Mayor Carolyn Woods
Mayor Pro Tem Mark Beckenbach
Commissioner Jonathan Daugherty
Commissioner Jimmy Hill
Commissioner Maria Mark
ALSO: Nelson Van Liere, Interim City Manager
Donna Bartle, City Clerk
Nancy E. Bailey, Recording Secretary
Call to order.
Mayor Woods called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. in the Commission Chamber.
1. Explanation of Process
Mayor Woods stated the Commission has met with the Charter Review Committee and heard their input
on how they arrived at the recommendations they made and the Commission will now decide what they
will put on the ballot for a referendum.
2. Courtesy of the Floor
Mayor Woods opened the Courtesy of the Floor to Visitors. She welcomed the audience and explained
the process for public comments. No one spoke, so Mayor Woods closed the Courtesy of the Floor to
3. Major Topic Recommendations
Mayor Woods asked the City Attorney to explain how they will present the information on the ballot to
the voters. City Attorney Komando explained there are two different ways they can present these
amendments on the ballot. He stated they can be put on individually, based on subject, so that the voter
would have to vote yes or no to approve or disapprove, but that will make a very long ballot. He stated
the other way is they could have a complete Charter replacement where there is just one option for the
voter to approve the Charter as a whole, which is the way it appears the Charter was amended back in
1993. Mayor Woods asked if they can have a hybrid where they have a group of things that are more
just housekeeping and then a couple of key issues that they believe may need to be separated out. Mr.
Komando stated he has never seen it done that way but does not know that there is a prohibition to doing
it that way.
The Commission discussed the amendment recommendations of the Charter Review Committee, with
Mr. Komando clarifying as necessary, and will move the following forward to be put on the ballot for
Article II, Section 5 - Make up of commission, commissioner districts and qualifications. Consensus
was to put on the ballot as a separate item.
Article II, Section 6—Residency—Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article II, Section 8 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article II, Section 9(13) and(3) - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article II, Section 9(8)(9) Leasing of City property (14) Protection of Parks — Discussion ensued and
consensus was to work on the language and Mayor Woods asked the Commissioners to give City
Attorney Komando their input and they will discuss again at the next workshop. Mr. Komando stated
there was a two-step analysis from the Charter Review Committee and they kind of skipped over step
one which he is interpreting by their comments to him that they are okay with it. He stated the first step
was that they wanted to remove any discussion about the parks from subsection (9) and subsection (8)
and create the new subsection of (14). He asked if there was any issue with taking parts out of
subsections (8 and 9) and creating (14). The Commission agreed to that. Mr. Komando stated then he
believes that should be on the ballot and on the new subsection(14) he will rework some of the language
relating to leases. Discussion ensued.
Commissioner Hill asked when they bring these final issues to ballot, what education process will exist
to get the public informed of the details. Mr. Komando explained for any item to make it to the ballot, it
has to be approved by Ordinance by the Commission, so they will have the actual Ordinance which
discusses the addition, deletion and modification. He stated that will go on for two readings and they
will have public hearing on that as well, and from there the ballot language makes it to the Supervisor of
Elections. He stated what comes out on the actual ballot is relatively minimal,just the title and the 75
word description. Discussion ensued. Mayor Woods stated they will get new language and bring this
section up again at the next workshop.
Article II, Section 10 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article II, Section 8—Appointing committees - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article II, Section 11 - Consensus was to put on the ballot. Commissioner Mark stated she had a
suggestion on the grammatical language which she will send to Mr. Komando.
Article II, Section 16 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article II, Section 20 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article III, Section 22 — Residency requirements of the City Manager — Discussion ensued. Mr.
Komando stated this was hotly debated by the Committee who decided they would leave it in the hands
of the Commission so they would have the ability to waive the requirement without it having to go to a
Charter amendment. Further discussion ensued. Consensus was to put on the ballot as a stand-alone
Article III, Section 22(1) - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article III, Section 22(2) - Consensus was to put on the ballot with changes in number of years from
three to five and adding assistant department head.
Article III Section 22(4) - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article III, Section 24 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article IV, Section 28(4) - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article IV, Section 29(1) Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article V, Section 31 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article V, Section 32 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article IX, Section 39 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
Article IX, Section 36 - Consensus was to put on the ballot.
The Commission will pick up the discussion of Article IX, Section 43 at the next workshop on March 9,
There being no further discussion by the City Commission, Mayor Woods declared the meeting
adjourned at 6:17 p.m.
ATTE T Carolyn Wood
giee_ Mayor/Presiding Officer
Donna L. Bartle, CMC
City Clerk