Mayor Carolyn Woods Chairman Don Wolfson
Mayor Pro Tern Mark Beckenbach Mike Borno
Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty Kathy Carithers
Commissioner Jimmy Hill Joan Carver
Commissioner Maria Mark Sally Clemens
Judith Leroux
Mark Tomaski
David Vincent
ALSO: Nelson Van Liere, Interim City Manager
Donna Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy E. Bailey, Recording Secretary
Call to order.
Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. in the Commission Chamber.
1. Introductions
Mayor Woods asked each of the Charter Review Committee members to introduce themselves. Sally
Clemens, Mike Borno, Judith Leroux, Kathy Carithers, David Vincent, Mark Tomaski, Joan Carver and
Don Wolfson each introduced themselves. The Commissioners also introduced themselves.
2. Explanation of Process
Mayor Woods stated the Committee worked diligently for many months, which resulted in their
recommendations for the Commission and for the City. She stated the workshop is not for the
Commission to debate the issues, but for the Committee to explain their thought process and decisions to
the Commission and answer any questions the Commission may have concerning their
recommendations. She stated the Commission is not here to debate amongst themselves at this
particular meeting.
3. Courtesy of the Floor
Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. She welcomed the audience and explained
the process for public comments.
No one spoke, so Mayor Woods closed the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors.
4. Major Topic Recommendations
Mayor Woods turned the meeting over to Chairman Don Wolfson. Speaking on behalf of the
Committee, Mr. Wolfson stated they appreciate the time to share their thoughts and answer questions the
Commission may have pertaining to the processes the Committee took and the changes they are
recommending. He stated the Committee took each section and considered changes that would be
significant or important for the coming years.
Mr. Wolfson and the Committee members presented their suggestions and recommendations behind the
following major topics: Commissioner Districts and Qualifications with district representation being
elected by the district itself; Leasing of City Property, clarifying the use of the property and that the
encroachment would not be something that would be long-term or permanent, and the utilization of
parks for anything other than park use; City Manager appointment, duties and qualifications; City Clerk
duties and qualifications; Election Regulations and Canvassing Board; Initiative and Referendum
requirements; and recommendations for a Charter Review Committee to be reconvened every 8 years.
The Commission gave their input on these issues and asked questions; the members of the Committee
answered their questions and further explained each issue as required.
Mr. Wolfson stated the Commission will have a challenge on how they want to present this to the City.
He stated there are a couple of items that are very important and then there are some other things that are
just word shopping, crafting language, etc. for clarification. He suggested they might want to think in
terms that the major issues are separate and something of this magnitude be submitted to the City by
The following follow-up issues were also addressed. Ms. Clemens requested that the Charter Review
Committee's names, addresses, phone numbers and emails be made available so when the next Charter
Review Committee meets they can inquire of the living people why they did such. Mr. Wolfson agreed,
stating the continuity is important and there will be a few people who will still be here who could be
resources for a future Charter Review Committee. Ms. Clemens stated she would also like to have
footnotes in our Charter to refer to Florida Statutes as needed. Dr. Carver, Mr. Wolfson, Ms. Leroux
and Ms. Carithers also felt the coastal issues should be dealt with in the future. Dr. Tomaski stated the
description of the City boundaries don't match our plat and needs to be addressed. He also stated
elections are out-of-step with other beach cities and the language related to primary and general
elections is a little convoluted.
Mayor Woods stated she has been following this idea of a coastal/environmental advisory committee
and believes the time has come for the City to put one together. She stated she will be bringing it
forward to the Commission in the next few months. Mr. Borno strongly encouraged citizens to get
involved when these things come up. He stated it was an enjoyable exercise for all of them to share
their thoughts and work out their issues.
Mr. Wolfson thanked the Commission for the opportunity to converse like this. Commissioner Hill
thanked the Committee, stating they have done a tremendous amount of work and it shows that they
have put a lot of thought into it. He sated it will make the Commission's final decision a whole lot
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting
adjourned at 6:18 p.m.
ATTEST Carolyn Wood IP
dMayor/Presiding Officer
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk