like to add
their support for a thorough investigation into the Duval County Police and Firefighter Pension funds
to assure the public that all State laws and rules have been properly interpreted and followed.
Secondly, she asked the Commission to pass a formal resolution at our next Commission meeting
requesting that Governor Scott recognize the need for and duty to provide assurances and oversight
concerning pensions and to authorize the investigation requested by Representative Adkins.
Commissioner Hill stated since he is a pensioner in that system he asked that he not be involved in
any vote relating to it in any way because it is an economic impact. He stated he doesn't believe it is
going to change anything and he supports the Mayor's efforts but he doesn't believe he should vote in
anything to do with that. Mr. Komando stated he is not taking any vote that would affect it. It was
the consensus of the Commission to authorizing her to speak on the Commission's behalf to the Duval
Delegation at the Pension Workshop to be held this Thursday, January 15; and to put a formal
resolution on our next Commission meeting requesting that Governor Scott recognize the need for and
duty to provide assurances and oversight concerning pensions and to authorize the investigation
requested by Representative Adkins.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting
adjourned at 10:46 p.m.
Carolyn Woods
ATTEST: Mayor/Presiding Officer
°C6411;? -e--.
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk